Possible reformation of The British Invasion?


Championship Contender
This past week on iMPACT a few indicators were given to a possible alliance between the returning Magnus and Desmond Wolfe. In case you missed the signs;

Magnus appeared during the triple threat between Rob Terry, Desmond Wolfe and Samoa Joe. He praised Desmond as an intelligent wrestler, simultaneously running down Rob Terry somewhat (they've been feuding on Xplosion). While it wasn't made official it did seem that Magnus had some level of interest in Desmond Wolfe.

Later, during Ric Flair's announcement that Kaz and AJ were the first 2 members of Fourtune, Desmond came to the ring to complain about not being included, notably Desmond stated that Americans had a habit of not giving the British the credit they deserve.

Aside from this, we also saw a few weeks back Douglas Williams commentating on a match between Kendrick and Wolfe, similarly Williams praised Wolfe's skills as a mat technician and Taz made note of their nationality.

As it currently stands the British Invasion never fully disbanded. Rob Terry left then beat Magnus in a match and while Magnus was out recovering from injury Williams went on to the X-division. Wolfe has been on a losing streak and Magnus has been winning matches on Xplosion.

So from Wolfe's recent animosity with Flair and Magnus return could we see a reformation of The British Invasion? Alternately could we simply see Magnus and Wolfe team up as a conventional tag team? I personally would love either option as I feel it would give Wolfe a much needed new direction, it would also give Magnus a jump start on regaining the ground he lost after his hiatus.

So my questions to the forum users;

Would you like to see The British Invasion reform?

If they reform who do you think should be a member?

Would you rather just see Magnus and Wolfe become a tag team?
I always thought the "British Invasion" was a pretty exciting stable until it all got silly involving Eric Young and the "World Elite". So, yes. I would like to see them reform with Magnus, Wolfe and presumably Williams.

With Wolfe in the stable, I can vision an immediate feud with "Fortune", which if done correctly, could see a decent push for all 3 members which is much needed in my opinion.
Good observations. I never really gave this idea a thought.

Here's how I see this. What is Desmond Wolfe really doing right now? Being used as Fortune's jobbing lackey? I don't know, but I just think he's above having to be used to put people over. He should be getting himself over as quickly and convincingly as possible. With that being said, a tag team could be just the thing to give him something to do for now, until he finds himself an opportunity to hit the main event (see Eddie Guerrero). He and Magnus would work great as a unit due to their similar styles, so yes, a tag team between the two could work. As the British Invasion? I don't know. Probably not seeing as though that group has essentially run its course in TNA. But those were some really key observations, and they could lead to the two possibly tagging in the near future.
Honestly I wouldn't be against a British invasion reformation. However, neither Douglas Williams nor Desmond Wolfe really need it IMO. They're already great singles competitors despite the atrocious way Wolfe has been booked recently. Magnus isn't that bad a competitor either and has some talking abilities but all he needs is some time to shine.
This is a pretty big stretch but Wolfe, Magnus, Williams, and Rob Terry to feud with Kaz, Styles, ?,?. I personally CAN'T see it happening but i think it COULD work Wolfe as a leader, Magnus as his partner, Doug Williams as the X division champ, Rob Terry with the role of the enforcer and the global champ. Wolfe could really go at Fortune claiming the Brits don't get their due add on to the fact that if Beer Money end up being the next two guys of fortune after winning this best of 5 and somehow Wolfe and Magnus beat them the British Invasion would all have gold causing more friction between them and Fortune.
Wolfe, Magnus and Williams would be an awesome reformation of the British Invasion.

Big Rob is awful so with him out of the group, replaced by Wolfe, it would be great.

Plus I felt that Magnus was improving a lot towards the end of the British Invasion, and Williams has always been impressive.
I think I would rather see Wolfe and Magnus as a tag team more than The British Invasion reforming. I don't mind either way because I think both would work, if The British Invasion does reform I think an obvious choice for them to feud against is Fortune. Now if they were to be a tag team they could be a great heel tag team, I think they would be very succesful because they are great as singles wrestlers and their personalities are very similar. They could have a storyline where they cause havoc upon all the tag teams and force TNA management to give them a title shot. So hopefully Wolfe and Magnus do become a tag team.
Well as much as I enjoyed the Invasions' work, I feel that anything that puts a pair of talent like Magnus and Wolfe back on track would be very good all around.

Magnus is underrated for a guy of his limited experience and could be a real talent. And Wolfe is Wolfe, horribly misused. Now despite the fact that they have both spent time on Impact jobbing, it would not take a lot for them to be built up well.

I can't see them coming back and they would probably be jobbed out.
i wouldn't mind seeing a reformation of The British Invasion either. i think it would work better now that Williams and Terry are more established in TNA. i think it does need to add Desmond Wolfe to the mix though. the combination of him being a great wrestler, british and somewhat of a fan fav despite his heel status would make him a good choice. i haven't really watched Brutus Magnus wrestle too much but he doesn't seem too shabby and i know how great Doug Williams and Desmond Wolfe are. I know Rob Terry isn't the greatest wrestler but i still think he could fit back in the British Invasion. he could be their enforcer like he was originally. the other 3 would have the quickness and technical skills as where he would be the muscle.
I would love to see the British INvasion reform with Wolfe. I think it's about time they really push those guys and with Dreamer (supposedly) being involved with creative who better to add to allow them to feud with Fortune than a great replacement for Rob Terry in Paul Burchill. The guy has all the tools to be something big butWWE missed the boat on him (they tend to do that sometimes) and he would fit perfecly in the group. Maybe even bring in Katie Lea to take over the women's division. I am all for it. I loved the group in the beggining and I would love it more with Wolfe and Burchill.
The impression I got was that Magnus was more interested in Chelsea. Maybe Magnus and Wolfe do team up until they pull of a Mega Powers split due to Chelsea. As for British Invasion to me its more like hmm we got 2 Brits, they hate Fortune and the Americans and we already got the British Invasion music video. So its more like they become British Invasion by default; in other words what else are they gonna call themselves.
I like this idea. With a potential stable war brewing as is, what's one more in the mix? However, as much as possible I would keep Wolf a singles competitor. I never liked tag teams that were just sloppily thrown together, but as allies in a stable works fine. Let the tag team experts do their thing, and a reformed Invasion can rule by numbers. As silly as this may sound, tag team titles in a three man stable, well, skews things up to me.

Example, The Un-Americans in WWE, before William Regal joined their ranks. To me, Lance Storm was their leader until he and Christian won the tag titles. Then it seemed, by default as the lead singles competitor of the group, that Test was the de facto leader.

Again, maybe that's just my wacky way of seeing things. But if anyone needs to benefit from this group, it would be Desmond.

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