Randy Orton is the WWE Champion

Personally I saw the Triple H heel turn coming as soon as he made himself the guest referee and I knew Orton would cash in.

For that reason I had hoped DB would lose because of Trip (with Cena unaware) as I didn't want him to have a pointless 2 minute title run.

I guess Orton is the chosen champion then and Trip has forgotten all about him atacking Stephanie and Vince a few years back?
I think this is all pretty great. We all want to see Bryan have a regiment reign. I think it's coming. I'm actually glad they held that off, and that he got screwed. It'll further his character and make the payoff that much more satisfying when he finally gets his hands on the title. Orton turning heel needed to happen. Desperately. And Triple H turning heel was kind of cool too. I think he's got it in him to be a corporate sell out scumbag. He is one of the best heels of all time afterall. I think this will give Daniel Bryan something to actually work against. I think that he'll feud with Triple H rather than Orton, and that Cena will be the one to challenge Orton. But maybe that's best, as long as Bryan jumps back into the title hunt afterwards. Triple H could make Daniel Bryan if Triple H decides to go full blown heel. I hope they don't try and make it like the Punk/Triple H feud where they were both sort of/kinda faces. I didn't see last night, so I don't know exactly how Triple H acted. All in all though, I'm excited to see how this all plays out.
The only issue i have with this is that Bryan has now held both the Heavyweight and WWE title for a very short time, although it was a clever twist it covers the pending absence of Cena to have his injured arm operated on and gives WWE time to draw out a Bryan/Orton feud.

I think it will end with Bryan winning the title eventually and then going on to a feud with CM Punk who's matches with Bryan were top class and will build nicely towards Cena's return against the champ whoever it will be.
Last week on RAW, DB told Cena that all he wanted was to hold the WWE title 1 time. Well, I guess he got his wish. He'll get it again though, at the culmination of this feud with Trips and Orton.
There's a scene in one of the Wishmaster movies in which a prisoner, get this, wishes his lawyer would go fuck himself. His lawyer turns up at the prison and explains how he can get the prisoner off on a plea bargain or some such but then, before he can finish explaining, folds himself in half and anally rapes himself to death. Now my point here is this - be careful what you wish for. I think you'll agree that was the most eloquent way to get that point across.

What many people were wishing for, almost without dissent, was for Randy Orton to turn heel - and here, it seems, we are. "He's boring and stale as a face," they said. "It's time to freshen things up by reverting to a years-old state of affairs."

Well, now, instead of an unpredictable, animated, energetic and crazy Randy Orton, we're going to get a po-faced, lethargic one who deals primarily in headlocks and stomps. And this, apparently, is all that was needed to turn one of the best wrestlers on the planet into something as exciting as a timberwolf in a fireworks factory.

Thanks, guys, you're the best.
After an uneventful 2012, Randy Orton's career looked like it was hitting the point where he would be upper midcard, eventual contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Now? A very interesting alliance with Triple H leading to a heel turn after screwing over the most popular wrestler at the moment and robbing him of his glory. He is now at the top of the mountain and has a top official to back him.

After last night, Daniel Bryan has the sympathy factor. Fans will be clamoring and begging for him to reclaim what they feel is rightfully his. I feel this will be more along the lines of Mick Foley against the man who screwed him over and his handpicked champion.

I guess Orton is the chosen champion then and Trip has forgotten all about him atacking Stephanie and Vince a few years back?

Austin joined McMahon after about 3 or 4 years of making his life a living hell. This alliance just happened last night. Wait for the explanation.
I wonder if they're going to align with The Shield in anyway possible. For that matter, does Wade Barrett play a part in this alliance or did Orton & Trips act on their own? These are questions that I've come to want answered since last night and really I'm excited to watch Raw to get even a shadow of an answer.

Now I'm sure some of you are wondering why I mention the Shield and well it's simple. A few weeks ago, before Vickie was fired from Raw, they kept bringing up The Shield whenever Vince & HHH were around. Who knows, maybe just maybe The Shield and HHH have been working on something and adding Orton could help. Or maybe HHH & Vince set Daniel Bryan up with false security by having Trips help Daniel Bryan against Barrett & Maddox only to have Orton be their corporate guy. I don't know, but there are some ends here that could use tightening that's for true.
I guess Orton is the chosen champion then and Trip has forgotten all about him atacking Stephanie and Vince a few years back?

As you know, that kind of thing happens quite a bit where people have heated feuds then tag together or team up in other was, with past issues being just that…in the past. Sometimes it is acknowledged and other times it isn't.

