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Randy Orton Gets Divorced


I was a little surprised when I read about this earlier this morning. According to TMZ, Orton & his wife, Samantha, quietly separated in 2012 with the process of getting divorced beginning in November. Samantha officially filed for divorce in March of this year; citing that their marriage was "irreparably broken". Orton was served with divorce papers on April 11 and the divorce was official as of June 20.

Apparently, Orton generally made out like a bandit in the proceedings. TMZ reports that Orton keeps several multi-hundred thousand dollar bank accounts, retains 100% rights to his contract, retains one house, a gun collection, two cars, some jewelry and a motorcycle. His wife gets sole legal custody of their daughter, $4,500 in monthly child support payments, one home, a car, her jewelry and a bank account of the amount of $654,317 . The divorce papers are said to include Orton's WWE salary of $291,666 a month, totaling up to being 8 cents shy of exactly $3,500,000.

I suppose one reason why I was surprised is because of how public divorce proceedings tend to be when anyone of celebrity status is involved. They tend to come off as train wrecks that's constant fodder for tabloids. As we saw with Cena's divorce, it's something of a pleasant change to see a celeb divorce go down a sense of dignity and respect on both sides. Another surprising outcome was how well Orton seemed to have made out of the proceedings. Again, usually, hubbies tend to get taken to the cleaners. One can only speculate as to what "irreparably broken" means, but it wouldn't be at all surprising if Orton was messing around. I'm sure Orton gets his pick from any number of ring rats wherever he goes and I suppose he's kind of the unofficial heartthrob of WWE considering that females from 12 to 50 start going gaga over him whenever he comes out.
I am surprised as well but she left with full physical and legal custody of their daughter. That may have been her goal. Obviously she must have some financial/career future for herself. All she is getting is 4500 per month for their kid. But of course that may change. He may have agreed to pick up her medical, college, etc bills as she gets older.
I wouldn't say he made out like a bandit, it was his money. This is one of the few times I've seen the settlements of a divorce and thought, "Well that actually seems fair." Her and her daughter are totally taken care of, shouldn't ask for much more than that.

Sometimes people don't work out. Hell, most of the time they don't.
Or maybe she has found someone else already. The cheating is not always by the guy. Not to say that she did anything. Or he did anything. Sometimes things really do not work out and no one is to blame.

we can blame alot of things.

I blame it on the massive amount of baby oil he uses ;)
I wouldn't say Orton made out like a bandit, I'd just say it was a fair divorce and nobody got screwed. It doesn't cost $4500/mo. to raise a child, so the ex-wife is definitely making money there, plus she got over a half-million dollars, a house and a car.

I hate it when the men get cleaned out in a divorce, most divorce finances favor the wives. I know of a divorce (not a celebrity) that the wife said the father did inappropriate things with their daughter. It was not true, the daughter said that never happened, and after psychological examinations, the daughter was pronounced fine and the wife failed her psychological exam...yet the husband has to pay like $4,000/mo. in child support because the wife and kids should not have to lower their standard of living. WHAT? What about the husband's standard of living...and the wife is majorly screwed up in the head.
The divorce papers are said to include Orton's WWE salary of $291,666 a month, totaling up to being 8 cents shy of exactly $3,500,000.

I know this is a little off topic but couldnt help comment on the yearly salary of orton. Wow i was expecting roughly around a million considering there was an online report listing orton was earning around 1.65 million and that cena was earning around 3million. Even 5-7 years ago i read a report noting taker and hhh earning at 2million.

3.5 million for orton is alot. This must put cena at 5-6 million.
I'm guessing that we only have an abridged version of the not just the personal story but also the financial. I find it really hard to believe that the ex-wife is only getting the child support and not some additional monthly alimony as well (at least temporarily).

But who am I to judge TMZ's reporting? Maybe the attorneys at Voices, Voices, and Voices LLP are just that damn good.
I guess it's all according to how one would define "making out like a bandit". The one thing that struck me is that he gave up sole legal custody of his daughter to his ex wife. As I see it, you can't put a price tag on that. The ex ends up walking away from a "broken marriage" with a shit load of money and assets, and their child, and if she wants to be difficult about it, she can seriously impede any form of healthy relationship between Orton and his daughter. She has plenty of money, likely more than most of us will ever see, and she's still a young enough woman (I would assume) that she can easily find another relationship. She gets freedom from an unhappy marriage, loads of cash, and their daughter. She's the one making out like a bandit if you ask me.
Shoudnt have been married in the first place. Look at what he does for a living, and furthermore, look at HIM. The adults will understand what I mean. One of those guys that 100% should have waited until retirement or until he is just a part-timer. Women in 2013 dont just let their husbands do whatever they want anymore.
Seems like a pretty fair settlement, like others have said husband's normally get cleaned out for almost everything they have
Shoudnt have been married in the first place. Look at what he does for a living, and furthermore, look at HIM. The adults will understand what I mean. One of those guys that 100% should have waited until retirement or until he is just a part-timer. Women in 2013 dont just let their husbands do whatever they want anymore.

My thoughts exactly.

