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R Truth


Occasional Pre-Show
So back i 2006 i tuned in to my first epasode of TNA to c Christen debue there. and i rembere thinking none of these guys could make it in WWE. Then i saw Ron the Throuth killngs. singing his whts up song and thinking this guy could. now fast forward to his time in wwe not impressive by any means but ok. then his heel turn. wow his shit was great.funny but u could belive n him as a legit threat to cena and little jimmy. i loved it. freash somthing differnt. then it just ended. now he is a face and he still better than most. so y did he never make it. now i dont belive he should ME WM or even b wwe champ. but i would much rather c him as WHC than ADR. at lest he can b entertaning. i think WWE messed up with this guy. he could have been so much more. what r u thoughts?
He was in WWE long before he was ever in TNA bro. Also, really not trying to be rude but your post was very hard to read.

Back to R-Truth, while he may never be inducted into the WWE HOF, he should be inducted into some form of a wrestling hall of fame. He is a very decorated champion and was the FIRST AND ONLY african american NWA world heavyweight champion.

Most won't see that accomplishment as much but I certainly do. Truth has pretty much had a decent career with highs and lows. I believe he will stay in the comedy midcard status because he that is where is most valued at.

He can be a serious heel but yeah, i guarantee he made more money, had more fun, as happy go lucky/class clown R-Truth
ya i no my stuff hard to read writing on cell phone and my spelling and grammer suck i apolagie. when was he n wwe before tna refresh my memory if u dont mind. and to say agin his heel run was so funny and freash i just loved it. but i agree u r prob right he will stay happy go lucky lower mid card face tho i belive it a wast
In the WWE he was never really taken seriously. He had that match with Cena/Rock but that was it. I get the feeling that they always felt he was a mid-carder at best.

To be fair to Truth, he can be pretty funny and entertaining. Some of his work on the mic is fantastic. He can just switch it on. Little Jimmy and Conspiracies were just some of the things that helped to make R-Truth entertaining. He is also decent in the ring.

I've never been a huge fan of Truth but when he is a comedy figure, I think he is the best the WWE have. Truth, more so than Santino or Hornswoggle, can make me laugh and that is a plus point.

That is, however, R-Truths limit in an organisation such as the WWE. Yes, he can put on a good match. Yes, he can make people laugh but he doesn't have enough to be a sustained top face or heel.
ya i no my stuff hard to read writing on cell phone and my spelling and grammer suck i apolagie. when was he n wwe before tna refresh my memory if u dont mind. and to say agin his heel run was so funny and freash i just loved it. but i agree u r prob right he will stay happy go lucky lower mid card face tho i belive it a wast

He had a run in WWE in the early 00's as K-Kwik, he teamed with Road Dogg and was even a member of DX for one night when members of DX reunited and teamed with Truth to take on The Radicalz. After that he was in the hardcore division then disappeared into doing house shows and dark matches and he was damn near Yoshi Tatsu status during the invasion and then eventually released
The thing about Truth is that because of his gimmick, and the way he is over with the fans using that gimmick, it means that there's very little other options for him to use should the audiences start to get tired of his act. We've all seen his heel turn, and whilst it may've been entertaining, there was no way he was ever going to be WWE Champion, as there was never really that moment where you would be able to believe he could beat people like Cena.

He's fine where he is. He's good on the mic, his gimmick is entertaining, appeals to a younger audience which is something the WWE is big on, and isn't bad in the ring.

There's far worse places to be than a mid-carder in WWE.
I think that Truth MIGHT have been someone that could have been in the upper mid-card in WWE at one point. IF there was a time, however, it's long gone by now. Even when Truth was back in WWE during the early 2000s as K-Kwik, he had the rapper gimmick going. True, he didn't do all that much, if any, comedy associated with it, but that gimmick doesn't have any real lasting power whether there's comedy involved or not.

