Question about ring construction


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I've been curios as to the difference between ring construction in various promotions. From what I've seen, the TNA ring is very similar to the ones used in WCW in that the distance from the ground to the canvas is shorter than that of WWE, it has a more "wooden" sound when wrestlers take a bump, the turnbuckle pads are wider than that of WWE, and the ring ropes are very different.

My biggest question is what is the actual difference between the ropes in TNA and WWE? If you look, the TNA ropes are smooth, but also don't seem to have as much give when a wrestler bounces off of them. In WWE they have a texture to them and have much more give, so I was just wondering if anyone knew the actual difference.

As far as the ring itself, WWE also seems to have a metallic sound when someone falls to the mat, and as I said before, TNA has a wooden sound. I know the general structure of a ring (the 4 posts, cross beams, wooden planks, padding, canvas, etc.) but I just wasn't sure if there was a major difference or if it's just the way I perceive how it sounds.
WWE uses actual rope in their ring ropes, TNA uses steel cables. And I doubt there's any major difference in the ring structure that might cause a different sound. It's probably just accoustics.
Now that you say that, I do recall reading somewhere that WWE uses actual rope but I wasn't sure about the others. It also mentioned that while they provide more comfort when bouncing off them, they have less top rope stability. Is part of the reason WCW succeeded with a greater cruiserweight division than WWF? I mean, it surely can't be the only reason, but better equipment for that style would make a difference, right?
WWE uses actual rope in their ring ropes, TNA uses steel cables. And I doubt there's any major difference in the ring structure that might cause a different sound. It's probably just accoustics.

The difference in the sound between the two rings comes from the different levels of padding over the mat. WWE's mat is about 3-4 inches thick where as TNA's is on 1-2 inches... In wrestling, that's a huge relief. WWE has more money to afford more mats, however. Also the canvas type for WWE is more similar to carpeting than TNA's which helps make it look a bit more smooth.

The turnbuckles in the two promotions are different as well. If you look, WWE uses like lace padding whereas TNA uses regular pads with draw strings. It's not that much of a difference really.

And yes the difference between the two ropes is that WWE uses real rope whereas TNA and lot of promotions (actually, more like all of them) use either steel cables or something similar. For example, in the beginning, ROH used water hoses and covered them with duct tape... then again ROH also uses Vinyl canvas.

But yeah WWE's ring is more expensive cause Vince has a lot of dough. TNA isn't that rich so they use rings from other places that make rings and sale parts.

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