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Randy Orton...3 strikes...and still Playing?

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The Beefiest Legend in all the Land
I did a quick cursory check of the boards, didn't see a topic like this-only one post that vaguely hinted at this.

Randy Orton- 2011 was a banner year for him. He became "the guy" on Smackdown, the SD! Cena. And even though he didn't spend alot of time in the main even scene (which i am THRILLED with), he was still the largest draw on Smackdown.

Fast forward to Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett. A decent feud, with the makings of being THE thing to spring board Wade Barrett Into the main event picture (they really dropped the ball with Wade. :suspic:)

A few weeks into the feud, Orton is thrown down a flight of stairs and is "hurt". WWE took him off TV.


Was it to better the Orton/Barrett Feud? Just so Orton could come back and squash him and end the feud prematurely? No. I don't think so.

Hmmm...Oh, I know! it was to set up Orton as a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble in his hometown of St. Louis, and have him go on to win! Granted, I feared this as the "worse case scenario" but a likely one, given the people who have won rumbles recently have came back from "major" injuries- remember the reports when they first hit that Orton could miss Mania?

But what, oh what, could cause him to miss up to 90 days of action? And instead only miss 30...hmmm.

And then to miss the Elimination Chamber PPV- A huge Main Event PPV payday, likely resulting in the "Era of Orton" returning? A concussion? Highly unlikely.

All of these events could have happened- the seperated shoulder, the concussion. But I have a different theory.

I think Randy Orton had his third strike. And I know i'm not the only one. It was never reported on Wrestlezone, so take it with a grain of salt, but it certainly makes sense. My buddy told me he saw it on another site, and that was the last i heard of it.

It makes perfect sense though. It kept him out almost exactly thirty days, so the WWE rushed to get him back on TV before the Rumble to help the buyrate. After all, he is their "Number 2 face" although I believe Ryder and Punk rank higher than him IMO.

So he rushes back, squashes Barrett to blow off their feud, and save face. Then makes it to the final four in the Rumble, only to be dumped by Jericho. Now, I'm not a Wrestler, but i know there are those in Power who hate Jericho, and are fans of Orton. And yet he was the one to ruin Orton's chances at Mania.

Then he is booked in a weak Weak WEAK Smackdown Elimination Chamber, which it seems obvious that he would win, and yet, missed the PPV entirely. No Vignette, no interference, nothing. He's the "#2 Face" yet WWE can't make time for him, on a PPV with 4 matches, to have a 3 minute interview?

Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.

And if this was, in fact, his 3rd strike, then WWE are keeping this VERY quiet. This "leak" that my friend brought to my attention (which i never saw, by the way) was the ONLY story I heard other than this injury business.

And more importantly, I think this shows the flaw in WWE's Wellness policy. It applies to guys like Evan Bourne who will be shown the door, RVD, who was handed his walking papers, and even a Non-homegrown legend in Booker T, but when you have your "#2 face" get smacked with the third infringement, Nothing happens. He misses out on a couple huge paydays. I bet he'll get by.

On one hand, I understand the situtation. The WWE machine just poured tons of money and time into this guy, including a LENGTHY contract. They made him the #2, (well, tried-CM Punk kinda vaulted himself into that limelight) hell, he was even on the Cover of the Smackdown vs. Raw Franchise "Reboot" WWE 12. What are you going to do? Rip up his contract, and send an established and great young athlete out into the unemployment line? Please. He'd hit "waivers" and TNA would be in his face offering him half of Pennsyltucky, which is owned by the Carter and Jarrett Families, to come and work for them.

But at the same time, the Wellness Policy was put into place to protect the wrestlers and the companies from the horrors of "another Benoit", and early death, period. (Although, all it's really done is find the roid ragers-most of whom we already knew, and weed out the stoners) This Wellness Policy has to hold up against ANYONE who breaks it- top stars included.

If this was, indeed, a wellness violation, the third for Mr. Orton, then the WWE has created a slippery slope here that could spell an end for the company facilitated wellness program, and usher in one of a less...biased source.

Alright. I've given yinz alot to chew on, mull over, and discuss. What do you think? Am i completely wrong, has Randy Orton just been Kennedy'd (or is it Anderson'd) as of late and had terrible timing? Or, is there something more to all of this? If so, then what do you think of what was done, and what should else should be done- if anything?
And then to miss the Elimination Chamber PPV- A huge Main Event PPV payday, likely resulting in the "Era of Orton" returning? A concussion? Highly unlikely.

