PWA Unleashed Wrestling

Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Date: January 27th, 2011

Missouri; Kansas City – Kemper Arena

“Bodies” by Drowning Pool

The theme song plays, as we get a shot of the fans. We continue to get a shot of the fans, until Paul Heyman appears on the big screen. The excitement is in the air, as Heyman moves closer to the camera.

Heyman: Hello, and welcome to the debut episode of PWA Uncensored. After a very long, battle for superstars, to try and get talent for your own roster. PWA has arrived, and we are here to stay. From the ashes of the fallen joint productions that wrestling minds have created. The likes of WPWA, GWA, EWE and GCW, have all failed. While they will be forgotten, this company will forever hold a place in history. As the lord Jesus Christ as my witness, this brand will not fall. I vow to make this, the PWA Uncensored brand, the biggest thing in wrestling since WrestleMania. I vow to bring you, the fans, a great show every week. And I vow to show you what it means to be Unscripted and what it means to be……..UNCENSORED!

Cole: Welcome to PWA Uncensored! I’m Michael Cole and I’m joined by Jerry Lawler.

Lawler: What a night we are going to have, after hearing what Heyman has to say. I pumped up for our first night to say the least.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman, the opening contest is for one fall.

“My Time Is Now”

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first making his way to the ring from West Newberry…..

Out comes John Cena who has a mic in his left hand. Wearing a hustle, loyalty and respect t-shirt. He plays to the crowd a little, and then cuts Lillian off.

Cena: Hey, I’m sorry for cutting you off Lillian. But I gotta get something of my chest. Since the battle royal last week, people have been asking me. What happened? I mean, you had the chance to win the US title again John. Did you forget how to wrestle? Well let me to you all here tonight, and the people watching at home. This business is tough, sometimes things go your way. Then sometimes they don’t. But you have to keep your head up (as he enters the ring), keep thinking about what you can do next. Don’t think about the lost opportunity, but think about gaining one.

As Cena goes to continue, Raven appears at the top of the ramp. With water dripping down his face, Raven slowly approaches the ring. He gets up onto the apron, with a blank stare on his face. After grabbing a microphone off a crew member at ringside, Raven walks right in front of Cena.

Raven: So you’re the guy they talk about?

Cena: Maybe, but people talk about a lot of guys.

Raven: The inspiration to little kids, the superman to the company bad guy. The heart and soul of PWA, the good guy. While the people praise you, I’m treated like an outcast.

Cena: Listen is this going anywhere, or you just going to mumble and jumble for the whole two hours.

Raven: While I’m treated like an outcast…

Cena: You already said that, come one, I got things to do, people to defeat. Hey, you’re on my list.

Raven: I like being the outcast Cena, and tonight, I show the world. That the outcast will always beat the superman, because it doesn’t matter if these people like you. But only how far you are willing to go, are you willing to risk your body? To bleed for the, are you willing to be thrown in thumbtacks, are you Cena? Do you have the guts to go extreme; are you able to use weapons? Can you make another superstar bleed, all for a win? Because if you’re not, then get out of my ring.

Cena: Oh, I would. So Raven the question is, IF YOU WANT SOME, COME GET SOME!


Both men throw down the microphones, as the ref rings the bell. With the crowd all pumped up, Cena and Raven lock up. Pushing back and forth, struggling for position. The leg strength of Cena helps here, as he is able to push Raven back into a corner. Then the rights and left to the body begin, the shots are fast, making sure Raven can’t block. Cena steps back, and then fires away with a huge shot to the face, which knocks Raven to the outside. The crowd is very fired up, as Cena throws his hands up in the air. The fight is now on the outside, as Cena goes after Raven. The right hand connects again with the head of Raven, who falls down to the ground. Quickly Cena breaks the count, as he goes back after Raven.

Grabbing Raven by the head, Cena goes to ram him into the guard rail. But Raven is able to counter, and instead slams Cena into the rail. Several shots to the back of Cena, followed by a huge kick to the face. Again the count is broken, this time by Raven. The fight goes back into the ring now, as Raven throws Cena into the ring. Once in Raven hooks the leg from a cover.

