Possible Umaga - Mark Henry trade?


Break Me Down.
Saw this on the main WZ page. Thought it was worth discussing.

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

There WAS talk of doing a trade that would send Mark Henry to Raw and Umaga to SmackDown. This is basically a way to provide fresh opponents for each brand's top babyfaces.

McMahon is very interested in doing an Undertaker vs. Umaga feud. Mark Henry would have likely feuded with John Cena before he got injured since Raw is so low on fresh heels.

Henry's program with Undertaker appears to be through after he was soundly defeated by him yet again at last Tuesday's SmackDown taping. That match was probably Henry's write-off from SmackDown. Umaga's program with Triple H will likely end soon as well.

This could have all changed now that Cena is injured and out for months.

Of course as it states there it may be changed after the Cena injury but it seems a logical swap for me. Can't say I would be too enthrauled about a Mark Henry move to Raw but Umaga to Smackdown sounds logical. I think Undertaker and him would be able to put on a good match and have a decent feud. Umaga at least has some shread of talent in his body and does not possess that magic ability that Mark Henry has which is too cripple 90% of his opponents. Opinions? As I say it's not the most exciting of moves but it's some sort of roster movement which may open up new angles and feuds for us to watch.
I can see the upside of Umaga on SD!,but I cant see Mark making an impact on RAW.Big names like HHH,Lashley& Orton will steer clear of him in fear of getting injured,so he`ll probably be stuck in mid card feuds with Jeff Hardy
Umaga going to SmackDown is great since he has little to do on RAW. He can do good things for SmackDown as they really need to freshen up their feuds. I mean the MVP Vs. Hardy feud is getting a bit annoying. Umaga could put on a pretty good match with MVP, so there's a good, fresh feud.

Mark Henry will do little for RAW, very little. He'll be put in squash matches week in, week out. Then ocasionaly have a PPV match with a main eventer only to job.
Yeah, Mark Henry will only be there to be fed to HHH. With guys like Kennedy and Orton on RAW, Mark Henry definitely wouldn't be a main event heel for long. Just long enough to job to a babyface champion.

Umaga on Smackdown would be a good move. He has nothing else left to do on RAW and is growing quite stale. He will definitely lose to HHH, and it'd be a good time to send him to Smackdown for some new feuds. I think Umaga to SD would be a great move.
I honestly feel bad for Umaga reguardless. I really think he's main event level. He's proved in the past that he can move, and he's a powerhouse. Him going to Smackdown? Sure he'll have a new roster to feud with,but at best he's going to be at mid card stance. He may feud with Batista once for the title, but I really don't see his situation being any better on SD! then it is on Raw... As far as Mark Henry is conserned. It doesn't really matter where he is, a few years ago he was on Raw, and I can't say he's improved at all, so I really don't care where he is. I just think that Umaga is better off staying on Raw
i thought umaga should have went to sd during the draft because for his character i think thats a great move. umaga vs taker would be a pretty good rivalry and umaga is very talented imo. he would bring a great deal to the sd roster.

on the other hand, mark henry to raw??? no way. mark henry should retire already. i wouldnt enjoy seeing mark henry on raw every week at all. he sucks.

umaga has proved that he can put on good matches and play his character really well. he'd be a great addition to any brand. he'd also be a better champ then batista and khali if u ask me. edge vs umaga and taker vs umaga as well as the mysterio vs umaga rivalry that got started a while back but never went anywhere would all be good matches to me.

mark henry go home.
Umaga isn't nearly half as interesting as when he had Armando Estrada with him as his manager back in the good old days so a move to Smackdown seems like a good idea. For Mark Henry, I think he should move to ECW to feud with Big Daddy V.
IMO when Edge got hurt they should have brought Umaga to Smackdown and made him world champ over Khali so thats why I think this move was a long time coming. Like others before me have said Umaga can move very well and can defenitely put on a solid match, this will defenitely be a good move because he defenitely have some good feuds on Smackdown. however Mark Henry to me is meh, cant say this move really matters expect him to squash local jobber and then job to whoever the next face champ is.
I like both of the moves i've always thought of Umaga as a smackdown! charecter and Henry as a raw charecter just because henry has that mercyless edge and scary moves and streanght (that WWE doesnt promote that well) and umaga just is umaga and has been through every maineventer that WWE allows him to fued with John Cena, Jeff Hardy, Triple H and so on
So I'm happy with both the moves I always like a change
Umaga to Smackdown is great. It should have happened at the draft. If he had gone over there then we wouldn't have seen a Khali title reign. Umaga is brilliant, best big man going at the moment in my opinion. A feud between him and Taker would probably impress. Only problem is that Taker is getting fragile in his old age, and Umaga can be reckless. Ever wondered why there hasn't been another session of HLA? Well that's because Jamal killed one of the hot lesbians.


Mark Henry to Raw is just another reason for me to not get up at 2 in the morning to watch it.
Doesn't matter where you put Henry, it's going to stink up the show. He's going to stink up everyone in with him. He's a wasted space, plain and simple.

Now Umaga on the other hand, he's golden. He's a diamond in the rough in RAW. Being Vince's muscle, bah. Being IC Champ, PFFT. Getting under HHH, classic (sarcasm.......).

Umaga won't be Main Event on RAW that I can tell. Umaga needs to be on Smackdown!, and truly break into the main event title scene, slowly but surely doing away with the savage gimmick so he can cut promos and what not. OF course, that's not necessary, but it would help.

But yes, Henry moving ANYWHERE or STAYING is complete shit.

Umaga, golden if he leaves the shadow of RAW.
i hope henry never gets on raw. he has always been crap. gets in way to many big matches that he shouldnt be in.

hes the only guy that could make a casket match at wrestlemania vs the undertaker look bad. he sucks! lol
I hope Mark Henry doesn't go to RAW. Umaga is better than him and RAW being the "A" show he should stay on there. On RAW atm I like the whole McMahon/Carlito/Umaga thing going on, kind of reminds me of The Coporation back then. I hope it continues.
Henry should stay in SmackDown, he isn't good enough for RAW. Umaga is a better heel than him imo.

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