Randy Orton NEEDS To Retire!


Pre-Show Stalwart
So, let's face it. Randy Orton needs to retire from professional wrestling. Brock decimated him at SummerSlam. There's only three possible scenarios that we go to from here...

(A) - some type of injury (concussion or something else) that is legit and forces him to be out of action for another prolonged period of time

(B) - some type of suspension thus explaining why the beat down was so massive. Though, any suspension would be an immediate firing considering he has two strikes

(C) - business as usual with a new feud commencing this Tuesday on SD Live

Let's take C. There's no logical way WWE can even try to build Orton back up after Lesnar. Any feud he is (Wyatt, AJ, etc...), he has 0 credibility and could never be taken seriously.

Let's take A. Another injury would just be another glitch on an already injury-prone career. Concussions, shoulders, neck... you name it.

WWE doesn't need Orton. SD Live doesn't need him. And since they had Brock accurately and justly go over him in such a big way, there's really nothing left for him to do but bow out. At least he could say he retired going down fighting against WWE's biggest monster. He would hold on to some semblance of integrity.

But he's really got to go. He is way past his prime and doesn't have what it takes anymore to elevate a feud or put over new guys int he same fashion as Jericho does. Jericho is the best actual example of how to still be relevant, yet be used as an enhancement wrestler for up and coming talent. Randy can't be that guy. And I don't think he would do it if asked. He may actually expect WWE to still use him in important feuds or heck, maybe even in the title picture and that's just ridiculous.

So I say... if he is injured, take that as a sign to hang it up. If he's suspended (fired), this post is moot. If neither, just stay home this coming week and contemplate your place in the business and do what's best for everyone.
ummm... you're aware it is scripted, right?

While I don't think all the blood was in the booking as it appears Brock landed a vicious elbow...

I am fairly certain the booking called for Lesnar to really beat him up good ala Cena 2 years ago... then have a controversial finish to Orton didn't take a clean loss...

Pretty sure, actually, that Wyatt was going to interfere to set up Orton's next feud but once the blood was really pouring out they abandoned that finish.
So, let's face it. Randy Orton needs to retire from professional wrestling. Brock decimated him at SummerSlam. There's only three possible scenarios that we go to from here...

(A) - some type of injury (concussion or something else) that is legit and forces him to be out of action for another prolonged period of time

(B) - some type of suspension thus explaining why the beat down was so massive. Though, any suspension would be an immediate firing considering he has two strikes

(C) - business as usual with a new feud commencing this Tuesday on SD Live

Let's take C. There's no logical way WWE can even try to build Orton back up after Lesnar. Any feud he is (Wyatt, AJ, etc...), he has 0 credibility and could never be taken seriously.

Let's take A. Another injury would just be another glitch on an already injury-prone career. Concussions, shoulders, neck... you name it.

WWE doesn't need Orton. SD Live doesn't need him. And since they had Brock accurately and justly go over him in such a big way, there's really nothing left for him to do but bow out. At least he could say he retired going down fighting against WWE's biggest monster. He would hold on to some semblance of integrity.

But he's really got to go. He is way past his prime and doesn't have what it takes anymore to elevate a feud or put over new guys int he same fashion as Jericho does. Jericho is the best actual example of how to still be relevant, yet be used as an enhancement wrestler for up and coming talent. Randy can't be that guy. And I don't think he would do it if asked. He may actually expect WWE to still use him in important feuds or heck, maybe even in the title picture and that's just ridiculous.

So I say... if he is injured, take that as a sign to hang it up. If he's suspended (fired), this post is moot. If neither, just stay home this coming week and contemplate your place in the business and do what's best for everyone.

First of all I'm going to correct you on point b, if they would to suspend orton and why would they, it would only be a 60 days suspension since orton when to rehab and they took one of his 2 suspension of his record.

having said that, you could have, for storyline purpose, have lesnar gets suspended by foley and stephanie tomorrow night for his action on orton and shane.

as for orton needing to retire, I think your totally wrong on this, I'm not really a big orton fan but I think that orton could still bring a lot to the table and can still help out guys like wyatt and ziggler to get to the main event level. Plus you still the dream match between him and aj styles which would e an awesome match in my opinion and the way they ended the match tonight, you got the natural remach between him and lesnar so their is still alot that orton can bring to smackdown.
Nope, you dislike him and want to retire, doesn't mean he needs to. What's best for everyone isn't Randy retiring just because you personally and a handful of others who take wrestling waaay too seriously have some deep seeded hatred for the man and don't want to see him on tv anymore. You've been doing this garbage for years, you seemingly only joined here to shit on Orton.

