Push for Morgan?

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
With Kurt, Sting,, Nash, and Joe out Mr. Anderson hurt and RVD paranoid there is no one to take on Immortal, but if you saw Impact they might have some one in mind.

Matt Morgan Stad up against them to the point of replacing Mr Anderson could he be the one and could this be his big push?
I'm just going to throw something out there I just thought of, that I really don't even believe in.
Morgan turned on Fortune. or did he?
what if at the PPV Morgan vs Hardy, Fortune helps Morgan beat Hardy and he never really was not part of Fortune. then Fortune will be higher than Immortal. Flair can be the one to screw Hogan. you have to think/know that Flair does not really like Hogan and vice versa, so at some point one is going to turn on the other.
however you did see Fortune pretty much kick Morgans ass and hang him last week.
yeah probably not what's going to happen, just wanted to throw it out there.
doubtful TNA would have yet another surprise this soon after BFG PPV.

I do think TNA had planned on Hardy vs Anderson. the chair shot Anderson took from Hardy was an accident and Anderson was never meant to be injured and miss this coming PPV. TNA had to make a decision since it was unlikely Anderson would be able to wrestle at Turning Point. pretty much everyone else was already in story lines, but Morgan was just part of Fortune. made sense to use Morgan as a face turn and wrestle against Hardy, since Morgan himself is a beast.
Morgan is more than deserving, that much is certain, but I'm not sure this is as much of a main event push for him as much as it is a bit of defensive posturing by TNA to replace the injured Anderson in the main event at Turning Point.

I have no doubts that Morgan is the type of performer who deserves to be where he's going to be this Sunday, but Anderson is primed for a title run right now. Morgan's time will come, it's just not here yet.
I could see a push coming for Matt Morgan, and rightly so. He's a pretty dominant big man. He's not exactly a ring technician or anything, but which big men are? I think he's actually pretty good in the ring for the style of wrestling he performs. He's decent on the microphone as well (since he's kicked that annoying stuttering problem ;) ). He's a big man, which in and of itself will get him some pops from the crowd. He should be in line for a push, a younger talent with potential for the future, rather than some other recycled has been from elsewhere.

I don't, however, see him winning his match this Sunday. Well actually I won't be seeing it either way directly, after the disappointment of BFG, it will be a very long time before I purchase another TNA PPV (but I digress). I see interference from someone costing him the match, and Jeff Hardy retaining. That's not to say, though, that a push isn't coming. Unlike what many of the posters on these forums think, one loss does not mean the end of a push, especially if handled properly.
Like I said on Eric Bischoff's Facebook page, there can only be 4 in FOURtune. In the end it will be Beer Money, AJ, and one other guy. Will that other guy be Kaz? Will it be Williams? Or will Morgan fight Fourtune for months like Barry Windum did the Horsemen back in the day only to have Big Barry join the Horsemen creating what is arguably the greatest incarnation of the greatest faction in wrestling history.

In my opinion I think Morgan can be what Sid was suppose to be for WCW in the early 90's. A big, intimidating, dominating, freak of natural ability. We all know Sid's attitude and lack of skills killed that opportunity and Morgan has the skills and a good attitude.

My thoughts are that TNA will continue the Matt Morgan push even after losing to Jeff Hardy by hook or crook this Sunday as long as Morgan shows that he deserves to be a main event player by putting on an Undertaker of Kevin Nash (96-2000) performance in the Main Event. Can it happen? Morgan has the athletic ability to do so. Will it happen? That is up to Morgan and what we will all be waiting to see.

