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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

Does anyone want to say anything?
Yea... But if we say something I think we will either be put in prison or banned. SO is there really a point to? Because with recent events around here that is what happens to anyone who has a disagreement with the "powers that be".
Well, Jake It's just a little bit of harmless fun and anyone that doesn't know what happened won't even know what it's about, your the only one who brought up his name since the sig's started. And I don't see why we shouldn't be allowed to have them, we miss this guy and I don't see any reason for you to ban him, Prax was always a good mod and poster so one disagreement it going to get someone de-modded then banned. That's what fourms are for .. debate and fun that's all we were doing just having some fun. And the way I see it if someones going to be banned over an argument with an admin then you and Jonny are just power hungry peices of shit. I know I'll probaly be banned for saying that but fuck it. And fuck you and Jonny too. I'll miss everyone else, from RVDgurl to Colamania even Sly. But seriously if someone can't voice an oppioion then what's this thread good for, kissing your ass? Cuz seriously some of us are getting sick of it. Just remember that when this board burns in hell with you and Jonny Bitch-fit.

And why were you bitching about someone on SES bringing up their personal life and then when Jonny does it it's perfectly fine?

And for all the loyal friends of Prax and Myself we say Have a nice Day

Thank You
I may get demodded, put in prison or even banned for sayin this, but fuck it! it needs to be said

Right, as alot of you know something went on with Prax and Jonny over the weekend and that got Prax, who is one of the best posters and mod's on WZ, well was, demodded and banned. Now by me putting this i may also get demodded and banned, but never mind.

I am not going to go into what was dicussed because that it not my place, but in my humble opinion, and I and everyone is entitled to one of these, I think Jonny blew things way out of proportian, because of a simple disagreement. Yes for those of you who know what happened, Prax possibly took things abit too far, but it was Jonny who made things personal, and Jake who went back on his decision for no apparent reason, other than his personal feels for this person.

With that been said, alot of us feel agreeved for what happened. Prax was a massive personality for WZ and WZCW especially, people have said he was the soul of that E-fed and I agree, he was in the middle of nearly everything in that fed, helping people out to building feuds and what-not.

Now at the moment it does seem like you can't voice your own personal view on things in this forum anymore with out fear of reprisal and consiquence from the Big Bad Admins, so I am not going to post on the normal boards untill I feel things have calmed down for a while. I will however still keep up with my WZCW duties because the fed is in danger of going south and I don't want that.

The war has begun in this forum, lets see who wins.
Good God almighty you people are sad. I mean honestly “The war has begun” seriously? You do realise that if your going up against the Admin’s (er… and the rest of the staff) your going to end up getting banned.

So let me explain this all again now shall I. Prax was not banned alone on what went on in the E-Fed Staff Room, Prax was banned for several reasons, and was also de-modded for several reason, not just for disagreeing with me.

First of all, Prax was removed from his position as a Mod because of first and foremost his attitude. The guy seemed to think he had some right to talk to me (and Jake) like a piece of shit, like he had some right to decide what did and didn’t happen at this forum, and he had no right. This wasn’t just concerning the matter with Ace in the E-Fed, but I myself had been involved in several convo’s on MSN and on the board where Prax had acted like a complete ass hole. Now as for my own personal issues, they were not bought up for no reason. I explained that I had stepped away from the fed on purpose (because of said issues) and Prax called it bullshit, so I explained exactly what was going on, and Prax still called is bullshit and continued to attack me.

Then Prax decided to go and spread lies about me being responsible for three mods leaving this Forum because of WZCW when he didn’t know the facts about it obviously. Then he decided to go and post over in the WZCW Discussion thread about how he had been hard done by and how he was unfairly de-modded. Since it was obviously clear he was not going to drop the matter he was banned to make mine and the rest of the staff’s job easier.

You guys can complain and bitch all you want, you guys can “start a war” all you want, nothing is going to change what has been done. And for the record myself and Jake have run this forum pretty successfully for the past year (maybe a little less on Jakes part) and if we have to ban a few troublesome users, then we will. So If I were you I’d think carefully about what you do next.
How are we been trouble some though? All we are doing is voicing an opnion and what has happened, and with light of VERY FEW FACTS, it paints you jonny, to be the wrong party. As some1 said, there are 3 sides to every story, yours, prax's and they truth, seen as prax has gone, the truth is out there somewhere but we will probs never get it, and yours will be the only side of the story we will ever get.