No, I'll tell you what's unlikely: I'm sitting here typing and a northern reticulated chipmunk walks in. I look at the chipmunk and the chipmunk, well, the chipmunk looks right back at me, piercing my soul with its fierce black eyes. Before I know it, the chipmunk is upon me, ripping and tearing at my arm, slicing through muscle and cartilage and bone. Understandably panicked, I try to type out a call for help but, less than focused, manage to only slap the keyboard with my bloody stump. Tired of my pathetic flailing, the chipmunk snaps my neck and drags me off to his lair, where he has his way with my corpse before devouring it whole. I'd say that's highly unlikely.

A professional athlete sustaining a concussion and then missing an event because of said concussion? Seems pretty likely to me. Anything else is pure conjecture at best. Orton is made of glass after all. Either that or the WWE's done an uncharacteristically good job at disguising his crack habit.
Well put. All the same, despite my overexaggeration, you get the point.

I'm just saying, I don't buy the Concussion angle. At all. Didn't buy the injury angle- at all. And those two angles make no sense if they are tryin to make Orton the face of Smackdown.

But thank you for your input. And your hilarity.
No, I'll tell you what's unlikely: I'm sitting here typing and a northern reticulated chipmunk walks in. I look at the chipmunk and the chipmunk, well, the chipmunk looks right back at me, piercing my soul with its fierce black eyes. Before I know it, the chipmunk is upon me, ripping and tearing at my arm, slicing through muscle and cartilage and bone. Understandably panicked, I try to type out a call for help but, less than focused, manage to only slap the keyboard with my bloody stump. Tired of my pathetic flailing, the chipmunk snaps my neck and drags me off to his lair, where he has his way with my corpse before devouring it whole. I'd say that's highly unlikely.

A professional athlete sustaining a concussion and then missing an event because of said concussion? Seems pretty likely to me. Anything else is pure conjecture at best. Orton is made of glass after all. Either that or the WWE's done an uncharacteristically good job at disguising his crack habit.

i couldn't stop laughing at this. hilarious. as for Orton, the "injury angle" was to further the story line between him and Barrett. nothing more. the Concussion is most likely REAL. Concussion can be serious buisness. people believe repeated brain trauma(concussion) is what caused Beniot to do what he did.

As science gets better we get a better understanding of what they do to the to the brain. Awhile back Mr. Anderson missed a bunch of time with TNA because he had one he was gone like what 2 months.
I am 99percent sure this is a concussion for Randy and not strike three of the Welness policy
We're doing this again. If this business can't keep a secret on the comings and goings of wrestlers and the backstage talk and politics, what makes any sane person believe that they can keep a secret of a failed drug test. WWE still has so many enemies,those enemies would pay top dollar for information that a top star failed a test and it was covered up just to ruin WWE.
I was one of the guys who thought this could have happened... I for one still think it's a remote possibility as the "injury" caused by Barrett went from months to weeks, perhaps they were waiting on a B test which then came back clear, which often takes a few weeks.

I dislike Orton intensely and would not be too sad if he got canned but I wouldn't say he is alone in "Kennedy'ing" at the moment... Safety on the whole seems to have taken a drop lately, and I wouldn't be shocked if guys are having to overcompensate for HD by working stiffer, which will inevitably lead to more botches and injuries. To conclude, I think the stair angle was suspect, but the concussion is likely genuine... but... Truth took a worse bump than Orton did...
Christopher however you say his name said he spoke to him about his concussion so seems along assed way to go, to go with a cover story. The company, is a publically listed company, if they were found out withholding this information, it would be a public relations, and stock crashing nightmare for them, not to mention calls from investors for Vince himself to step down.

You're looking way too hard for this. Plus, as for the whole 'saw it on another site thing' I once read that stephanie had a gang bag when she was 14 and Vince walked in on her and Macho man, and that's why he was fired.....

My point, don't believe everything you read. News of Bourne, Truth, etc, etc over the years leaked out so easily. Plus, Orton has enough enemies in the business for all the people he stepped on back in the day on his way to the top, someone, anyone, who got a sniff of this would be on the phone to Meltzer quicker then you can say 'stock shed 50% today'

The wellness policy is in place, so that things like concussions are handled in a serious manner. IE TAKING TIME OFF. I'm not drinking the WWE wellness policy cool aid by any means, but, come on, you're reaching.

Anyway, I am off to read about that stephanie gang bang some more.
Because he has a long contract and he's a company favorite. It's not just favoritism that leads to guys lower on the card to getting released under similar circumstances. They aren't as established and haven't proven that they're worth the same exceptions Orton gets.
I'm with the OP. When the timeline kept changing on Randy's first return, my husband finally started to see it my way and believe Randy was really suspended. Yes, WWE is supposed to be giving out that info and they're supposed to be accountable to the stockholders. The McMahons are THE stockholders! Last I checked, over 75% of the stock belonged to them. Back to the topic. I think we all understand why WWE doesn't get rid of Randy $$$ wise and storyline wise as OP said he's #2 behind Cena and is supposed to be the face of Smackdown.