Keep in mind, I'm not really an Orton fan either and I love Jericho, but Jericho is also "past his prime" and needs time off screen for extended periods of time to continue to contribute at his age, which btw is 45 compared to Orton's 36. Do I think Chis is more talented than Orton? Absolutely, that however has no relevance to Orton being able to bring something to the table for WWE.

Yeah he should take some time away or at the very least show up on Smackdown stitched up and bandaged to sell the beatdown he took, but "NEEDING" to retire due to a few dozen butthurt marks that hate him because they think he's a dick outside the ring is a ridiculous notion...I think you know that, but you like stirring up shit with regards to Orton. Yeah he's a dick, so what? So are a lot of wrasslers, get over it or don't watch his segments. Is his appearance so offensive to you that you feel it's necessary to lobby for his retirement for what? 4 or 5 years now on wz? If that's the case you NEED to stop watching any show featuring Randy or seek therapy, after all, this thread is about what people NEED to do right?
Are you serious? Orton's fine. The finish was booked to give Lesnar his feel of dominance while protecting Orton at the same time. It's a modern day version of Stone Cold passing out but never submitting. Sure, Orton might have got caught with a few stiff hits, but this is wrestling. People throw stiff punches all the time, it's nothing new. Nobody ever says shit about how Bubba literally beats the tar out of people ever match with his stiffness.

Orton is a valued member of the roster, and for very great reasons. In ring wise, he was a seasoned vet from the moment he stepped inside those ropes. He has an ungodly sense of ring presence, and can go toe to toe with the best of them. Whenever a highly hyped new guy comes into WWE's main roster, my first instinct is "Let's see how they do against Orton" because I know if they can match or surpass Orton, then they're going to be something big for the WWE.

Eh....horrible, shitty WWE booking as usual. That had to be the worse pay per view I've ever seen WWE put on. People who pay for that crap need their asres beaten.

Coming from the idiot who can't properly spell a five letter word.
Eh....horrible, shitty WWE booking as usual. That had to be the worse pay per view I've ever seen WWE put on. People who pay for that crap need their asres beaten.
Well we know you sure as fuck didn't go to a friend's house to watch it, so are you being hypocritical here, or did you not watch the PPV and are just criticizing the WWE as a reflex action?

Also, quit ducking the bet I have on offer. If you want to be a mouthy little shit, back it up.

A) If Matt Taven appears on TNA-created programming by January 31st, 2017, I will leave these forums for a period of one year.
B) If Matt Taven does not appear on TNA-created programming by January 31st, 2017, you will leave these forums for a period of one year.
I may be going off-topic here but Ill throw out my 2 cents anyway.

In all honesty, Randy was supposed to be the Rock/Austin along with Cena, Cena turned out to be a mega star, whilst not on the level of Austin and Rock but he is the biggest star in the business since Attitude era.

Orton on the other hand didn't turn out to be Austin/Rock, he's just famous for being the youngest champ and having a cool move.
I may be going off-topic here but Ill throw out my 2 cents anyway.

In all honesty, Randy was supposed to be the Rock/Austin along with Cena, Cena turned out to be a mega star, whilst not on the level of Austin and Rock but he is the biggest star in the business since Attitude era.

Orton on the other hand didn't turn out to be Austin/Rock, he's just famous for being the youngest champ and having a cool move.

And even those things are vastly over rated when it comes to Orton. He hasn't earned any of the accolades WWE has given him but I guess being the son of a former WWE superstar and being close with the boss' son-in-law will do that. In terms of the cool move...ya, DDP called and wants it back.
Orton is a valued member of the roster, and for very great reasons. In ring wise, he was a seasoned vet from the moment he stepped inside those ropes. He has an ungodly sense of ring presence, and can go toe to toe with the best of them. Whenever a highly hyped new guy comes into WWE's main roster, my first instinct is "Let's see how they do against Orton" because I know if they can match or surpass Orton, then they're going to be something big for the WWE.

