Racism > Homophobia > Sexism


Shawn Michaels ❤
Here are 3 things, supposedly completely unacceptable in todays society. These 3 things are apparently being eradicated from the world as we speak. However, I don't think anyone will deny this isn't the truth. Yes, all 3 have declined recently, but all 3 are still out there, some more than others.

However, if I showed an ounce of racism I'd be punished more than if I openly expressed I was sexist. If I use a word remotely racist, I'm an outcast worse than if I said I hated homosexuality. On this forum, if I showed racist tendencies I'd be banned. However homophobic remarks are simply infracted. And I'm not even sure if there is a rule on sexism.

My question is why? All 3 of these discriminate people for differences they can't help. All 3 affect a huge majority of people. If anything, sexism is the worst as it affects more people. Sexism, Racism and homphobia have all led to people being opressed for what they are. So why is racism seen as awful when the others are almost accepted in comparison?
I think that racism is looked at as the worse of the 3 because of this. If someone is sexist, it could mean that they show favour to a specific gender. The results, though, don't have to be harsh. It could just mean giving a higher mark on a test or first dubs on something. Of course there are harsh cases, but sexism can be a mild thing. For homosexuality, people could just not be a fan of the lifestyle choice, but still like the person who is homosexual. They respect the person, but not their choice.

For racism, I believe it is different. If you hate someone because of colour, background, or ethnicity, it shows that you hate that person because of who they are. You hate the way those people live, the way they look, the way they act, and just in general look down at them because they don't look like you. It is very easy to hide being sexist or homophobic because you can still like the person, just not their life-style choice. But for racism, you hate the person because of their appearance. If your racist, you can't hate people of different races and still be friends with one of them, but if you were sexist you could have guy or girl friends and if you don't like homosexuals you could still have a friend that was homosexual and you like them because of other quallities.

Just my opinion.
I think that racism is looked at as the worse of the 3 because of this. If someone is sexist, it could mean that they show favour to a specific gender. The results, though, don't have to be harsh. It could just mean giving a higher mark on a test or first dubs on something.

Could racism not happen in the same way? All racism doesn't have to be going around killing people of a different race.

Of course there are harsh cases, but sexism can be a mild thing. For homosexuality, people could just not be a fan of the lifestyle choice, but still like the person who is homosexual. They respect the person, but not their choice.

Arguably, homosexuality is not a choice, but something you are born as, as you're born female, or black.

For racism, I believe it is different. If you hate someone because of colour, background, or ethnicity, it shows that you hate that person because of who they are.

Could the same not be said for homophobia or sexism?

You hate the way those people live, the way they look, the way they act, and just in general look down at them because they don't look like you.

See above.

It is very easy to hide being sexist or homophobic because you can still like the person, just not their life-style choice.

How is being female a life choice? You're born that way.

But for racism, you hate the person because of their appearance.


If your racist, you can't hate people of different races and still be friends with one of them,

Not true.

but if you were sexist you could have guy or girl friends and if you don't like homosexuals you could still have a friend that was homosexual and you like them because of other quallities.

Just my opinion.

Once again, could the same not be said for all 3?
I was just thinking about this the other day. In the United States (among other countries as well) racism is slowly being eradicated, why? Because its pointless. Most religions (especially western religions) teach that all men are created equal, regardless of color. That coupled with the laws of the state that say that racism is intolerable, racism is slowly disappearing. My attitude towards racism is that if the church says its wrong and the state say its wrong then people that still practice it are truly ignorant. Thats probably one reason why some people get so worked up about it, because the beliefs surrounding racism are pointless.

Sexism IMO is much harder to control because of customs. While sexism may be unacceptable in western cultures, in places such as the Middle East and Africa, sexism is just part of the culture, The women of those countries don't have the same opportunities as some of the other women in the world because of the laws of their culture. Sexism is an issue of the state, most religions don't teach the place of a woman in society. Most religions give women the same freedom as men.

Homophobia is an issue of the state vs the church, therefore it will always have conflicting views. Even if the state or laws of a country allow Gay Marriage, the population that were raised in the church and have a strong religious views will always believe that gay marriage is wrong because most religions teach that Gay Marriage is an abomination.

To reiterate, racism is mostly pointless because in most areas of the world both the laws of a country and religion state that all men were created equal and that no one race of man is superior to another.

