Post SummerSlam Feuds


Occasional Pre-Show
First time threading!!

Anyway, watched SS last night, and want to get your feelings on what feuds will start from it/continue.

Also, I added a few ideas of feuds will happen (or want to see)

Here's what I got:

New Feuds:
Undertaker vs. Kane
Melina vs. LayCool
Miz vs. Bryan (for US title)

Feuds I want to see:
Edge/Jericho vs. Cena

Feuds that will continue:
Orton vs. Sheamus
Kingston vs. Ziggler
Cena vs. NXT

What feuds do you want to see?

Also, Daniel Bryan looked AMAZING in the ring last night!
I can see Barrett breaking away from Nexus (or sticking with them, but regardless) and cashing in his NXT title match against Sheamus in the near future.

And I agree, DB looked very impressive, despite a slightly unconvincing elimination last night.
I agree with most of the fueds mentioned by shady and especially think the Diva and Women's titles need to be unified. Also I think the tag titles need to be split up somehow to try and further develop the tag division. Danielson (I won't call him Daniel Bryan) stole the show last night with his stiff strikes excellent dive threw the ropes and of course his new submission (Omoplata/Crossface...Arms Across America? Cattle Mutiliation? Dragon Lock? What would YOU call it?) Sadly the continued trend of super cena overcoming all odds slowed down the momentum of Nexus for me (didn't totally ruin it though) Danielson getting attacked from behind for his elimination both sets up for his run at the US title and keeps him from losing clean.
I can see Barrett breaking away from Nexus (or sticking with them, but regardless) and cashing in his NXT title match against Sheamus in the near future.

And I agree, DB looked very impressive, despite a slightly unconvincing elimination last night.

Barrett's NXT title shot was stripped from him the night that Bret Hart decided to fire him and not give contracts to Nexus. I am hoping that they continue the Nexus feud and have them become even angrier and more violent, I'm talking about chair shots, putting people through tables, handcuffing people so they can't fight back, anything that makes them look dangerous again and shows that they mean business. With the Miz helping Nexus during the match by hitting Danielson with the MITB briefcase there is always the possibility that he could join Nexus or at least side with them for a few weeks helping them destroy Danielson and maybe Cena too if he felt like it for choosing to publicly embarrass him by choosing his ex rookie over him. As for the R-Truth vs Morrison I feel that they could hold off on that as they are currently doing a weird DiBiase/Morrison program right now that doesn't seem to be going anywhere but management wants it to be a long term thing so K-Kwik might need to find something else to do for a while.
To me, I almost see it as possibly since Nexus lost against Raw, I would not be too surprised if they start something with Smackdown since they fired the first shots by attacking Dolph and Kofi. Especially with Vicki being protective of her Ziggler. This could set up for them being double losers and getting beaten by both brands and probably be a loser leaves WWE. Its just a suggestion. The women's area is a bit shady, I am still not quite sure yet, I would think that there would have to be a fracture between Lay-Cool before one of them goes after Melina, possibly. Because I can still foresee Teddy laying down the law (he's been getting a bit more controlling lately...way to go playa :thumbsup:).

In terms of the tag teams, there would be something in regards to Usos/Gatecrashers (Hawkins-Archer)/Hart Dynasty/Kozlov-Satino possibly. Then for US Championship, I most definitely see Daniel Bryan in the mix somehow. I almost wouldn't be shocked if Miz has to pay and as punishment, for nearly costing him WWE team the match from mystery GM, and defend the title on Raw (8/16) against Bryan possibly, and that would be a GREAT set up.
I can see Barrett breaking away from Nexus (or sticking with them, but regardless) and cashing in his NXT title match against Sheamus in the near future.

And I agree, DB looked very impressive, despite a slightly unconvincing elimination last night.

