Pre-game traditions


Too Sweet To Be Sour
For anybody who ever played or still does play any high school sports (although I tend to asscoiate this more with football than anything else), were there any special pre-game rituals or traditions you did. This past year we just listened to metal in the locker room before all home games. The right before kickoff things picked up. We usually hit the locker room one final time as a team with about 6 minutes before kickoff. Then at gametime we'd exit the locker room through a side door. We'd make about 5-6 rows and link arms. As we walked out, a loud siren would blast across the field. We'd get a swagger going, swaying back and forth. Then we gather under the goal posts. We'd sway to and fro, with one line going one way and the next row going the oppisit, and our line coach would lead us in a chant, going:

What time is it?


What time is it?


What the Doe's (are name's the Tornadoes) gonna do?

FSU! (Fuck Shit Up)

What the Doe's gonna do?


Then we would proceed to run down a "tunnel" made by our band and through the big hoop at the end, before rushing to our sidelines and doing the Brakdown routine. All in all, it was a better pre-game most of the time than it was actual game, as we only one 2 out of 5 home games this year.

So anything cool you guys did/do for your high school sports?


For my high school basketball team, we would do the whole:



Then we would run out on to the court and make a circle and we would stomp, clap, and yell and hype the crowd up. It was fun.
I played high school ball in Texas, so our routine was pretty much the entire day.

Before school, our cheerleaders would make us breakfast. It was always eggs, bacon, pancakes, hash browns, and fruit. Then, we would go to school, where the senior women would give us our snack packs, with granola bars, raisins, etc.

At lunch time the booster club would provide us with an amazing buffet. After school, we went to the locker room and got taped, put our clothes back on, and went to the pep rally. Then we would return, and I guess the backups would get taped while we watched some film. Then, we got together for silent time before the busses came to take us to the stadium. In the room, they would pass us bananas and apples.

We walked out of our locker room through a tunnel of parents into the busses. Once we got to the stadium, it was always the same.

Special teams went out to walk through, came back to the locker room and met up with the rest of the guys. We walked out six wide in lines holding hands. We would stretch and warm up, then walk through some plays. We then went back to the locker room for a powerade and a team prayer. Then we lined up behind whatever sign we had for the week, crashed through it, yelled obscene things at the other team, jumped around at the 50, and went to the sideline.

After that, we'd go lose the game.
I played high school ball in Texas, so our routine was pretty much the entire day.

Before school, our cheerleaders would make us breakfast. It was always eggs, bacon, pancakes, hash browns, and fruit. Then, we would go to school, where the senior women would give us our snack packs, with granola bars, raisins, etc.

At lunch time the booster club would provide us with an amazing buffet. After school, we went to the locker room and got taped, put our clothes back on, and went to the pep rally. Then we would return, and I guess the backups would get taped while we watched some film. Then, we got together for silent time before the busses came to take us to the stadium. In the room, they would pass us bananas and apples.

We walked out of our locker room through a tunnel of parents into the busses. Once we got to the stadium, it was always the same.

Special teams went out to walk through, came back to the locker room and met up with the rest of the guys. We walked out six wide in lines holding hands. We would stretch and warm up, then walk through some plays. We then went back to the locker room for a powerade and a team prayer. Then we lined up behind whatever sign we had for the week, crashed through it, yelled obscene things at the other team, jumped around at the 50, and went to the sideline.

After that, we'd go lose the game.


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