Sexism is an issue of the state or law of a country. In some countries (like most western countries) sexism is intolerable because women are given the same opportunities and rights within the state as men. While in other countries (like middle eastern countries) women are treated as being less than men because it is apart of their countries customs and laws.

Gay marriage is an issue of the state vs the church. While the state or law of a country may tolerate and legalize gay marriage, the church will still oppress it because many religions teach that gay marriage is wrong.
racism is hated more because it's been around a lot longer and then there is the whole slavery issue that has to be taken into account. If a person is in any way racist then they are precieved to be pro-slavery. This isn't the case with most people but there are people that will say that if you show any racism then you don't care that an entire race of people were slaves for over 200 years.

I personally think that all three of them are horrible and should be dome a way with in todays society. A black person can do just as well as a white person, a gay man can do just as well as a straight man and a woman can do just as well as a man. All three of them are useless and the fact that people still feel this way just hows how much the world has to go to get true equality.
racism is hated more because it's been around a lot longer and then there is the whole slavery issue that has to be taken into account. If a person is in any way racist then they are precieved to be pro-slavery. This isn't the case with most people but there are people that will say that if you show any racism then you don't care that an entire race of people were slaves for over 200 years.

I'm not racist, but I think people should get over the whole slavery thing. Like, now. It annoys me that people go on about it constantly when speaking about black people. It came up in the N word thread as well. Yes, it's sad it happened, but as I said then it's not the people alive today that did that. I've even heard it be used as an excuse for certain things; saying the N word being one of them. They don't even know the people that were slaves. But because they were also black it's okay to use it as an excuse. It's not. Just because black people were slaves, and women and homosexuals never were, does not mean racism should be seen as worse.

I personally think that all three of them are horrible and should be dome a way with in todays society. A black person can do just as well as a white person, a gay man can do just as well as a straight man and a woman can do just as well as a man. All three of them are useless and the fact that people still feel this way just hows how much the world has to go to get true equality.

racism is hated more because it's been around a lot longer and then there is the whole slavery issue that has to be taken into account. If a person is in any way racist then they are precieved to be pro-slavery. This isn't the case with most people but there are people that will say that if you show any racism then you don't care that an entire race of people were slaves for over 200 years.

I personally think that all three of them are horrible and should be dome a way with in todays society. A black person can do just as well as a white person, a gay man can do just as well as a straight man and a woman can do just as well as a man. All three of them are useless and the fact that people still feel this way just hows how much the world has to go to get true equality.

But it won't happen though, a country can make laws preventing racism, they can make laws to give women the same rights as men, but issues like gay marriage (and abortion and capital punishment for that matter) where it is the laws of the state or country vs the laws of the church, people will always split and you will never reach an even ground. Because even if the state or country legalizes one of these issues the church will always be their to defy that law because it goes against the teachings of their religion. What makes it worse is that in many countries the state and the church are looked as equal entities, so unless you have a country where the law of the country tops the law of the church (or vice versa) issues like gay marriage will never really be solved.
I'm not racist, but I think people should get over the whole slavery thing. Like, now. It annoys me that people go on about it constantly when speaking about black people. It came up in the N word thread as well. Yes, it's sad it happened, but as I said then it's not the people alive today that did that. I've even heard it be used as an excuse for certain things; saying the N word being one of them. They don't even know the people that were slaves. But because they were also black it's okay to use it as an excuse. It's not.
True but people are still going to bring it up and it doesn't matter that no one alive was around when there were slaves. The hardcore people against racism are going to do and say whatever they can to get people on there side and if that means they have to talk about slavery and how bad it was then that's what they are going to do it.

Just because black people were slaves, and women and homosexuals never were, does not mean racism should be seen as worse.
I agree but some people will argue that Women and homosexuals weren't taken from there home and forced to work as slaves. Like i said before i don't in anyway condone any three of these things but that is how a lot of people would argue that racism is worse.
HBK-aholic said:
My question is why? All 3 of these discriminate people for differences they can't help. All 3 affect a huge majority of people. If anything, sexism is the worst as it affects more people. Sexism, Racism and homphobia have all led to people being opressed for what they are. So why is racism seen as awful when the others are almost accepted in comparison?

The answer is pretty obvious to me. Racism is usually regarded as the worst of the three because it's been such an obvious part of our culture for a very long period of time.

I think it's hypocritical to say that it's wrong for racism to be seen as the worst and then turn around and say that sexism is probably the worst of the three. All three are wrong and horrific in their own ways, and while we can debate which of the three have had the worst affects on people, I don't think it's right to debate which is the "worst" in terms of how wrong or immoral it is.

