Power in the Paint

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I guess what I am wondering is if anyone else thinks a modern day Ultimate Warrior like gimmick would get over with WWE fans.

I say take a big lower midcard wrestler (someone like Tyler Reks) send him down to FCW to work out the gimmick and bring him back to Raw face paint and all. This would obviously involve a face turn aswell.

I'm not saying this will happen but I guess like I said I'm just wondering if this gimmick was one of those one time deals or if it could be repackaged some how...
I would love to see something like the Warrior gimmick return to WWE with one of the big younger guys. It would certainly go over with the young kids that WWE is currently targeting the shows towards, as kids love the more superheroish looking guys like Mysterio and Sin Cara already.
you know that is actually a pretty good idea! for someone big like reks..although i dont think he personally needs it his gimmick is good now they just need to use him more..so maybe someone else thats jacked so maybe some other guy in fcw...i woudlnt mind reks tho i like him he'd be good for it i just like his current look right now
I think the Warrior gimmick was too silly to work for internet fans, today. If a wrestler came out and did the Warrior's gimmick, people would think he was a joke character. The entire Warrior character was geared towards children, but kids today aren't the same as they were in the 80's; they like guys like Randy Orton now, not cartoon characters. There's a reason that Cena gets boo'ed by at least half of the audience, but one of them is because he's geared towards kids. If you were to ask me, Stone Cold killed any hope of a, "Warrior-like," wrestler because he showed kids it was cool to be edgy, and the Warrior was just silly. Besides, would you really want a wrestler coming back out screaming about the, "gods," wrestling 20 second matches, and cutting some of the most hilariously bad promos of all-time? I know that I'm being really down on the Ultimate Warrior right now, but I honestly loved him as a young teenager. But, I also liked Power Rangers and Nintendo then, too. What I'm trying to say is that kids today are more, "grown up," than they were back then, if you'll forgive the contradiction. Sorry to rain on the idea, but that's just why people don't do those angles, anymore.

Also, it wouldn't be refreshing to see it back, either. I mean, would it be refreshing to see Doink the Clown back, too?
The only way it would get over now is if someone with a little more edge to their character did it, like Jeff Hardy.

I definitely think there is room in wrestling for a little face paint though it should probably be used on someone new, and the gimmick would definitely need to have more dimension then Warrior did.
Aslong as they change it enough so that is not a straight up copy of the Warriors gimmick then yeah I would love to see more gimmicks and think it would work. I disagree with everybody who says todays WWE fanbase are too "grown up" for over the top cartoonish characters. The Undertaker still gets everybody going.. young and old alike. Cody Rhodes has got over more than ever since gaining his gimmick and I for one would like more of this rather than the same old bland guy in shorts.
I'm usually not for the whole "geared towards kids" and "pg" type things in the WWE... but if Tyler Reks starts an Ultimate Warrior type gimmick I will mark my punk ass the fuck out. END.
I think the Warrior gimmick was too silly to work for internet fans, today. If a wrestler came out and did the Warrior's gimmick, people would think he was a joke character. The entire Warrior character was geared towards children, but kids today aren't the same as they were in the 80's; they like guys like Randy Orton now, not cartoon characters. There's a reason that Cena gets boo'ed by at least half of the audience, but one of them is because he's geared towards kids. If you were to ask me, Stone Cold killed any hope of a, "Warrior-like," wrestler because he showed kids it was cool to be edgy, and the Warrior was just silly. Besides, would you really want a wrestler coming back out screaming about the, "gods," wrestling 20 second matches, and cutting some of the most hilariously bad promos of all-time? I know that I'm being really down on the Ultimate Warrior right now, but I honestly loved him as a young teenager. But, I also liked Power Rangers and Nintendo then, too. What I'm trying to say is that kids today are more, "grown up," than they were back then, if you'll forgive the contradiction. Sorry to rain on the idea, but that's just why people don't do those angles, anymore.

Also, it wouldn't be refreshing to see it back, either. I mean, would it be refreshing to see Doink the Clown back, too?

I think this line in particular was my favorite. Randy Orton is nothing but a cartoon character, his every motion is an over the top caracature. The way he acts like a viper, slithers around, and pounds the mat is nothing if not cartoony.

You're right, guys like Stone Cold killed the idea of a Warrior type gimmick, but a little guy named John Cena breathed new life to that possibility. Sure, half the crowd hates him and I agree, internet fans will tear it to shreds. But the thing is the new PG WWE isn't for us, it's to make new fans. And the whole "kids today are more grown up" argument doesn't really hold water, there are certain things that are timeless. You can show any kid a Tom and Jerry cartoon and they'll probably love it. Warrior would be the same way, hell we have a rehashed Hogan in John Cena....
Jeff Hardy did this in WWE before he left, so I see no reason why this wouldn't appeal to the children. But I would give it to someone that has a personality but is also fairly young. For the life of me I can't think of anyone on the top of my head, but someone that can get over with the crowd that will not look like a joke. Hardy was already over before dawning the paint, so it's difficult to assume a guy like Reks could pull it off without a hitch.

That and I kind of like Reks's character. I just feel he is underutilized at the moment, so maybe some paint will do him good.
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