Randy Orton: 2009, 2010, or 2011?


Legend Killer
Well Randy Orton is in his prime right now, and he's had some very good matches and rivalries from 2009-now. I'm asking though, which year: 2009, 2010, or 2011 has been in the year of the viper? I'm pretty much gonna have to go with 2009. He won the Royal Rumble and main-evented Wrestlemania. On top of that, he won the WWE Championship three different times. He had an interesting and personal feud with Triple H. Following that, he "took out" Batista. Then (in my opinion) he had an awesome rivalry with John Cena, which concluded in a 60 minute, anything goes, Iron Man match, one of the best I'd ever seen. But after losing the title, he feuded with Kofi. He finished his year by reigning supreme over Kofi at T.L.C. But that's only my opinion. What do you guys think?
Well, my personal favourite was the 2010. He had a slow face turn which started by kicking Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase and concluded when he face them both in Wrestlemania and won (that's a match I'd like to see more 1 or 2 times at least with one of them). And then the run for the WWE Title, that was awesome too. He faced Sheamus 2 or 3 times and finally won the title at Night of Champions and at this time he was an established face and everywhere he would go the crowd would go crazy. Then all those things with the Nexus and Wade Barrett with John Cena involved too, that was just great, specially because he confronted John Cena and both were faces. To end it, he lost the title to The Miz because of the money in the bank deal, sad, but still an awesome year for Randy.

Honestly, I do agree that the 2009 year brought him more accomplishments, but I prefer the 2010 because of the major face turn.
How about randy orton in 2004? The legend killer, the third generation superstar, member of evolution who had one of the most successful IC title reign in history and have become youngest world champion in history. The guy was on a roll defeating all the strong midcarders and legend, he was pushed properly featuring in storylines against goldberg and rock and sock, and most of all he started from bottom to the top, he was not sholved into ppl face.

Because of his association with evolution, it gave him that extra boost to his charisma and arrogant.

The guy was a fresh of breath of air because back then there wasnt really a young upper you can look up to cheer for besides cena.

I find ortons viper gimmick is boring, stale and theres not much he can work with that character perhaps he is stuck being a face. Perhaps thats the reason why it hinders his promo skill because of his dark character. Of course no superstar can stay with particular gimmick for a long period of time because it will get stale. I understand he needs to evolve to this viper gimmick. At the same time i think orton should try to do something out of his viper gimmick.
2009: Orton had promise with the storyline with HHH and then WM happened and it plummeted. People still thought Orton should have won which amuses me. They tried to tell us that Orton/HHH was an epic feud but the matches sucked. Went on to face Cena in some average matches and it never clicked for me.

2010: All I remember from him is a match with Sheamus and Barrett here and there. Moving on.

2011: This was his best year. He had great matches with Punk, Henry, Rhodes, and Christian. He helped elevate most of the guys on Smackdown and I remotely had an interest in him for the first time in a long time.
Let's see Orton and his ventures in those three years shall we:

2009: After wining the Royal Rumble he went on to have a genius and innovative feud with Triple H, which culminated in a rather lackluster match are Wrestlemania. From there on the slop opened up and he began to go downhill. After a mediocre feud with Batista he moved on to do the same with Cena (excluding the Iron mac match). Technically speaking career wise it was a decent year for him, his 'Emotional Intelligence Disorder" going into Wrestlemania as well as his immolation of the McMahon family got him even more over. Speaking from a fan was it extremely enjoyable for me? The first quarter of the year was but his character grew weary on me by the end of the year.

2010: Cody and Ted betrayed him and he turned face. That was a major career turning point for him as his blunder of a 2004 face fun had kept him heel for almost 5 years. Of course he got over with the audience quickly, thus gaining a top spot in the company as a face. He went on to have a decent feud with Sheamus, and a terrible feud with Barrett (in my opinion). Turning face and getting a big reaction is something many wrestlers dream off when planning to breakthrough and though Orton had done that a while before this solidified him as a company man. He was mildly entertaining to me the whole year, very consistent but never groundbreaking.

