Predict the match order!

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Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Wrestlemania 30 is on its way, guys! One thing that I often find fun to do is predict the order of which the advertised matches will take place on the actual show. The card cleared up quite nicely and this is a show I am excited for. We already know that the Tag Team Championship Fatal Fourway match will go on as part of the pre-show event.

What order do you think the 7 advertised Wrestlemania 30 matches will happen in, and reasons for why?

This is NOT a topic for speculation on what other matches might get added, there is already a Wrestlemania card discussion topic for that. Posts like "They need to have a US Championship match" would therefore be considered off topic and spam. I'll go first.

1. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
2. Triple H VS Daniel Bryan
3. The Shield VS Kane & The New Age Outlaws
4. Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar
5. John Cena VS Bray Wyatt
6. Divas Match
7. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

First could really go to any of the matches I placed at 1 through 3. I have a feeling Trips and Bryan go early on, but not necessarily first. It's probably going to be the Andre Battle Royal honestly. The Shield match is really the only other one that could realistically open. I put the divas match on next to last so as to get the fans a chance to relax in between all the big matches. The WWE World Heavyweight Championship is going on last, nothing else makes sense closing. Cena VS Bray has gotten a ton of hype with its awesome video packages and promos, but it's an upper card match. The world title should go last.

How about you guys? I'm excited to see your card listings but please explain why you ordered them the way you did so as to avoid spamming infractions and your post being deleted.

Discuss! :)
I think it's a pretty good order and probably something along the lines of what the actual order will be. I could see the six man tag, battle royal or even Bryan vs. Triple H starting the show off. The battle royal MIGHT prove something of a lackluster start, depending upon who wins the thing, who the final guys left in the match are, etc. The six man tag would probably get things off to a strong start as The Shield are all really over. Bryan vs. Triple H would definitely get the show off to a hot start as it's probably the most anticipated match on the card. I also expect Bryan vs. Trips to be on early, even if it's not first, because I think it'll be physical and the winner will have a good amount of time to rest before wrestling for the title to close the show. I agree with the estimate of the Diva match on the card as a buffer to give people a chance to relax a bit, go to the restroom, hit the snack bar, etc.

I've been thinking about it all week and, all things considered, maybe the Diva match really is best where it is. The match is gonna be a chaotic clusterfuck, I've little doubt about that. As a result, it'll probably last about 5 or 6 minutes tops. With the tag title match being on the kickoff show, it should have a pretty good amount of time whereas it would probably have to be cut extremely short if it was on the main card. After all, the top four matches are the real draws and they're gonna get the most time. With the chaos of the Divas match, it'll have to be short. After all, if it was on the kickoff show, you'd have to have ADHD in order to be able to endure 15 minutes or so of that chaos.
1. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal: I think this should open the show. A Battle Royal is a good opener and sets the pace of the show.

2. The Shield VS Kane & The New Age Outlaws : After the battle royal.

3. Triple H VS Daniel Bryan : Should be a solid 25-30 min match

4. Divas match: A filler. Get it over with before all the big matches

5: John Cena VS Bray Wyatt : The buildup of this match has been main-event caliber so I will place it just before the streak match.

6: Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar: Despite of its terrible buildup this is one of the main events.

7: WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match - The main-event. End Wrestlemania with the World title match no matter if its a Triple Threat or a Fatal Four Way.
1. Shield v Kane/NAO Good Shield match to set the pace for the show and get the crowd rocking.

2. HHH v Daniel Bryan: DB gets his match in early to make sure he's fully charged for the main event later.

3. Battle Royal: Considered putting this first mainly due to the number of entrances that would need to be done and those could be done on the pre-show, but I'm putting it third as it'll let the crowd calm down until near the end when they get pumped up again.

4.Taker v Lesnar: With the crowd still boisterous after the battle royal we run the video package for Taker and Lesnar which then leads into a brutal contest between both of them and Taker getting the win.

5.Diva's Match: After Taker and Lesnar's all out war the crowd will need some time to rest up for the Main Event and we get our Diva's match in here.

6. Cena v Wyatt: With the other matches already being placed and the WWE WHC obviously going last this has to go before it.

7. Bryan/HHH v Orton v Batista for the WWE WHChampionship: Clearly the main event and the final match of the night.
I think the 6 man tag should go on first but I think it will actually go

Battle Royal-Lot's of entrances and you would have Hogan come out first to kick the show off and he can logically transition into the Battle Royal

The Shield vs Kane and NAO-This is just where a match like this belongs if they won't start the show with it.

