Rafael De La Noche

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Wrestlers Name: Rafael Lobos
Wrestler's Gimmick Name: Rafael De La Noche
Wrestlers Nickname: El Matador of Excellence
Height: 6'3
Weight: 102.27 Kgs (225 Lbs)
Hometown: Ávila, Spain
Billed From: Madrid, Spain
-----------Hair color/length: Long black hair, shoulder length.
-----------Eye color: Grey, but comes off as blue
-----------Facial Hair: soft haired beard
-----------Ring Attire: Black trunks with pink branch desgins on it. Black boots that reach Knee length with pink stains on them.
-----------Backstage Attire: Dark straight leg jeans, grey striped dress shirt, with sunglasses. Hair in ponytail.
-----------Physical Features:
Alignment(Face, Tweener, Heel): Heel

Gimmick: Spaniard indy legend defending his title in the US

Strength: Thanks to his height and weight, Rafael is moderately powerful and uses this to his advantage. When his foe is smaller then him in size or weight, he will attempt to overpower them. Coming from a school not as known or as full of talent as others. Rafael had to learn and pick up things while he wrestled in the indy circut. Because of not knowing what to do during certin moves often early in his career, Rafael had to learn a lot through trial and error. After many years in the indy circut, Rafael has become a very technically sound wrestler. Since being in the indy circut at a young age, Rafael has quite a bit of wrestling experiance on him, thus making him aware of most tricks in the book, and using them to his advantage.
- Relatively Powerful
- Good Awarness
- Is not above cheating

-Rafael isn't the most pain tolerant wrestler.
-Gets overconfident and cocky.
-Is not skilled at high flying

Trained By: Small wrestling school in Madrid, mostly self taught.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Having started wrestling at the young age of 15, Rafael has been through many battles in his seemingly long indy career, and because of that is a popular and well known name in the Spain wreslting scene, and a self proclaimed “Indy Legend”. Before the peak of his indy career, Remy captured the NSA(National Spain Allaince) World heavyweight championship in the biggest territory wrestling promotion in Spain. He successfully defended his title across the most prominent promotions in Spain for a good two years. Albeit not always through fair means. With competition running low, and the wrestling scene in Spain dying down. Remy has decided instead of vacating his title, he will take it across the sea, to America. In where he looks to build his, and his titles legacy over at WZCW.

Entrance Music: Helloween- Power

Entrance description: Waits for the guitar solo at the beginning to end. As soon as the first lyric hits, walk's with just his wrestling gear and title around his waist. Goes directly down the ramp, but takes his time to get to the ring. While hes walking down the ramp to the ring he makes no eye contact with the crowd, but when he hears boo's. He stops and pretends to breathe it all in. Once in the ring, he goes to the top turnbuckle with his title still on his waist, and stands there for a good few seconds for all to see. While he's doing this he looks over the crowd with a smug face. Before he gets off the turnbuckle, he makes sure to take a bow.

Finishers: Nike’s Gift (Small Package Driver)
15 Most used moves:
Turnbuckle Powerbomb
Spinning back fist
Half Nelson Backbreaker
Camel clutch
Low Blow
Eye poke
Sitout rear mat slam
Drop toehold to turnbuckle
European Uppercut
Tiburon (Double knee backbreaker/backcracker/backstabber}

Sample RP:

*We see Becky in the WZCW parking lot with the Camera zoomed in on her*

Becky : Hello everyone. My guest at this hour via request is none other then WZCW prospect, Rafael De La Noche.

*Camera zooms out from Becky, and now Rafael can be seen in a striped black dress shirt, sunglasses, and his NSA WHC over his shoulder.*

Becky: Mr. Noche why did…

Rafael : Just call me Rafael

Becky: Rafael then, why did you request this interview?

Rafael: I just wanted to introduce myself to my soon to be immensely popular fanbase here in the states.

Becky: Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself?

Rafael : Not at all, unlike most other prospects I actually bring something to the table. I am a legend in my country, and the current holder of the most prestigious title in Spain, the NSA WHC. It’s safe to say no one who’s currently interested in joining has a resume like mines. And because of this, I will probably be handed a contract immediately at the negotiations.

Becky : Um.. You are aware new talents have to go through a battle royal to earn a contract right?

Rafael : O please Stephanie..

Becky: It’s Becky.

Rafael : Yes, Becky. Why would such a well known and popular talent like myself have to abide by such WZCW methods of doing things. I am better then any of the new batch of wrestlers coming into WZCW. Just look at the title over my shoulder for proof. WZCW should be glad I chose them as my home, and because of this they will honor me with a contract right off the bat.

Becky : Yeah, whatever. Anything else you would like to add o great one? *Sarcastic tone*

Rafael : Ah, such a short time in this country and already I’m being called great. Marvelous. No, No
Becky that is all. I have to get going for my meeting with WZCW, I bid you farewell.
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