I think WWE's best shot with Truth turned heel back in April 2011. His heel turn on his then friend & partner, John Morrison, was well done and was something we hadn't seen from Truth. For a while, he was darker, downright malevolent at times. This was the first time I've ever found Truth interesting, but I'm guessing that the powers that be didn't see long term potential for Truth as a serious heel. Otherwise, I don't think they'd have changed the "Little Jimmy" aspect of Truth's rants against the young fans who love Cena into an imaginary friend. That's not to say that Truth wasn't genuinely funny with the gimmick at times, I laughed my ass off with Daniel Bryan delivered a big punt to "Little Jimmy" that knocked him over the top rope. The crowd was into the whole thing, booing and "oooohhhhhing" after Bryan did it. Truth also displayed some genuinely great promo ability during that same time period.

I don't know if Truth could have sustained that level of interest as a darker heel character or not. As I said, I don't believe that WWE officials saw it as having long term success and that's why it was changed.
Sadly enough, in WWE there is a such thing nowadays as someone who just doesn't have the "look". R-Truth by WWE standards doesn't have the "look". Pound for Pound, he just might be the most overall entertaining and athletically gifted athlete on the roster. But, Truth doesn't have that poster image. This is in no way that I'm saying he has a bad look. I could care less about that! But, in a PG publicly traded company, god forbid the Dark skinned black man with "urban gear and hairstyle", southern drawl represent the "machine"!!!

I look at someone like Miz and wonder how the f**k did he ever become a WWE champion? He's a far less talent than Truth. He is not over as a face and the heat he draws as a heel is more from people being annoyed with him than from being a good heel...but he's a good PR guy.

Alberto Del Rio has -5 charisma, but he's allowed to be champ because he draws a certain minority audience. There are tons more less deserving than Truth, but they either have a look or WWE uses them in some networking capacity that can be used to generate more money...after all, "That's what's best for business", right? Outside of being skill-full and damn entertaining, I don't think WWE can see anything beyond that with R-Truth.

We've seen with Daniel Bryan recently that it doesn't matter who is super over with the audience, the WWE is going to push whom they deem is more suited for their agenda. The fans got behind Bryan because of his great in-ring work ethic and catchy phrase. They handpicked their own star and WWE did more to destroy his image in the last four months than helping it and humbled him back to the top of the mid-card. So, it doesn't matter what Truth does or has done, he's not their guy and for him and others like him, it's a shame...:icon_cry:
He's black. That's the problem. WWE has shat on all their black wrestlers. Booker T had moderate success but was jobbed out by Triple H at WrestleMania and shoved down the midcard for the rest of his career, until a sudden comedic gimmick change, a short World title run, and then back to the midcard.

It's sad but that's what WWE does to black guys. Even if they get moderate success with interesting heel characters, WWE goes ahead and turns them face and makes them into smiling idiots who don't do anything but job in the midcard (see MVP, R-Truth, Mark Henry, etc.)

Until WWE actually pushes a black guy for real (And I'm talking about a true chocolate colored black man, not The Rock), I will always blame them for holding all these guys back. R-Truth could have been a top heel. MVP should have been main eventing PPVs. Shelton Benjamin should have won one of those MitB matches he did. Booker T should have beaten Triple H for the World title. Kofi Kingston should have beaten Randy Orton and moved up the card. Bobby Lashley should have beaten Cena. ET-CETERA.
Summer of 2011 when Truth faced Cena for the WWE Championship is the furthest up the card we will ever see him get. He had his chance and he did not deliver. The WHAT'S UP rap gimmick got very old very quickly. At least when he changed to the Little Jimmy character he got funny. Could he be taken seriously as a threat to the world title? Not.... really.... Has he had an entertaining run though? Sure, the last couple of years have been the ones I have enjoyed the most as far as he's concerned. Truth has been hilarious ever since his heel turn in 2011 when he began ranting about Little Jimmy and spiders. The Awesome Truth was also an enjoyable team. Then there's when he won the giant pennies with Kofi as the unofficially named Air Truth team. I'd take this R-Truth over the WHAT'S UP rapper or anything he did during his initial run.