Flames Out
The answer is pretty obvious to me. Racism is usually regarded as the worst of the three because it's been such an obvious part of our culture for a very long period of time.

So has sexism. Extremely obvious.

I think it's hypocritical to say that it's wrong for racism to be seen as the worst and then turn around and say that sexism is probably the worst of the three.

I didn't mean to come across as if sexism was worse, as I think all are as bad as each other. I just mean that people can't say racism affects more people, because it doesn't.
So has sexism. Extremely obvious.

Well, let me define what I meant by "obvious." I think it's affected the largest amount of people over a long period of time and it's also influenced some of the most important and volatile parts of recent history (as in the past couple of centuries).

I would think this is how people would perceive it. And I'm going strictly by American history because I don't know nearly enough about world history to use it as an example, but racism here has been one of the causes of a war (though not the main cause), it's been the cause of riots, lynching, segregation, and so much more. In comparison you have sexism in American history and I don't think it's caused nearly as much violence or destruction. I think the most violent thing I've ever heard of relating directly to sexism is the Suffrage movement ran by Alice Paul when women were sent to jail, force-fed, and beaten while trying to fight for the right to vote.

I didn't mean to come across as if sexism was worse, as I think all are as bad as each other. I just mean that people can't say racism affects more people, because it doesn't.

They can, and I think I addressed that above.

Flames Out

Flames Out
Well, let me define what I meant by "obvious." I think it's affected the largest amount of people over a long period of time and it's also influenced some of the most important and volatile parts of recent history (as in the past couple of centuries).

I would think this is how people would perceive it. And I'm going strictly by American history because I don't know nearly enough about world history to use it as an example, but racism here has been one of the causes of a war (though not the main cause), it's been the cause of riots, lynching, segregation, and so much more. In comparison you have sexism in American history and I don't think it's caused nearly as much violence or destruction. I think the most violent thing I've ever heard of relating directly to sexism is the Suffrage movement ran by Alice Paul when women were sent to jail, force-fed, and beaten while trying to fight for the right to vote.

Oh well then those women had it easy didn't they? Silly me, thinking they had the right to the vote, without having to go through all that. Some women even died in it. I'm not saying racism isn't awful, because it is. But I don't see how someone can say one is worse than the other, when they have the same affect on people.

Furthermore, in some countries it's fine to rape women. Fine for men to beat their wives. Rape during marriage isn't an issue. BEcause apparently it doesn't exist. Women aren't allowed to work, or do anything for themselves. They're the proerty of their husbands. So while racism may have been the 'worst' in the past, it certainly isn't now.
Sexism and Racism is kinda silly in my opinion. People will naturally have feelings against people that are different then them, tha'ts just how people are. People can't help the way they are born though. You have no choice in being born with a particular pigmentation to your skin, or a choice to be born with a penis or a vagina. Most of the problems with Racism and Sexism mainly lies with the culture that people are born into.

A person growing up in an Aryan Nation compound pretty much has no chance at being an open minded individual, but does that make that person a racist? I don't think so. It goes back to the entire nature vs. nurture argument.

Now I can see homophobia as being more acceptable. As a person with a scientific background myself, you can clearly under stand why people don't accept. Personally I don't care if people are a certain way, it's there life. However, scientifically speaking, homosexuality goes against basic instincts and survival. The purpose of life is to ensure your genetic traits survive to the next generation, and due to obvious reasons, that doesn't happen in that lifestyle.
This is an interesting topic. I never thought about it before but it does seem like if someone either on a forum or in real life were to call someone either a racial/gay slur they would usually be condemend for it, but if someone was to make a rude remark to a female it is not treated as seriously. The only reason why this maybe is because women are really not in the "minority" like blacks/gays so people may not see it as discrimination.
There are two reasons why your initial assertion rings true. Blacks were held in slavery. Homosexuals have been killed for being gay. And in America, beyond the Salem With Trials (which were terrible) there is no historical evidence of women being treated as badly. Therefore, society as a whole is more apologetic to the two other groups than they are to women.