Morgan may be in this match due to injuries across the board, but he can make himself a Superstar even in defeat if he makes Hardy work and makes the fans believe.
I Like that Morgan is getting a push because I think that he has alot of potential he definitely has a Great look he's Solid in the ring for a guy his size and he is also decent on the mic. Morgan will most likely lose at Turning Point but like Habs said that doesn't mean a push isn't coming. Morgan I think has pretty good future and I hope they give him a solid push.
While some might think that Morgan's push will be over after Turning Point, I believe that this won't be the case. See, he's got an axe to grind with Immortal. That automatically makes him a face that will go against them, which equals a push. The faces always win, and whatever group takes down Immortal will consist of future Main Eventers and contenders for that belt. As weird as this might sound, Anderson getting injured was the best thing that happened to both Ken AND Matt Morgan. I don't think that TNA would've turned him face if Hardy didn't clock Anderson and open a sewer on the back of his head.
While some might think that Morgan's push will be over after Turning Point, I believe that this won't be the case. See, he's got an axe to grind with Immortal. That automatically makes him a face that will go against them, which equals a push. The faces always win, and whatever group takes down Immortal will consist of future Main Eventers and contenders for that belt. As weird as this might sound, Anderson getting injured was the best thing that happened to both Ken AND Matt Morgan. I don't think that TNA would've turned him face if Hardy didn't clock Anderson and open a sewer on the back of his head.

To me, I think that The Pope, RVD, Samoa Joe, Matt Morgan, and Mr. Anderson are the guys that have decent shots in the upcoming months of making this interesting. It's a good move to turn Morgan with the whole concussion angle to work with and lacking some big time faces. However, I hope he isn't just the first guy that tries and fails.

I hope he lingers around and is something of an outcast. TNA shouldn't trust him, Immortals should hate him. He should play that role. He's got a solid look, good on the mic and is decent in the ring. Let him linger.
Morgan deserves, but I don't expect, I think they want to keep the belt on Jeff a while longer.

If anything, Matt is going to get hurt so Anderson can avenge him.

*waits for the other Matt to show up*
I'm glad he is getting the push he deserves since he has been mostly sitting on sidelines since his lost to Kurt Angle at Bound For Glory last year. Morgan, Joe, AJ, and Desmond Wolfe always seem to get lost in the shuffle. AJ has been a big part of Impact at least with Fortune even though he isn't in the main event. It may take a while for Morgan to be champion since Mr. Anderson will probably be the top face. Morgan has the potential to be just as big as Anderson though. I just hope TNA doesn't forget about Morgan after his title match this Sunday.
I have not seen this week's Impact as yet because it has not been telecast in my country but I've read the spoilers and I was happy to read that Morgan has been booked looking strong going into the PPV. I was a bit dissapointed to see him lose last week because I felt he should have looked strong on the day he turned face.

I don't see his push being stalled after Turning point. As it is there are too many heels in TNA. Morgan seems to have good charisma and the look to play a very good monster type face against the smaller chickenshit heel aka Hardy. It could make a good feud with Hardy being scared of Morgan.
I can only hope. Matt Morgan is a part of the future of wrestling. He's an overall great talent that has more than enough ability to be in the main event division. With this push TNA can hope to finally utilize Matt Morgan to at least a superior extend of which he is worth.

Matt has been lingering for a long period of time, this push could do greatly for him to actually become somewhat important again. He had a good feud with Kurt Angle back in the days, and I think it was a shame that they didn't capitalize on it back then. However I'm happy to hear that they choose to do it now - Hopefully it will end up with a championship reign.
With this physical gifts, Matt Morgan should be a big star in TNA. I think he has done well in the roles he has been given so far, and I think one day he will be a Heavyweight Champion in TNA. The company needs to look towards younger talent to replace its ageing headliners and Morgan should be at the front of the queue along with Anderson and Dinero.

If this main event push is just as a replacement for Mr Anderson then so be it, but I think we will see Morgan having a long term main event run within the next 18 months. Maybe as a heel against a face Anderson
Matt Morgan has had what I consider lots of mini-pushes throughout his time in TNA. This is not one of them, Morgan surely deserves to be in the spot he's taking at Turning Point, but this is more of TNA needing someone strong to take on Jeff in place of Anderson. Morgan's time will come though, and it will be well earned and well deserved.
:bringit:Good for Morgan. Though it seemed a bit rushed compared to Anderson getting the push. I mean Morgan just left Fortune and already a title shot against Jeff Hardy. Hmm? Granted he got his ass handed to him be Double J and Fortune. I like Matt Morgan but I don't see him winning the title that soon. It would be a surprise but not now. Just too soon, maybe in a few months.

The Marauder

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