WWE is using him just fine in the role he is in. Will he ever hold the WWE Championship? Quite doubtful. He challenged Cena for it 2 years ago and lost, at least he got a title shot. Truth has a funny character that can provide funny moments and he is able to put on decent matches. He's more entertaining than a number of names on the roster. WWE did not mess up with him. He's already made it farther than I thought he would. However, they made the right choice in not making him defeat Cena and not having held a world title. That should only be reserved for the best the federation has to offer. Truth never was part of that group and never will be.
He's black. That's the problem. WWE has shat on all their black wrestlers. Booker T had moderate success but was jobbed out by Triple H at WrestleMania and shoved down the midcard for the rest of his career, until a sudden comedic gimmick change, a short World title run, and then back to the midcard.

It's sad but that's what WWE does to black guys. Even if they get moderate success with interesting heel characters, WWE goes ahead and turns them face and makes them into smiling idiots who don't do anything but job in the midcard (see MVP, R-Truth, Mark Henry, etc.)

Until WWE actually pushes a black guy for real (And I'm talking about a true chocolate colored black man, not The Rock), I will always blame them for holding all these guys back. R-Truth could have been a top heel. MVP should have been main eventing PPVs. Shelton Benjamin should have won one of those MitB matches he did. Booker T should have beaten Triple H for the World title. Kofi Kingston should have beaten Randy Orton and moved up the card. Bobby Lashley should have beaten Cena. ET-CETERA.

I know a lot of people reading this will probably assume that you're as crazy as R-Truth during his 2011 Conspiracy Theory angle but to a large degree, I think you're right. The proof is that non-black guys that do not generate as much PPV money as solid main eventers (Like CM Punk and ADR) have been pushed to the main event. Meanwhile, black characters who were very over at the time, have a better physical build than those guys, and have solid character gimmicks, were given only screen-time and then pushed back down to jobber status or thrown into the Tag Team scene until either being written off of TV or given a lengthy hiatus.

People can use the excuse that these black wrestlers are just mid-card material, but we've seen plenty of non-black mid-card wrestlers trickle into the main event. Some of them stay there and most of them don't. But see how guys like The Miz and Alberto Del Rio have gotten "lucky" in the past? Notice how that never happens to the more talented black wrestlers who not only have had periods of being over with the crowd, but also have solid gimmicks or are far more respected. If Y2J, Mysterio, Edge, Jeff Hardy, and Big Show have held the WWE championship, it really makes no sense that Mark Henry has not ONCE gotten it. And if Daniel Bryan is loved for his "YES!" chants and being good in the ring, it doesn't make sense why he got into the WWE championship scene and WON the title while Kingston has stayed in the company for years, has been over w/ the crowd, been respected, got people to chant "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" yet never even made it to the main event title scene once. It's not a physical size issue because Kingston's taller. Both are only passable-to-OK on the mic. Both are fun to watch in the ring and are athletic.

Given the amount of undoubtedly (visually speaking) black wrestlers who never find that level of success, I definitely think the decision to not push black wrestlers to the main event is at the very least an "image thing" with the company.
i didnt think this would b so much about race. i dont c race ppl tell me im white and i belive them becuse i live n western oklahoma and dont speak spanish.lol to all u that say trouth is only mid card materail i ask wich would u rather c on smackdown the 2011 crazy trouth out to get litle jimmy or ADR as champ? did any one say ADR kinda doughtfull. and i always read Vence wanted a black champioun. im just sayen
i didnt think this would b so much about race. i dont c race ppl tell me im white and i belive them becuse i live n western oklahoma and dont speak spanish.lol to all u that say trouth is only mid card materail i ask wich would u rather c on smackdown the 2011 crazy trouth out to get litle jimmy or ADR as champ? did any one say ADR kinda doughtfull. and i always read Vence wanted a black champioun. im just sayen

If Vince wanted a black champion, he would get a black champion. He could have easily pushed Booker T, Mark Henry, MVP, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, D'Lo Brown, Faaroq, Elijah Burke, etc. All of them had at least 1 main event program in them. But he didn't want to. He decided to shove them all down to the midcard and let them sulk by jobbing to the up-and-coming white guys. That's the lay of the land in WWE.

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