Post Your Picture Thread

Hm, I've been on this site 6 years and I've never posted a picture...

Not that I'm going to, mind. I just thought I'd point it out.
Me meeting a young whipper-snapper.


And me and a good buddy just messin' around.


Ok so I need to backstory this photo before posting it.

Firstly, I was going to a wrestling themed party, secondly I don't look at all as athletic as I normally do due to my injuries/surgeries. Actually I've gained about 30 pounds and have lost a decent amount of muscle. Oh and I don't normally have a beard.

Theo, just epic, simply epic. Have your friends dress up as his two goons on Halloween! That'd be crazy awesome! Nice picture.

Hanging out with my big homie George Washington. The guy is good people.


This guy tried to pick my nose, I was not too thrilled about it. I counter attacked and licked his finger. That'll teach him.


No matter where you are at, stick your head in the hole. Common courtesy.
Behold: the massively sized High definition photo of the physical embodiment of gorgeousness - M

(seriously, the picture is freaking huge so prepare yourself to simultaneously jump back and cream your pants)

Tad bit big, oh well



In case anyone ever wanted to know.

You look zero percent like what I thought you would look like.
Don't ask me what I'm basing this on because I have no idea but for some reason I was thinking black hair on the shorter side with either a goatee or a full beard.
Your big picture has a slight resemblance to Mitch Hedberg with the glasses and hair.
I don't know how big Movember is in the North, but it has to do with cancer support - specifically testicular and prostate cancer. Basically, every able-bodied man tries to grow a moustache for the month. Here's mine, Day 13.
with the emphasis on TRYING...
If the WWE has pink ropes for breast cancer, surely a slightly darker upper lip isn't that bad?
Bear, your stash looks much better than mine. I can't grow a complete one and up until recently it never came in good at all.


I found this laying around the house recently. I believe it belongs to my niece or nephew. Either way it is mine now. I feel it fits me nicely.


This is from last Sunday. Went out to taste test some potential food ideas for my buddies wedding. As the best man I got an invite and I can never turn down an abundance of high quality food.
So it was time for a change and I did the unthinkable. I'm sure this will garner some negative opinions and my friends aren't too keen on it. They say I look ridiculous, so be it. I could use a haircut though. Behold the new Theo.


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