I've always hated when people have said this, but life isn't fair. Some guys walk around WWE tv roided up and we never hear their names called for the wellness policy, while some we would not even have guessed get called on it, not once but twice.

I love Randy and always have, but in the end this is really not doing anyone any favors by WWE not punishing him. It just makes him even more of a spoiled child with no boundaries. If the plan is for him to sit out his suspension in quiet, then let him do that and we not continuously watch replays of what supposedly caused an injury and keep talking about it. Then when he comes back, we can give him another chance at his storyline just like we do with others.
I also think that this is his 3rd strike, but probably not because of roids or something like that. There´s rumours about Orton smoking pot, so he probably tested positive for that fake pot, like Heath Slater, Evan Bourne and R-Truth.But i do believe that the concussion is true, but i don´t believe the injury during the Barret feud.
I was at raw when he reportedly had his "Concussion" and I must of been looking for AJ because i didn't see nothing, I love the botched RKO where Show fell but Orton stood and i went back to watch it on TV and loved how they still said he hit the RKO lol. Back to the angle, I hope they give Randy something to help him, what he is doing, Coke, or other things is more important then him wrestling at mania if he keeps doing it. He has a little girl and wife that he needs to take care of and that should be his #1 priority
If the WWE was going to cover up his third strike, I don't understand why they would pull him out of a PPV match heavily lacking star power.

Even if he got a third strike, I think they would have still let him compete in the match before releasing him, as he was already advertised and would have been a big part of the show.
This is an interesting thread and the OP raised some interesting points.

I want to give Randy and the WWE the benefit of the doubt but when you lay it out like this, it does kinda smell fishy.

The thing is, as unfair as this is, it's a business and the rules are not applied evenly. Orton is the WWE's hottest commodity behind Cena and slightly ahead of CM Punk. There's no way they'd let Randy go for violating the wellness policy. Hell, it wouldn't even surprise me if they told him when the tests are.

He and Cena are probably the only regulars that are untouchable in terms of the wellness policy. Part Timers like Trips, Undertaker, even The Rock probably don't get tested at all and if they do, they are probably told when the tests will be.

This is a business and you have to protect your money-makers, it's that simple. Some guys are irreplaceable.
Sometimes it's easier to just check my brain at the door and veg out to whatever form of stupidity they dreamt up this week.

My theory on Orton's recent troubles is that he fucked up his leg after Show botched in their last match, and they're letting Daniel Bryan take heat from the crowd for it.
We're getting ahead of ourselves. Well, rather, you're getting ahead of yourselves. There is no evidence that Orton has been taking illegal substances - none whatsoever. This is sheer conjecture.

Orton's taking some time off. WWE says he's injured. If you're going to pull something out of your ass, make it something a little less pedestrian than a drug addiction. Randy Orton, quite plainly, is a werewolf. Notice anything about his absences? That's right - they all take place during a full moon. I bet they would have fired Evan Bourne if he were a werewolf. Kofi Kingston's constantly held down because of his vampirism. Typical bullshit WWE favouritism.

I wonder why Rey Mysterio's really off. Probably a serial killer.
The issue is that Congress is off WWE's back right now... they are regularly suspending talent and going "beyond" what they need to in terms of substances. Yes if they got caught out it would be extremely serious, as they would have breached what shareholders they have's trust... but those who buy into WWE buy into Vince making decisions. They know his past...

I don't think anyone is "untouchable" in terms of wellness, I am pretty certain Cena's "month off" was a 30 day suspension, but the only part of their policy they are violating is the announcing publicly. The enforced rehab side of things I think Orton had to do previously after the bullying accusations and 2nd suspension.

We have to be careful, Orton is innocent till proven guilty, what it would take is a WWE stockholder to request the info to prove either way, which I doubt many would do or Vince could veto.

WWE is probably on a sticky wicket legally with the mandatory releasing on the 3rd strike anyways. Most disciplinary procedures allow misconduct to be wiped from your record after a set time. So while it could be his 3rd strike, if he hasn't breached for a long time one strike or both could have been removed. but again it all comes down to that famous thing...they aren't employees... WWE just chooses not to book you anymore, they can set their own standards at any time.
Orton is made of glass after all. Either that or the WWE's done an uncharacteristically good job at disguising his crack habit.

