Randy Orton at Wrestlemania

Randy Orton vs......

  • Kane

  • Daniel Bryan & Sheamus

  • The Miz

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • MITB

  • Other

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Pre-Show Stalwart
So alot seems set in stone already for this years epic mania!

Rock/Cena already set

Punk/Jericho not set but will most likely happen

Taker/hhh or Kane 3

MITB may return

But one thing that is totally up in the air is what Randy Orton will be doing at the event???

Orton is one of the biggest stars in the company so we all know he will be on the card in will have a high profile match.. Possibly a match with Barret? Or Henry (please god no!)? Im sure alot will be answered this sunday if he wins the rumble (which im pulling for because he is my fav)

So what do you guys want to see happen? Or think will happen with Orton at mania?

I for one think he will win the Rumble and face off in a triple threat match with Bryan (heel) and Barret! Which i believe would be an amazing match!

My Wrestlemania card sees an interpromotional match featurning Randy Orton vs The Miz. Both guys are not in a feud, and could really steal the show match wise. Miz could brag for months on end if he was to go over Orton, after beating Cena last year at Mania. With Barrett moving on to Sheamus and possibly Bryan, Orton has no immediate match. I think an interpromotion match gives both of these guys a fresh feud and something worth watching at Mania. Orton had his Raw main event run stopped when Miz cashed in and won the WWE title from him, they could play on that.
Wrestlemania to me is looking like Rock vs Cena, Jericho vs Punk, Bryan vs Sheamusvs Barrett,Taker vs HHH, mitb, Divas title, Shaw vs Big Show, Cody vs Goldust. To me, Miz vs Orton is a no-brainer and makes sense on the whole scale of things. Blokes like R-Truth will be in MITB, Miz needs to be in a match worth something, as does Orton.
I don't give a shit, as long as he's somewhere near the World Heavyweight Championship picture. Look at Randy Orton's 2011; he had a phenomenal year. His matches were very well consistent in how incredible they were. No matter the opponent, Orton's style meshed well. He's worked too damn hard to be pushed so far down the card on the single biggest show on WWE's calendar. Hopefully by Elimination Chamber, Daniel Bryan will be a full-fledged heel and Randy Orton can mix it up with him on the big stage. Hell, another Christian match with some extreme type of stipulation would do if it's for the World Title. Truth is I don’t care the opponent as long as he’s in the title match. Orton is Smackdown's biggest asset right now and he should definitely be used as a big role in the Smackdown portion of Wrestlemania XXVIII.
I fully expect Orton to win the Rumble or get screwed by Barrett, who may go onto win the Rumble. Thus this will lead to a triple threat match between Barrett/Orton/Bryan. It settles the Barrett/Orton feud and it keeps Orton in the spotlight as he should be near the world title. I'm not the biggest fan of Randy Orton but you can count on him to put on a solid match no matter the night. He should be involved with the title scene and a match with him and Bryan would do wonders for Bryan's credibility and help him become a top star. The match doesn't necessarily need Barrett in it, but I find him getting his way in there. I'd expect a triple threat though as it seems to be the most logical option right now.
well to be fair if the WWE goes with CM Punk vs Jericho this year I think Randy Orton should challage the Undertaker one last time because ORton is more mature and could carry the match against Undertaker plus he is the biggest star on smackdown and with him feuding with the deadman one last time it would give smackdown some really needed Air time plus how great would this be Rock/Cena, Punk/Jericho WWE title, Miz vs HHH, Orton vs Undertaker, Sheamus vs Barrett vs Bryan world title, MITB,

so for me that would be my card for maina because MIZ could use the rub and having ORton vs Taker again if they built it upo right could actually make the fans belive that Orton has a chance because he is young enough and will be around for quite sometime so theirs always that possible chance he could win, plus I love it when they work together.
I don't give a shit, as long as he's somewhere near the World Heavyweight Championship picture.

The thing is, I don't know if he will be, unless the company plans to launch a "wink of an eye" feud against Daniel Bryan......and man, they would really have to rush that to get Daniel's current problems with Big Show and Mark Henry out of the way in order to start a program with Orton.

Remember, it's later than we think, as far as storylines for WM, at least if the programs are going to be built successfully. Because of his injuries, Randy essentially has nothing going with anyone at this time. Sure, they could do something quick and put him in a match with Mark Henry, over some real or imagined grudge they have against each other. But it wouldn't be a championship match unless they want to quickly give Mark the title just so he can lose it to Randy at WM......but jeez, that would seem totally contrived, no?