Secondly, the outrage is not a natural reaction. The reaction has been conditioned because Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, GLAAD, and the City of San Francisco are more erudite in the defense of their causes than the NOW. The women's movement turned militant, and stayed that way, pushing for benefits, instead of equality. Gay rights groups want the same right to marry, civil rights groups have pushed for the same right to drive down the street without being arrested and the same access to jobs. Women's rights groups however, want every referense to "mankind" changed to "womankind" and examples that flow. Women only health spas, female only clothing stores, the right to whip a breast out and feed a baby in public. The faces of the civil rights movement are eloquent speakers who beg for equality. The faces of the women's movement resemble Marcy Darcy (Married....with children); militant lesbians who want to feminize society instead of make the world equal for all. Therefore, the women's movement has hampered women's ability to gain independence, equality, and respect, whereas the civil rights movement and the gay rights activism have acquired several gains in their causes throughout time.
I don't understand why people would be racist.

Does it matter that someone's skin is a different colour to your own? Or that another person has a different accent? I don't really think so. A lot of my friends are asian and at my school there is no racism. There is no real reason to be racist, so this is why racism is considered the worst out of the three.

I don't understand why people would be sexist either. Men and women are good at different things, and some women may be good at things they're not supposed to be good at and vice versa. Maybe because the women portrayed in magazines and newspapers seem feminine, men may think that they are better than them and this could cause sexism. I can not understand people who are racist or sexist, as these people could be the same as them; same personality, same hobbys etc.

I understand why people would be homophobic though. For some people, it is strange and different to what they are used to. To some people, it could be against their religion. There are many different reasons why people would be homophobic. But I don't mind. If you love someone, then why does it matter who they are? It shouldn't. It does not matter who you are with, as long as you are happy.
racism is hated more because it's been around a lot longer and then there is the whole slavery issue that has to be taken into account. If a person is in any way racist then they are precieved to be pro-slavery. This isn't the case with most people but there are people that will say that if you show any racism then you don't care that an entire race of people were slaves for over 200 years.

I personally think that all three of them are horrible and should be dome a way with in todays society. A black person can do just as well as a white person, a gay man can do just as well as a straight man and a woman can do just as well as a man. All three of them are useless and the fact that people still feel this way just hows how much the world has to go to get true equality.

Been around alot longer? Please correct me if i'm wrong but black people wern't the only slaves. Many indian men and wemon slaved under the tynary of the english people over 300 years ago. You could also say that people in egypt were slaves to the british empire. The ascwan (sp please) dam was built in egypt, by egyptians, for the british. They did give it back but still. And what about the jews like 5000 years ago getting used by the egyptians lets not forget that.

Personally I don't see racisim or homophobia getting eraced anytime soon. If it would be out of the three sexisim would go first. With the tide of new western culture moving to the middle east and places abroad. Its only time before the barriers break.

Homophobia is another issue tho. Unless the churches openly embrace gays. I don't see it ending anytime soon. And I also never see the churches embracing gays and lesbians. Lets face it the church will allways have a grasp over at least half of the worlds population. They have for thousands of years. And I see it continuing into the future.

Racisim is slowely going away in the us. But other countrys it will never stop. Its not just blacks aganst whites. Or germans aganst jews. Its all races aganst all other races. White , black , chinese, japanese, jews,everyone. It will never stop in my mind. This world is just to filled with hate.
The way these things are viewed is very messed up, like people have said they can all be as bad as each other but reacism is viewed as being the worse of the 3.

The whole slavery issue is something that i too think people need to shut the fuck up about, no offence to anyone just that in this day and age its something that doesnt effect us (except for poor countries im sure) and yes it was terrible but can you (people who use this argument) give me an example of how it has effected you or someone you knows life? NO you cant because it happened hundereds of years ago.

We shouldnt pretend it didnt happen but at some point people need to let go and try and just get on with their lives, not worry about something that has no bearing on their life.

I actually had a fellow student (when i was in secondary school) say to his friend in front of me "I hate white people, enslaving my people"!!!! WTF

All forms of abuse when it comes to peoples lifestyle choices or aspects of their appearance should be treated the same, something that wont be tollerated. At work a friend of mine had to make a complaint about a fellow collegue calling him fat and so on. Now the thing is his manager knew about this and even spoke to the offending person at least twice about it (she even walked out in 1 meeting) and yet didnt do anything about it.

Now if instead of the women calling him fat she insulted him about being black how long do you think she would have had her job for? Also take into account that we work for the Home Office, and yet nothing was done about it!

