Prom Memoirs

The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
I noticed a thread in the bar room from Doc talking about his prom and others talking about theirs. It got me thinking about that time in my life, what I was doing, what was going on, who I was hanging out with, how much fun I was having, and how much I miss it all.

I never went to prom, I never went to any dance. I was always too scared to ask a girl out, no one ever asked me to go either, I guess you could say I was afraid of getting rejected. I figured "Watch, I'll ask one girl, she'll turn me down, I'll ask another and get turned down, and be that guy who can't find a date". I've had my successes don't get me wrong, and every time I set my mind to getting the girl I have, I just was never good at actually asking them out. I got over that eventually but at the time I didn't have quite the knack for it. I always wanted to go to the dance, wear a nice getup, tear up the dance floor, and do it with a good looking girl beside me. I fulfilled that whole part later in life at the clubs, but in high school the dances are always a big deal and I like a lot of people wanted to go.

I did get asked once. My best friend at the time Eric had known this girl Heather since they were kids, Heather dated Erics brother who was in a correctional academy for cutting someone up, she always hung out with Eric though, he kind of watched out for her until his brother was to be released. I always hung out with Eric, Heather was always with Eric, and Heather's best friend Amber always hung out too. We used to get baked all the time together, everyday almost. We still went to school we just went on cloud 4:20. Sometimes we skipped school and made an all day thing of it, but not enough for any of us to get in trouble for it. We used to hand out everyday, Eric, Heather, Amber, and I and prom time was coming around. Heather was the same age as me, Eric and Amber were both a year older than us and Amber was about to graduate.

So one day we are at Eric's house where everything went down most of the time. We were putting down some beers and burning down the trees if you know what I mean, and Heather and Amber pulled me to the side while Eric was taking a leak. Apparently Amber wanted to go to prom, and didn't have a date. Eric and I were just about the only guys Heather and Amber really hung out with, if any other guys were around them we were too, we were the only ones they hung out alone with. So they both asked me if I would go to prom with her. I didn't know if she actually had a thing for me and this was her opportunity to ask me out, or if she really just needed a date and I was available so she asked. Heather told me later that Amber did have a thing for me and that was most of the reason she hung out with us all the time. I mean, she was Heathers best friend but we all lived on the same side of town not far from each other so naturally we were around each other all the time, Amber lived on the opposite side of town but always opted to come hand out with us.

She was cute, she had this hot little diamond nose ring, very pretty hair that fell a little below her shoulders she had those blond streaks that you see a lot of girls with, but this was in like 2001-2002. She had a nice body, kind of thick but not chunky, just enough to give her some nice curves, nice rack too. She was kind of a hippy girl, she always wore those grateful dead tie-dye shirts and hemp jewelry, normally with some low cut hip hugger jeans, you know the kind with the flares at the bottom. Real down to Earth mellow chick, we were always stoned so maybe that had something to do with it, but the times we weren't she was always cool, real funny too.

It's amazing we never hooked up, Eric and Heather always thought we should or that we would but it just never materialized. I was always messing around with different girls I knew, getting my booty calls, and never really getting serious with anyone. Eric, Heather, and Amber knew that and I think that's part of the reason Amber never asked me out. It's not like I never wanted to have a steady girlfriend, I did. I just didn't trust girls very much and didn't want to get into a relationship just to end up hurt. So I always had a few girls on the hook that I could call basically any time and meet up with for a night of....pleasure.

I did like Amber. I used to check her out all the time, and I always enjoyed being around her. Now, I wish she knew that then. I didn't take her to the prom. I turned her down. I let her know it had nothing to do with not wanting to take HER, hell I had a thing for her the whole time. I think I was just scared and a little intimidated. I was pretty shocked that she wanted me to take her, and I think in the shock I just said no no no no no. Looking back I wish I would have taken her to the dance. I am a great dancer, and I know I could have shown her a good time. Who knows where the whole thing might have led. Now I would guess that if I had taken her to the dance, the barriers on both our sides would have fallen down, and we probably would have done what both of us apparently wanted to do, and that's be a couple. I miss those days, and I wish I had the opportunity again. Unfortunately time moves on and you can't get it back, that is why you have to make the most of those high school years, you'll never get them back.

Amber if you're out there, I miss you, and I am sorry I never gave us a chance. Now, I wish I had. You were one special chick and I am sure now whoever you are with knows that.
were you impressed by amir khan last night rage?

Yeah he looked pretty good, very consistent. I didn't think Malignaggi would get ended like he did, but I was pretty positive Khan was going to win. I would say that was one of the better fights that have happened recently.
UGH. Word Fort /= Long Post. Word Fort = Three good points surrounded by shit. Game Rage's non-debate posts might be long, but they're not fluffed.
When does anyone want something long that's fluffed? He was right to make it long and hard enough for you at the start.
Er, FalKon, Fluff = Extraneous information/sentences that's ONLY used to make your posts seem longer, and therefore "More detailed." I'm saying Game Rage does not fluff his posts.

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