Randy Orton Is THe Most Over Talent In The WWE. Full Stop!


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Over the last few months since Randy Orton's face turn, he has breathed new life into his character. He is by far the most over thing in the WWE right now.

He reactions are second to none and he is starting to remind me of the modern day Stone Cold Steve Austin, not just with his crowd reaction but with his mannerisms and his amazing gimmick, which does make a great getaway from the kid-friendly gimmicks on offer in the WWE.

Its a shame that there is not much in the way of really over heels to counter Orton's amazingly over face persona, so that maybe would could one day have this generations Austin Vs Rock style feud.

Is there anyone that could get to Randy Orton's level of being over, and if so, could they sustain it to maybe one day in the near future have them feud with Orton in a generation defining match? Who would be your pick?

Mine would have to be The Miz. With the momentum he has right now, I think that maybe at Mania next year they could give The Miz the title and have him in a two month or longer feud with Orton for the belt. It would have to be booked properly but if it was, it would be amazing.

After Monday night I had to say that he has shot past Cena as far as crowd reaction goes. The ending of the match when he was hitting Sheamus with the repeated chair shots, and then the thunderous RKO at the end, put it all in conclusion for me

He is over Cena as far as crowd reaction goes. The pops he gets from his entrance to when he hits the RKO is just amazing. You almost cant find one person that will boo him. Even though he is doing the best job as a tweener I have seen since Austin.

I don't see anyone else countering that. Until Cena turns heel. But as for right now. Randy Orton is the most over superstar in the WWE.
Agreed that Orton is the most over at the moment. If they were to go with your idea of the Miz, then the Miz would need to come into the feud with the Heavyweight Title. Still at that point Miz would need to have beat someone that is close to the calibur of Orton. The only way I could see the Miz get a victory over Orton(at this moment) is with help from someone, possibly Alex Riley. Right now though, the only person Miz could go over to actually make someone believe he is an actual threat to Randy is Cena.

The only other person on the roster at this time that has even an ounce of charisma and verbal prowess is Jericho.

If you think about it though neither can be heel nor can they be a full on face. The Rock and Austin never were, they were never meant to be. Sure they each had their moments as full on faces and heels, but their best was when they were tweeners.
I think Orton and Miz will very soon become a rivalry for the ages. I can't wait to see those guys headline shows together. They are both in great shape, both are stellar in the ring (Miz isn't perfect but he's still very strong I think) and they could have amazing back and forth in promos. When Orton first turned I was pissed. I felt that Legacy was a huge let-down and creative needed a slap for the way it was handled but in the months since, I've never loved watching Orton more. He should and I think will become the face of WWE in the very near future. Credit has to go to randy, he sells his gimmick flawlessly and is crisp between the ropes. He is as over as anyone, probably more than anyone else and damn well should be.
Oh! I absolutely agree.

The thing that really surprised me about Randy Orton is how committed the WWE were to his face turn. One year ago, he was punting Vince McMahon and sexually assaulting his daughter. At that point, I was pretty sure that he was going to be the best heel in the WWE and would have been that way for a long time. However, he was so over that the WWE couldn’t do anything but turn him face again. Since then, he has been less than spectacular but I do feel that he is beginning to grow into the role by the week and is becoming more comfortable as a face.

His recent feud with Sheamus has actually been a breath of fresh air to blow through the WWE. John Cena has been taken down a level to feud with the Nexus and Randy Orton and has really been the most intriguing person in the WWE. He has helped Sheamus get to a great level of performance and both of them look like absolute superstars. However, of both of those guys, I cannot help but be more impressed by Randy Orton as he cements his place at the very top of the WWE.

I honestly think that with some more work on his charisma and mic work, that he could actually rival John Cena in terms of monetary gain for the WWE. He has all the attributes to do it except for his mic work but he can work on that and become better in time. At this point though, he is definitely the most over person in the WWE… It’s not even close. His reactions, time and time again, are bigger and better than anything that anyone else gets.
Gotta say that I see Orton as the most over in terms of the whole crowd, but Cena will still be bigger with the kids and women, difference is that the men love Orton far more than Cena.

I think the only way Orton will reach the level of Austin is if he gets a feud with a mega heel. This isn't a dig, but the likes of Rock and Austin had someone else in there to feud with who was HUGE. Orton hasn't got a hugely over heel to get Austin like reactions at the minute. I hope Cena turns heel in the next year or two, and the fans actually buy it, because then, a feud between a heel Cena, and face Orton would be off the charts and Orton may reach a level that only a few have reached before him. Maybe a feud with a heel HHH would do this too, but I'm not so sure HHH could get over as a heel so easily unless he took apart someone like Cena. With Orton playing the role he is, I find it hard to see that a HHH attack on him would lead to heat for HHH especially just after coming back.

So in short, Orton will only get better, and with age on his side he will be around for years to come, he just needs some really credible and over heels to face. Here's one for you, Orton wins the title, only to lose to Miz cashing in(either on the night, or in the weeks after), on the night would be better in terms of the heat he'd get, but it's been done before. Then have Miz win unclean/by fluke at the next two PPV's, leading to one final match(whereever that maybe, maybe even Mania) where the payoff would be Orton going over and taking the title. That'd possibly put Orton more over as the crowd would symphasize with him at the start and be pissed that Miz has taken the title, and then even more pissed with screw finishes.
Let me preface what I am about to say with I hate all the John Cena heel turn speculation that constantly takes place within the IWC. I hate it with a passion.