….Kick out

As Cena gets the shoulder, Raven can’t believe it. He goes into a mount position, hammering away with punches to the face of Cena. Trying to bust him open, not letting up. After several shots to the face of Cena, they switch into a sleeper by Raven. Where Raven wraps his legs around the stomach of Cena, cutting off oxygen. He rolls into the middle of the ring, keeping his hold on Cena. With the air being cut off, Cena begins to struggle. His arms begin to move like mad, as time is running out. His head begins to turn a slight red, and Raven isn’t letting go.

Cole: Cena is fading fast; the oxygen can’t enter his lungs.

Lawler: Come on Cena, fight back.

Then like he has done in the past, Cena fights back. He rolls over on is stomach, with Raven now on above him. Then using something inside of him, Cena begins to stand up. He lifts Raven above the ground, and then rams him back into the turnbuckle. The grip is broken, as Raven falls off him, but even Cena falls forward, after taking all the punishment. With both men down, the ref begins to count.





Raven gets to his feet first, followed by Cena. Both men stare each other in the eye, knowing that neither man will stand down. They fist fight is on, as Cena throws a right. Followed by Raven, who nails a forearm to the face of Cena. This goes on for nearly a minute, these two superstars firing with everything they have. Then Cena slings Raven into the ropes, and on the rebound, he hits a clothesline. With Raven down, Cena begins to look around at the fans. He throws his hand up in the air, as we get a little pop from the crowd.

Lawler: I think we all know what is coming don’t you Cole?

Cole: It’s a little, five knuckle shuffle!

With his fist hitting Raven in the skull, Cena jumps up. He once again throws his hands up, calling for the AA, or as most people know it, the FU. Slowly Raven gets up, using the ropes to help him. He turns around, and is lifted onto the shoulders of Cena. Trying to fight out of it, but it is no use, as he is slammed into the mat with the AA. Quickly Cena goes for the cover.




The ref doesn’t touch the mat, as Raven gets his shoulder off the ground. A look of shock comes across the face of Cena. Grabbing Raven by the hair, Cena lifts him onto his shoulders. Again he drops Raven into the mat, with an AA. Followed by another cover, this time Cena hooks both legs.




Cole: How did he do that?

Lawler: Raven is showing how good he really is.

Now to his feet, Cena backs into the corner. He watches as Raven gets to his feet, after taking not one, but two of his finishers. After watching for a moment, Cena goes to the top rope. He waits, waiting for Raven to turn around. As he does, Cena jumps, going for some high risk move. However, Raven moves out of the way. Sending Cena crashing down to the mat, while Raven gathers himself. Now Raven is in control, and he grabs Cena by the head. With Cena hurt, Raven drops him for the DDT. And then for his second cover of the match.




The fans jump up, and cheer for their hero. Raven can’t believe it, and hammers away with boots to the skull of Cena. Then an idea pops into the head of Raven. He goes to the outside, grabbing a steel chair. Once he enters the ring, he goes to hit Cena with it. But the ref stops him, taking the chair away. While the ref does that, Raven pulls delivers a low blow to Cena. This cheap shot, allows Raven to grab Cena again, and drop him in the DDT.




Lillian Garcia: The Winner of the match, RAVEN!

With his music playing the background, Raven stands up. He looks down at Cena and laughs, while the ref raises his hand in victory. While the ref helps Cena up, Raven leaves the ring, and walks to the back.


We go backstage to the office of Paul Heyman, who is doing some paper work. When in walks the Straight Edge Society, with their leader CM Punk holding his US Championship.

Punk: Paul Heyman, the mastermind behind ECW.

Heyman: CM Punk, the mastermind behind the S.E.S.

Punk: What a show so far, I’m impressed Heyman.

Heyman:Well I promised the best, and I’m giving it.

Punk: That you did, but let me offer you some advice. Later tonight, we’re having some kind of Xtreme Championship match.

Heyman: Yes we are, what would you like to know about it?

Punk: I thought it would be a good idea, to place Alex Riley in the match.

Heyman: Well I’m sorry to tell you, but I already have the challengers picked out.

Punk: Who, who could be a better challenger than one of us. Than the pure S.E.S?

