Randy Orton is the closest thing to Stone Cold

I won't add much more as I wrote a short essay on page 2, but a lot of people aren't thinking about this properly.

1. He isn't asking if Orton and Stone Cold are one and the same, he's saying that if you try to fit the stars of the late 90's with the stars of today, he's the guy who most closely resembles Austin.

2. The circumstances are different. Attitude Era vs PG Era. No superstar can get away with what Austin did. No more middle fingers, cursing, beer, and some of the wackier angles such as taking Vince hostage with a (fake) pistol.

3. This clearly applies to Orton's character since his feud with Sheamus, not the heel he has been up until now, and certainly not the face he was during his first title reign. It may go nowhere and he could end up as a heel again in a matter of weeks. Maybe his crowd pops will die down. But at this moment in time he is white-hot, and is resembling Austin to a certain extent.

4. Wrestling in general isn't as popular so Orton will obviously not break out and become a household name and pop-culture icon. Nor will he have a punching bag with his face on it or whatever silly thing someone said.

5. Austin was just as calculating as he was aggressive. He was known to pick a guy apart bit by bit and torture them sadistically. He'd get into a rage and go nuts and lose any game plan as well, but equally, Orton is known to snap and drop his cool demeanor. Austin did stalk people before the Stunner, but they always countered, just like they do with Orton.
He could be the next Stone Cold, but it will never happen. WWE has moved from "R" rating to "PG" rating. They want to appeal to kids more.

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