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Dark Match Winner
Maybe i'm confused, but but happened to over the past 4-6 months? WZ used to be a place with only confirmed stories and exclusives, and if there was anything with the slightest bit of doubt, it would be highlighted as 'with doubt' or it would say it came from another source. Also, there wasn't anything like the 'look at this chick, she got fat' pics, as they did with Candice Michelle's pics, which for the record, if you look at the pics, the ring is clearly a WWE ring, so she didn't suddenly just 'get fat.'

Then there is the posting from today about Jeff Jarrett and Karen Angle possibly living together
which is something that should be on TMZ or some other dirt sheet, not Also, bubba the love sponge is generally known as a mouthpiece of wrestlers who want to get themselves over, or lil BS rumors, like what this 'TNA Employee' is trying to do. You would think especially after that false rumor dealing with Chris Benoit and Victoria that garbage like that would be kept off any 'pure' wrestling page, but it would seem as if I am wrong.

Call me a traditionalist, but did someone suddenly turn WZ into a gossip column and not tell anyone, or is there some other motive behind the added fluff popping up on here? Sure, this page makes money, ok, I can see how showing bikini pics of Brooke Hogan or pics of Candice looking fat would draw more hits, thus more money, but if that is the primary goal, it should be flat out said and not hidden under the guise of 'wrestling related info.'

When WZ started, it was wrestling news and info, along with predictions on which way an angle is going to go. It is/was the #1 wrestling website behind wrestling company websites for a good reason, but it could easily turn into a joke of a site, if the rumors and "I heard's" keep popping up. I'm not trying to start shiz, or slam the site, i'm simply trying to keep the site up to it's own set of high standards

There's my two cents...begin ripping
Haven't posted or even visted in a long time, and this is one of the reasons why.

What do Wrestlezone and other Wrestling sites just like it have in common with They are both tabloid sites. One is for celebrities and the other is for wrestlers. I think the Internet exposed wrestling more than what it should have been, when it began to travel into the personal lives of people, and that is something that I don't think we should be doing.

I think if they just stuck to spoilers and wrestling related opinions and stories done mostly in kayfabe, there wouldn't be this negative connotation associated with the IWC. The IWC spills the beans on things like Hogan getting a divorce, Chris Jericho drunk, Cena's wedding pictures, Big Show getting a speeding ticket, backstage politics or whatever. Do we really care about that? Better yet, do we really need that? It is ruining the way we view our favorite primetime broadcasts.

Stop with the tabloid sleezy B.S. and stick to wrestling and it will make for a better experience for everyone. This is wrestling, not Entertainment tonight or Inside Edition. And the worst part is, we fed right into it and still continue to fuel it. Leave these people alone and stop reporting on stories that don't have anything to do with the shows we watch. We know too much about these people now and its not fair to them, as they just want to provide for their families. This is their lives we are talking about, they are not puppets that dance on a stage.

If Wrestlezone or the IWC in general had a weekly or monthly publication it would go right on the rack directly next to the National Enquirer, Star, World News Weekly, and People, which is considered trash journalism.

Go ahead and flame me or give me red rep for this if you want, I honestly don't give a shit. As long as I get my point across that we should no longer accept the wrestling tabloid trash that has become the IWC.

(Should I have put this on a different board?)

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