Some guys feel that the women that supports your career while you are on the rise is the best one to marry, so I guess that's one of the reasons why he got married. Orton is going to have women draped all over him now.

Which diva will he start out with? My guess: AJ.
The sad thing is for all you guys saying "it seems fair and amicble" the irony of course is it's now being picked over by people. We now know what Randy earns, so on position of the card you can work out what most of the roster earns... how many of them are gonna like that?

All that matters is the little girl is taken care of, the wife and Randy are immaterial in the situation... perhaps the reason it did end so well is cos Randy (and probably his ex-wife too) would have spent a lot of time in the company of a walking "how not to" manual in Ric Flair...
Apparently, Orton generally made out like a bandit in the proceedings. TMZ reports that Orton keeps several multi-hundred thousand dollar bank accounts, retains 100% rights to his contract, retains one house, a gun collection, two cars, some jewelry and a motorcycle. His wife gets sole legal custody of their daughter.
I think losing full legal custody of their daughter tips the scales in favor of Samantha.

Sure, things are nice, and if one(I'm not saying anyone is) values property over finances, then Orton truly did "win" this settlement. It's surprising, with his wife filing for divorce, that the finances are tipped so heavily in his favor. Could it be that Samantha truly didn't care about those things, and conceded, in exchange for that sole legal custody?

Legal custody can be confusing, as people often mistake it for physical custody, where the person with 'sole' custody can say when, or if, the other can see the child. That's not the case, as this allows Orton visitation rights and the like. What it amounts to is that Samantha makes all the decisions regarding their daughter. Her healthcare, religion, and education are all in Samantha's hands, with Orton having no say. This is likely for the best, as Orton's schedule likely prohibits him from being involved in most of those decisions anyways. However, should his daughter get extremely ill, God forbid, Randy would have no say in the treatment, with his wife getting to make all of them. Can you imagine a more helpless feeling as a parent for Orton to not have any say in her healthcare, especially if they divorced over irreconcilable differences? Here's hoping it was amicable, and the only reason for legal custody is Orton's schedule.

As for the divorce itself, yeah, Orton was probably fooling around. He was accused several times of sexually harassing some of the newer Divas, including Amy Weber and Christy Hemme. I'm not saying Orton is a pig or a dog, people change. But when the wife cites "irreconcilable differences", it's sadly because of one of two reasons. Either Orton was hitting here, or he was cheating.

As bad as this sounds, I'm hoping for the latter. I've never thought much of Orton the human being, although he's a fantastic wrestler. But despite Orton 'making our' financially, it deprives his daughter, whom he's spoken of fondly and frequently, of having a full-time dad even more so then she did before.

And sadly, his daughter will grow up in a one parent household. No matter how much Randy has been away, or what happened that caused the divorce, his 5 year old will grow up without dad there much of the time, even when he is in town.

And she's likely to be hurt worse, especially long term, then either Randy or Samantha in this situation.

The ex ends up walking away from a "broken marriage" with a shit load of money and assets, and their child, and if she wants to be difficult about it, she can seriously impede any form of healthy relationship between Orton and his daughter. .
gal custody

Not necessarily. Had she retained sole physical AND legal custody, then she could make things truly difficult for Orton. Not that sole legal custody isn't serious, essentially, he has no right to make decisions regarding his daughter, or her welfare.

But she can't keep Orton from seeing her any time he likes. But in principle, I agree. It's a major 'loss for Orton to give up legal custody, and his wife will be doing just fine financially. A bank account of $650,000 isn't exactly losing out.
Another thought before we point fingers and play the He said-She Said game is instead of both parties "cheating" maybe it's something else. To be honest, maybe Samantha cheated, maybe Randy cheated. Maybe they both cheated. Who knows? Anyway, the article says the divorce started around November of last year. Now if I remember correctly, I believe Orton was filming 12 Rounds. I remember watching a tv show with Cena and he said he's on the road at least 330 days of the year. So Cena gets about 34-35 days "off". Now I know Cena is the WWE Champion and his status in making public appearances is more than likely higher than Orton but you got to remember, Orton is on the road and if his schedule is anything like Cena's you can see that he will hardly ever have time to see his family. 4,500 dollars a month for child support doesn't seem too much considering Orton is making solid money. Here's to Orton to get his life back together.
And sadly, his daughter will grow up in a one parent household. No matter how much Randy has been away, or what happened that caused the divorce, his 5 year old will grow up without dad there much of the time, even when he is in town.

And she's likely to be hurt worse, especially long term, then either Randy or Samantha in this situation.

I agree with the vast majority of your post, as I usually do. You echo a lot of the same sentiments as I did in my post. However, I have to respectfully disagree with this part. I think it's inaccurate and a gross oversimplification to assume that the daughter will be worse off and "hurt worse" in the long term due to growing up in a one parent household. While that may be true in a number of cases, I staunchly disagree with the assumption that the child will be worse off in the end growing up with one parent only. There are plenty of examples where this simply isn't the case and trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I think it's sad that Orton willfully gave up sole legal custody of his daughter. And I find it sad as well that some feel that he made out like a bandit after doing so simply because of the monetary gains he made by doing so (all due respect).