I always think of it as that even though wrestlers have animosity towards each other as they feud, they also eventually have an understanding of why their past opponents did the things they did since they too have or probably will do something similar one day. Sports entertainment is a crazy reality :).
Triple H and Orton are the two heels in the WWE Makes sense to me. And while it came at the expense of Daniel Bryan's moment (but hey he beat Cena clean) Triple H backstabbing Bryan and Orton cashing in makes me hate Bryan more. I genuinely felt bad for Bryan and and now am hoping Bryan gets his revenge against HHH and Orton.

As for what will happen Bryan will likely get the title back either before or during WM. He's too hot right now not to give him a run with the title in that window.

Of course another thing I also would like to see is The Shield get into this. With Orton and HHH Alliance I really don't want to see another Evolution I'd rather see Orton and Triple H as another "Power Trip" team with The Shield as their hired gun ... so it can keep the Shield relevant.
I think the angle played out very well and was a perfect way to end SSlam. Now, hopefully someone will act as mouthpiece for Orton, but aside from that ...

... depending on how long they're angling for, I could see this go on all the way to Mania. Just have Bryan chasing Orton, but Triple H keeps getting in the way and culminate the PPV before the Rumble in a "if Bryan loses he is not allowed to challenge Orton for the WWE ch'ship" match versus Triple H, where Cena returns and screws Bryan. Nuclear heat all over. At the Rumble, of course, Bryan wins and goes up against "whoever the holder of the WWE championship is" at Mania, technically not challenging Orton (as such).

Parallel to this, Stephanie goes all face on Vince and HHH, but while Vince takes the fight with Steph over the power of the company, HHH has to deal with DB. Steph gets a wrestler representative (CM Punk) and so does Vince (in Batista). Cena, with his new-found heelishness, goes right after Taker.

Now, for Mania, you have a match between Punk & Batista (with Vince/Steph in their respective corners), DB vs Orton and heel Cena vs Undertaker, with HHH as the special guest referee. Add someone else to the face camp (Ziggler or Cody Rhodes come to mind) for an instant face-heat boost for a solid upper mid-card feud with, say, Ryback or maybe even get Lesnar involved somehow...

I dunno, just food for thought.
The HHH turn was a nice surprise and I am glad that Orton has won the WWE title - it has been far too long. I'm interested to see what happens next: with Orton, HHH, Vince, Maddox, Steph. Will guys like Flair, Barrett, Ryback get involved. Exciting times.

I see Orton filling the role of corporate champion up until WM30. Thereafter, i'm guessing Bryan wins the belt but that can all change. I really want to see Orton surround himself with a stable. The Real Americans and Ryback would be perfect for this role and would also allow branching feuds/matches. Overall I think Orton will be a great champion who is guaranteed to put on some fantastic matches.
Anyone who didnt see this coming is a fucking idiot. The cash-in, that is.
They teased it so much I expected them to go with something else. Simple, aren't I? Still, have they ever so blatantly said "The surprise cash-in will happen HERE!" before? If they have, I can't recall. I certain didn't see them pulling the trigger.

Anywho, this is for the best. Like it or not, plucky babyfaces like Bryan chasing than reigning in the WWE. See the beginning of Punk's 434 day reign. We were all happy to see Punk as champion. But not a whole lot of what he did set the world on fire. Even his "dream match" feud with Chris Jericho lacked lustre. And that's because as much as we insist we know what we want, what really gets us off is seeing our heroes chase the most hated bad-guys (or Cena, who's played that role to half the audience for the better part of a decade) and overcome the impossible. Anything after that is gravy, but it normally doesn't play quite as well as what came before.

Last night's decision breathes new life into Bryan's chase while cementing Triple H and Orton as heels for a new generation (especially necessary while Cena is on the sideline; we need a new impossible force to overcome). I let out an audible "fuck" when Trips turned, but besides that I'm cool with it. It's the right move. Delayed gratification and all that. Smarks have a lot to learn about foreplay. And I hope they never learn it. So long as they remain virgin losers, WWE knows what strings to pull.

My great hope now is that Orton doesn't revert to his 2009 slow-motion ring style. That hurt. A lot. Almost gave up on Raw that year. Orton's so much better than that. Let him find a way to turn people off other than being too boring for life.
I think that Randy Orton proved his critics wrong in this two years where he was away from the main event picture. He had the time to really develop his wrestling skills and being pared with great workers like Christian and Alberto Del Rio, however his character stayed pretty much the same ruthless type of guy that would do anything to be relevant.

I expect a different Randy Orton now, it has been three years since he hold the WWE Championship and right now, he's still in this "filler" position as champion. I don't want the 2009 version of the Apex Predator, I want a new one, a more aggressive one and one that doesn't need lackeys to the his job for him. He's this generation true tweener, so why not use that to his advantage? There is still money to be made out of him. I for once would be extremely happy to see Randy Orton getting rid of Daniel Bryan for now, squeeze what we can squeeze and starting to feud with names like CM Punk and John Cena, and who knows, maybe a mix between Cena/Bryan/Punk down the line. I'm expecting this reign to go through the fall until maybe the TLC pay-per-view.