The Gm of Raw already stripped the title shot from Barrett after the first attack on Cena and Nexus is getting no title shots until the GM says otherwise. Btw, are they bringing back the championship scrambles this year at NoC? That'ss make a good me for raw. Shameus, Cena, Orton, Edge and Jericho. Also with the breifcase attack, we are guranteed a Miz/Danielson US title match at NoC. That match ought to be epic seeing Miz feud him in NXT and the looks of a work with Danielson getting fired and Miz insulting him.
I think you hit it right on the nail, the only thing I would add is

Big Show vs SES

I could also see a big twist in the Cena vs Nexus storyline

Everyone kept claiming there was going to be a twist in the Cena/nexus storyline and we all seened what happened. Danielson came back. I think that's a big of a twist as you will get in the PG era.
I think now we will start to see the NXT guys breaking of into feuds on their own, rather than just Cena... It was telling that most of the commentary about them was personalised yesterday, all their nicknames and facts etc... Sheffield could easily move into a solo feud with Mark Henry, Gabriel with Bourne... but Jericho/Edge v Heath Slater looks to be a good one, I can easily see Edge turning and we see the return of Y2J... The One Man Rock Band name is actually pretty good... amazed no one thought of it before...

Miz v Bryan - I would expect a US title match tonight to capitalise on the return, Bryan wins the US title, feuds with Miz through Night of Champions...

Barrett v Cena - This one is a given I think after last night... Barrett was easily as good as Bryan was... he really cemented his Main Event spot... He will get his win over Cena pretty soon I think...

LayCool v Melina/Alicia Fox - Saw this one coming the moment Melina won, I wouldn't be shocked if this means the titles get unified soon.

Ziggler v Christian - Dolph needs a solid feud and Christian is probably the best qualified... Ending the IC match with a run in was not a good sign though... I could just as easily see Bryan unifying this belt soon...

Kofi/Taker v Kane - I can see Kofi's new attitude getting him involved in this... especially as Taker is being portrayed as "weaker"...
I really think the majority of the feuds will continue in one way or another. I don't see how they couldn't, because a lot of them were new and fresh, and left open. None of them truly had an ending that warranted it to a position that it couldn't possibly continue.

Bryan Danielson's re-debut will open a lot of new opportunities for both The Miz, as well as The Nexus.

Kane and Undertaker / Rey Mysterio will still be sparkling just fine, they opened it up nicely last night. And I can only hope they handle it properly, and not with a match at Wrestlemania.

Orton and Sheamus. Well Randy didn't loose, so he's not at the back of the line, simple as that, feud will definitely continue.

Actually I could go on like this, the only feud I don't see continuing would most likely be Alicia Fox / Melina, it will be a brief rematch I feel, and some kind of new feud.
Can I be absolutely ridiculous!?

I believe Daniel Bryan and Miz will start feuding distracting us from the Miz's money in the bank contract... This rival is so heated I am really hoping Daniel Bryan steps it up by challenging The Miz for Us Title and his Money in the bank Contract at Night of Champions... Daniel Bryan wins the ladder... But he loses when he cashes in though at NOC because The Miz interferes. Fire is fueled like crazy in this feud...Let's be honest, The Miz doesn't need MITB he is that awesome he will be Champ sooner than later... That fuels that fire insanely... Brings some serious relavence to the US title before finally giving The Miz a World Title and !!!!! it gives time to set up some real contenders against Danielson because if Danielson has a title.. I don't think there is anyone in the entire RAW roster minus maybe two-three people that i would legitimently believe could beat Danielson for the title... Give danielson a very long run with US Title..
well supposedly there is a 21 man battle royal tonight on Raw with 7 raw 7 smackdown and the nexus,could we see cena turn tonight,hhh return,or what,even though wwe screw the universe with cena last night i see them taking alot of good feuds out of that ppv
well supposedly there is a 21 man battle royal tonight on Raw with 7 raw 7 smackdown and the nexus,could we see cena turn tonight,hhh return,or what,even though wwe screw the universe with cena last night i see them taking alot of good feuds out of that ppv

That should be quite interesting, what SD! stars would possibly fit into that though except Kofi and Dolf?

As for Cena heel turn i dont think it will ever happen as he brings in too much money for the company and Vince wouldn't want to risk his biggest cash cow.

A Kane/Taker Feud is guaranteed so will there ever be a better time to bring back the Ministry though? Undertaker is weak and he needs some protection from Kane putting him down for good. i know its a very long shot but how awesome would it be.

