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Potential ways to enhance the WWE's recently improved tag-team division.


Championship Contender
Recently, the WWE have started putting some more emphasis on tag teams. We have a real tag team in the Hart Dynasty as champions, the Uso's debuted and are set to feud with the Harts and on smackdown they have the Dudebusters. Really we've only got 3 tag teams that seem like they'll be together for more than few months.

However, recently Zack Ryder has been more or less buried on Raw, especially last week when he got his ass kicked by Alicia Fox. Ryder's old partner Curt Hawkins is currently teaming with Vance Archer on smackdown and both are in a storyline that gives them 1 month to make an impact. As of this week the month is up. So...have Archer and Hawkins lose their match this week, then have Teddy Long tell them they failed to make an impact. Now the WWE seems to want Archer to be a monster heel, so have him beatdown Hawkins only for Ryder to make the save. That way you've got Hawkins and Ryder reunited and another tag team on Smackdown who don't look as slapped together as Hawkins and Archer.

That's just one idea, I also think that in the near future once Morrison's back from injury and Miz is done with the Bryan Danielson feud, a reunion between the two is in order, seeing as Morrison has bombed as a face and after Bryan, Miz won't really have much to do. Why not bring back one of the few slapped together teams that actually worked out, it might be a bit soon in some people's eyes, but I feel Raw is over crowded and Morrison needs to return to the arrogant douche he was playing that got him over in the first place. Plus it frees up spots for some other up and comers and gives the tag division a "veteran" team to add into feuds. With the titles being unified you'd have 5 teams in the division to break up monotony and with at least two on each brand you'd get a few weeks worth of interesting tag matches.

Those are just a few ideas, feel free to share others or critique mine. Obviously this isn't a thread to bash the WWE's tag teams, I like the recent improvement but I'd like to see more, so discuss away.
I like a lot of your ideas.

I have another one.

Have Gallows form a tag team with the mystery member of the SES.
It sounds a little stupid to have a mystery partner take place in a booked match/es but it could work.

It would add credibilty to the SES, build up the hype before he is unmasked, and give Gallows something to do besides being at Punks side. Gallows has been doing some singles matches recently, but i just dont think they work all that well. It would give him a bit more wrestling credibility, whilst still making Punk look strong (the main reason for the faction) as he can act like Orton did with legacy guiding from the outside.

Of course, they dont have to win titles for a while if ever, as there are other tag teams more worthy/lined up for a push, and certainly not whilst punk has not got any gold. Also, if they get the gold, it would allow punk to go across to RAW, with the benefits of cross promotion, but not look weak in being dumped in a tag team to do it.

Just a thought...
How about making NXT series 3 a Tag-Team special? There's a few tag-teams in FCW & another few potential ones. If WWE ever followed up their interest in the Briscoes it would be a great way to introduce them. It would result in more than just one team being given a chance to impress & it could be interesting what they do with the pro's. Give some to singles stars, some to a whole tag-team & some to individual tag-team members, creating a bit of "friendly rivalry". It would show further that Vince is taking the division seriously if they were deemed worthy of their own show.
I think bringing back tag team moves would help the division. I Can't even remember one in the WWE since the Dudley's left. Maybe that French Team that did the French Tickler dance and won with the Suplex onto the other guys shoulders and then they twist?

Innovation isn't even really an issue. I mean how many singles wrestlers keep reusing a powerbomb as a finisher? They can bring back some oldies like the Bushwhacker Battering Ram, Dropping the Ax, or the Hart Attack. Even the Sidewinder from the Smoking Gunns would be cool, and LOD's Doomsday Device was always an awesome site. Another thing would be tag team submission moves like when Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit would do a Texas Cloverleaf/Crippler Crossface in WCW. Back in my back yard wrestling days me and my friends pretty much crucified a kid by triple teaming him, with two guys doing arm bars one on each arm and third doing a figure four leglock.
How about making NXT series 3 a Tag-Team special? There's a few tag-teams in FCW & another few potential ones. If WWE ever followed up their interest in the Briscoes it would be a great way to introduce them.

I like this idea...hell they should have done that for season 2...it doesn't have to be 8 teams does it..why not just 4...and the mentors don't have to be tag teams either...

And the briscoes, yeh..it could be huge for them..
I think WWE is doing it all right at the moment. They have the tag teams starting to be built well, they had the bigger names get the division over then have the classic kind of team get run with it. I think give the Harts a good long reign facing and beating all comers, even a couple of bigger name teams along the way, say Edge and Y2J have a one night reunion to get the belts back, the Harts could beat them.
WWE can't just give a division of a load of teams out of thin air, it has to be built. I think what would help though is if title shots are properly earnt, look at the WWE title picture, You have a fair few guys wanting a shot, but just because they beat down Cena they wont get one, however they had to build that up from the ground. This is where they are starting with the tag team division.
First off, lol Morrison's not injured... he worked a house show in South Carolina last night and he's a pro on NXT season 2... where have you been?

And to work of Crunk's post... Hart Dynasty use their littler Smith hold the guy and Kidd run off the ropes with a clothesline bit as a finisher, and Hawkins and Archer got a unique team finisher so there's two. Other than that, I have no idea.

Now, as for who I think should be put together as a team when the other guy gets back, are Sheamus and Triple H. Now wait wait wait... don't start taking a jab at me just yet, give me a time to explain myself.

Let's rewind all the way back to when Sheamus and Triple H were hyping their WM 26 match (which was really good). Remember when Sheamus said that he looked up to the Cerebral Assassin Triple H and then got disappointed when he went dancing with leprechauns (or something like that)? Well with Triple H on injury, WWE could have Triple H return and say something like "Sheamus made a point that when I wanted the WWE title it was usually because I did whatever I wanted when I wanted." And then that could lead to Triple H and Sheamus becoming a new Power Trip like tag team. I think that team would work really well, and I'm probably the only one, but still I say WWE should do it.

As for a face tag team, I say WWE needs to go find Kings of Wrestling.
First off, lol Morrison's not injured... he worked a house show in South Carolina last night and he's a pro on NXT season 2... where have you been?

Well I don't live in South Carolina and only a few days ago the news site said Morrison was out on injury and many thought him being on NXT was a way to keep him in the view of the WWE audience. But that doesn't change the fact that his run as a face started off well and has since dropped down to mid-card mediocrity. So my point of Miz and Morrison reforming as a heel team to work as a veteran team against the younger teams currently in the WWE tag scene.
I like Miz and Jericho, I thought they were gonna team up, they're both really good heels and I think they should definetly have a run together. Also they can get a lot of guys just sitting around to form a jobber team to help push a few rising teams. Santino and Koslov would be good for that. :shrug:
I think bringing back tag team moves would help the division. I Can't even remember one in the WWE since the Dudley's left. Maybe that French Team that did the French Tickler dance and won with the Suplex onto the other guys shoulders and then they twist?

THE HART DYNASTY do the HART ATTACK but i do agree any tag team should have a team finisher

The Repo-Man said:
First off, lol Morrison's not injured... he worked a house show in South Carolina last night and he's a pro on NXT season 2... where have you been?

first off where have you been? he hasnt been on RAW in like 3 weeks due to an ankle injury and this weekend house shows was his first time back in like 2 or 3 wks and its was said on the main page that he had a ANKLE INJURY or he would probally be US CHAMP instead of R-TRUTH and the reason he was put on NXT is because his injury was better why do you think he worked the house shows so dude learn the facts

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