I would be excited for an Hell In A Cell match involving Randy Orton and CM Punk, or Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan. New champion brings a whole new road of opportunities to creative to really sink their teeth into. Let's wait and see, I just wish they give Randy at least a solid 10th world championship title reign. Give him freedom to be crazy in the ring, bring the Punt back for some spots and put the mic on this guys hands. His almost impersonation of Jake Roberts makes my dick hard and with the stellar facial expressions, his promos can generate some of the best heel heat from the last years.
I'm okay with Orton walking out as champion. I'm kind of tired of MITB. This was a little different twist with HHH backstabbing Bryan, but it still left me with an unsatisfied feeling. It was a lot if not exactly like Punk losing to Del Rio after beating Cena a few years ago, with the exception that HHH and Orton where in cahoots. I personally don't like seeing a guy hold the WWE title for a few minutes, especially on his first title reign. That being said I'm still okay with Orton coming out on top. I wish it could have went down like this, or that someday a similar situation could go down like this.

Bryan would be in control and get distracted. May be the shield or Ryback or something. Whatever it is draws him out of the ring. Orton sneaks in from the audience while Bryan is out of the ring. Hits a move, covers Cena...1...2...3. and slides out on the apron maybe even getting in the face of Lillian Garcia so she doesn't announce the title win. Bryan charges back to the ring, unaware of what's happened, finish's off Cena and begins to celebrate except no one will hand him the title. The announcer then announces him as the winner of the match....but MITB was cashed in before the end of the bout and your new champion is Randy Orton. A bewildered Bryan sees Orton rise from wherever he on the ring apron and raise the title in the air.

Orton is champion, Bryan loses no steam, and the crowd has something new to talk about.

Anybody else think this would work.

Not bad at all. Good stuff and I do think this would have left a lot of people shocked and I like how it's trying to keep the cash ins fresh.

*There is an NXT spoiler just talking about the 1st ever NXT Divas Champ so if you don't want to know anything about that at this point and time, don't read this post.*

WWE pulled off a great night last night worthy of the Summerslam banner. Cena does deserve kudos for doing his part in a great match. Seeing the end of that match unfold was really cool. Bryan winning and Cena coming over to shake his hand, the confetti dropping from the rafters as Daniel Bryan Yessed-Out to the crowd. I got flashbacks of Hulk Hogan passing the torch to the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 6 and if any match can do that it has good good and it was.

As for Orton cashing in, I really thought for a second the show was gonna end with Orton just standing at the ramp with breifcase. The amazing thing about that scenario Daniel Bryan just had a classic with John Cena and but he wasn't vulnerable, you believed this guy could go an extra 30, 40 minutes with Randy Orton. I was surprised to see HHH backstab Bryan, not to say it was a bad thing, but as time goes on you can HHH making his mark as the face of WWE and this kind of went against character. When Paige won the NXT Divas Championship, HHH graciously came out and raised her hand in a similar way you saw Triple H backing Daniel Bryan. These were going to be his wrestlers, his people that would be a trademark of when Triple H takes over the show. I really thought Triple H was a Daniel Byran guy so it will very interesting to hear his thoughts on why he did what he did.

Randy Orton as said by wrestling critics as of late has been the unsung hero recently. People rave about CM Punk and Daniel Bryan as they rightfully should and are deservedly so but Randy Orton in his own right hasn't had a bad match with anybody for a really really long time. Be it Christian, or RVD, Del Rio, Mark Henry, Sheamus or anybody. Randy Orton has really matured into an awesome in ring performer and I think is capable of a great match with all top contenders for the WWE title. That being said, Bryan is the guy right now, he's hot right now. I think he should be champion but at the same time him chasing it , as said in the thread it will only help his stock and have fans behind him more. Well booked WWE, Raw definitely will be very interesting.
I'm elated that he's a heel and the WWE champion to boot. Cena possibly going away from the title picture (seeing is believing) means that the division needs strong, established superstars to carry it. Having Triple H and Orton screw Bryan over opens a plethora of doors as to what direction this angle can go from here on out. I assume it'll be something along the lines of Daniel Bryan being too weak of a champion, and Orton being the future of the business, Evolution nostalgia, blah blah blah. The finish last night was great, and its on the writers from here on out to create a story that sells.