Instead, it could wind up that Randy will be fighting near the top of the card, but in a match that has no title implications. If I were to guess whom he might have an interesting match against, the idea of a returning Alberto Del Rio comes to mind, at least for the sake of expediency. Neither one of them has anything going because they've been missing as other feuds have emerged; yet both are main event wrestlers with differences in styles and methods that could make for a top-notch match.
The thing is, I don't know if he will be, unless the company plans to launch a "wink of an eye" feud against Daniel Bryan......and man, they would really have to rush that to get Daniel's current problems with Big Show and Mark Henry out of the way in order to start a program with Orton.

Sally, I believe you're forgetting WWE's annual pay-per-view game changer; Elimination Chamber. Elimination Chamber can be used to spark any kind of feuds and it is to my belief that the entire World Heavyweight Championship picture will change with just one PPV (that is if Orton doesn't win the Rumble). They've done it plenty of times. Like in 2009 when Triple H won the Elimination Chamber and started a feud with Randy Orton on the very next night when Orton attacked Stephanie and Vince I believe. Or in 2010 when Chris Jericho won the Elimination Chamber defeating Undertaker, Edge (Royal Rumble winner) announced after the ppv on Raw that he'll be facing Jericho at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Championship. Elimination Chamber this year is February 19th, Wrestlemania is April 1st; that's six Raws and six Smackdowns to build for Orton/Bryan or Orton vs. whoever is holding the World Heavyweight Championship. It wouldn't feel rushed at all.
I've obsessed over this numerous times but i honestly don't care too much. obviously whatever his match is, it will be one of the best on the card. unless he goes up against the streak, it needs to be for the title preferably against brian or christian.
I think he will square off against Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania, he doesn't need to feud with Barrett.

My reasoning for not wanting to see Barrett/Orton (DB or not) at all is that we have already seen all they have to offer. I don't like Barrett particularly, there is something about him that doesn't appeal to me. Anyway after a Falls Count Anywhere match( or street fight, I can't remember), and a tables match, the only way to go is to another extreme. Wrestlemania has always been known to only go as far as a No holds barred match in terms of stipulations (most not all E.g WM15 HIAC). At Wrestlemania WWE has non-stipulations matches for the most part, and one no DQ variant match. We've seen these 2 tear each other a part and I doubt we will see these 2 interact again at Wrestlemania.

DB/Orton on the other hand is a fresh and a pending killer feud for Wrestlemania. Orton has really grown on me this year, I learned to appreciate his storytelling ability (mostly due to him constantly using them in his feud with Christian) rather than call him boring and repetitive. Pit him against the best technical wrestler (maybe behind Jericho) in the company and you have yourself one Wrestlemania worthy word title match. I don't want to see Show/Henry be involved with Orton or Bryan at Wrestlemania anyway.

The man has worked his ass off all year long, he deserves to face Bryan at Wrestlemania.
I'm not a fan of world title matches being set up one month to Mania. I think they have to be built for atleast a few months if it is a world title match. It gives the match for emotion and fans can understand whats happening and get attracted to the match more. So for Orton to be in the world title match he has to end his feud with Barret and win or come runner up in the rumble. Which is a tough thing to do because even if he does win the Rumble the feud with Barret will still be there so Orton would be focussed on two things which would then defeat the purpose of the perfect build up.

For Barret and Orton to be in a triple threat match at Mania with Daniel Bryan would make no sense and make the championship look worthless because Orton and Barret are fueding and are have no connection with Bryan at this point. So basically the match at Mania would just be about Orton and Barret with Bryan thrown in. That automatically devalues the championship because the focus isn't on the championship on the biggest stage of them all.

So I believe Orton has to face Barret at Mania. It would still make for an awesome feud and that way you can have Bryan actually be remembered as holding the title at Mania rather than having him as a throw in for the sake of it.
Personally the match I want to see Orton involved in is a straight up one on one match for the World Heavyweight Championship against Daniel Bryan. It could very well be what WWE has in the cards for the world title come Mania. Personally I see Bryan holding the title heading into the Grandest Stage Of Them All and for my money it would be the best singles match up possible for world title at Mania. At this point I think we can all agree Orton is set to be involved in the world title match up wether he wins the Rumble or not. So for my predicted/dream card Bryan vs. Orton for the belt is my personal top choice for Mr. O at the big show.