Cena vs Wyatt-I don't think this match will happen before either of Bryan's matches or Taker's match. I assume there will be some filler between the last match and this one to give the crowd a chance to prepare themselves for these two guys and make this the start of the main event portion of the show.

Bryan vs Triple H-I think this will happen here because it keeps the victory relatively fresh in everyone's minds and if the commentators could make it seem like that wasn't nearly enough time to get ready for a second match even though it should be fine.

Taker vs Lesnar-Semi main event after this match goes all the focus will be on be on the main event. Hopefully have a great match here that will get the crowd yelling loudly. Also I see this going at least 25 which combined with the Divas stuff will give enough rest time to whoever won Bryan vs Triple H

Divas match- There's usually a divas match or some sort of lowely match between the last two big matches to get the crowd a chance to regroup and reset for the main event and I expect this to be no different.

Bryan/HHH vs Batista vs Orton-This is the title match that the main story line has found itself into so this has to be last.

Do we get like a prize if we guess correctly?
Do we get like a prize if we guess correctly?

Not really.... since this is just a discussion topic. The predictions contest itself is run in a different section. I'll probably end up green repping whoever came the closest disregarding my own list, or something.

I doubt Cena & Bray go on before Trips & Bryan personally. The winner of that match needs time to heal up before the world title match plus look at all the hype Cena VS Bray has gotten, but you may end up being right. We'll find out tomorrow.
My card prediction.

30 man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Triple H vs Daniel Bryan
NAO&Kane vs The Shield
Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar
Diva's Match
Bray Wyatt vs Cena
H.O.F segment
Batista vs Orton vs Bryan/HHH

The reason being for my card order is I think our host Hulk Hogan will open the show with the 30 man battle royal. Triple H and Daniel Bryan should be early on the card due to them healing up for the main event. Taker/Lesnar and the Wyatt/Cena matches are the ones I'm looking forward to see the most and we'll need fillers between them going into the main event which is why I threw the diva's match in and the H.O.F segment between the Wyatt match and the main event.
I am guessing the show will open with Hulk Hogan in the ring, get the crowd pumped and ready. I think a face will win the opening match, so I see The Shield, who are still very over, opening the ppv.
1. The Shield VS Kane & The New Age Outlaws
2. Divas Title Match
Get this clusterfuck out of the way early, give the crowd plenty of time to warm up for the main matches on the card.
3. John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
Cannot see this match going any further down the card.
4. Triple H VS Daniel Bryan
I see this match having tremendous heat and the crowd will be salivating for this match. I see this match leading us to the intermission and gives Bryan and HHH plenty of rest ahead of the main event
5. Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar
Crowd I think will bypass this, Undertaker going over in a soft, hard to watch match
6. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Some comic relief and the chance for a few legends to pop up in the match, crowd to get their thoughts together during this nothnig match ahead of the big one.
7. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Obvious finish to the show just put out a report listing what Dave Meltzer alleges is the current internal match order.

1. The Shield vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws
2. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
3. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
4. The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
5. Vickie Guerrero's Divas Championship Invitational
6. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H
7. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. TBD for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

IF, IF, IF, IF that does turn out to be the match order, then I think it all but assures that Bryan doesn't lose to Triple H. It might wind up being turned into a fourway match, but I don't see Bryan losing. Considering that he & Trips will most likely beat the crap out of each other, Bryan immediately having to compete in the title match against two guys like Orton & Batista flows perfectly with the "underdog" story they've been doing with Bryan.
^ while that certainly fits in the Bryan story line, looking at it from Triple H's stance (thinking he'd beat Bryan), is it really smart to have a grueling 20-25 minute match, then challenge for the belt the very next match?

presumably (angle wise) I'd figure Triple H wants to win the title, and IMO the COO of the company can plan better.

**nother side note, I wonder if at all in the back of HHH's mind is how badly the Mania match vs Lesnar tanked last year. That was last years co-main event, and it had a very dead crowd throughout. Triple H's mania match this year is much more compelling (as it has the winner going on to the Main Event. While it still could happen, IMO not a lot of sense in making Bryan-HHH second to last, as just because it has circumstances where the winner wrestles in main event doesn't mean it has to be right before main event

as for my predicted order, I'll go out on a limb here

1. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal - Hogan's hosting, I'd like to see the show open with Hogan in the ring, and surrounded on the outside by 10 participants, Battle Royal begins, with entrants every minute

2. The Shield vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws - rumored to be one of the earlier matches

3. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H - put it here while the crowd is still hot

4. The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

5. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

6. Vickie Guerrero's Divas Championship Invitational - light hearted filler before main event

7. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. TBD for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
1. Daniel Bryan VS Triple H

2. The Shield VS Kane & The New Age Outlaws

3. Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational

4. John Cena VS Bray Wyatt

5. Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

6. The Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar

7. Batista VS Randy Orton VS ?

You need a match to fire up the crowd on the main card, and Daniel Bryan VS Triple H is an ideal candidate. Plus, if you put this match on first, you give the winner time to rest up for the main event. The Divas match gives the crowd a chance to catch their breaths before Bray VS Cena, and the Andre Battle Royal provides another rest period before The Streak match.
1) Bryan vs Triple H. Give the fans an exciting star with what could potentially be a classic match.

