

As you may know or not know, I´m German.

I grew up here and well, I like Germany. A lot of people from other countries who I talked to at the FIFA World Cup 2006 were surprised what nice people the Germans are and that they expected us to be rude and aggresive towards them.

Also a lot of people seem to think that Germany is still run by the Nazi party and we all run around in uniforms and eat Bratwurst and have no humor.

All these things are prejudices and I don´t blame the people that believe them but fell sorry for them.

To blame are the people that spread such nonsense.

But I´m not leaving it at Germany, a lot of people all over the world have prejudices.

For example, a lot of people believe that Americans are all fat, lazy uneducated morons with 20 guns at home that want to conquer the world and get all the oil.

The English people all have bad teeth, drink tea and are hooligans.

I wouldn´t go as far as calling it real racism but prejudices.

It´s the sad way for uneducated people to find a reason to stay at home and never leave it because they´re afraid to encounter something they might no understand.

But what do you think ? Do you think there is a difference between racism and prejudices or are those things linked together ?
Most prejudices have grounds somewhere, and I don't generally think of the ones mentioned as racist. I mean, a common prejudice we have here is that all Asian people smell of/eat curry. While that's clearly not the case, it stems from the fact A LOT of Asian people do eat curry, and we see that with a lot of curry places all run by Asian people. It's not racist, it's just you applying what you see to a wider community, and while it's not right, I don't think it's as wrong as people like to act.

When people act on those prejudices is when it becomes a problem. Discrimination is what's wrong, as opposed to prejudice. We ALL pre-judge people, even on a subconscious level. One example I've noticed is through playing rugby. As a girl, people automatically assume there's no way I, or my team, can be as good as a male player/team, which is obviously wrong. These people aren't sexist for it being their first thought, but if they begin to act on that prejudice, and state we can't play, simply for being female, that's when it becomes wrong. This can be applied to pretty much everything.
I think a lot of what you're describing is xenophobia. Of course we know that not all germans are nazis, and you dont all work is beer halls, but I think over the past few years, America has gotten a really bad rap. Here in Australia, it's disgusting the amount of filth that gets slung at them on TV shows and chat shows. It's not funny, just insensitive.

Oh yeah, theyre obese. Too bad we're just as bad, and I believe we overtook the US as the most obese country recently. I love Australia, but the sheer intolerance is mind boggling. Maybe it's jealousy of being buddies with a superpower or something, but Australia just cannot stop ripping on USA, probably to make us feel better about ourselves. So fear not American wrestling fans! I know you arent all obese!
Simple really. Most of us (the animal called "man") fear what we don't know; we fear cultures that are not are own and we loath the idea of having to learn about others. Now add to this every bad thing or act of notoriety/infamy that anyone of a specific race, color, ethnic identity, country of origin etc., etc., etc., has ever done in recorded history and you tie in people's lack of knowledge and built in fears and you get the basis for personally unfounded prejudices, and stereotypes... this festers a while and then you personally have a bad experience with a person of X identity and boom, now you have a something that reinforces your notion and you grow a distrust for group X. Now you tell your children, friends, family etc., and it spreads to those uneducated enough to agree or believe. Eventually the wrong type of person hears the message and not only develops a bit of predjudice but also a healthy dose of hatered and racism. They can't come to terms with being the cause of their own problems so they scapegoat a group of people instead... hence WWII and your Nazi party. It comes full circle really.
That isn't racism, prejudice, or xenophobia. Those are stereotypes. Not all Americans are fat, not all Germans are Nazis, not all the English have bad teeth, not all Indians are doctors, not all Asians are good at Math, etc.

But stereotypes do come from somewhere, and they often lead to certain prejudices, and in certain cases racism. The Nazi party did lead Germany, and remnants of it remain. The fact that the German government had to make laws banning it just drew attention to the remaining aspects of it. Some ignorant people will hold on to a belief despite all evidence to the contrary.

Stereotypes are very dangerous. Homosexuals have been shunned because of the expectation that they all have AIDS. Jews have been robbed blind because of the assumption that they have money. Asian kids get picked on because of the assumption that they are all nerds, or even worse, that they all know karate. These actions, sometimes violent, are needless, the antagonists swinging blindly in an attempt to resist the changing makeup of worldwide cultures.

That being said, stereotypes do come from somewhere, and it is the exceptional in a group who will break them down. It is not an overnight process. Many black people are good at sports, so that stereotype will always exist. A large portion of the entertainment industry is comprised of Jews. These ideas will persist. But, the idea that blacks and Jews exist only in the entertainment industry can easily be broken down, as both races are well represented in every facet of the American economy, and many are making contributions in business, politics, as well as the stereotypical places. This should show that all races are full of well rounded people who can and do succeed at whatever they choose to do.
I think everything has already been said. i mean we all like becca said have predetermined stereotypes in our head as soon as we see someone. here is an example my best friends are Jewish and Asian. the way i met my Asian friend we were in math class and i asked him for help because i assumed he was really good at math. turns out he got an A in that class but that is beside the point.

My Jewish friend i found out he was Jewish and automaticly assumed he was good with money. he is not. so thus just goes to show all these have some basis in fact but not everyone behaves that way.

Another example im Mexican and i hate mowing my lawn. ha ha

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