Its like a dictatorship. Beleive you, or be banned. its fucked up
How are we been trouble some though? All we are doing is voicing an opnion and what has happened, and with light of VERY FEW FACTS, it paints you jonny, to be the wrong party. As some1 said, there are 3 sides to every story, yours, prax's and they truth, seen as prax has gone, the truth is out there somewhere but we will probs never get it, and yours will be the only side of the story we will ever get.

Its like a dictatorship. Beleive you, or be banned. its fucked up

Er... you have access to everything (but the MSN Convo's I had, and if I hadn't of recently had my computer die I'd show them you) in the E-Fed, and what went on elsewhere. You have all the facts. Its not "believe me or be banned" I dont care what you think, but causing problems on the board and acting like a spoilt brat saying this is "bullshit" and "fucked up" and presenting your problems the way you have (the sigs?) makes you look like you just dont like the fact that your friend got banned, and now your going to cause as much trouble as possible.

Believe it or not, I already have good cause to warn each and every person that had the Sig (and the new Censored one), if you look at the rules there is a rule about stirring up drama, and while Jake has given you the opportunity to voice your opinions on this matter, the way you are all going about it is wrong. If you could have just been grown up (Prax also, I know your reading this) and explained your concerns to me in a respectful way instead of assuming that we'd simply ban you maybe we would have taken it seriously. But the thing is, I haven't warned anyone over this, not yet anyway because I have more respect for the posters opinions than anyone realises here.

It doesn't pain me to be the wrong'd party, I've had plenty of people tell me I made the right decision and honestly if all of the staff had said I was wrong, I'd of probably apologised to Prax and offered him his spot back I can admit when I am wrong, I even admitted in the E-Fed staff lounge that I probably should have contacted someone about my absence.

So basically all you are doing by starting this stuff up is making it even less likely that Prax would ever be bought back and making it more likely that one if not all of you will get banned at some point or another is this continues.
you have just proven my point tho. right where you said

So basically all you are doing by starting this stuff up is making it even less likely that Prax would ever be bought back and making it more likely that one if not all of you will get banned at some point or another is this continues.

how i see that is this, drop it, or you will be banned. I am willing to talk about it like a rational adult but you seem to be more towards the ilk of let it drop.

Believe it or not, I already have good cause to warn each and every person that had the Sig (and the new Censored one), if you look at the rules there is a rule about stirring up drama

what about all the sig's about hating cena? is that not stiring up drama? where are there warning and PM's from staff saying get rid of you will be warned?

Jonny, its double standards, just because its to do with someone who you feel wronged by!
Look, ok, I had a good laugh at the irony involved in it. But seriously. I'm just gonna move on... I thought about leaving WZCW, but, I don't want to. Instead of saying something bad (even though I wanted to) I'm just gonna stay neutral to it. I have a lot of respect for Prax, he is and always will be a stand up guy. Jonny, you and I have had differences. So, you can probably get an idea of what I think about this mess. BUT, I'm just gonna move on from it... I'm going to continue to RP for WZCW. I won't speak of this anymore. BTW, I changed the sig.
OK, I'm not exactly a massively known or respected poster on this forum, but fuck it i'll have my say, and probably be banned for having it.

OK, maybe we don't have ALL the information, but the fact is from what we've seen, this is all over one incident, which has suddenly been blown massively out of proportion. Prax got de-modded, then banned, for no apparent reason to us. Maybe what he did was worth a warning, maybe even an infraction, and perhaps, for all we know, he did deserve lowering down from a g-mod to a mod, but the fact is banning was a completly over the top reaction.

Here's my biggest point: the main reason given for the blocking of Prax is that he was being a jerk on MSN. The last time I checked, this was WZ, not MSN. Why should he be blocked here for something he did elsewhere? If he's being a jerk on MSN, then delete him as a contact and block him, on MSN. Why take out something he did there on here? I just don't understand it.

Thank you. If my name ends up with a line through it, you know why.
how i see that is this, drop it, or you will be banned. I am willing to talk about it like a rational adult but you seem to be more towards the ilk of let it drop.

The reference towards the banning was in fact if people continue to make comments such as "this is bullshit" "Jonny and Jake are pieces of Shit" "this is fucked up" two of those comments were made by you. Swearing and making baseless accusations is immature. Making sigs to campaign about the banning of a poster is immature. Making sigs saying censored is immature. The way this is being gone about by most of you is immature.

what about all the sig's about hating cena? is that not stiring up drama? where are there warning and PM's from staff saying get rid of you will be warned?