Heyman: Well, I have picked the last two guy that were in the battle royal before you won. So the person who came third, Aron Draven and then the runner up. Which of course was….

(Cutting Heyman off) Riley: So these guys are getting a reward for losing? That’s not right!

Heyman: Well you lost to buddy, so get over it.

Riley: You can’t talk to me like that!

Heyman: Oh can’t I, well I’m sorry. Oh wait, no I’m not. I can and will do what want, so get out of my office.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is set for one fall!


Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, she is the Glamazon, Beth Phoenix.

Phoenix enters the ring, with her head held high. He climbs the turnbuckle, flexing for the people. All of them, amazed at the shape of this women.

“Not Enough For Me”

Lillian Garcia: And her opponent, she is one half of LayCool, Layla!

Out come both Michelle McCool and Layla. Wearing their flawless wrestling gear, as they walk down to the ring. Layla enters the ring, while McCool stays on the outside. The ref signals for the bell, and this match is under way. The Glamazon goes to lock up, but Layla pulls away.

Cole: What is Beth doing, Layla can’t lock up? She is a little English muffin.

Lawler: Then why is she here?

Cole: Because, she is beautiful.

Lawler: That’s why?

Cole: Yes, now please, let me enjoy the match.

By this time, Phoenix has her hands on Layla. Who calls for help from Michelle, but it doesn’t look like she is in any rush. Layla tries to escape, but Beth has a firm grip on his hair. This time when Layla tries to counter, Beth slams her down, by the hair. The kicks to the back begin, as Beth is in full control. She grabs Layla by the arm, lifting her up. Then Phoenix delivers a hard forearm, which causes Layla to stumble backward and into the turnbuckle. With her hands held together, Phoenix goes for an axe handle chop, but Layla ducks. Then she counters with a neckbreaker, taking both her and Beth down.

Slowly Layla makes it back up, and goes on the attack. With Beth to her knee, Layla delivers a huge kick to the face. Which causes Beth to fall back down, and to the outside of the ring. As the ref begins to count, Layla tells him to go faster. Screaming in his ear, and he is up to a 3 count.





….Phoenix gets back into the ring, as Layla dreams of a count out, went out the door. Like a tiger, Layla jumps on Beth. And begins slamming her head into the mat, bouncing it like a basketball. With McCool on the outside cheering her on, Layla now has a smile on her face. She slowly gets off Beth, watching as she crawls. Then Layla drops her knee into the back of The Glamazon. Screaming at her to get up, as she slaps her in the face. Then Beth turns, she acts like a raging bull. As She charges at Layla. Tackling her down to the ground, and hammering away with shots to the face. As Layla scrambles, crawling for help. Beth grabs her, pulling Layla back. She lifts Layla up, and drops her face first, for the Glam Slam. And then the cover.




Lillian Garcia: Then winner, by pinfall, The Glamazon Beth Phoenix!

Straight after the announcement is made, Michelle McCool slides into the ring. The assault begins, as LayCool go to town on Beth. Kicking her, slapping her in the face, all the while they laugh. Then Michelle grabs Phoenix, pulling her closer. She has Beth in position for the faith breaker, when some familiar music plays.

“Empire March”

Here comes The Kong, marching down to the ring. As LayCool are now overcome with fear. Kong enters the ring, and McCool goes for a kick. But Kong grabs her leg, and then throws her over the top rope. With her friend gone, Layla is all alone. She tries to talk to Kong, but the monster isn’t in a talking mood. With a grin on her face, Kong runs, hitting Layla front on. Then she delivers a huge splash, landing right on top of Layla. With the crowd cheering her on, Kong shows her dominance over this division.

Cole: My….muffin…

Lawler: Your muffin just got squashed!

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The camera changes from Kong, to Aron Draven and Johnny Gargano. Both are sitting in a lockerroom, as Aron prepares for his match later tonight.

Draven: Kurt Angle, what a legend.

Gargano: One of if not, the best wrestler in the world.

Draven: Going to be a battle out there tonight, with the title on the line.

Gargano: You’ll be right, just remember to watch out for those counters.

Draven: I’ll bring that title home; I’ll show that we belong here. Like everyone else, we are able to put on a great match. That we can beat anybody on this roster.

