R.I.P Trent Acid


Dark Match Winner
This came out of nowhere, Johnny Kashmere confirmed it on his facebook account.

"I cant believe i'm typing this....Trent Acid my best brother for life, has passed away. he was found at his home this morning around 9am by this mother. i have no info now and i can barely stand up, will know more soon....keep him and everyone in your prayres please this is horrible. I love you trent RIP"
I just read this online and my jaw dropped. What an absolute tragedy, he was only 29 years old and still had many years left both in the business and in life in general. One of the few guys I really dug who made his name in hardcore promotions like CZW, he was a very talented performer who won't ever be forgotten by the many fans he entertained. The Backseat Boyz were one of the best teams on the indy scene for several years and took part in some great match-ups in indies across the globe as well as bigger promotions like ROH.

Considering his problems in the past with heroin, my guess is this must have been drug related, which makes this even more tragic. How many great men and women are we going to lose in this business from drug addiction? So damn sad.

Rest in Peace Trent, you will surely be missed. :(
Trent, I will always cherish the time we had in CZW,
you were always a class act, and a credit to the locker room.
You will be missed by us all brother. I know you're in heaven tearin down the walls doing what you do best......
RIP Trent
Totally sucks, man! Trent was awesome and really full of potential. I am sure if not for thew Heroin problems, he would have been one of the big guys one day. Hell, even after he got his act together, I still think it would have happened as he had "IT" for sure. Good in the ring and very good on the stick, it's really sad news. I still think his matches in JCW were misunderstood and underrated and need to be seen to be believed, some great stuff! R.I.P. Trent.
This is really sad news, I saw Trent Acid live in Liverpool UK in the 2007 King of Europe Cup. He put on a fantastic match with Pac, definately the best match on the show. I got his autograph before the show and he seemed a really nice guy.

Very sad. RIP Trent
I just seen X's sig so I had to see if there was a thread made for his death. He might of been my favorite indy's wrestler until his death. I loved his work in CZW, JAPW, and ROH. I felt he could had the makings of being a top guy in either TNA or WWE. He could work the mic pretty well and was one of the top in ring workers in the indy's until his death. It was said to see his arrest and prison sentence shorten his career and now with his death. He's become another what if and that's a shame for anybody. RIP Trent Acid
While I wasn't his biggest fan no one can doubt Trent's impact on the business.

CZW definitely fills a niche and Trent was a cornerstone in CZW and his career was shortlived.

He had his problems with drugs and his wrestling style definitely doesn't allow for a long career but he will be missed.

RIP Trent Acid.

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