Predict The Summer Feud

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What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
Right here we are, done from Extreme Rules and with big rammifications.


Cena's off for a while fellas. I think, I think I am gonna miss him. This is big news and does now, give another superstar to take him place and maybe setup a summer angle. Pretty sure Brock will be involved in it. This is the reason why they brought him in now (sans Mania), to have a stellar summer with a great angle that would have everybody buzzing. I don't know how much the media is picking up on the Brock return ANYMORE, however, it is safe to say that WWE will try their best to give it a little out-a-the box publicity. Brock's WWE's bank for a while and have him go out and talk the bejesus outta it to the world should be their gameplan. Now for an opponent you will have to run a search-light on the current upper midcard on both the brands as to who could give Brock a stiff and equal challenge.

.....I think I got someone:





Ye, ye it was a pathetic attempt at creating a cartoon strip! I know!

This has been disclosed that Orton is a rumored opponent for the summer. Personally this would be a mouth watering prospect, plainly due to the fact that Orton won't play nice. I mean, kudos to Cena for embracing the hate of a lock and chain last night, but I feel, that Orton would match Brock brilliantly. Both are quick and agile with a good build and have demonic presence about them in the ring. We all know how cold Orton can turn when the chains are lose. There will be a physically and verbally free-er program for Orton, and I await as to what he has to say.

And yes about that, "Orton can't cut a promo to save his life" crap! Orton has a gimmick. Gimmick like Jack the Ripper. Ripper rip not talk. Do bloody awful things. Get it?

This is probably the most likeliest of feuds I see happening...

Floor's all yours gents.
Well with Cena out of the picture for the time being I would say Johnny L will turn his attention back to CM Punk. I think we will see Tensia fued with punk for a few months. I would figure with Lesner losing he would want to redeem himself and go after punk and the title but with Triple H now getting involved somehow I think him and lesner will have some sort of program. Perhaps over all the demands Lesner has been giving out. My question is from what I heard Jericho is supposed to stick around a few more months so where does he go from here through the summer? Keep jobbing to Punk? Perhaps someone else will inject themselves into this fued. Miz maybe? I would also love to see an Austin/Punk fued kick off sometime in the summer months leading to a showdown at mania.
Also I forgot to mention that with Orton being on SD and has been in and out of pointless fueds for as long as I can remember right now I just cant see him and Brock being the main selling point for Summer Slam. Though I agree it is a match I would love to see.
I can see one of two possibilities Brock vs HHH or Brock vs Orton. Either would be epic but I'm leaning towards Orton because he is a weekly player and I figure HHH should start to play his COO role more, than being a part time wrestler. If we do get Orton, he needs to be drafted to Raw and get a beatdown from Lesnar, get "injured" for a week or two and then return as the demented Orton we all prefer and set up a nice main summer feud.

If Jericho sticks around for a while longer draft him to Smackdown and setup a feud with Bryan perhaps. Whilst Sheamus will eventually have a boring feud with Del Rio, could even shake it up a bit and draft Ziggler or Swagger over to Smackdown (could be there already I got no idea) and have a Three way feud over the summer.

CM Punk will feud with Tensai/Laurinaitis and by the end of the summer Johnny will be stripped of one show and we will have Edge as a GM.
First off Cena will be back for SummerSlam. There is no way Cena will miss this event unless he is really injured and cant perform, but as of now he is just taking time off to rest up and heel nagging injuries.
Brock vs Orton -I wanna see Orton reverse the F5 with the RKO
Cody vs Dustin - maybe can be Dustin's last match
Sheamus vs Anyone besides Del Rio
CM Punk vs Christian -if brand split ends or he is able to just move to Raw
Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett - Wade could comeback and see DB has passed him by and get angry or sommin.
Punk vs. Lesnar would make a lot of sense. Why wouldn't Brock wanna go after the biggest prize in the business to establish himself as the true face of the company? However, I can't see these 2 putting on a decent feud or match.