In walks Kurt Angle, who takes a sip of his water. He shakes hands with both men, before taking a seat.

Angle: So, you two are from the Indy scene.

Both men: Yes, we are.

Angle: So which one of you do I have the pleasure of facing tonight?

Draven: That would be me.

Angle: I see, well good luck.

Angle gets to his feet, and walks right up the face of Draven.

Angle: Kid, I have no problem with you. None what so ever, but when we get into that ring. I become the wrestling machine. I will hit you in the face, I will make your life a living hell. And I will try, and I may succeed, in breaking your ankle. But Kid, it’s not personal, it’s just my job.

After giving the advice, Angle goes to leave. Then he turns around, looking at both of these new superstars.

Angle: Good Luck, and let the best man win.


Lillian Garcia: The following contest is for one fall.

“This Fire Burns”

Lillian Garcia: Making his way to the ring, representing the Straight Edge Society….Mason Ryan.

Out walks Mason Ryan and Alex Riley, without their leader CM Punk. As they approach the ring, Riley goes down to one knee. Then Mason stands behind him, as they both raise their right hand. Quickly Riley jumps onto the apron, opening the ring ropes for Mason to enter. Then the lights go out, as the crowd jump to their feet.

”Graveyard Symphony”

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from Death Valley, The Undertaker.

With Taker already in the ring, the match begins. These two huge men lock up, but Taker is able to turn it into a head lock. They struggle, with Taker being pushed to the right. A right hand to the ribs is able to force a break, allowing Ryan to sling Taker into the ropes. When Taker comes back off the rebound, Ryan goes for a spinebuster. The body of Taker is lifted up, and then dropped down to the canvas. A quick cover by Ryan.




Alex Riley is going nuts on the outside, saying it was a three count. He gets up to the apron, distracting the ref. With the ref’s back turned, Ryan drops his knee below the belt of Taker. He does this multiple times, and then goes begins to hammer away with the forearms. Huge shots, full force being used here. Not trying to time them, just throwing his arms around. The ref finally gets Mason off Taker, but the damage has been done.

He spreads his arms, and screams out into the crowd. However while Ryan taunts the crowd, Undertaker sits up. And with a dangerous look in his eye, the legend, goes after this young rookie. The fast hands of Taker begin. Every one of them connecting, making Ryan stumble back. As Mason Ryan leans back in the turnbuckle, Taker runs up, and delivers a huge clothesline in the corner. The body of Ryan falls forward, into the arms of Taker. Who lifts him up in a sidewalk slam position. The Undertaker walks into the middle of the ring, nods his head, and drops Ryan down. Hooking the leg as he connects with the mat.




Just getting the shoulder up, as Taker looks at the ref. Once on his feet, Taker gives the rest in peace sign. Calling for the end of this match, and then he pulls his straps down. The crowd jump to their feet, as they know what is coming. Slowly Mason Ryan gets to his feet, holding his head. ON the outside of the ring, Riley tries to warn him. But it is no use, as Taker gets Ryan up onto his shoulders. He moves into the middle of the ring, and gets Ryan into the final position for the Tombstone.

With Mason Ryan in position, and the fans chanting his name. The Undertaker drops Ryan down onto the mat, with the Tombstone Piledriver. The hands are put on his chest, as Taker goes for the cover on Ryan.




Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner…..THE UNDERTAKER!

The lights go blue, as Taker gets to his feet. With Ryan down on the mat, the legend that is The Undertake lives. He stares at Riley, who pulls Ryan out of the ring. The fans are going crazy for The Undertaker, showing the respect they have for him.


Maria: Hello my name is Maria, and I’m the interviewer for PWA….Uncensored. And I’m joined tonight by one of the men that will be involved in the Xtreme Championship match next. He is, Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle walks into the view of the camera, and he has a smile on his face. He seems very happy tonight.

Maria: Kurt, how are you tonight?

Angle: Very well Maria, very excited about my title match next.

Maria: Now Kurt, you were one of the first wrestlers to be drafted here. How does that make you feel?