Its a posters right to display their opinion about wrestling, not about how this place is run. To use a line I and the rest of the staff have been using for god knows how long... this is a privately owned forum and what we say goes, if you dont like it then leave.

Jonny, its double standards, just because its to do with someone who you feel wronged by!

I dont feel wronged by anything, I have shown no double standards here... in fact I have been particularly lenient already to the posters that have been voicing their opinions in a disrespectful manner.

Here's my biggest point: the main reason given for the blocking of Prax is that he was being a jerk on MSN. The last time I checked, this was WZ, not MSN. Why should he be blocked here for something he did elsewhere? If he's being a jerk on MSN, then delete him as a contact and block him, on MSN. Why take out something he did there on here? I just don't understand it.

That was never the main reason given, not by me anyway. He was removed for having an attitude problem and trying to circumvent mine and Jakes "authority". He was banned for plastering lies all over the forums, its really that simple. While what he actually did probably didnt warrant a flat out banning, it's common sense that he was not going to drop the matter, he was making a big deal out of something that had already been explained to him.

The fact here is, there is no chance of him being bought back... so you have three choices... you can continue to whine about it until you get banned, you can continue to try and debate the matter in a mature way until one of the staff gets bored with this and closes this thread, or you can leave. Simple really.
First off from what I have read Prax being Demodded was fairly justified, I don't know if Jonny wants details released but what was put there it sounds reasonable to demod him in the first place. And from what I have heard he has been treating Jake and Jonny with less respect than they deserve. Prax however kept on going on about it, bringing it up again and again when asked to drop it, he could have shut his mouth and kept quiet and could possibly have gotten his spot back I don't know Jonny and Jake would know more about that then me. And please just get rid of the Sig it isn't going to do anything. Im also going to say this to Da Vinci's Nightmare that anti-cena sigs are well within bounds as they are about a Wrestler and their view on said Wrestler, this however is about an administration and staff thing which does equate to stirring trouble.
I have been apart of this site for almost a year now. I may not post 100 times a day but that doesn't mean I don't know anything that happens at WZ. I saw a lot of members start as nobodies and work their way up to mods(and sometimes even G-Mods) and then get demodded or even banned in a blink of an eye. Prax quickly built a great reputation for himself soon after he became a member here at WZ and he was well liked by many other members, but as soon as he became a mod he started acting differently and more cocky. When he became G-Mod he was always saying "BANNED" to every little thing and IMO acted like he owned the site and was the boss of everybody(jokingly or not) so I understand why he was demodded and banned because of his attitude. I have nothing against Prax I am just stating my opinion that I understand why Jonny B and Jake decided to have him banned, one of the very first rules here at WZ is "Don't be a Dick!" and I guess they thought he broke that rule(maybe a bit too much) from what they saw on WZ and MSN.
Well since I was one of those who used the banner and I thinks its right for me to speak up. Prax is my friend and I decided to stick for him by putting the banner in my sig. I thought it was harmless and funny because of the irony behind it. I don't understand how it is stirring up drama between the mods. If its stirring up that much drama, it's only because you guys are letting it stir up drama. For Example, Jake starting this thread after we got rid of our banners when AJ politely asked us to. We were just voicing our opinion silently. It's not like one of us started a thread or anything.
Hmmm.... My last post was civilized and I held my tounge alot over this. Hell, I have been getting PMs from Spiral saying not too lose my cool? Why? Well WZCW is shit without Prax.. I'm not talking about staff but I am talking about the fact that everyone who is "talent" on there is pisses becauase Prax is gone and are disenchanted with the fed. I am myself and if I choose to flip out like Tex or Di Vinci did WZCW would be dead plain and simple. I mean what are you going to do? Make Gus or Kenny the fucking champion? So with that said here is what I got to say.

