Push, Fail, Kill: Round 1

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The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm not sure if I'll do this in a series or not, because I generally hate when people do that... But I thought of this concept yesterday based on the whole "f***, marry, kill" game, where you have 3 women and/or men, and you have to decide who you would do, marry, and kill. Obviously, this is a little different (Maryse, Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox).

The game is Push, Fail, Kill. There will be three wrestling icons or main event level talents, and you have to decide which one will remain as a huge star, which one will never make it past the mid-card, and which one never made it to the big dance at all. Discuss their importance to the business, the impact they would have if they were never around, and anything else you want.

For the first round we're going to choose three Attitude Era stars, and let you fight amongst yourself... Triple H, Stone Cold, the Rock. Push, Fail, Kill. And.....GO!
Push Stone Cold. Without Stone Cold, you have no Attitude Era, and you don't have the wrestling revolution Stone Cold started. However, the biggest reason you push Stone Cold is because he's one of the best ever! Without him, there might not even be American professional wrestling, or at least not as mainstream as it is today.

Fail Triple H. I wouldn't fail any of these guys if that was an option, but I need Triple H alive for a few reasons. One, he's got a great look and solid abilities so he'd be a great mid-card stepping to the main event. The other reason is because he's a valuable backstage presence and he'll dedicate his life to the company.

Kill The Rock. Once again, I wouldn't kill any of these guys if that was an option, but of these three I find The Rock to be the least overall useful. Besides, he's just going to leave me broken hearted in the rain one day anyway.
Stone Cold would still get pushed to become a huge star. Out of the three he was the most important in terms of impact and the WWE would never have been the same without his time at the top. Rock would be the one to never make it past the midcard. I like The Rock but not as much as Stone Cold and in terms of this scenario, he still goes into his Rock persona rather than Rocky Maivia character and makes it to the midcard. Unfortunately this means that Trips is the one who never makes it at all. It was a tough choice but this is my decision due to the options given. I had to do it this way. As much as I like Trips, I can't push him past Rock or Stone Cold in this scenario. Stone Cold deserves to get pushed to main event more than Rock does, and Rock deserves to make it to the midcard more than Trips would in this scenario.

Push: Stone Cold- Yes you HAVE to do this to really get The Rock over as well. But Stone Cold launched an era. The one we all associate with the Attitude era. He was the best in the world at what he did and he put butts in the seats. He had the most going for him and he is one of the best ever. You can never fail him to mid card it just seems impossible and without him the attitude era wouldnt exist.

Fail: The Rock: Not sure of any of the 3 could stay in the mid card but ok. Rocky might never get to the ME but, he can still become a great IC champion or tag team. You would still get the promo's the best in the world, just less i guess. Rock would be high mid card so he would always be fueding for the IC belt which would give it prestige and meaning.

Kill: HHH: I dont care much for HHH, he was alway fueding with Rocky so naturally i hated him from the start. Especially since he had the title so long and kept it even at the WM main event. Again its hard to kill any of these guys since they are so significant because without HHH, Rock would have never really got going. I just dont like HHH as much as the other two, hardly, i have a dislike for Trips.
Push: Undertaker. Without a doubt, he was and still is a huge influence on the buissness as a whole. And he produced probably the most "spin-off" gimmicks. Don't belive me? Look around the indies a bit.

Fail: Mankind (or whatever you want to call mick foley). Now, I'm not saying Foley is bad, not by a long shot, but he wasn't as good as alot of people tend to see him as. He was pretty much just a big bump person, and didn't have much of an offensive set.

Kill: The Hardy's. I used to love these two, but if they have prooved anything, they used to be under-achievers, and they deserve to stay that way. Jeff is almost as drugged out and messed up as Scott Hall, and Matt, although sometimes right, is way too outspoken and seems to think he is alot more importnant than he ever really was or is.
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