Orton/Shaemus will continue as Orton won the match. i can see this going until HHH is fit to return and start his feud with Shaemus then who know what for Orton.

Miz/Bryan as everyone else has said

Possibly Edge and Jericho joining Nexus because of their hatred of Cena. thats the only way i can see it happening after their attack on him in the match because although he's super Cena he can't feud with those 2 and Nexus (because thats not going to end just because WWE won the match)
I think we really need to wait and see where the Nexus angle is headed before assuming the next round of feuds leading into Night of Champions. It would appear as though Sheamus/Orton will continue, and Miz/Bryan would be obvious as well, but it's hard to tell because the Nexus thing could continue, or it could take a completely unexpected turn...


These would be the obvious ones...but again it's hard to be sure. I doubt Ziggler/Kingston will continue. If it does they should really add a 3rd guy to it, like Mysterio, Hardy, or Christian...preferably Christian. But here is one that I don't think will happen, but I would LOVE if it did...

Edge/Jericho as new Unified Tag Team Champions. If Hart Dynasty was injured by Nexus this would be awesome. Even if they're not, it would still be awesome. When Edge and Jericho hugged it out last week I was blown away, and I got chills by the possibilities... This was what I was most excited about last year, and if it could actually happen, I would be stoked. At Night of Champions I would love to see Edge and Jericho vs. the Usos for the tag team titles.
I'm gonna go with the following Post Summerslam feuds, (YES I KNOW IM REACHING) but they aren't impossible:

Bryan vs Miz for the US title. I dont think I need to get into the many reasons why this happen again.

Edge vs R-Truth. Edge can rag on truth for being eliminated so quick and easily, could be an entertaining higher mid card feud.

Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho Orton can say no matter what the GM said last week, he didnt lose and shouldnt be forced to the back of the line for the WWE title, Jericho can interject saying if it wasnt for Cena he wouldnt of been eliminated and set off a nice little feud between the two of them.

Sheamus vs HHH Sheamus says Orton is done, HHH returns and decides to go after Sheamus obviously. However my twist is that HHH would be going after Sheamus as the leader of NEXUS. HHH can say he was the one who instructed Barrett to make the deal that said Nexus wouldnt touch Sheamus.

Cena vs Nexus This feud didnt end last night so I totally expect it to continue.
I think i have to agree with majority of what everyone else has said...

But im prolly gonna get shot down for this but i want peoples opinion. See i dotn watch NXT (prolly should but dont) and didnt see the PPV last night..SO except for the 2 or 3 youtube videos i watched last night, Im not totally familier with Daniel Bryan. I mean iv been aware of the whole work of him being fired, his past and this and that BUT to say iv actually not watched a Bryan Danielson match. Is he really "the worlds greatest wrestler"? Im anxious the see him on Raw tonite...

I think i have to agree with majority of what everyone else has said...

But im prolly gonna get shot down for this but i want peoples opinion. See i dotn watch NXT (prolly should but dont) and didnt see the PPV last night..SO except for the 2 or 3 youtube videos i watched last night, Im not totally familier with Daniel Bryan. I mean iv been aware of the whole work of him being fired, his past and this and that BUT to say iv actually not watched a Bryan Danielson match. Is he really "the worlds greatest wrestler"? Im anxious the see him on Raw tonite...


I'm in the same boat, i watch a few episodes of NXT when i saw it on and i didnt see anything special. but i guess he has to be good to get all this hype.
I pretty much aggree with you there here's what I see happening.

The Miz vs Bryan: This is a pretty self explanitory fued, they already had a decent fued on NXT so this is basically a continuation of that which will end with Bryan taking the US title allowing Miz to go onto bigger and better things.

Sheamus vs Orton: After the DQ ending and what happened on Raw these two are obviously not finished with eachother:

Nexus vs Cena: This is the biggest story going right now, no way is it ending yet there is still way too much unexplained stuff.

Taker vs Kane: After what happened at SSlam this is pretty obviously going to happen, I just hope Kane comes out on top this time.

The only one that I would add onto your list would be

Show vs SES: This is obviously not over after what happened with Punk walking away, expect this one to be more of a Show vs Punk fued now that Punk seems to be fully healed.

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