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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Real Name: Jacob Harding

Gimmick Name: Prince

Announced As: "The Masked Warrior" Prince

Height: 6'

Weight: 250 pounds (mostly fat)

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Billed From: Los Angeles, California

Alignment: Face

Introducing first from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 200 pounds, PRINCE!

Appearance: being shorter than 6'0'', not very menacing when unmasked, but when the mask comes on, he turns into a different person. Though he's pretty short, he considers himself bulky, when unmasked his curly hair is probably his most notable feature, not much else is going for him, look wise.

----------------Hair Colour/Length - When unmasked, he has curly hair under the mask, its not very well kept.

----------------Eye Colour - Brown

----------------Facial Hair - Scruffy Beard, not fully grown in, also not well kept

----------------Ring attire - Has two main attires he wears to the ring, he has his black tights with nice orange stripes, and his alternate attire more so on special occassions, where the tights are a dark purple, with yellow lines through the tights.

----------------Backstage Attire: Usually walks around wearing his tapout shirt, he went to an MMA class once, but has various Tapout shirts that he wears backstage, (They are pretty cheap)

----------------Physical Features - Though he has a pretty big belly, he can move around pretty well, you won't see him do a 450 cause he's sort of fat, but his size enables him to pick up most opponents. Has a pretty hairy body, as shown when's he shirtless.

----------------Tattoos: None to keep a good image.

Sample Pic:

Main Gimmick: A wrestler who takes inspiration from Video game fighter King. Fighting to build an orphanages around the world,

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Steals moves and combinations from characters in various video games such as street fighter, Virtual Fighter, and especially Tekken.

Brief Bio/History: After spending most of his life playing mainly fighting games, Jacob decided to learn of the back story of his favorite character, King. After learning that the the character King became a fighter to help an orphange, Jacob realizes that something he believes the world needs in real life, a hero someone who cares. After a year of training, and a lot more gaming, Jacob creates a costume resembling his hero, Jacob becomes Prince, and sets his sites on becoming a star at WZCW.

Entrance music: [YOUTUBE]fwD9jzUJxQo[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: Comes out with his mask in hand, most of the time with a look of fear at the opponent in the ring, then he puts the mask on at the entrance ramp, and turns into a different person, he walks to the ring, usually shaking hands with fans, he then slides into the ring, and heads straight to the corner, he climbs onto the second turnbuckle, and lets out a loud howl as the crowd howls with him.

Fighting Style: Powerhouse, Striker.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: Prince in the ring is unique in the sense a lot of his moves have been taken from various moves from different video games. Everything from Kings Muscle Buster to Ryu's Shoryuken. Prince is also known for his use of combinations, as taken from the character King from Tekken, so don't be surprised if Prince goes from a simple German suplex and turns it into a submission of some sort. Prince has had no previous injuries.

Finishing Moves (2 max)
Muscle buster (Royal Flush)
Tiger Suplex

Signature Moves (3 max):
Electric Chair Drop
Running Elbow Smash.
Pounce (High impact Shoulder Block)

12 Most Used Moves:
Rolling Savate Kick
T-Bone Suplex
Palm strikes
Diving Leg drop
Running Takedown
Springboard Elbow Drop.
Elbow Suicida
Spinning Uppercut
Reverse DDT
Apron DDT
Dragon Screw
Tornado Suplex

Sample RP.

We enter a locker-room, Prince sits alone with mask in hand.

You know, when I first stepped foot in a wrestling ring, I heard it all from people bigger, and stronger, and faster than me, saying I don't have what it takes, That this business is the place, where the big boys play. Well let me tell you something

Prince's voice begins to escalate.

I don't give damn how big you are, I'll knock you down. I don't give a shit how fast you are.

Prince begins to run around the room, almost like a mad man, and then stops and looks at the camera

Cause all it takes is one second for my fist to smash into your face and for you to fall to the ground, and guess what you won't be so fast now.

Prince sits back down

Now I'll agree you can question my size, and my atheltism. But how about I question something about everyone else hear, let me question everyone's heart. Because let me tell you something, I guaranteed you if all the wrestlers took a knife and cut into her chest and tear out are hearts, I guaranteed you my heart will be the biggest

Prince picks his mask up again

But let me tell me you something, when I put this mask on. And I hit you, tell me I don't hit like a 500 pounder, when I have this mask on, and I'm able to lift you up and hit you with my Kingdom come finisher, I guaranteed none of you will be feeling so big then.

Prince puts his mask on.

You see you when I go out there, I'm fighting for all the kids who were brought in this world without a damn chance to succeed, I fight for the slobs, the homeless, the people who believe they don't have a chance, and can look at me someone who's been there, and has made it. And with all that behind me, I cannot let those people who down. Now this is a notice to all the wrestlers who hears my roar.

Prince pulls camera closer

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