Query: Sheamus in EC?


Enjoying Wrestling
Instead of the Great Khali, they should have placed Sheamus in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber. I know, he's already got a Wrestlemania shot, but that can be addressed and used as part of the angle.

Sheamus comes out after Mark Henry is removed from the EC match, saving Teddy Long's ass and sending Henry packing. He then cuts a promo stating that with Henry removed and a new spot open, Long should give it to him.

Long points out the obvious, and Sheamus retorts that having not yet decided which championship he plans to challenge, he's both eligible and a favorite to win considering his recent dominant streak over the past few months. He declares that he wants to win the World Heavywieght Championship and then challenge CM Punk to a WWE Championsghip match at Mania to reunify the titles or just hold both of them at the same time.

Now of course, all this doesn't mean Sheamus wins at EC. He just gets some added momentum and hype to what will happen at Mania, guarantees the fans matches with the other EC contenders as well as Raw contenders in Dolph Ziggler, Punk and Jericho in the build up to it, and possibly transition direclty to a feud with Daniel Bryan when he fails, with Bryan calling him out and getting in his face, making claims of his ego for thinking he'd reunify the titles (you know, more of the pseudo-face stuff Bryan's been preaching), and Sheamus making an official declaration of facing Byran, giving another one of his Irish tales about some pipsqueak fella who didn't know when to shut his mouth or whatever and how Bryan needs a lesson in humility.

why risk injuring himself from that demonic structure when he has a chance to main event wm?

besides him losing at ec would kill his momentum, likewise if he win the rr becomes meaningless.
Why would he want to wrestle 5 other guys in a EC match when he's got a 1 on 1 match for the which ever title he wants waiting for him at WM? That makes no sense what so ever, just have him doing commentary during both EC matches, as he "scouts his competition".
why risk injuring himself from that demonic structure when he has a chance to main event wm?
For the chance of main-eventing with one championship around his belt and the possibility to gain another.

besides him losing at ec would kill his momentum, likewise if he win the rr becomes meaningless.

Not really. Booking him strongly (say one of the first two and having last a good amount of time) would maintain his momentum and further build any story onwards depending on how he was eliminated and who did the deed.

@justin: So he can hold both championships at the grandest stage of them all? To accomplish a feat few people before him did (Austin, Rock, Lesnar, Jericho, etc...) Kayfabe, that's a pretty good feather in one's cap.

@Numbers: Obssession? I'm putting forward a reasonable mini-story as to how and why Sheamus would be in the EC match and how to build off his presence in said match. Note that I didn't say he'd win and automatically face whoever's holding the WWE Championship, but that he'd fail and that it'd further develop his Road to Wrestlemania.
I don't understand the IWC obsession with unifying the titles.

I still don't get this either, along with bringing back the Hardcore or Euro or Cruiser Weight or Light Heavy Weight or the TV Title.

As for Sheamus being in the EC Match, I have a strange feeling Ziggler will somehow be involved in both matches due to his Showoff Gimmick
This makes me think that Bryan will in fact retain at EC and actually main event wrestlemania. Crazy to think about really.
I only like this idea because it keeps Kahli out of a wrestling match. But it is concerning their isn't enough face on Smackdown that can be a suitable replacement for Kahli.
I'm fine with his Rumble shot being put on the line in a mini-feud he'll easily win at Elimination Chamber. Have him go over the biggest star they have who won't be appearing at Mania. Let him take them out, it'd enhance him before the biggest match of his career.

Or considering he hasn't stated which belt he'll go for have him do commentary for each of the world title matches.
I'm fine with his Rumble shot being put on the line in a mini-feud he'll easily win at Elimination Chamber. Have him go over the biggest star they have who won't be appearing at Mania. Let him take them out, it'd enhance him before the biggest match of his career.

Or considering he hasn't stated which belt he'll go for have him do commentary for each of the world title matches.

Ye, I mean his WM stock can only rise if he beats someone big. I'd say a little feud with Orton for his WM shot, with Sheamus pinning Orton clean would be great. Or you know, he goes ballistic and kills everyone in the chamber with Bryan barely escaping his wrath.

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