Btw, DBry thanking his parents last night was epic. Everyone sold the ending great.
Triple H wanted to recruit a cold and heartless bastard to fight in his side in the power struggle against Vince, as the WWE Champion and "The Guy". Call me crazy, but I think it was a matter of Triple H getting to Orton before Vince could, and Triple H being a nasty prick, because he's willing to do anything to beat Vince, and he knows Orton gives him the best chances. Remember, Orton is the guy, who attacked his wife, her father, and the son of Vince McMahon and the brother of Stephanie. With all this, I expect Vince to turn face soon enough, since Triple H will obviously be the heel. One of the bigger questions is, who will Stephanie side with in all of this.

As far as Orton goes, I'm happy he's a heel again. He's been stale as a face, and while I still have my reservations about the fans cheering him as a heel, the heel turn should provide a much needed spark for his character. But in the grand scheme of things, Orton's character flows better as a heel, because he's supposed to be vicious and evil. The last time Orton held a world title, he had phenomenal matches with Christian, and a few good bouts with Mark Henry. With Triple H at his side as a heel, I have big expectations for his upcoming run with the WWE Championship.
Triple H wanted to recruit a cold and heartless bastard to fight in his side in the power struggle against Vince, as the WWE Champion and "The Guy".

That's the way it seems now, doesn't it? Yet, when it was all happening and we were trying to guess what was coming next, I was positive that: (1) Triple H was going to Pedigree Daniel when he entered the ring. When that didn't happen, I was equally sure that: (2) Orton was going to RKO Triple H.

In fact, I was doubly certain of the latter, figuring that while Randy was happy to accept Trips' interference on his behalf at Summerslam, he would never allow himself to ever be someone's "corporate champion." If there has ever been a wrestler who's gone his own way, it's Randy Orton.

Okay, so I was wrong on both counts and watched the more predictable ending to the segment. That's okay. I always find it amusing to read members of this forum telling us: "I knew it all the time" after an unexpected event takes place.....but I have no such foresight; I admit I have no idea where this is going, from the direction of the McMahon-Levesque power struggle to how Randy Orton is going to handle it all.

I wouldn't be shocked to see Orton stay the world champion until WM30......but I also wouldn't be surprised if he loses the title by the next PPV.
Orton deserved to be champ. He won the wwe championship in 2010. Then a long 3 year waiting period...and finally he is champion again & those who are complaining that it was a bad ppv..I just dont get what do you guys want....you got everything...Cena is not champion....Bryan defeated Cena clean.....ziggler won his match...punk was great in his match. So for the haters of orton whatever you think Age of Orton resumes again.
After H's promo on Raw I get the feeling that he is still against Vince. The promo was a little over the top IMO. I think its leading to HHH showing Vince how dated his stereotypes are and how crazy he's been acting by doing what vince 'wants'. This could lead to Orton HHH at mania for control of WWE. Meaning Orton has to drop the belt back to DB at HiaC, Survivor Series, or TLC (Orton has to retain somehow at NoC, right?)
I loved the ending! It will hwlp to make the fans rally behind Bryan more, and help to push him to a new level of stardom in my opinion. Plus, Triple H and Orton are both far better as heels, so its a good move all around.

To the people who claim this "buries" Bryan, you couldn't be more wrong. We will hopefully see Bryan continuing to chase for the title and it will mean even more when he finally dethrones Orton to get the gold. I would love to see Orton and HHH form some kind of new heel Evolution or Corporation, I have been wanting to see HHH in that role for quite some time now he isn't regularly active in the ring.
I loved the ending! It will hwlp to make the fans rally behind Bryan more, and help to push him to a new level of stardom in my opinion. Plus, Triple H and Orton are both far better as heels, so its a good move all around.

To the people who claim this "buries" Bryan, you couldn't be more wrong. We will hopefully see Bryan continuing to chase for the title and it will mean even more when he finally dethrones Orton to get the gold. I would love to see Orton and HHH form some kind of new heel Evolution or Corporation, I have been wanting to see HHH in that role for quite some time now he isn't regularly active in the ring.

Here's an idea I'd like to pitch out, thats been scratching my mind. In my opinion, Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton aren't ready to hold the ratings and quality programming togther that the WWE produced between Wrestlemania and Summerslam. With Monday night football on the horizon, will WWE prosper with Bryan and Orton at the helm in Cena's place?

Last Monday night, Shield joined the corporation in taking down Bryan. Bryan is going to need some help, so the questions is...who? Punk is busy feuding with Heyman.

The Shield have started to lose a tiny bit of momentum because they haven't feuded with anyone significant during No Way Out and Money in the Bank. Before this, they feuded with one man..Undertaker.

If Undertaker was available to come back in an onscreen role with less physical activity, would you insert him into the corporation angle? Why? It would certainly bring in Wrestlemania fans who see it for the streak. May be, have Taker and Bryan feud with HHH and Shield for a bit?

Even one PPV match would be enough to spice things up for the fall.

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