Promo #3

Which promo was my best?

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Championship Contender
Nick Taylor-Looks like I'm in another trashy town this week called cleveland,Ohio?No wander Lebron left for Miami because this place stinks.It smells like something crawled up under the ring and died.Wait I know what it is It's that old woman in the 3rd row?Is she alive?Wasn't she the waitress at the last supper?HA HA HA.Thats funny.What you laughing at cutie?-talking to the anouncer Jamie.You were on a sign when i came into town last night.The sign said XXX live nude.Last night I debuted on Raw and Randy Orton gave me an rko.Who does he think he is?Randy is one of WWES top superstars.So it doen't look like WWE has a bright future does it?After he hits his RKO he has to move around in the ring and shake his head like he's having a seizure.He looks like one of the kids in special ed at school.You know the mentally ******ed ones who ride the short bus.Randy is always complaining backstage to Vince about other wrestlers not performing like they should but if anyone needs to learn how to wrestle or at least stand without shaking it's you pandy Randy.If you complain about every wrestler then dont you think your the problem.It doen't take a genius like me to figure that out.Then last night i was confronted by the so called fortunate son Michael Mcguilicuty.Now thats no fortunate name.Mcguilicuty.Is he related to Beulah?His dad may have been almost as perfect as me but Mike is not perfect.Just like Miz said he's only mediocre.Those were the flaws of my debut on Raw but I actually liked Raw because there are some pretty women backstage.Melina has got all that and a bag of chips.I mean i would like to speak spanish to her you know.Andella Andella.Tomorrow afternoon Cena has a another movie coming out.Whats up with this guy?He's in every freakin movie.But he sucks at wrestling.He knows like 5 moves.Well at least He will have a job after I win NXT because he won't be a world champ ever again.I am the future.Get used to it.
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All I have to add is if your going to do a promo at least make it pleasing to the eye. I know I'm not that good a RP'ing but atleast go to the e-fed and see how they do theirs.

I have already done one and you can see it in the WZCW section.
it's a whole lot better than when dolph ziggler said Hi my names Dolph Ziggler in his debut and backstage segmants
I don't think so. It may have been the same thing over and over. However, he said all his words clearly and got across what he was suppose to. You do not, simply because of grammer (proper typing) and spelling errors which makes one promo very unappealing. Also, the content and flow is just horrendous.

I'd tell you a secret but I think crock would get mad at me. :(
Now I would be betraying The Crock's trust and I can't do that no matter how bad I wanna tell you. Let me just say it's probably obvious to all but you.
:facepalm: Taylor why do you think people want you to make more........(now look at the pm I sent you).
Look at your pm like I said in my last post. I'm not going to post it on here.

Personally the reasons why I said the last two were lacking made me chose your first one as your best RP.
I just wish he would accept that he sucks and if he does that but still wishes to write then WZCW would be a place to start.

Advice 1: Spellcheck.
Advice 2: Delete the whole thing and start over.
Advice 3: No one paragraph needs to be that long. Break it up. Description, other "characters" what ever you need to do.

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