The more I really think more logical instead of matches that I'd like to see for WrestleMania, the more I can totally see a multi-man match up for the world title with Orton involved. Like as some have mentioned a Bryan/Orton/Barrett. Add Henry to that then you have yourself a fatal four-way, but then where does that leave Sheamus? Could we then see the first Scramble match at Mania, not to mention the first match of that kind in three years? Who knows, ultimately WWE creative do and we will see their plans continue to unfold with the culmination of the Royal Rumble which is of course the beginning of the Road to WrestleMania 28.
well if Randy Orton wins the rumble he will most likley face Daniel Bryan for the world heavyweight title I would like to see that but if Orton doesn't win I think he would face Wade Barrett. or like most of you said a triple threat match between Orton/Bryan/Barrett. I dont really care what match he's in as long as he is in WM28 I will be happy we all know he will be on the PPV so whoever he faces I will be happy. I would like him to get the title again.
He's worked too damn hard to be pushed so far down the card on the single biggest show on WWE's calendar.

You're right, and I think his injury (and Mark Henry's) has delayed the development of storylines in the Smackdown brand. Both seem to have returned before they were scheduled to, given the apparent severity of their injuries. The thing is, it's only two months before WM and many of the storylines toward the event are usually well-established by now. They've got to get moving.

Some of the suggested matches for Orton don't seem too exciting. I mean, Randy vs Miz? C'mon now! It might be a good fight, but it's not important for either man...........How about Randy vs. Wade Barrett? That doesn't sound too great either, although the two are presently heavily involved with each other and might be able to raise tensions between now and WM. That suggestion, however, is also part of the problem: how to keep it going between Randy and Wade until WM? That seems like a long time to keep them at each others throats, given there's no particular program that puts them at odds; so far, they're just responding to attacks perpetrated by the other. Something else needs to be added to make it a more personal conflict.

Even if the writers can come up with a program that keeps Randy and Wade on the front burner, it's still not a championship match. Does anyone else see the company putting the title on Wade between now and April so Randy Orton can win it? I don't.

So, what's in store for Orton at WM? Your guess is as good as mine; it's probably a feud that we haven't seen the light of yet.

But time's a-wastin'.
I think Orton should take on Bryan for the World Heavyweight title simply because Orton is the best opponent that Daniel Bryan can have at this point. A victory over Orton can only further Bryan's career and you need a superstar like Orton to face Bryan in order to ensure that Bryan and the World Heavyweight title match does not get lost in the shuffle. Orton vs Bryan has the potential to be a lot like Christian vs Orton and we all know how great a feud that was.
Im expecting Randy Orton and The Miz in an interpromotional match up. We have one each year pretty much, and what better way to get more heat on The Miz then having him beat Orton and Cena at Manias two years in a row. Im expecting Orton to put Miz over at Wrestlemania 28.
I would still like to see Randy Orton Vs Taker...
It seems like the best possible choice...
Taker VS a top star who can put on a good match with him.
I put this match over both a Kane or Triple H match...
This could be career defining match for both men...
And I don't think any other match would have quite the same power as this.
I would still like to see Randy Orton Vs Taker...
It seems like the best possible choice...
Taker VS a top star who can put on a good match with him.
I put this match over both a Kane or Triple H match...
This could be career defining match for both men...
And I don't think any other match would have quite the same power as this.

You may be onto something here. The last time they met at Wrestlemania was what, 6 years ago? A lot has changed. Orton is now a megastar and still relatively young. He would obviously lose but at least he'd be believable as someone who could end the streak. He could do promos about all the champions he's defeated and that the only thing left for him to do is beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
One option for Orton that doesn't seem to have been brought up is Jericho. Storyline-wise the reason Jericho has been away is the punt from Orton. It's not impossible that there could be a big inter-promotional match between the two.
I think Orton will somehow be in the title picture at Wrestlemania. I can't see him having a non-main event match at Wrestlemania. It just doesn't make sense from a business standpoint.

