Predict the WrestleMania 32 card


Dark Match Winner
So far the WWE has their sights set on breaking the attendance record at the AT&T stadium at WM 32. In order to do that they must bring in as much part timers as possible for the nostalgia (since they feed most of their new stars to Cena).

I personally think it's going to be one of the biggest WM's of all time in terms because of the starpower and nostalgia. We can expect Rock, Sting, Undertaker, Lesnar, and HHH to wrestle. Batista, RVD, Jericho, and Daniel Bryan may or may not return. Jeff Hardy might return to WWE according to a dirtsheet report. Here is the most likely card. Just looking at the star power this is going to be a very packed card..

I don't think the Shield will have their triple threat this year because of all the part timers. Guys like Owens and Cesaro will be lucky to even get an individual match. Hard to say where Orton will fit in too. Anyways here is the most likely matchup:

John Cena vs Undertaker - This is going to be one of the biggest WrestleManias in a while. Obviously the WWE is going to have Cena win his 16th or maybe even 17th title at one of the biggest events in history. They're not having Cena face a loser like Rusev or Wyatt like the last 2 WrestleMania's. The only reason they did that was to prevent the Cena hate from getting out of control, well guess what it failed. It may or may not be Undertaker's last match. I wouldn't put it past them to have his last match be against Cena. Another option could be Sting, but I doubt it since Cena would have no other big opponent. I doubt Cena will face Reigns and put him over at this WM, since they are too busy trying to hype up Ric Flair's record and Cena definitely isn't jobbing in potentially the biggest WM of the decade.

The Rock vs Triple H (Stone Cold guest referee)- seeds have already been planted at last WrestleMania. Rollins vs HHH will happen in the next few months and HHH will go over to build credibility against The Rock. Rock will go over as he's not taking time out of his busy schedule just to job.

Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar - I don't see any other option for Lesnar honestly. Maybe Orton, but I think they would rather have Reigns. Lesnar would seriously injure Sting in the ring. If Lesnar takes another loss though that would make him look vulnerable, losing to Undertaker then Reigns in the span of a year.

Sting vs Bray Wyatt - Bray Wyatt's annual WM loss streak will continue

Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose - Rollins is the face and Ambrose is the heel.

Kevin Owens vs Randy Orton - Grudge match

Dudley Boys vs New Day vs Jeff Hardy and RVD vs ???(if Hardy returns) - Just like last year; a random tag team match just to get their names on the card

Andre the Giant battle royal - I predict Ryback will win this one
You clearly don't watch any wresting to come up with that hot garbage. None of it makes a lick of sense.
I may be off in the mid card matches but I know for sure that Rock vs HHH will happen based on last WM and Reigns vs Lesnar have unfinished business. Also Wyatt will continue to job to part timers
The only match for sure that's going to happen on your card is the Andre the Giant BR. I don't think Ryback will win though. If he is still IC champion then he should have a match on his own, but even if he isn't, he doesn't need the win. It never does anything for anyone. Just ask Cesaro.

I'll wait until closer to Mania to think about the card. Chances are the landscape might look a lot different by then.
Here's the most likely card based off WWE booking the last few months.

1 - Reigns (d) Cena - WWE Championship - Face vs. face. Passing of the torch moment.

2 - Taker (d) Lesnar - Taker finally avenges his loss at WM30.

3 - Sting (d) Wyatt - Sting gets his first win in WWE (assuming Rollins retains).

4 - Rock (d) HHH - I could also see this. Especially after WM31.

That's the "big" matches anyway. I have no idea what to expect for Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro, Owens, Orton, Bryan (if healthy) and many others. We'll know more in the coming months.

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