Power Slam Magazine Claims the WWE Wants RVD Back


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Regarding the online rumor of Rob Van Dam returning to WWE, Power Slam confirms in their latest issue that RVD is seriously considering returning to the organization once his contract with TNA Wrestling expires. The magazine adds that the feeling is mutual as people in WWE want the master of the Five-Star Frog Splash back.

"RVD from what we're told would receive a warm welcome in WWE," the magazine says.

Providing that no contract extension has been reached since his arrival to TNA Wrestling in March 2010, it would appear that Van Dam will be a free agent in the near future. It was reported in 2010 that RVD had signed a two-year contract with TNA.

During his hiatus from full-time wrestling, Van Dam said he would consider returning to WWE if and when he felt ready.

"One thing that's for sure is that WWE and I do have a good-faith understanding that if and when I'm ready to return that I’ll be talking to them. They look forward and hope that we'll be doing business again," he told the Baltimore Sun during an interview.

Van Dam, who turned 41 years old last month, performed for WWE from 2001 to 2007. Should RVD return to WWE, he would should join a select group of former WWE world champions—Booker T, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley—who joined TNA and ultimately returned to the Stamford based organization.
Suck it, habs.
I hope they treat him well if they get him back. I'd like to see him work a program with Kane, now that Kane is re-masked. I just have a bad feeling that this is another example of Vince wanting someone so that other people can't have him.
Kane's terrible. How about putting Van Dam with a young guy who can move? Either that or Chris Jericho.
How would one respond to these gents?

[RVD has] Still got it plus a few extra lbs.

Maybe learning how to wrestle was RVD's new years resolution. Time to teach this old dog new tricks.

RVD used to be a favorite of mine, but he's just so boring nowadays. I'm not convinced that he could do any more than just going through the motions if he comes back to the WWE.
Sounds like they could all be applied to Chris Jericho.

Yeah, I said it. Jericho needs to learn to wrestle! Le sloppy.
Power Slam's your source? That's not a good thing. I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen on a part time deal. Seems to be the cool thing for Vince to do nowadays. RVD has been painfully average in TNA.
Who might that be?

Does the idea of a Ziggler & RVD feud intrigue you Coco? Or, who is more up your alley in that area?
Ziggler would work. So would Rhodes, Bryan, DiBiase, Punk, etc. Even Cena and Orton. And those are just the guys who get regular TV time. Oh, if I could say Bourne, Kidd, and Barretta and have people take me seriously, I would.
Do you ever see him carrying a strap again in the WWE? Besides something like the tag titles.
I'll be able to better answer that depending on whether Booker holds gold before his feud with Cody is over. I definitely don't see him being world champion again though.
Every name star in TNA needs to go back to WWE before they die, just so we don't forget who they were.
I think he could do a job still. He could work as a upper mid-card face against Cody or Ziggler. Even a a short feud with Punk could yield good matches. They could play up the weed smoker vs straight edge aspect.

If he was to come back though, he should probably be on Smackdown to help out, seeing that Orton is out. He's obviously not on Randy's level but he's still got decent name value.
RVD vs. Rhodes would be excellent. It'd make my giny tickle as it were. I also reckon he'd sell Wade Barrett's offence brilliantly as well for some reason.
I fear he'll end up like Booker. In a program about "being too old", but for some reason able to run circles around his opponent.
Yeah, but I still wake up in cold sweats after nightmares about Booker vs Roode.

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