Angle: Well, it makes me feel great to know people love to watch me wrestle. I do it for the fans, and as I have said time and time again. I’m the wrestling machine, I am the best wrestler in the world.

Maria: OK, and what are your thoughts on Aron Draven?

Angle: The kid has talent, but he will not beat me tonight.

Maria: Why not?

Angle: Because, tonight, he goes home with a broken ankle. And I go home with a title on my shoulder.

After this Kurt gets the call that it is time for his match. So he leaves, as Maria sings off, and we head to Lillian Garcia.


Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman, the following is for the PWA Xtreme Championship. And will be contested as a tables match!


Lillian Garcia: Introducing at this time…..”OMEGA” Aron Draven!

Aron runs to the ring, sliding in as he gets there. He approaches the turnbuckle, climbing to the tope rope once, as he plays to the crowd.

“Gold Medal”

Lillian Garcia: And introducing his opponent, the only Olympic Gold Medallist in PWA history. He is Kurt Angle!

The fans cheer as Angle walks from behind the curtain. He has a chair in hand, as he walks down to the ring. As Angle steps into the ring, Draven goes on the attack. Hammering away with knees to the back and ribs. The young man from the indy scene in Draven, deliver kicks to the back of Angle. Each hitting hard the last. Not letting up at all, as Draven grabs the chair. He begins to hit Angle in the back, time after time. The shots are heard all over the arena. And nobody saw this match going this way.

For the first time in this match, Angle gets some rest. With Draven going to the outside, looking for a table. Which he finds quickly, as they have stacked them under the ring. He pulls one out, and then slides it into the ring. This young man is wasting no time, as he sets the table up. Angle has only just made it to his feet, as he grabs the ropes. With the table set up, Draven tries for a back Suplex. However Angle counters, turning it into a German Suplex. The match continues, as Draven didn’t go through the table.

The Olympic Gold Medal winner gathers himself. Standing tall in this match, as he grabs Draven by the head. Ramming Draven into the corner goes Angle, who then follows up with several string kicks. He turns his back to Draven, then like the machine he is, swings his elbows like crazy. Each time connecting to the skull of Draven.

As Angle steps forward, Draven falls to the ground. The table is moved closer by Angle, who places it near the corner. Then out of nowhere, Draven lifts Angle up, but he can’t complete the move. So Angle is able to get his feet back on the ground, and lock in the ankle lock. With his finishing move locked in, Angle can sense a win. Even if he needs to put Draven through a table first.

He begins to scratch a crawl, Draven trying to escape. But it is no use, as Angle holds on. Then the crowd begin to boo. Just out of nowhere, they boo like crazy. Angle looks around, but keeps the grip on the ankle of Draven. Then Angle falls forward, after being kicked in the skull by CM Punk. The crowd are going crazy with hate. They boo him to hell.

Slowly Punk lifts Angle up, moving him over to the table. The lifeless body of Angle, being placed onto the table. With Angle in position, Punk goes to the top rope, and drops an elbow. The table breaks, and the match is over.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of the match, and NEW Xtreme Champion….ARON DRAVEN!

The title is handed to Draven is holding his ankle. He doesn’t know why Punk helped him, but he doesn’t care either way. Holding the title close to him, Draven is seen crying. Tears of joy run down his face.

Cole: What a night, we have a Xtreme Champion, and his name is Aron Draven.

Lawler: Angle was robbed tonight, damn it!

Cole: Thank you for joining us, I’m Michael Cole joined by Jerry Lawler. See you next week!​
Right then, let’s have a look at your first show. Am writing this as I read it 'live' ...


Cena and Raven: looks like Cena is going to be your big star which I’m not too keen on (not a big Cena fan to be honest) but the promo was solid. Don’t know much about Raven since he left WWE back in the day – liked how he questioned who Cena was. Into the match, predicting a Raven win here to get the feud off to a good start. Ha, kicking out of two FU/AA’s ... you are definitely not going the WWE route here! Good decision having Raven win with a dirty move.

Alex Riley with CM Punk is cool. Straight Edge Society still going strong. I liked the SES in the WWE so hope you can take them on to the next level.