Wrestlemania is supposed to be the showcase of immortals. Randy Orton is the second biggest star in the company behind Cena. While the feud with Barrett is great, it's a subpar match at Wrestlemania. Orton should be involved in the title picture at the biggest event of the year and I think he ultimately will.
I think Orton wins the Elimination Chamber and faces Shamus at WM. They'll want people with star power wearing the titles in Miami, and Daniel doesn't quite measure up. despite the great job he's done so far.

The Apex Pred vs. the Great White will be very marketable.
i think brian retains at EC, but randy gets screwed over somehow, leading to him being involved with the WHC at mania. Christian returns and continues his lobby for one more match. and Sheamus chooses d bri's belt.
fatal four way
There's rumors floating around now that he may be put into the Money In the Bank match at Wrestlemania. I'd view that as a demotion for Orton, as he belongs in the World Heavyweight Championship picture or at the very least in a high profile feud. Where else are they going to put him though? The World Heavyweight Championship scene already has several potential guys to bring into that match such as Christian, Bryan, Barrett, and of course Sheamus if he picks that title. Many people think it will be a triple threat for the World Heavyweight Championship with Orton being thrown into the mix there. That still seems like one of the better options, your top guys should be higher up on the card.

They could have him face Punk again only this time it being for the WWE Championship, but it looks like Punk will be defending against Jericho. WWE may swerve us by making Punk/Jericho a non-title feud and then Orton can go into the WWE Championship scene after Elimination Chamber where he can feud with the likes of Ziggler, Miz, or even Sheamus if he picks that title to go for. Anything can happen in the WWE. I don't know what Orton will be doing at Wrestlemania but when I saw an article stating he may be participating in the Money In the Bank match, I realized he might not have anywhere else to go this year due to the world title scenes already being a bit clogged up with potential contenders unless they do a triple threat for at least one of them. I'm not entirely opposed to Orton being in the MITB match but I'd much rather see him in a world title match. I'm sure I'm not alone in that opinion.
There's rumors floating around now that he may be put into the Money In the Bank match at Wrestlemania. I'd view that as a demotion for Orton, as he belongs in the World Heavyweight Championship picture or at the very least in a high profile feud. Where else are they going to put him though? The World Heavyweight Championship scene already has several potential guys to bring into that match such as Christian, Bryan, Barrett, and of course Sheamus if he picks that title. Many people think it will be a triple threat for the World Heavyweight Championship with Orton being thrown into the mix there. That still seems like one of the better options, your top guys should be higher up on the card.

They could have him face Punk again only this time it being for the WWE Championship, but it looks like Punk will be defending against Jericho. WWE may swerve us by making Punk/Jericho a non-title feud and then Orton can go into the WWE Championship scene after Elimination Chamber where he can feud with the likes of Ziggler, Miz, or even Sheamus if he picks that title to go for. Anything can happen in the WWE. I don't know what Orton will be doing at Wrestlemania but when I saw an article stating he may be participating in the Money In the Bank match, I realized he might not have anywhere else to go this year due to the world title scenes already being a bit clogged up with potential contenders unless they do a triple threat for at least one of them. I'm not entirely opposed to Orton being in the MITB match but I'd much rather see him in a world title match. I'm sure I'm not alone in that opinion.

I love that they're brining back MITB at Wrestlemania but this is not where Orton should be featured. I agree with you that it is a demotion of sorts.

Orton does not need a gimmick to be in the title picture. He will find his way in. The most logical way to do that is have him win the belt at the Elimination Chamber. Sheamus then challenges him and then DB invokes his rematch clause. Triple Threat at WM for the title. If DB retains, I don't see how there's any way they can justify putting Orton in the title match other than if he's in MITB, wins it, and cashes it in.

To add to that, they can continue the Orton-Barrett feud by having Barrett win MITB, then cash it in on Orton after he retains over DB and Sheamus but have Orton be the first champion to ever retain the title on a MITB cash-in.
I see only 2 possible outcomes for Randy Orton: Either he faces Wade Barrett in a stipulation match to culminate that feud or he faces Sheamus and Daniel Bryan in a triple threat World Title match. Orton/Sheamus would have potentially been an option with Orton winning at EC, but I don't see 2 faces squaring off or either of them being turned right now.
Orton has to get back in he title picture. He hasn't held it since September. After all of the people he put over, he deserves it. Orton vs Sheamus was a good feud in 2010, why not try it once more? Orton vs Bryan vs Sheamus vs Barrett at Wrestlemania. Shake it up with an elimination style, maybe?

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