My personal view on this sort of thing is there more of a fuss you make of something the more people will side against you, as in you keep going on about people discriminating against you for certain aspects people will end up hating you because of that aspect. Of couse people should complain if they feel they are being treated differently but when you have poeple on crusades it just ends up annoying people and i think is counter productive.
Why is it that when racism is brought up, slavery and black people are brought up. Hate to break it to you, but racism effects everybody, every race, everyone. You can be racist agianst african americans, caucasion, hispanic, asians, Indains, middle easterns, the list goes on. And those are just the main races, then you break them down, in Asian, you have, Chineese (sp), Korean, etc. In hispanic you have Peurtoricans (sp), Mexicans, etc. It effects everyone, not just blacks.

I'm not racist, but I think people should get over the whole slavery thing. .

And to say forget slavery is like saying forget your past, your history. Why would you want to do that. Im not saying use slavery as an excuse for things but I think that's hipocrytical to say to forget it. If you were to have a older sister, 3 months before you were born, I killed her and got away with it. Would you just forget about your sister. If I killed your father, would you just forget about that? If 1 of your family members were in the Sept. 11 attachs, and lost their life, would you just forget that? If your brother was wrongfully convicted, and tortured until he talked about nothing he knew, and the you the people who wrongfully convicted him, would you just forget that. You want to forget history, okay so what woman were beaten in the past and raped in stuff in the jails, it wasn't people who's alive now that did it, so just let it go. Does it work that way too?

Oh well then those women had it easy didn't they? Silly me, thinking they had the right to the vote, without having to go through all that. Some women even died in it.
Furthermore, in some countries it's fine to rape women. Fine for men to beat their wives. Rape during marriage isn't an issue. BEcause apparently it doesn't exist. Women aren't allowed to work, or do anything for themselves. They're the proerty of their husbands. .

So, that's in the past right? So why don't we just forget that.

I think it's hypocritical to say that it's wrong for racism to be seen as the worst and then turn around and say that sexism is probably the worst of the three. All three are wrong and horrific in their own ways
Flames Out

I couldn't agree more.

. If anything, sexism is the worst as it affects more people.

. But I don't see how someone can say one is worse than the other, when they have the same affect on people.

Care to elaborate, because im confused on this.
Why is it that when racism is brought up, slavery and black people are brought up. Hate to break it to you, but racism effects everybody, every race, everyone. You can be racist agianst african americans, caucasion, hispanic, asians, Indains, middle easterns, the list goes on. And those are just the main races, then you break them down, in Asian, you have, Chineese (sp), Korean, etc. In hispanic you have Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, etc. It effects everyone, not just blacks.
Because when your in the US and talking about racism the enslavement of African Americans is the first ting that comes into mind. Are they the only people in this country who experience racism on a daily basis? No but they are the only group of people in American history who were slaves for over 200 years. When ever the subject of Racism is brought up people will ALWAYS bring up slavery to go along with it. People do this because slavery was a big part of our history and it will take a very long time for it to be erased completely if it ever will be.
Because when your in the US and talking about racism the enslavement of African Americans is the first ting that comes into mind. Are they the only people in this country who experience racism on a daily basis? No but they are the only group of people in American history who were slaves for over 200 years. When ever the subject of Racism is brought up people will ALWAYS bring up slavery to go along with it. People do this because slavery was a big part of our history and it will take a very long time for it to be erased completely if it ever will be.

Im not saying erase it and forget it, im just saying that when talking about rascism, nobody brings up other races.

I didn't mean to come across as if sexism was worse, as I think all are as bad as each other. I just mean that people can't say racism affects more people, because it doesn't.

I mean statements like that. Racism effects everybodys. The Entire world. No one is safe from racism because if you're a different race, you can be subject to racism. I know that slavery is the first thing that comes to mind but all everyone is just saying is points about slavery but not other types of slavery.

I personally think that all three of them are horrible and should be dome a way with in todays society. A black person can do just as well as a white person, a gay man can do just as well as a straight man and a woman can do just as well as a man. All three of them are useless and the fact that people still feel this way just hows how much the world has to go to get true equality.

^^^^ And that brought a tear to my eye.
Why is it that when racism is brought up, slavery and black people are brought up.

My point exactly.

And to say forget slavery is like saying forget your past, your history.

But no one alive today was a slave.

Why would you want to do that. Im not saying use slavery as an excuse for things but I think that's hipocrytical to say to forget it.

Why hypocritical?

If you were to have a older sister, 3 months before you were born, I killed her and got away with it. Would you just forget about your sister. If I killed your father, would you just forget about that? If 1 of your family members were in the Sept. 11 attachs, and lost their life, would you just forget that? If your brother was wrongfully convicted, and tortured until he talked about nothing he knew, and the you the people who wrongfully convicted him, would you just forget that.