What? Ring presence?
Are you actually of the mindset that Randy is a good wrestler? How so? His seven or so moves do it for you? The never ending cycle of ....little offense, beat down, comeback to RKO, win is how you categorize a good wrestler? Great ring presence isn't playing to the crowd when it is time to amp them up for a predictable finishing move.

Randy would't be able to put on a classic match with any of the following people:
- Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, Nakamura, AJ Styles.

I could list more but you get the drift. Those guys have ring presence and can all put on 30+ minute classics. Orton? No.
First of all I'm going to correct you on point b, if they would to suspend orton and why would they, it would only be a 60 days suspension since orton when to rehab and they took one of his 2 suspension of his record.

having said that, you could have, for storyline purpose, have lesnar gets suspended by foley and stephanie tomorrow night for his action on orton and shane.

as for orton needing to retire, I think your totally wrong on this, I'm not really a big orton fan but I think that orton could still bring a lot to the table and can still help out guys like wyatt and ziggler to get to the main event level. Plus you still the dream match between him and aj styles which would e an awesome match in my opinion and the way they ended the match tonight, you got the natural remach between him and lesnar so their is still alot that orton can bring to smackdown.

I'm almost positive that even with the rehab, he was suspended after that for a 2nd violation.

Randy Orton - WWE announced on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 that Orton had been suspended for 60 days for his second violation of the WWE Wellness Policy.

That's 3 years ago and WWE has it as two. So if a third happens, that's it.

Trust me, you don't want to see Orton/AJ. If you are an AJ fan, don't put the burden of having to carry Orton on him a match longer than 12 minutes. He doesn't deserve to have to work that hard.
I haven't posted in almost two years but I had to after seeing this thread.

This isn't the first time I've seen you blindly spew Orton hate across this forum. He doesn't need to retire, there's nothing wrong with him.

Just because YOU have a problem with him doesn't mean they need to to get rid of him, your word isn't the bible. He's been one of the most over, versatile and consistent workers in the company for the past decade plus. He's a great addition to an already thin Smackdown roster (who most likely just lost John Cena again for a few months) so your claim of them not needing him is just silly. I'll admit at times his character gets stale but at this time he feels relatively fresh, he's playing the face role better than ever in my opinion.

His "loss" to Lesnar wasn't the end of the world. No one is gonna say "oh wow Orton got knocked out by Lesnar, I can't see him being a viable contender to the WWE World Championship now" meanwhile they just had Dolph Ziggler challenge for it. He's one of the very few legitimate contenders.

Your wish will probably come true in the next 3-4 years but for now I'm gonna enjoy watching him, I always have. You're complaining about a possible Orton/AJ match? I feel bad for you, I say count me in.
SD Live needs Orton. Their roster is still weak and he and Cena are the only two legit main eventers there. He doesn't need to be world champion but he's needed as a serious contender because beyond Cena there's only Styles and Ambrose as credible top guys.

As for the Summerslam match, Randy will be fine. Cena was squashed far worse by Lesnar and he bounced back okay. Getting mauled by Lesnar doesn't make Orton weak considering EVERYONE gets destroyed by Brock, even Undertaker. Most people expected him to get crushed anyway, albeit not as graphically. If nothing else, Orton got in a hell of a lot more offense on Brock than Cena did at SS 2014 so he's got that going for him.

Randy's only 36 (younger than Styles) so he's far from ancient. A guy with his resume, name value, and experience is a valuable asset to keep around as Randy can put people over left and right but the moment WWE needs a title contender, you can thrust him into the title picture and no one will bat an eyelid due to his past accomplishments. That alone justifies keeping him on the payroll.
I'm almost positivhttp://www.inquisitr.com/3389228/wwe-news-randy-orton-has-wellness-policy-strike-removed-after-spending-time-in-a-drug-rehab-center/ that even with the rehab, he was suspended after that for a 2nd violation.

Randy Orton - WWE announced on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 that Orton had been suspended for 60 days for his second violation of the WWE Wellness Policy.