Glass seems too firm. I remember when Orton had just come off the injured shoulder and they had him and Batista throw Goldust into an electric box, Orton and Batista went on the injured list and Goldie kept going. He injured his foot I think, something very homosexual anyway.
Seriously though ya'll. Check YouTube for the botch and look at Orton's leg bend like a crazy straw during it, afterward he went to the ropes and held his leg. They finished the spot correctly immediately afterward, but Orton rolled out of the ring pretty quick after Daniel did his part.
Honestly, it's a plausible idea OP. And to be honest, he could have hit that 3rd strike long ago. I do believe that it's a possibility, but like many of us have already said: Orton has been a bit injury prone in recent years, so its possible. Even if it is true, I think WWE really has no other choice but to cover it up. Their a bit lacking on star power, and plus there is a lot of money invested in Orton. Is it fair? Not completely, but its good for business.
I heard Orton is actually Batman, and, he got hurt by the joker....ok I will stop, but, I am with other people, this is just people making shit up, and like i said before, Orton, and the WWE have so many freaken enemies, that, there is no way, no chance in hell of this being swept under the rug. And, not to mention the business stand point. Once again, they are a PUBLICALLY LISTED COMPANY. If you mislead shareholders, you can lose you positons, you can be convicted of serious crimes. Does Vince n Co really wanna risk cripling the compant, and facing god knows what kinda federal penalties because of some guy who can't keep it in his needle?

Crazy thread is crazy/
We're getting ahead of ourselves. Well, rather, you're getting ahead of yourselves. There is no evidence that Orton has been taking illegal substances - none whatsoever. This is sheer conjecture.

Orton's taking some time off. WWE says he's injured. If you're going to pull something out of your ass, make it something a little less pedestrian than a drug addiction. Randy Orton, quite plainly, is a werewolf. Notice anything about his absences? That's right - they all take place during a full moon. I bet they would have fired Evan Bourne if he were a werewolf. Kofi Kingston's constantly held down because of his vampirism. Typical bullshit WWE favouritism.

I wonder why Rey Mysterio's really off. Probably a serial killer.

Rey Mysterio is going to be revealed to be the inspiration for Dexter.

I think Randy is taking off to pursue his dreams of becoming a Vegas showgirl. It's convention season in the spring and he'd get maximum exposure during that time.


He's actually hurt and playing it safe. Concussions ain't nuthin to fuck wit.
This WWE is covering up failed test is the equivalent of OJ looking for the real killer(s), the Benoit conspiracy, Savage and Stephanie and the birther movement. Translation= Get back to me when you have hardcore evidence that can stand up in court against the WWE lawyers.

Oh wait you have none then SHHHHHHHHH!
I heard Orton is actually Batman, and, he got hurt by the joker....ok I will stop, but, I am with other people, this is just people making shit up, and like i said before, Orton, and the WWE have so many freaken enemies, that, there is no way, no chance in hell of this being swept under the rug. And, not to mention the business stand point. Once again, they are a PUBLICALLY LISTED COMPANY. If you mislead shareholders, you can lose you positons, you can be convicted of serious crimes. Does Vince n Co really wanna risk cripling the compant, and facing god knows what kinda federal penalties because of some guy who can't keep it in his needle?

Crazy thread is crazy/

Policies and guidelines can change in these companies daily, again only Shareholders are entitled to be kept in the loop and vote on serious amendments. They don't have to publish every amendment and on the whole WWE does more than NFL and NBA. It would take a majority of the non-McMahon shareholders to force disclosure or cause problems (highly unlikely) and IF it ever came out they had lied then they would simply say that they chose at a previous point to remove a strike or it was a "minor breach that did not merit termination" like many other sports do. Privacy law would cover them not releasing the info.

It is a long shot... but it's not by any stretch impossible. Kane and Show took time off, that was clearly to prolong their careers but Cena inexplicably taking a month off, Orton doing the same? there is enough to be a teeny bit suspicious.

Make no mistake, NO one is irreplaceable... They nuked Bret and RVD, 2 of their most popular of the time, with the belts... they survived.
Another conspiracy theory thread. I believe he only failed once. If you watch his DVD he talks about his drug use. And how he got help and cleaned up his life when his daughter was born. So I doubt he failed a wellness test.
Another conspiracy theory thread. I believe he only failed once. If you watch his DVD he talks about his drug use. And how he got help and cleaned up his life when his daughter was born. So I doubt he failed a wellness test.

He's actually got two strikes against him...

An interesting stance by the OP... my gut reaction is to call it a flat out conspiracy theory and to laugh it off, but there's one thing that makes me almost agree with him...

Randy Orton, as of right now, does not have a WrestleMania match which is weird considering his place in the company... Cena, Rock, Punk, Jericho, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show, and Cody Rhodes have all had WrestleMania matches set for them (some unofficially) it's like they've started to book it with an intentional exclusion of Randy Orton...

The only other guys with any name recognition who haven't been booked are all either on the injury list (for months), or in the doghouse.
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