2) Andre the Giant Battle Royal

3) The Shield vs Kane and The NAO

4) Cena vs Bray

5) Undertaker vs Brock

6) Divas match

7) Triple threat for the WWE WHC

There will have to be a break between Cena/Wyatt and Taker/Brock but I'm sure that could be either the HoF or a segment with Austin. I'm sure there will be a lot of fun segments and make the timing perfect.
Battle Royal-Lot's of entrances

It's possible that Hogan will come out, hype up the Battle Royal, introduce all 30 entrants, and they will all come down to the ring at the same time instead of each superstar getting seperate entrances, so they don't need to start the show with the Battle Royal. If they do decide to have all 30 men enter seperately, then, yeah, this will have to kick off the show and all the entrances will have to be done while the opening video package is playing. But WWE likes to show shots of the fireworks, the pyro, the set, the crowd and the ring, after the video package is over and they open up the PPV, and showing all 30 guys standing around in the ring while they do that, might ruin the moment a little bit, so I think it's best they have them all come out at the same time, whether the match goes on first or later.


1. The Shield vs. The Authority - Like some of the previous posters mentioned, The Shield are really over with the fans and they should be able to get the show off to a strong start. The only thing that makes me think this match won't go on first, is that The Shield opened the show last year.

2. Andre Battle Royal - Both Shield vs. KaNAO and Bryan vs. HHH are about fighting The Authority, so maybe this should go on second, instead of Shield/KaNAO and Bryan/Haitch going on right after the other.

3. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H - This should go on early but not too early - at the end of the first hour. WWE will wanna & should play a long video package before the match, showing the whole story between these two from Summerslam to now. And this gives the winner (Bryan) 3 hours to rest up for the Triple Threat.

4. Divas Invitational - Piss break after that hot matchup between Bryan and Triple H

5. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Introduce the class of 2014 Hall Of Fame

6. The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

7. WWE Title Triple Threat - I don't expect this match to be that spectacular, so you really don't need a filler/breather match inbetween this and Lesnar vs. Taker.
the last few years match order cards have been "leaked" online, and have always been incorrect, changes happen. I put zero stock in the leaked match order.
1. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
2. Triple H VS Daniel Bryan
3. The Shield VS Kane & The New Age Outlaws
4. Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar
5. John Cena VS Bray Wyatt
6. Divas Match
7. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

I got 2 out of 7 correct.

1. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal: I think this should open the show. A Battle Royal is a good opener and sets the pace of the show.

2. The Shield VS Kane & The New Age Outlaws : After the battle royal.

3. Triple H VS Daniel Bryan : Should be a solid 25-30 min match

4. Divas match: A filler. Get it over with before all the big matches

5: John Cena VS Bray Wyatt : The buildup of this match has been main-event caliber so I will place it just before the streak match.

6: Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar: Despite of its terrible buildup this is one of the main events.

7: WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match - The main-event. End Wrestlemania with the World title match no matter if its a Triple Threat or a Fatal Four Way.

2 out of 7 correct.

1. Shield v Kane/NAO Good Shield match to set the pace for the show and get the crowd rocking.

2. HHH v Daniel Bryan: DB gets his match in early to make sure he's fully charged for the main event later.

3. Battle Royal: Considered putting this first mainly due to the number of entrances that would need to be done and those could be done on the pre-show, but I'm putting it third as it'll let the crowd calm down until near the end when they get pumped up again.

4.Taker v Lesnar: With the crowd still boisterous after the battle royal we run the video package for Taker and Lesnar which then leads into a brutal contest between both of them and Taker getting the win.

5.Diva's Match: After Taker and Lesnar's all out war the crowd will need some time to rest up for the Main Event and we get our Diva's match in here.

6. Cena v Wyatt: With the other matches already being placed and the WWE WHC obviously going last this has to go before it.

7. Bryan/HHH v Orton v Batista for the WWE WHChampionship: Clearly the main event and the final match of the night.

2 out of 7 correct.