So now we are banning people on what they say on MSN? THats not right. THat would be like me going to Mexico and commiting a crime and then getting in trouble in Amercia.. It just doesn't work like that. Let me just say right now that this place may run sucessfully but sooner or later the power hungry ways that jake and Jonny live will sink this place. People or unhappy has a direct result as to what happened with Prax, and now people are starting to notice that you guys treat people in an unjust and unfair manner. So live by the sword die by the sword because from what I knw a mass exdous from WZ has begun. So continue to scorll down the page and look at your 18,000 memebers to inflat your egos because we all know the truth of the matter is out of thoes 18,000 member about 60 of them are active posters.. So 60 of 18,0000 that defines as sucessful? So Jonny and Jake go stoke one anothers egos becasue there going to need real inflation when you realize how many good posters have been lost becasue of your actions... I can see it now... People from here will start going to Scoops to spam so you can get more people becsue in the last 2 or 3 days this place has turned into a shit hole and the only reason I haven't left if becasue I want to try and help make this e-fed last and I have the utmost respect for Sprial and Ech.
You know, I posted my opinion on Prax YOU KNOW WHERE... but seriously guys like Ticked Off Texan, DaVincis N, and possibly others, being almost banned... this is sad, I was sure as hell to see the Texan high on the forum, maybe as a mod someday, DaVincis N posting a shitload of posts and most of them really good ones, and sudenly...BAM, you are all red-repped up, and I guess with one foot outside the forums.
I suggest you guys take it easy, you are going nowhere with that attitude(Screwjob sigs, censored sigs, "the brotherhood"? for christ sake...), leave the problems to the people involved, maybe things are less difficult that you could possibly know; personally, I dont want to know the exact words of that MSN conversation, because is NOT my biz, and if he returns someday, well, I'll be happy to see him again, but in the meantime, the only thing i see is a bunch of good posters going nowhere.
Again, dont make this more difficult than it really is, imagine if they could settle things today, you'll be like: WTF?
Really, I suggest that this thread and all the conversation regarding this topic should be closed.
ps. Remember, you don't want to end on SES, do you? :D
I saod something negative here but I will let it go..No point in keep this up.. Jonny is still going to give me negative reps... SO whatever..
So now we are banning people on what they say on MSN? THats not right. THat would be like me going to Mexico and commiting a crime and then getting in trouble in Amercia.. It just doesn't work like that.

You need to actually read what I said...

Jonny B said:
That was never the main reason given, not by me anyway. He was removed for having an attitude problem and trying to circumvent mine and Jakes "authority".

Learn to read. I also cannot stress enough that any MSN Convo's had little to do with this, it was just the first place I got the indication that Prax was getting or had an attitude problem which was why it was mentioned.

Let me just say right now that this place may run sucessfully but sooner or later the power hungry ways that jake and Jonny live will sink this place. People or unhappy has a direct result as to what happened with Prax, and now people are starting to notice that you guys treat people in an unjust and unfair manner. So live by the sword die by the sword because from what I knw a mass exdous from WZ has begun. So continue to scorll down the page and look at your 18,000 memebers to inflat your egos because we all know the truth of the matter is out of thoes 18,000 member about 60 of them are active posters.. So 60 of 18,0000 that defines as sucessful? So Jonny and Jake go stoke one anothers egos becasue there going to need real inflation when you realize how many good posters have been lost becasue of your actions... I can see it now... People from here will start going to Scoops to spam so you can get more people becsue in the last 2 or 3 days this place has turned into a shit hole and the only reason I haven't left if becasue I want to try and help make this e-fed last and I have the utmost respect for Sprial and Ech.

So now me and Jake are power hungry? How is banning someone that has broken the rules power hungry? Do you even know what those words mean. Those words imply that we seek power, but what you dont seem to realise is we already have power, we are Administrators here. So how exactly can we be power hungry if we already have power? Let me guess you saw someone else post it and thought it would look cool.

Unlike a lot of people I dont get an ego from running and online forum, so there would be no need for anyone to stroke it. You've made no point apart from insult me and Jake (considering Jake had almost nothing to do with this). So with that here is a nice shiney Infraction for you.
Ok....ok....ok I know I'm not a poster like that but I def have a opinion. The reason I posted the sign is because I didn't want to piss no one off, I posted it becuz Prax is my friend, but just look for a minute why get mad over a sign. Its a freaky sign. People are adults, In New York terms Grown ass people whatever Done, it Done.
I agree with my Friend Shanti we wasnt causing trouble using the sign. I don't know the whole story so I'm not going to vent. What I'm mad about is that we were left in the Dark about the Situation. Also I don't know any convo but Prax never give me attitude and I bug him a lot. He said banned but was he for real. Let be serious! know what I'm done
Bro I had the utmost resperct for you until this post. So your not atleast going to say that MSN convos playing a part in banning Prax is messed up? And your going to agree with the fact they censor are sigs? C'mon now.. Don't let what Jonny and Jake do brainwash you. I can give your facts and convos that will change your mind about this place. But you can continue to the road your own becasue I'm sure you will be rewarded with a mod spot.

