Possible storyline/stable


Miz > You
Well I was looking at the FCW talent and it just popped in my head. After mysterio drops his title to Swagger/MITB winner, he could possibly form a small stable. Called the masked men. He could introduce Hunico/Epico from FCW as his brothers and they could form a team/stable called the masked men. Rey would be the single wrestler in the team and Hunico and epico could be the tag team part. Don't know if it would work, but it's decent :)
So the only reason this stable would be formed is that they wear masks? That isn't a good enough reason. They're not even all Mexican as Mysterio is from California.
In my opinion, Mysterio works better alone. Rey by himself strengthens that special connection that he and the WWE Universe has.

Unless there was a special storyline or circumstance, it would be really pointless.
To me this is an idea that goes nowhere. currently Rey Mysterio in a stable would not benefit him at all considering the fact that he is feuding with Jack Swagger. I think Rey needs to stay a singles competitor and it also seems like if Rey had a stable it would have to be heel... which heel does not work form Rey.
So the only reason this stable would be formed is that they wear masks? That isn't a good enough reason. They're not even all Mexican as Mysterio is from California.
In my opinion, Mysterio works better alone. Rey by himself strengthens that special connection that he and the WWE Universe has.

Unless there was a special storyline or circumstance, it would be really pointless.

It has nothing to do with them being mexican. It'll be some thing for Rey to do with his last years with the company (come on hes in his late 30's and hes highly injury prone.)
First of all, he may no be mexican, but hes still hispanic and spanish heriatage. Second of all, This wouldnt benifit Rey much, but Hunico and Epico would. Teaming with one of the top superstars in the company would do well for them. Plus a great buisness desicion b/c wwe could sell their masks and make as much money between them as rey does, not at first no, but in the long run after 5-7 years.
First of all, he may no be mexican, but hes still hispanic and spanish heriatage. Second of all, This wouldnt benifit Rey much, but Hunico and Epico would. Teaming with one of the top superstars in the company would do well for them. Plus a great buisness desicion b/c wwe could sell their masks and make as much money between them as rey does, not at first no, but in the long run after 5-7 years.

This is what I was trying to say. Rey Mysterio could help establish Hunico/Epico as future stars. We all know Rey isn't going to be with the company for long.
There is a very big problem with this theory.

Maybe its just me, but I think that having a stable almost guarantees a heel turn. You cant associate yourself with a group, thus giving yourself an advantage, and remain a face. Rey Mysterio has never been a heel and probably will never turn heel.
- Rey's merchandise sales are among the tops in the company.
- His size restricts his ability to be a heel.
- This may sound funny, but his voice is not appropriate for a heel.

There really is no chance for Rey to turn heel, which means that its hard to believe he would ever have a stable.
There is a very big problem with this theory.

Maybe its just me, but I think that having a stable almost guarantees a heel turn. You cant associate yourself with a group, thus giving yourself an advantage, and remain a face. Rey Mysterio has never been a heel and probably will never turn heel.
Usually yes, but what if this Stable went against SES, then it would still promote Hunico and Epico, and keep ReyRey a face.
There is a very big problem with this theory.

Maybe its just me, but I think that having a stable almost guarantees a heel turn. You cant associate yourself with a group, thus giving yourself an advantage, and remain a face.

It hasnt been done but its possible. They could hate all the cheating and stealing and lying so theyre on a crusade to stop it. kinda like a face SES but not quite. This goup would sort of be like super hero-ish and stop the heels from cheating and stuff like that.
It has nothing to do with them being mexican. It'll be some thing for Rey to do with his last years with the company (come on hes in his late 30's and hes highly injury prone.)

What I was trying to say was that they have nothing in common despite the fact that they wear masks. So for that reason, it shouldn't be done.

I'm sure there are better and more imginative ways to bring them up to the main roster. Here is one for Epico just off the top of my head. He is Orlando Colon, cousin of Carlito and Primo. Have him join Primo (who is now presumably close to being future endeavoured because of Carlito leaving) and produce a 'real' tag team that the IWC is constantly asking for.

For Hunico, put him in a feud with Rey. He could be a wrestler from Rey's past in Mexico. I believe that was the original plan for Kaval (thank god they didn't do it).
The only way this would work is if the masked team came up to the main roster and was getting hammered every week, losing easily and looking like weak jobbers. Then, Rey could be used as a mentor to the young guys, and bring them up to become tag team champions after a while. Kind of like a feel-good story with the veteran showing the young guys the way

What do you think?

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