That's 3 years ago and WWE has it as two. So if a third happens, that's it.

Trust me, you don't want to see Orton/AJ. If you are an AJ fan, don't put the burden of having to carry Orton on him a match longer than 12 minutes. He doesn't deserve to have to work that hard.

Yeah but he worked off one of his supensions when he went to a drug rehab center during his latest time off.

here the article that explain the whole thing: http://www.inquisitr.com/3389228/ww...d-after-spending-time-in-a-drug-rehab-center/
What are you talking about? The buildup to the match was great, the booking of the actual match was a disaster. Not Orton's fault at all. Going in, he was as over as he's been in a long time. Not sure what they were thinking.
Sorry I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea of Orton retiring just because Lesnar beat him at SS. Does the OP think that Taker, Cena and others should retire as well because they were beaten by Lesnar too?

Randy Orton is one of the biggest names in the WWE right now, and he is needed whether the OP likes it or not. He is still a young man with lots to offer. I think the match last night didn't go as planned and I put that on Lesnar, the crazy bastard. Orton put up as much offense as he could before the blood started flowing. The ref was right to stop the match. I can see the two of them going at it again though.
Sorry I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea of Orton retiring just because Lesnar beat him at SS. Does the OP think that Taker, Cena and others should retire as well because they were beaten by Lesnar too?

No, I don't. Because Taker and Cena are draws (Orton never has been), are better wrestlers, and are still capable of putting on a show. Orton isn't capable of even doing a promo, let alone a match.

Randy Orton is one of the biggest names in the WWE right now, and he is needed whether the OP likes it or not. He is still a young man with lots to offer. I think the match last night didn't go as planned and I put that on Lesnar, the crazy bastard. Orton put up as much offense as he could before the blood started flowing. The ref was right to stop the match. I can see the two of them going at it again though.

If (big if) the match didn't go as planned, the blame is on Orton. Did you miss that sanbagging Orton did with those suplexes? Or the DDT that Brock wasn't ready for? Orton clearly had a chip on his shoulder going into the match (as he usually does) but this time, he met someone who won't take his childish crap.
What are you talking about? The buildup to the match was great, the booking of the actual match was a disaster. Not Orton's fault at all. Going in, he was as over as he's been in a long time. Not sure what they were thinking.

They were thinking what we all were- there's no way in hell Randy should go over or get much offense in against a man the caliber of Brock.
I haven't posted in almost two years but I had to after seeing this thread.

This isn't the first time I've seen you blindly spew Orton hate across this forum. He doesn't need to retire, there's nothing wrong with him.

Just because YOU have a problem with him doesn't mean they need to to get rid of him, your word isn't the bible. He's been one of the most over, versatile and consistent workers in the company for the past decade plus. He's a great addition to an already thin Smackdown roster (who most likely just lost John Cena again for a few months) so your claim of them not needing him is just silly. I'll admit at times his character gets stale but at this time he feels relatively fresh, he's playing the face role better than ever in my opinion.

His "loss" to Lesnar wasn't the end of the world. No one is gonna say "oh wow Orton got knocked out by Lesnar, I can't see him being a viable contender to the WWE World Championship now" meanwhile they just had Dolph Ziggler challenge for it. He's one of the very few legitimate contenders.

Your wish will probably come true in the next 3-4 years but for now I'm gonna enjoy watching him, I always have. You're complaining about a possible Orton/AJ match? I feel bad for you, I say count me in.
I agree with everything you said. But I just watched the match and I'm asking myself what is next for Orton AS A FACE?!! If he wrestled as a heel last night, I would have NO PROBLEM with Orton losing. But being a face under those circumstances is totally different.
Okay, I get it. You just hate Randy Orton which is fine by me. Everyone has their favourites. But to state your subjective opinion as fact is just asinine. I mean, Orton has never been a draw?

Randy Orton is just 36 and has a lot to offer still. Smackdown live could use a star of his calibre and in fact needs at this moment (especially with Cena reportedly taking another time off). One loss against Brock doesn't diminish what Orton has done over the years (he wasn't even pinned and I smell a rematch).
Okay, I get it. You just hate Randy Orton which is fine by me. Everyone has their favourites. But to state your subjective opinion as fact is just asinine. I mean, Orton has never been a draw?

