Random Ponderings II.

One to Remember

Championship Contender
This is the second installment of my series "Random Ponderings" were I just discuss whatever is on my mind in regards to wrestling. Everything from major issues to the minute and trivial. Here we go...

1. What is the pont of Jarrett wearing that damn godawful looking AAA Heavyweight championship belt if he barely defends it, doesnt make reference to it at all on tv, and it plays no role in any storylines at this point?

2. Am I the only one that hates the Big Show's ring attire? I mean it seems like since day one in the WWF he just cant find an out fit that looks right on him.. I liked the Tarzan strap, shorts combo the best i guess..

3. Kofi Kingston has got the worst most asymetrical six pack on the whole roster. It looks like his abs got spit out of a blinder and just landed were they landed..

4. Is there absolutely no viability in Angle getting a hair transplant..? He just looks so busted these days..

5. Is anyone else annoyed by how wrestlers just drop the belt or scoop it a few feet accross the mat or throw it down? I have seen Henry do this quite a few times and it makes him look like a disrespectful meat head..

6. Why was the top piece of the WCW belt bent for like 3 years in the late '90s and am i the only one that noticed it?

7. Wade Barrett's new grey trunks make him look like hes in his underwear..

8. Has the Viper reached the point were he feels like the situation is to series to sport the jungle green or the orange trunks anymore..?

9. Trips and Nash are going to have a ladder match were they fight each other until one can get a sledge hammers suspended on a line above the ring..? if the guy your up against is so wore out that he let you climb up 12 stairs to reach a sledge hammer is there really much need for one at that point?

10. I had noticed Booker T's twitter was Booker T 5× or something to that affect and I am wondering if thats why hes gone back to sayings hes a Five time WCW World heavyweight champion? Overal hes a six time heavyweight champ so I am thinking just adding the WCW part allows him to use his catch phrase accurately but is it worth it if it shorts him his WWE World heavyweight title?

11. I am glad Dolph Ziggler finally just went with the trunks but what was the point of getting short shorts short enough to be trunks anyways then spending half the match trying to pull them back out..?
This is the second installment of my series "Random Ponderings" were I just discuss whatever is on my mind in regards to wrestling. Everything from major issues to the minute and trivial. Here we go...
Sounds like a fun idea.
1. What is the pont of Jarrett wearing that damn godawful looking AAA Heavyweight championship belt if he barely defends it, doesnt make reference to it at all on tv, and it plays no role in any storylines at this point?
I cannot answer this one. I see no reasoning why Jarrett is wearing the belt. I would say that he's promoting AAA just by wearing the belt but it doesn’t even say AAA anymore. So I have no clue what's going on there.
2. Am I the only one that hates the Big Show's ring attire? I mean it seems like since day one in the WWF he just cant find an out fit that looks right on him.. I liked the Tarzan strap, shorts combo the best i guess.

So true. I always think about this. Why couldn't they put something Mark Henry-esque on Big Show? Mark Henry's ring gear is awesome and that's a rarity for a big man in the WWE. Big Show just screams boring to me at times and that is often linked to his attire.
3. Kofi Kingston has got the worst most asymetrical six pack on the whole roster. It looks like his abs got spit out of a blinder and just landed were they landed..
Never noticed. It doesn't matter too much anyways.
4. Is there absolutely no viability in Angle getting a hair transplant..? He just looks so busted these days..
Again, no real problem here. Although I wish he'd either cut it or dye it, it does make him look like a veteran on the TNA roster.
5. Is anyone else annoyed by how wrestlers just drop the belt or scoop it a few feet accross the mat or throw it down? I have seen Henry do this quite a few times and it makes him look like a disrespectful meat head..
Yup. I hate that. CM Punk seems to do it a lot as well. I noticed a couple of weeks ago, he threw his belt down. After beating down whoever he was beating down, he asked "where's is my belt?"
6. Why was the top piece of the WCW belt bent for like 3 years in the late '90s and am i the only one that noticed it?
Never noticed.
7. Wade Barrett's new grey trunks make him look like hes in his underwear..

k. I hate the way his tights look. Grey just seems like a stupid color to go with as the rest of his attire is black.
8. Has the Viper reached the point were he feels like the situation is to series to sport the jungle green or the orange trunks anymore..?
It wouldn't fit his character to wear something other than black. Green and orange are vibrant colors and Randy Orton is too serious for that.
9. Trips and Nash are going to have a ladder match were they fight each other until one can get a sledge hammers suspended on a line above the ring..? if the guy your up against is so wore out that he let you climb up 12 stairs to reach a sledge hammer is there really much need for one at that point?
Nash took Triple H out for a good while. That feud was meant to be personal. Even if you're opponent was down and out, I'm sure Nash or Triple H wouldn't have hesitated to hit eachother while they’re down.
10. I had noticed Booker T's twitter was Booker T 5× or something to that affect and I am wondering if thats why hes gone back to sayings hes a Five time WCW World heavyweight champion? Overal hes a six time heavyweight champ so I am thinking just adding the WCW part allows him to use his catch phrase accurately but is it worth it if it shorts him his WWE World heavyweight title?
I noticed that. But Booker has become known as the five time, five time, five time champion. He’s been saying it for years. It wouldn't make sense to go back on it now.
11. I am glad Dolph Ziggler finally just went with the trunks but what was the point of getting short shorts short enough to be trunks anyways then spending half the match trying to pull them back out..?
I have no idea.
it makes him look like a veteran in a good or bad way? hes only 42 but hes not to rinkly so i wouldnt mine the dark brown hair coming back. to me it makes it seem like TNA couldnt have gotten Angle in his prime or something..

