Quality of Equipment?

Hardcore Heathen

Future Legend
Recently I attempted to use an old TV rather than my very old TV (toshiba 16/17inch lol) I normally use. And I just couldn't play on that Tv.
That's not the first time I attempted to play my Xbox360 on a Different TV. Sometimes I have to (try not to) use a 32inch Relatively new tv (2007 maybe?) Its not as bad as the other one I don't normally use but I notice a difference of my skills at gaming. Its more Evident on FIFA 11 (pro clubs) and Halo: Reach. My mates can sometimes tell I'm on a different TV without me having to tell them.

Have you had the same thing happen to you?
When swapping TV sizes temporarily can you notice it affecting your gaming?

Do you find it easier gaming on a small or big tv!
That didn't come out as well as I hoped lol
To summarise
I didn't play on the toshiba I'm used to. Instead I played on some shit smaller one and couldn't stand it because it affected my gaming skills compared to my regular TV. I sometimes play on the Panasonic 32inch TV which is better than the shiter small one by a lot but I still notice a difference especially on FIFA and Halo.

P.S My Toshiba has a built in Video Player (not DVD) if it helps pinointing its age lol
The size or quality of the tv really makes no difference to me. People who whine about tv's not being large enough or having high enough picture quality need to get a life and stop being so spoiled. A tv is a tv. What if your only option was a black and white tv? I would still play in that scenario. The size of the tv does not have any effect on my gaming because to me a tv is a tv. Who cares if it's a huge plasma with HD or not? I sure don't. There's a difference between things you might want and things you actually need. My gaming skills remain pretty much the same from one tv to the next.
This usually happens to me when I come home from my cousins house his tv is a 47 inch I think and it takes me a good 3-4 days to get used to my set up. Really the only games that are affected are Madden and fighting games like Mk, Ufc, or Street Fighter. But what i dont get is I dont need the 3-4 day period to adjust to his but I have to adjusting to mine.
It doesn't affect me at all, but on some TVs the lighting may be a bit different and I would need to adjust the TV settings.
I switch between a 22" small TV and a 42" 1080p job. Its harder to see on the 22" because I'm spoilt by the size of the 42" but seriously, if I could only play on the 22, I would.
I feel a difference. I used to play on a tube tv and got so used to it, i couldnt do any flat screens. Then my brother bought a small flat screen and started using it, took me forever to get used to it! The quality is better, bought still not what I'm used to. Now we have an even bigger one (idk what size) and i dont really like it. I like sitting close to the screen and I cant do that with this one, it throws me off.

But, am I the only one who can tell a difference in controllers? Using a different controller throws me off my game too. Just the weight, feel of the joysticks and smoothness of the controller itself
When Im playing cod I have to switch my sensitivity to 7 instead of 5 when I play on a larger tv or else it feels like my joy stick is lagging. But usually its only for the 1st like 5-10 games then I switch it back to 5 and its alright.

And I actually find it easier to play on flat screens then bubble screens because im usually playing madden where I need to see the screen very clearly.

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