Not necessarily. Had she retained sole physical AND legal custody, then she could make things truly difficult for Orton. Not that sole legal custody isn't serious, essentially, he has no right to make decisions regarding his daughter, or her welfare.

But she can't keep Orton from seeing her any time he likes. But in principle, I agree. It's a major 'loss for Orton to give up legal custody, and his wife will be doing just fine financially. A bank account of $650,000 isn't exactly losing out.

It's really a secondary matter of her making things difficult for Orton. He has relinquished all say in regards to health, education, and religion, essentially relegating himself to a secondary role in his daughter's life. There's not enough money in the world to justify this.
Don't really care about the money or anything like that, I just hope they can remain nice to one another & not being bitter toward one another for their little girl.
I agree with the vast majority of your post, as I usually do. You echo a lot of the same sentiments as I did in my post. However, I have to respectfully disagree with this part. I think it's inaccurate and a gross oversimplification to assume that the daughter will be worse off and "hurt worse" in the long term due to growing up in a one parent household. While that may be true in a number of cases, I staunchly disagree with the assumption that the child will be worse off in the end growing up with one parent only. There are plenty of examples where this simply isn't the case and trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

I'm with you on this. It's one thing for a child growing up in a single parent home where the mother/father has to work 2 jobs to support her family and thus isn't around to really raise the child properly. It's an entirely different thing when the father is a multi-millionaire and the child will likely never want for anything in her life.

I think it's sad that Orton willfully gave up sole legal custody of his daughter.

I don't really see how he would have had a case for getting custody. I don't know of may judges who are supportive of children being raised on the road or by nannies while the parents are away. He was already gone for the majority of the year, I doubt he'll get to see his daughter any less now than he did before.

It's really a secondary matter of her making things difficult for Orton. He has relinquished all say in regards to health, education, and religion, essentially relegating himself to a secondary role in his daughter's life. There's not enough money in the world to justify this.

I think this is being blown out of proportion. If there was any reason for him to worry about what his ex wife might do in relation to the child's health, education, and religion then he probably would have fought for it. However, seeing as they aren't 2 complete strangers who just happen to have a child, something tells me that they have discussed these things in the past and are on the same page as it pertains to their child's future.
I don't really see how he would have had a case for getting custody. I don't know of may judges who are supportive of children being raised on the road or by nannies while the parents are away. He was already gone for the majority of the year, I doubt he'll get to see his daughter any less now than he did before.

The issue here, Nate is legal custody. In terms of physical custody, as in where the child resides and with whom you're right, that would be a slam dunk for the mother and I doubt Orton could or would ever contest it based upon his line of work and how much of the year he is away.

However, by giving up legal custody, he has relinquished any say in the welfare of his child regarding religion, health, or education. The ex wife now fully calls the shots and I for one would have a major problem with this.

So if Samantha unilaterally were to decide, for example, that she wanted to covert from Christianity to Buddhism (a hypothetical only, not a judgment of either), there's nothing Orton could do about it. If she wanted to haul her daughter out of a particular school and move her to a school that Orton did not approve of, tough shit, he's given up his voice. If a health issue arose and the parents were at odds in terms of how to approach it, again, the ex would be making the call 100%. Would you be comfortable with a situation like this if, heaven forbid, your situation we're to suddenly change? Definitely problematic for me.

I think this is being blown out of proportion. If there was any reason for him to worry about what his ex wife might do in relation to the child's health, education, and religion then he probably would have fought for it. However, seeing as they aren't 2 complete strangers who just happen to have a child, something tells me that they have discussed these things in the past and are on the same page as it pertains to their child's future.

Don't be naive enough, Nate, to think that Samantha pre divorce will be exactly the same person as Samantha post divorce. Just because they may have been on the same page before the dissolution of their marriage in no way guarantees that they still will be now, especially considering we don't know the particulars of their split. Personally, I would never relinquish my say regarding my kids to anyone for any reason. Too risky.
I surprised about the divorce, especially after watching the Randy Orton documentary released a couple of years ago. From what I could see, everything was great, you could tell he had so much for love for his wife and daughter, and it expressed how much she stuck by him during the troubles with drugs in the mid 2000's.

It is good to see this wasn't publicized while it was occurring. Both sides seem to have parted ways on good terms, and look at the figures. They are both well off, there are no troubles lying ahead for either side, and all seems to be good. You wouldn't have known this was going on, so it is a real shame.

On a side note, $290,000 a month?! That would do me just fine.
Mighty NorCal brought up a very good point! Women are much more wanna to handcuff their husbands nowadays some of them have severe trust issues regarding hubby. I have experiences with this so I like to think i know what im talking about. As to Orton goes,I am finding it difficult to believe she is only getting child support and really nothing else.

But TMZ is pretty legit on their articles,so maybe its all true. Orton i could tell should have never gotten married look at him. He is rich,looked like he is carved out of granite 33 years old,and pretty good looking for a guy. He can have his pick of any girl in any town he wants. Not to throw anything out there suggesting he cheated but,Orton Should have waited until he retired or became a part timer to settle down. Cenas marriage failed,Ortons failed,I think part of it is just the nature of the business there in.

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