PSP vs. DS

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Which do you think is the best? For me without a doubt it's the DS. I've got both but I don't like the PSP.

I agree that the DS games are more child friendly. But there's more variety. The only PSP games that intrested me are the wrestling & GTA ones.

And don't get me started on the load times.

I'm also not impressed with the graphics. At least the DS realises that they wont have the best graphics, so they make the games more cartoonish.
Well Dr. Jake i will have to agree with ya as the DS is better overall.

PSP games are not that great IMO and you said it jake only ones that i like to play on it is wrestling and GTA.

DS just brings more selction and sowhat it if its kiddy fun those games are still kick ass

Anyways DS has Mario lol
And the GTA games are now on the PS2 so the appeal of buying a PSP is now redundant. I only brought one because I wanted Jake Roberts for Smackdown vs. Raw 06.
DS is way better and DS graphics are pretty good imo. PSP has better graphics but the games lack in variety. DS has megaman, pokemon, marvel alliances and etc and it has a new system with the touch screen so it's more interactive. The best feature for psp is you can put videos and music on it but thats about it. DS is easier to access internet and such.
I only have a DS and hate it. I have wanted a PSP since it came out, GTA VCS and LCS, Smackdown vs raw, ratchet and clank, gun, final fantasy just got announced, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Silent Hill: Origins, God of War: Chains of Olympus.....WOW!! The system just gets better, I for one would sell the DS for a PSP. The PSP just has better games I like, for me. That and I don't like Mario anymore, it got old.
I like DS more. It has alot more good games then the PSP and the touch screen can be cool sometimes. The graphics on the DS aren't bad either.
I have a DS and it got kinda of stale. The games are too childish, which is fun at times, but gets boring fast. I'm curretly selling my DS, so I can get a PSP. I know that the graphics aren't good on the PSP, but it's a handheld device, and handheld devices don't have amazing graphics. The game catalogue is was better than the one for DS. DIAR named most of the games, and they show that the PSP > DS, in my opinion.
Originally my thoughts were DS>PSP. That's changed latley. The DS IMO has so much more potential then what Nintendo is producing for it right now. The games as of late are way too childish. I'm hoping that Nintendo decides to do some more remakes like Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, and other popular N64 titles. I would love to see say Zelda Ocarina Of Time remade with some extra features thrown in. PSP latley has for me anyway been producing more titles that go along with the games that I play. It also helps that you can watch movies and play music. As I said I think DS can be the better system, but at this point it seems to me that PSP is the head of the hand held pack fornow
Originally my thoughts were DS>PSP. That's changed latley. The DS IMO has so much more potential then what Nintendo is producing for it right now. The games as of late are way too childish. I'm hoping that Nintendo decides to do some more remakes like Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, and other popular N64 titles. I would love to see say Zelda Ocarina Of Time remade with some extra features thrown in. PSP latley has for me anyway been producing more titles that go along with the games that I play. It also helps that you can watch movies and play music. As I said I think DS can be the better system, but at this point it seems to me that PSP is the head of the hand held pack fornow

If you actually look at sales and overall popularity (that's internationally) the DS is so far ahead it's not even funny. I don't see how turning the DS into the Nintendo 64 II would help things. It has its fair share of original first party titles that are head and shoulders above those made on the 64, and in my experience the games just don't transfer well from the 64. In addition to that, there are some great new games such as Trauma Center and, dare I say it, Elite Beat Agents and Cooking Mama. They're not really my type of games but they have appeal and a lot of originality, at least in the Western world. Just please, no train driving simulators.
Well I didn't mean Nintendo should make it an N64 II. I'm just saying I'd personally like to see some more remakes. I love all the remakes that Nintendo did for the GBA as far as SNES titles are consirned. I personally enjoyed the Mario 64 DS and Diddy Kong Racing. I loved the fact that in Mario Kart DS they had tracks from each game prior to it. Overall I still say DS has much more potential, but I really hope to see more games come out for it. Granted there are some good ones coming out, or so I'm told.
I'm a fan of the Nintendo system, this is probably because I like the quirky games such as Elite Beat Agents and Trauma Center.
The variety of games on the DS is far ahead that of the PSP. The PSP has... Shooters, Racing games, Sports games and GTA; there really isn't anything outside of that catalogue.
DS is the best handheld out present. I have an M3 Adapter it basically is a small card that looks like a DS game but has a small slot for Micro SD memory the newest version has optional rumble pack for the gameboy advance slot and or a GBA expansion pack that goes into the GBA slot allowing you to use GBA roms.

It allows you to put roms onto the micro sd memory and use them on your DS whether it be a game (illegal ones included), homebrew apps like moonshell that can play mp3s ect.

Its the best i wouldn't even touch my DS if i didnt have one hey it was only £40 with a 2gb memory card it can play mp3s, videos, pics, games yes full ones which can be found on bittorent sitesand made up ones.

Basically people just make exact copy of games from cartridges like NDS Carts onto there pc this is called a rom and its called an image when they copy a disk to a pc. Then they can download them from sites. Some people can maek thier own roms like small programs and stuff that isnt illegal its also not illegal to use an emulator to play a SNES game or whatever if you own that game alreadyyou can do this on an M3 adapter.

Sorry if people know about this already but its the best.
Which do you think is the best? For me without a doubt it's the DS. I've got both but I don't like the PSP.

I agree that the DS games are more child friendly. But there's more variety. The only PSP games that intrested me are the wrestling & GTA ones.

And don't get me started on the load times.

I'm also not impressed with the graphics. At least the DS realises that they wont have the best graphics, so they make the games more cartoonish.

i don't feel its good to compare any of the systems in general but my :twocents:

the ds is alot like the wii with the unique controll features and games geared towards MOSTLY younger audiences and casual gamers and the odd person who never would game before (parents and the like)

the psp (through my limited play time with ours) has better graphics and it is more geared towards the teen and up audience it has the ability to play the umds (movies on tiny discs for those not in the know)

each does its own thing well and they are so different its like asking whats better apples or bananas.
still id go with the vanilla ice cream but whatever the ds is the greatest handheld ever made just look at the sales, its got enuf great games like sonic rush and zelda to keep the hardcore gamers happy and the crappy kids games like shrek and simpsons game, then theres the M3 adapter which gives it modding capabilitys like running your own operating system like linux
Ok im looking at this from the modification side,

PSP: Thanks to guys like Dark Alex i would say the psp can mode easily all you need is patients plus theres a chance of bricking the console apart from that The console is easy to handle and you have state of the art games

DS: The Ds can be modded using a cartridge you can play all your favorites via download plus i love pokemon lol

My choice would be the PSP due to raw Vs Smackdown coming out

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