Now to completely contradict myself, I see Randy Orton's incredible overness as the perfect reason for Cena to become heel and have their feud reignite as this era's big rivalry. Cena can turn on Orton at some pivotal point and then blame the fans saying he did everything for them and gets mixed reactions while this psychopath Orton goes around kicking innocent people in the skull and gets more cheers than he does.
Let me preface what I am about to say with I hate all the John Cena speculation that constantly takes place within the IWC. I hate it with a passion.

Now to completely contradict myself, I see Randy Orton's incredible overness as the perfect reason for Cena to become heel and have their feud reignite as this era's big rivalry. Cena can turn on Orton at some pivotal point and then blame the fans saying he did everything for them and gets mixed reactions while this psychopath Orton goes around kicking innocent people in the skull and gets more cheers than he does.

Pretty much what I said, although I don't know if Cena turning on Orton would work, depends how it happened. I'd be all for it though, it'd enhance both of them IMO towards Austin/Rock level.
After Monday night I had to say that he has shot past Cena as far as crowd reaction goes. The ending of the match when he was hitting Sheamus with the repeated chair shots, and then the thunderous RKO at the end, put it all in conclusion for me

He is over Cena as far as crowd reaction goes. The pops he gets from his entrance to when he hits the RKO is just amazing. You almost cant find one person that will boo him. Even though he is doing the best job as a tweener I have seen since Austin.

I don't see anyone else countering that. Until Cena turns heel. But as for right now. Randy Orton is the most over superstar in the WWE.
randy orton has got so boring lately im sick of him and im meant to like him cause im 14 wwe think im meant to like him and cena no way they both suck
As true as it is that Orton could benefit from mic work, that's not gonna be a factor in him becoming the face of the WWE. Orton's character is someone who comes in, kicks ass, leaves. You don't have to hear him say anything. It's a rare talent and he's got it.
Orton is the most entertaining thing in wrestling right now, but I dont see a Austin/Rock type match with Cena because they have feuded so much. Sure Stone Cold and The Rock had earlier feuds too, but Cena vs Orton has headlined ungodly amounts of PPVs in recent years. They could try but it would just come off as another PPV. The only way I could see him in an Austin/Rock type match would be for them to elevate someone he hasnt worked a lot with and push the shit out of them prior to them starting a program with Orton (Miz is the only one I see worthy, but he has to get clean wins over top guys like Cena and HHH), or bring someone new into the company to make a Goldberg like impact. Not Goldberg himself, just someone that can create the level of buzz he generated.
iwc is so hypocritical, they hate john cena for being boring and doing 5 moves, since his face turn, orton has been more dominant than super cena, while doing even less moves.

his facial expressions are ridiculous, and his stupid little shit eating grin hes been doing is so over the top his character is like a joke to me. he is very predictable.

not to mention his promos are awful. the iwc fell for the trap, they took john cena, shaved his head, gave him tatoos, made him act like a schizo freak, and everyone loves him because he is "edgy".
yawn, another person comparing Orton to Austin, completely different characters. completely different looks, one was extremely skilled on the mic, the other is extremely boring
I can't get enough of Orton lately, there is something about the way his matches go that is exciting and fun to watch. He has kind of like a I Am Legend zombie thing going on in the ring and I for one think it's awesome lol There's so much emotion coming from him in his matches.

As for a Miz v. Orton feud, I think it would work brilliantly, it would be a very intense match up, promos and matches. It would make the crowd pop even more for Orton and you really could not ask for a better feud. Anybody else make the connection between the intensity of Orton and the zombies in I Am Legend? =P
Mine would have to be The Miz. With the momentum he has right now, I think that maybe at Mania next year they could give The Miz the title and have him in a two month or longer feud with Orton for the belt. It would have to be booked properly but if it was, it would be amazing.

The Problem with the Miz in my opinion is how fast the WWE is moving him. I feel that moving him this fast will in the long run hurt him on his impact with the fans and ruin his interest in professional wrestling. Also, I feel they gave him the U.S. Title to help legitimize him as a superstar. The problem with this is the fact that he never has anything to do with the title besides wearing it to the ring as I cannot remember a time since he got it when he defended it or got into a fued over it.

However, the one wrestler that I feel could consistently compete with him as a top heel would Chris Jericho. He is an established heel who knows how to get ton of heat.
There is no doubt about it he is the most over with the fans now. There have been many shows where he gets louder pops than Cena. Another big difference is Cena gets mixed reactions a lot of times which Orton doesn't get since he turned face.

I dont get when people say Orton doesnt have great mic skills. They are more reserved now a days to fit his viper character. But if you go back to his legend killer days he was great on the mic being that young cocky arrogrant character. IMO he is one of the most talented guys in the wwe.
iwc is so hypocritical, they hate john cena for being boring and doing 5 moves, since his face turn, orton has been more dominant than super cena, while doing even less moves.

his facial expressions are ridiculous, and his stupid little shit eating grin hes been doing is so over the top his character is like a joke to me. he is very predictable.

not to mention his promos are awful. the iwc fell for the trap, they took john cena, shaved his head, gave him tatoos, made him act like a schizo freak, and everyone loves him because he is "edgy".

A tear almost came to my eye.

I admit that Orton is over with the crowd but that doesn't mean I find him boring any less than I already do. Orton does about the same number of moves or less than what we criticize somebody like Cena for. He still can't cut a face promo to save his life and he still wrestles like a heel. Randy Orton is the heel Kurt Angle now in terms of ring psychology. I don't see how his feud with Sheamus can be seen as a breath of fresh air when both his matches with him at Royal Rumble and Summerslam have been mediocre. All Orotn has done this year was beat Rhodes and DiBiase.
He is absolutely The most over talent in the WWE. The reason why is because he's stellar on the mic and extremely good in the ring.

If you're not convinced, his beat down of Sheamus last week is all the proof you need.

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