Randy Orton is just 36 and has a lot to offer still. Smackdown live could use a star of his calibre and in fact needs at this moment (especially with Cena reportedly taking another time off). One loss against Brock doesn't diminish what Orton has done over the years (he wasn't even pinned and I smell a rematch).

That's right, he has never been a draw. Go back and look at some news stories. His merchandise was never a hot seller, RAW/SD ratings went down during his tenures as Champion (both WWE and WHC), and his reactions from live audiences are mild all the time other than the nights he has returned from prolonged absences. Not a draw.

SD Live doesn't need him. They can build the show around AJ, Bray, Dean, and Ziggie on top of the card (when Cena isn't around full time) and they have some great people mid-card to complete the show. He isn't necessary.
Don't get me wrong, Randy Orton has the star appeal look among the current roster full of mid-carders and jobbers but he doesn't fit into this generation. This era of wrestling has got do with wrestling high paced athletic matches and less to do with drawing power or actually looking like a star.

That was obvious from his match with Rollins at WM, Rollins was all over him.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...John Cena is #1 and Randy Orton is #2. I know throughout the years, Randy Orton's #2 status has shifted for guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins...but for the longest time, he has constantly been that guy that has had the most success after John Cena from Cena's era. I still see him that way. He solidified his position with all of his accomplishments. He does NOT need to retire. He's 36. He still has years left in him to put on good matches. He still does put on good matches. There is still potential for him to wrestle other upcoming stars and put them over. He has built himself so that he can be another Chris Jericho. Both guys share the Undisputed WWE Champion claim. Seeing Randy Orton against guys like Kevin Owens or Sami Zayn or Finn Balor or AJ Styles would be damn entertaining. I would personally love to see those matches come to fruition.
I'm going to ask you a simple question now. Do you realize that you've made 24 Randy Orton threads in WZ?

Let that sink in......


Did the guy get your girlfriend pregnant or something? You seriously need help with your Randy Hate man!

Exactly! I figured he most be one of those fat sweaty marks in the crowd that Randy called a fat fuck and told to sit down in front of his buddies. No adult (assumption), would have such an irrational hatred of an on screen character that they would continue bashing a guy on the Internet over a 5 year span.

I don't like the Miz that's no secret, I will take swipes at him when his name comes up or when people try to justify why he is a "great heel", but I don't feel the need to start thread after thread on the guy to remind everyone I don't like him.. then again I'm a somewhat rational human being with a job and a girlfriend.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...John Cena is #1 and Randy Orton is #2. I know throughout the years, Randy Orton's #2 status has shifted for guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins...but for the longest time, he has constantly been that guy that has had the most success after John Cena from Cena's era. I still see him that way. He solidified his position with all of his accomplishments. He does NOT need to retire. He's 36. He still has years left in him to put on good matches. He still does put on good matches. There is still potential for him to wrestle other upcoming stars and put them over. He has built himself so that he can be another Chris Jericho. Both guys share the Undisputed WWE Champion claim. Seeing Randy Orton against guys like Kevin Owens or Sami Zayn or Finn Balor or AJ Styles would be damn entertaining. I would personally love to see those matches come to fruition.
Of course he can become a guy like Jericho and put on great matches to help out the younger guys, that should be clear to anyone.

Important thing though is that the OP doesn't like Randy, and by the law of petulant toddler logic anything he doesn't like should go away forever because everyone else on the planet exists soley to cater to his wants and needs. This was this guys classic go to troll thread and he's probably loving the responses and attention it's gotten him.
This is the weekly 'I hate Randy Orton and he needs to go away' thread.

Orton is one of the best wrestlers in WWE and one of the most over.

And you really think SD Live would be fine without him?

Yeah because Ambrose, Styles, Wyatt, and Ziggler can more than carry the brand when Cena leaves for a while. Of course they can't. Ziggler lost all his credibility with the ridiculous Rusev and Sheamus feuds. Wyatt hasn't won anything. Styles and Ambrose are fine, but they can't carry the entire show. Get over yourself.

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