Battle Royal-Lot's of entrances and you would have Hogan come out first to kick the show off and he can logically transition into the Battle Royal

The Shield vs Kane and NAO-This is just where a match like this belongs if they won't start the show with it.

Cena vs Wyatt-I don't think this match will happen before either of Bryan's matches or Taker's match. I assume there will be some filler between the last match and this one to give the crowd a chance to prepare themselves for these two guys and make this the start of the main event portion of the show.

Bryan vs Triple H-I think this will happen here because it keeps the victory relatively fresh in everyone's minds and if the commentators could make it seem like that wasn't nearly enough time to get ready for a second match even though it should be fine.

Taker vs Lesnar-Semi main event after this match goes all the focus will be on be on the main event. Hopefully have a great match here that will get the crowd yelling loudly. Also I see this going at least 25 which combined with the Divas stuff will give enough rest time to whoever won Bryan vs Triple H

Divas match- There's usually a divas match or some sort of lowely match between the last two big matches to get the crowd a chance to regroup and reset for the main event and I expect this to be no different.

Bryan/HHH vs Batista vs Orton-This is the title match that the main story line has found itself into so this has to be last.

Do we get like a prize if we guess correctly?

4 out of 7 correct.

30 man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Triple H vs Daniel Bryan
NAO&Kane vs The Shield
Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar
Diva's Match
Bray Wyatt vs Cena
H.O.F segment
Batista vs Orton vs Bryan/HHH

1 out of 7 correct.

1. The Shield VS Kane & The New Age Outlaws
2. Divas Title Match
Get this clusterfuck out of the way early, give the crowd plenty of time to warm up for the main matches on the card.
3. John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
Cannot see this match going any further down the card.
4. Triple H VS Daniel Bryan
I see this match having tremendous heat and the crowd will be salivating for this match. I see this match leading us to the intermission and gives Bryan and HHH plenty of rest ahead of the main event
5. Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar
Crowd I think will bypass this, Undertaker going over in a soft, hard to watch match
6. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Some comic relief and the chance for a few legends to pop up in the match, crowd to get their thoughts together during this nothnig match ahead of the big one.
7. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Obvious finish to the show

2 out of 7 correct.

1. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal - Hogan's hosting, I'd like to see the show open with Hogan in the ring, and surrounded on the outside by 10 participants, Battle Royal begins, with entrants every minute

2. The Shield vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws - rumored to be one of the earlier matches

3. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H - put it here while the crowd is still hot

4. The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

5. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

6. Vickie Guerrero's Divas Championship Invitational - light hearted filler before main event

7. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. TBD for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

3 out of 7 correct.

1. Daniel Bryan VS Triple H

2. The Shield VS Kane & The New Age Outlaws

3. Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational

4. John Cena VS Bray Wyatt

5. Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

6. The Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar

7. Batista VS Randy Orton VS ?

4 out of 7 correct.

1) Bryan vs Triple H. Give the fans an exciting star with what could potentially be a classic match.

2) Andre the Giant Battle Royal

3) The Shield vs Kane and The NAO

4) Cena vs Bray

5) Undertaker vs Brock

6) Divas match

7) Triple threat for the WWE WHC

5 out of 7 correct.

1. The Shield vs. The Authority - Like some of the previous posters mentioned, The Shield are really over with the fans and they should be able to get the show off to a strong start. The only thing that makes me think this match won't go on first, is that The Shield opened the show last year.

2. Andre Battle Royal - Both Shield vs. KaNAO and Bryan vs. HHH are about fighting The Authority, so maybe this should go on second, instead of Shield/KaNAO and Bryan/Haitch going on right after the other.

3. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H - This should go on early but not too early - at the end of the first hour. WWE will wanna & should play a long video package before the match, showing the whole story between these two from Summerslam to now. And this gives the winner (Bryan) 3 hours to rest up for the Triple Threat.

4. Divas Invitational - Piss break after that hot matchup between Bryan and Triple H

5. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Introduce the class of 2014 Hall Of Fame

6. The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

7. WWE Title Triple Threat - I don't expect this match to be that spectacular, so you really don't need a filler/breather match inbetween this and Lesnar vs. Taker.

1 out of 7 correct.

The correct answers per the show results were:

Daniel Bryan VS Triple H
The Shield VS Kane & Outlaws
Andre Battle Royal
Cena VS Bray
Lesnar VS Taker
Orton VS Batista VS #1 Contender

Only one person got the Andre Battle Royal correctly guessed, and everybody who participated in this thread got the World Heavyweight Championship match correct. Highest score was 5 of 7 by MCMG, I owe you some rep.

I'll close this topic as it's no longer relevant. See you all for another one of these at the next PPV.
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