Wrong josh, is not about getting a mod spot, what im saying is I dont want to see posters like you getting banned because one incident who didnt involve you directly, or TOT, or DV's N or everyone else who were displaying a sig, or saying things..
I mean, i said it several times: I respect Prax just like you do, he helped me a lot when i was a complete rookie, and i'm looking forward to read him again "sooner rather than later", but if he made a mistake or NOT, it's none of my Business. come one Josh, I respect you because you are one of the guys who stands up and keep his opinion, but i can't understand why you guys are making things more difficult. What if things are settled today, and you discover that Prax really messed up with Jonny? Will you still stand up for Prax?

If you say that you want to keep the Fed alive and kicking, well, you could easily take Prax spot and run it, maybe even with more success.

Regarding the censorship of sigs, well, i maybe disagree, but remember that this is a private owned forums, and we cant do more than we are authorized to.

Jonny or Jake brainwashing me? wrong again mate, first of all, i barelly talk with Jonny, hell, i've never talked with Jonny; same case with Jake, we discuss in the threads, i'm agree some times, other i dont, but being brainwashed?? If I had several PM's saying: "if you say something about Prax situation, you'll be banned.." then i will leave this place immediatly, but that's not the case, I've never received a PM about that, or even a post "suggesting" me something.
again Josh, What i was trying to say, it's that I would hate to see you leave, along with TOT, two of my favorites posters. But that's up to you man, if you think that what you are doing is fine, go ahead, i'll respect you the same way;
I can give your facts and convos that will change your mind about this place.
Maybe, but I will never be completely agree with everybody.
I dont have to remind you that this is only a wrestling opinion board, nothing else. If i want to Give my opinion, i will. If Prax did or not something wrong on the MSN and got busted here, that's Prax, Jonny and Jake's biz. If I want to take "relationships" to the friendship level, I will add people to myspace or my Msn or something, but here, I have nothing but respect for some posters (you included) and indifference for the rest. Sorry, but I take this as what it is.
Guys, this is getting crazy! The truth is that they are only about 60 of us who regularly post here on WZ, most of which are pretty good at it. It really sucks that a few of the good posters are already gone, let's not add to the list. I agreed to use the Prax sig (and had it up for about 2 minutes before it got pulled) simply to show support for Prax because I think he's great. I adore Jake and have no opinion on Jonny, simply because I've never had interaction with him, so using the sig was not meant as a knock towards our Admins. I don't think anyone used the sig to get any kind of shot in against Jake and Jonny- it was simply to show support.
What happened between Jonny and Prax sucks. I did read the posts that were made and it looks like both guys lost their tempers. Unfortunately the result was Prax getting banned. It sucks, I'm not happy about it, but I don't want to see anyone else get banned over this situation.
Guys, remember, there were a bunch of us that agreed last night that we need to let it go. We need to keep our cool about this. I miss Prax already and I don't want to be missing anyone else!!!
This is just turning into a "Jake and Jonny are egomaniacpowerhungrybrainwashingtossersfuckingbullshit" Thread.

So I'm going to go ahead and close this. If people want to think I got rid of Prax because I'm on some kind of power trip thats up to them, I know the full story of what happened, so do the staff so meh. If people continue to persist in putting crap in their sigs, plastering this stuff over the Forums they will get banned. If you want to leave *points* there's the door.
Personally I wouldn't have banned Prax. But then again I dont know what was said on that MSN thingy. But why should Jonny put up with a trouble maker on his board? Yeah Prax was an excellent poster and mod. But if he knew how to accept no as an answer then he wouldn't be de-modded. Let alone banned. As mod's you have a certain degree of power. But as admin's me and Jonny ahve the final word. Simple.

Apparently this board has gone to shit over the past two days. I dont see how. The purpose of this wrestling forum is to discuss wrestling. If the e-fed is in trouble then so what? That's not the initial reason people come to post on here. And you should have seen what the board was like at the beginning of the year. Get rid of the e-fed for all I care. It's pointless and causes nothing but tension. I got on great with Prax until he didn't get his own way. Now he's banned. And it's all his fault.
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