And tell me how many people alive today are that closely related to the people who were slaves?

You want to forget history, okay so what woman were beaten in the past and raped in stuff in the jails, it wasn't people who's alive now that did it, so just let it go. Does it work that way too?

So, that's in the past right? So why don't we just forget that.

If the slavery argument is dropped, there's no need for things like that to come up.

Care to elaborate, because im confused on this.

People say racism is worse because it affected so many people. Sexism is descrimination against HALF the worlds population. Personally, I think neither is worse. But when people use the argument racism affects more people, I can just as easily use that argument.
But no one alive today was a slave..

Yes, no one alive today is a salve, but thats still history. People today are obvisouly still effected by the past, by slavery or we woudn't have any racism/discrimination. There wouldn't be places not hiring me because im black. There wouldn't be seperations in school with "the blacks over here and the whites over here." There wouldn't be the KKK. There wouldn't be white people getting mad because I like/want to date their daughter. There would'nt be black people jumping a white guy because its fun/cool. No, nobody today is a slave, but people are still affeted by it today. That's how some people were raised.

Why hypocritical?

That was a bad choice of words on my part.

And tell me how many people alive today are that closely related to the people who were slaves?

Agin, like I said before, people may not be closely related today, but the stuff that happened in the past have affected people today. Look above.

If the slavery argument is dropped, there's no need for things like that to come up.

I'm just using that as an example. If you say forget about slavery then why not just forget about what woman went thru.

People say racism is worse because it affected so many people. Sexism is descrimination against HALF the worlds population. Personally, I think neither is worse. But when people use the argument racism affects more people, I can just as easily use that argument.

Okay true sexism does effect half of the population. Racism however effects ALL races. If you are of a different race, you can be subject to racism. That's EVERYBODY. As I said in the previous post.

Hate to break it to you, but racism effects everybody, every race, everyone. You can be racist agianst african americans, caucasion, hispanic, asians, Indains, middle easterns, the list goes on. And those are just the main races, then you break them down, in Asian, you have, Chineese (sp), Korean, etc. In hispanic you have Peurtoricans (sp), Mexicans, etc. It effects everyone, not just blacks.

I'm black, I can be racist against whites, asians, hispanics, etc. A Hipanic could be racist agaisnt blacks, whites, Indians. Big Bird could be racist agaisnt whites, blacks, and pokemon. FACT, If you are of different race, you can be subject to racism.
But the fact of the matter is, people use the "Well we were slaves" argument for too much. I'm not saying it should be written out of the history books, or that people shouldn't be taught about it. But it shouldn't come up all the time. When discussing people being allowed to say the N Word, people said it was okay for only black people to say it because they were slaves at one point. This is what I'm against. I mean, can I use "Well, women were raped" as an excuse for anything now? I apologise for the confusion, but my point is that it needs to be forgotten about and not used as an excuse, rather than we should pretend it never happened.

The only time I bring up any argument reguarding what women have been through in the past, is when arguments such as the slavery one come up, or when people say they've had it easy in history. If this stopped, then so would those counter arguments.

As for ewveryone can be racist, well then I suppose everyone can be sexist. I'm sure there is examples of women being sexist towards men. However I was going for the overall, general terms.
But the fact of the matter is, people use the "Well we were slaves" argument for too much. I'm not saying it should be written out of the history books, or that people shouldn't be taught about it. But it shouldn't come up all the time. When discussing people being allowed to say the N Word, people said it was okay for only black people to say it because they were slaves at one point. This is what I'm against. I mean, can I use "Well, women were raped" as an excuse for anything now? I apologise for the confusion, but my point is that it needs to be forgotten about and not used as an excuse, rather than we should pretend it never happened.

Okay, yes I agree with that about people using it as an excuse for things.

As for ewveryone can be racist, well then I suppose everyone can be sexist. I'm sure there is examples of women being sexist towards men. However I was going for the overall, general terms.

Yes, but you have a higher probability of more people being racist than sexist. You don't see many females being sexist toward men. Hell, I don't see/hear that much sexism with the men toward woman unless its degrading them. As for rasicm. It's here, it's there, it's everywhere. Like I said Every1 is at risk being subject to racism. So, im not saying racism is worst, im saying that there is more racism than sexism in the world, seeing as though if your a different race, you can be subject to it.

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