Laycool stay together! Attacking Beth after the match, a continuation of a current WWE feud. Would like to see something different coming up ... and there we have it. Kong. That’s the brute from TNA isn’t it? Poor Layla!

Never heard of Aron Draven and Johnny Gargano. Maybe you could add some extra information to familiarise people? You could do it like a vignette type thing so we know what to expect. Kurt Angle with the tough words ... I smell an upset tonight!

Mason Ryan vs. Undertaker: Undertaker winning was clear. However, I’m interested to see how you use Taker in this. There didn’t seem to be much for Taker in that match. A key character for you to work with IMO.

X-Treme Title, Angle vs. Draven: Tables match. Even more convinced I’m going to see an upset now! CM Punk with the interference! A win for the new guy and a set up for Angle and Punk in the future. That would be a real classic feud – am looking forward to you doing that.

With Draven as champion, you could really spotlight him in your next show to show folks who he is and where he has come from.

Solid first show, not spectacular but there was enough there to make it interesting. I’d like to see the matches a little longer for main events (and PPV when you get there) and some of the promos were a little short too IMO. I think that if Draven – whoever he is – is to be a champion, people need to know more on his background and promo time could be the way to do that.

Good luck with the next show mate, I’ll be reading it.
Alright Proph my boy, here is the review and it comes to you LIVE!!!!

-Bodies, nice theme! Though it seems to be a bit overused in BT's, but nothing wrong with that. Awesome Heyman promo. Promotes the brand, shows his arrogance into that his show is the best, good stuff.

-HERE COMES CENA!!! Love the promo, very Cena like. Ooo seems like Raven's got some balls interrupting Cena. Damn, Raven with some great words and I can just see Raven ranting to Cena about this. Great back and forth wording going on between Cena and Raven, excellent stuff. Can't wait for the match. I smell something dirty coming up.

-Wowzo! Raven pulled off the victory, and dirty like I suspected he would. Excellent, excellent match. Surprised that it only took one DDT to take out Cena, but it just makes Raven look stronger. No complaints here.

-Nice little altercation with SES and Heyman. Interesting to see Punk trying to save A-Ri lol.

-DIVAS!!! Layla, my little English Muffin, shame she has no chance against the Glamazon. Unless of course McCool gets involved. Ooh vicious kick from Lay. Could that do it? Nope. Would not wanna be Layla right now. Yup, that'll do cya later. Gang warfare to end the match, vintage Laycool. Oh Shit! It's KONG!!!! Shit going down now. Bye bye Laycool.

-Who and who??? Some info or a rundown of these guys might be nice, as I'm not quite sure just who they are other than Indy guys who are getting a chance. Keep that in mind for next week champ. Angle with some tough words. I'm expecting a hell of a match from this Draven kid.

-Big Mason Ryan! Wonder who he draws. Good to see him still with Punk. Well so much for Mason, here comes the Deadman. I just can't see Mason hanging around with a legend like Taker. Lets see. Ryan looking good right here, dominating thus far against Taker. Riley being Riley on the outside. Taker is up, end has to be near for Mason. Cya later Mason, thanks for coming.

-Hello Maria! Another Kurt Angle chit chat, typical Angle. No mention of a broken neck? Kurt seems confident, something has to go down up next.

-Here comes Draven, looking to pull off the biggest upset in the history of history. Not sure whether it was smart to jump Angle, but maybe it will pay off for Draven. Going to the outside could kill the kid here, as he did something few get to do and that's gain the upper hand. Looking for a table eh? And Angle is up, end could be near for the youngster. Angle now has the upper hand, uh oh. Ankle lock is locked out, toss this one out the window. What the? CM Punk!?!?! Oh shit, he just kicked Angle's skull in. No way this is happening! Angle threw the table! Match is over? Ahh yes through the frenzy it slipped my mind that this was a tables match. Not how you'd wanna win your first major title, but can't really complain can ya? A rematch could definitely be in the future. That is of course after Angle settles it with Punk.

-Excellent opening show Proph. Like you said, first show is usually the hardest and the next shows definitely have potential. What is with Punk helping Draven, could he be headed to the SES? What sort of revenge are Angle and Cena going to be looking for? Looking forward to next week Proph, as this episode set up next week's rather well.

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