2011: My pick here as this when I enjoyed him the most. A great feud with Punk, Christian, and Mark Henry definitely "upped the anti" for him. Hell he even managed to work with Barrett to have a good match (I despised their 2010 matches). He didn't do anything much different than before but it was the right circumstances that came through for him. A feud with a season veteran? Check. A feud with an upcoming star? check. A feud with a vastly improved long time superstar? Check. Everything fell into place for Orton here, as a result for me it was the best year for him in the past 4 years.
I'd have to go with 2011 Orton, sure he main evented Mania in 09 and won the royal rumble but that's not what's most important. In 2011 Orton gave us some of the best matches we've ever seen with in his matches with Punk, Henry, Barrett and most importantly his incredible feud with Christian. 2011 was his best performance year and an amazing one at that, not to mention 2 world heavyweight championship reigns. 2009 was a big year for him but he didn't give us the same incredible matches as in 2011 and 2010 was not a very big year for him in any way. This last year easily is his best out of the 3, expect 2012 to be a good one too.
I preferably enjoyed Orton when he first was slowly turning face and then enjoyed him when he basically was seen as a full face but still had that heel attitude to him that he was a face but not pampering with the fans as he is now. He seemed more like a cold hearted snake then and he still does sometimes now but i don't know i don't like Orton near as much as i used to
This was a tough onoe nice thread. I think im gonna go with 2009.
Like the reasons stated above he had great rivalries. The ricaly with Triple H was fantastic. I remember this was the year I really started to Love Orton when everyone hated him. Then he would even finish off the the year with a suprisingly outstanding rivalry with Kofi. So i would have to go with 2009 As his my favorite.
2011: This is the year Randy Orton finally made me a fan; a huge one at that. Randy Orton put on matches that were some of the years finest including what I believe the Over the Limit match which should have held number the two spot on WWE's Match of the Year only behind Cena and Punk's match at Summerslam. Randy Orton always had a problem to me; stepping out of John Cena's shadow. Moving to Smackdown gave Orton the opportunity to be the top dog within a brand's roster. He stepped away from the star studded Raw and shined truly on his own. Smackdown is Orton's perfect fit. Who would've thunk it?

No year has Orton had more phenomenal but still consistently great matches than 2011. I don't care about World Title wins, Royal Rumble wins, or moving up in the card; 2011 was the year Orton made me a huge fan of his craft. He took his character, displayed personality, and proved to all his naysayers that he does indeed know how to wrestle. No matter the style of his opponents, he meshed well and it takes true talent to be able to pull that off. To be honest, Orton shot up to my top three favorite Superstars within the company. No one within the WWE roster had a more impressive year than Mr. Orton in 2011.
I haven`t liked Orton`s character since he turned face, because he is a natural heel.IMO. So I would have to go with 2009 as his most recent best year. I liked the storyline between the game and orton for Mania 25 but the actual match sucked and I think Orton should have won. If ever Orton was going to be made the next Austin, with the do what I want to attitude and the snake comparrison, it was at Mania 25. But of course WWE had to ruin it and let Vince`s Son in law win the mania event, again.
I've gotta go with 2009 Orton. He was on fire after winning the Rumble with his Wrestlemania feud against Triple H. Attacking the members of the McMahon family provided him with enormous momentum. We all know Trips won in the end and that many argue Orton should have won. Then he won a month later and held the WWE Championship the entire summer dominating Raw. He also had the feud with Cena where they traded the belt back and forth a bit, leading up to the Iron Man match at Bragging Rights! The two top guys of WWE going at it for several shows in a row was cool to see.

Second place goes to 2011. It didn't start off as great as 2009 did, but things got pretty good for The Viper halfway through the year once he got moved over to Smackdown to be its new top face and he began his feud with Christian! They stole the show at numerous PPV's and was definitely Orton's best in-ring work. 2010 doesn't stand out as much as 2009 or 2011 for me. Orton had the match against Legacy at Wrestlemania and then did nothing relevant other than winning the the WWE Championship in the fall, but even when he did it was more about Cena's "firing" and Barrett than Orton himself.

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