I never knew AAA's titles were so cheap and generic. I hear their light heavyweight, welterweight, and middleweight divisions are more prestigious so maybe they look better?

The aqua green trunks just had the tribal symbols colored not the majority so i think those could pass if Orton wore those.

As far as Book is concerned why even give him a WWE WHC title if the flow of a catchphrase was going to take precedence over him aknowledging his title reign and his sixth heavyweight title reign OVERALL? Its weird because no one encouraged Perfect to call himself a former AWA World champion or Steamboat to call himself a former NWA World champion yet then we have Big Show calling himself the first guy to capture the ECW, WCW, and WWF titles yet he was heard claiming the belt Henry held was the WCW belt he held c. 1995!!!
Wade Barrett's new grey trunks make him look like hes in his underwear.

Yeah, but he's looking terrific. For a while, he seemed to be letting the tone of his midsection get away from him. But, either in anticipation of wearing his new Speed-o, or in his desire to measure up to his new attire, he's tightened up. Gives a sleek look that makes him look more dangerous. Goes well with his mega-push. (And yes, if he's going clean over Randy Orton, he's in the midst of a mega-push).

I am glad Dolph Ziggler finally just went with the trunks but what was the point of getting short shorts short enough to be trunks anyways then spending half the match trying to pull them back out..?

Probably in anticipation of his new finisher, the "Wedgie Buster." Sounds devastating, no?

Just noticed that the two ponderings I responded to have to do with ring attire worn by wrestlers. Shows where my head is at, I guess.:shrug:
To answer no. 9

In a way you are right. But with Nash taking down triple h like he did on Raw, it wouldn't make sense for trips to just beat nash with a pinfall.

He would rather take the sledgehammer and beat the crap out of him!! And that's what he did!
I never knew AAA's titles were so cheap and generic. I hear their light heavyweight, welterweight, and middleweight divisions are more prestigious so maybe they look better?

Big difference here. TNA doesn't even recognize it as the AAA Championship so I see even less reason for Jeff Jarrett to carry the title around.
The aqua green trunks just had the tribal symbols colored not the majority so i think those could pass if Orton wore those.
I remember the green trunks looking awfully light and vibrant. I just don't think it would fit his character.
As far as Book is concerned why even give him a WWE WHC title if the flow of a catchphrase was going to take precedence over him acknowledging his title reign and his sixth heavyweight title reign OVERALL? Its weird because no one encouraged Perfect to call himself a former AWA World champion or Steamboat to call himself a former NWA World champion yet then we have Big Show calling himself the first guy to capture the ECW, WCW, and WWF titles yet he was heard claiming the belt Henry held was the WCW belt he held c. 1995!!!
I have no idea why he still labels himself as a former 5-time champion. I guess 6-time, 6-time, 6-time champion still has a ring to it?
Yeah, but he's looking terrific. For a while, he seemed to be letting the tone of his midsection get away from him. But, either in anticipation of wearing his new Speed-o, or in his desire to measure up to his new attire, he's tightened up. Gives a sleek look that makes him look more dangerous.
LMAO. He doesnt look flabby. Non flabbiness does not equal definition though. He looks pretty plain. i wish he would work on his arms.

Probably in anticipation of his new finisher, the "Wedgie Buster." Sounds devastating, no?
Sounds like the death nail to a stagnating career.. :disappointed:
Just noticed that the two ponderings I responded to have to do with ring attire worn by wrestlers. Shows where my head is at, I guess.:shrug:

if everyone has their head in the gutter, can it trully be considered the gutter..? :shrug:

To answer no. 9

In a way you are right. But with Nash taking down triple h like he did on Raw, it wouldn't make sense for trips to just beat nash with a pinfall.

He would rather take the sledgehammer and beat the crap out of him!! And that's what he did!

Its ******ed though because its still a hammer and you never wield it the way they do in real life.. u hammer it, not pushed it into someones dome.. it makes me wonder if a person could take a sledge hammerto the head in real life. im sorry the introduction of the sledgehammer into wrestling was a bad idea period. it would had been like ECW replacing all its kendo sticks with aluminum bats..


Big difference here. TNA doesn't even recognize it as the AAA Championship so I see even less reason for Jeff Jarrett to carry the title around.
figured there might be but is that one of its lighter weight divisons or is that an alternate AAA Heavyweight title? I guess Jarrett just needed a belt to feel important. I guess I can't blame himthough. He was WCW World champion, NWA heavyweight champion, WWF Intercontinental, European heavyweight champion. The first "Eurocontinental" champ i believe. WWF Tag team champion, WCW U.S. champion, World Wrestling ALL-Atars World champ. We never mention it though.
I remember the green trunks looking awfully light and vibrant. I just don't think it would fit his character.
I may have seen the inverted version then. They were Black but the designs and name were in jungle green. He wore them like 3 weeks ago.
I have no idea why he still labels himself as a former 5-time champion. I guess 6-time, 6-time, 6-time champion still has a ring to it?
I mean thats it. The catch phrase. I am saying isnt it ******ed to not speak of a title reign just to make a catch phrase sound more catchy? six time six time doesnt roll off the tongue s smooth plus hes only got five fingers for the hand gesture. The last time i saw a guy with six fingures on one hand he was on America's Most Wanted gunning people down in gangland style muggings lol.

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