I'd like to see Lesnar vs. Orton. These 2 could put on an intense feud, but Orton needs to be built up a lot more over the next 2 months for this to work. However, depending on when Wade Barrett returns from injury, I can see him going straight after Orton again.

Lesnar vs. HHH would definitely work though. I can see HHH becoming worried about Lesnar injuring WWE superstars and ruining the business, and for the only way to get rid of him would be to take out Lesnar himself
I would love to see Lesnar vs Orton, this is actually the fued I was most ecited for when I heard about Lesnar's return. The two are pretty similar, in that they are massive, intimidating, bad-asses who quite simply enjoy inflicting pain. Orton's sadistic streak would be a perfect counter to Brock's own cruelty and they could really go pretty extreme with the violence. The fued should be all about physicality and the simple matter of deciding who the most dangerous man in the WWE is and should culminate at Summerslam.
There have been rumblings that Brock Lesnar may next feud with Randy Orton. With Cena now possibly taking time off, that looks more and more like a reality. Perhaps Brock gets drafted over to Smackdown and sets his sights on the Viper.

For the WHC, I see the Sheamus/Daniel Bryan feud simmering down a bit. His next challenger could possibly be Christian or Alberto Del Rio. Likely ADR, since he's been in line for a big push since before he was injured. But, I'd prefer to see Christian in that spot. It depends on how well healed he is.

For the WWE title, Punk has been rumored to begin a program with Lord Tensai. Not sure how I feel about that. Jericho will be leaving soon for his Fozzy tour run, so Punk needs someone else to work with. I highly doubt Lesnar will work with Punk, so I'm going by what I've heard/read around the IWC lately. Personally, I'd like to see Christian get drafted over to RAW and start a program with Punk to claim retribution from when Punk "reinjured" Christian.
^ let me elaborate on my earlier deleted comment, to avoid spamming

true, It has been widely rumored that Lord Tensai will be in a feud with CM Punk, but what I'm worried about is, at this point is Tensai over enough with the crowd, and seen as a big enough threat .. to avoid the ALBERT chants during matches/segments with Punk?

Tensai does have wins over Riley, Yoshi, Cena and R-Truth, but I worry Tensai hasn't built up enough credibility with the crowd yet to justify a main event feud for the WWE Title

**and worst case scenario is the crowd being either very dead during this feud or chanting ALBERT ... but then again Tensai vs Cena, the crowd went back to it's "let's go Cena" "Cena sucks" alternating chants

so maybe that's the hope if Tensai does feud with CM Punk .. that the crowd will be so pro Punk, it'll drown out any potential chants of ALBERT
I see Brock taking the belt off Punk. I dont know when and I don't really like the idea but I can see it happening, maybe after a Brock and HHH feud. I really hope WWE sees that noone gives a shit about Lord Albert and keep him away from the main event.
Haven't seen much mention of Barett. I can see him coming back for the Summer although his feud will probably be for the WHC. Maybe also Beth and Kharma.
I would love to see Orton fued with The Rock. I think it would do wonders for both and it'd be a big draw. Second I anticipate a program between Tensai and Punk. I think Lesnar and Triple H is a good bet too.
Likely wont play out this way, but this is what I'd like to see.

Randy Orton to me lost a lot of momentum and is in dyer need to relegitimize himself, and win, lose, or draw a rivalry with Lesnar would do just that. Dont get me wrong his program with Kane was good, but I dont know if its just me he hasn't been as interesting since his move to Smackdown. CM Punk just defeated Jericho, so I dont think he needs to face Lesnar as much as Orton does.
:disappointed:Its ganna be brock v HHH since HHH got attacked on raw....since he has a broken arm (if its true) dat will leave brock off air 4 a while as his contract says and then wen HHH returns about a mth b4 summerslam it will be all out war between them.As 4 cena more then likely be wit johnny which i dnt think will be dat great (same) as we all wanna kick the shit out of our boss's....

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