Promos that never seem to end..


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I would like to know if wrestlers thru out history, whenever they cut a 45 minute promo(ala HHH) are aware how boring as hell there are? The i am going to talk just to hear the sound of my voice promos.. I dont know if they are teaching this but it seems the want Randy Orton to take this role. There is a huge difference between a great long promo thats relavent to what ever feud on going and a 3 hour rant that doesn't seem do anything but bring alittle heat for the bad guy. Just my little rant about rants..
What is the question? When a wrestler cuts a long-winded boring promo, is he aware that it's boring and long-winded? How are we supposed to know that?

Well, I guess it depends on the wrestler and on the promo. When the Ultimate Warrior arrived in WCW and cut this promo on Hogan for 20+ minutes he probably wasn't aware of it, but he lives in his own world anyway.

Jericho mentioned in one of his books that he once interrupted the Undertaker in a promo that was long-winded and stunk up the place and everyone, including Taker, knew it.

So, yea, I guess the answer is: depends...

As for Orton, he strikes me as cutting promos verbatim as scripted and delivers those promos with as little energy as possible. His heart seems rarely in it.
I think this has been a complaint for a while now. I'm sure some of these guys have too big of an ego to think they're boring and with a guy like Triple H who in the back is going to tell him if he is?
Randy has always been boring on the mic in my opinion. Giving him longer promo time is an awful idea.
I liked the old days where a guy could get his point across in a backstage segment that lasted a couple minutes or sometimes even less.
I'm not saying I dislike segments that are confrontations or dueling mic work with a good back and forth.
One guy talking for 20 minutes though I can understand why people get annoyed by that.

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