Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Now bear with me here because this is a bit complicated and some of you young kids might never have heard of anything like this so you may want to take notes.
My idea is we take about 8-9 pairs of wrestlers or teams and for a few weeks before the PPV, they talk to each other and interact more and more. Maybe they're mad at each other over something, or maybe one of them is a champion of some kind and the other guy wants to be champion. I'm thinking maybe we start the show with a tag match or maybe a match where the two guys in it are really fast and can do lots of flips off the top or maybe a match for the midcard title. Then maybe some more matches where someone is able to end their grievances with someone by way of defeating them in a match. Then at the very end, the world title is on the line between the champion and a guy that's been on a roll. Maybe you do this once every 4-5 weeks and have different names for it with maybe every third or fourth has something special or a really big match on it. Oh and it doesn't cost 45 dollars. It costs 30 dollars other than once a year.
Now I know this isn't something that's often done, but maybe, just MAYBE, would you be interested in this?
My idea is we take about 8-9 pairs of wrestlers or teams and for a few weeks before the PPV, they talk to each other and interact more and more. Maybe they're mad at each other over something, or maybe one of them is a champion of some kind and the other guy wants to be champion. I'm thinking maybe we start the show with a tag match or maybe a match where the two guys in it are really fast and can do lots of flips off the top or maybe a match for the midcard title. Then maybe some more matches where someone is able to end their grievances with someone by way of defeating them in a match. Then at the very end, the world title is on the line between the champion and a guy that's been on a roll. Maybe you do this once every 4-5 weeks and have different names for it with maybe every third or fourth has something special or a really big match on it. Oh and it doesn't cost 45 dollars. It costs 30 dollars other than once a year.
Now I know this isn't something that's often done, but maybe, just MAYBE, would you be interested in this?