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Possible new WWE tag team with finishers

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
This thread is not what rookies could WWE throw together to make a tag team. It is of what existing stars could they make a good tagteam and what they're tag team finisher should be note this would be if the tag division got any better....
Some examples

Jericho/Swagger- Swagger puts his oppenet in the Walls of Jericho and Swagger takes an ankle and applies the ankle lock

Punk/Orton- A GTS folowed by a mid-air RKo would be really awesome

Triple H/Orton-Pedigre with RKO long shot tag team but who knows

Khali/Big Show- I'm thinking Khali does his head grasp thingy and Show hits a knockout punch

Mysterio/Edge- A 619 right into the spear really devasting and cool to watch

Give me some of your other ideas as i know they're are more to list but if the tag team division was to get better it would need something like this
Miz/Jericho- Skull crushing finale by Miz directly down into a Codebreaker by Jericho....I know, it's a little unrealistic.

Hardy/bourne- A twist of fate by hardy followed by an Air-bourne by evan, reminiscent of the Twist of fate/Swanton Combo.

Cena/Swagger- Cena puts the guy in the STF and Swagger grabs the other foot and gives him an Ankle lock.

Of course these teams are completely Random and I doubt we will ever see Cena and Swagger on the same team......but the finishers would look cool.
i like the khali/big show idea. i've always said since they signed khali to team him with show. at least then, show can help khali learn to wrestle. also, put Cryme Tyme back together. WTF was the point of splittin them up? They didnt even keep the storyline when they split up. way to go wwe, at least TNA has tag teams.
i don't see how the pedigree and RKO will work. how about use Khali's size to help Orton deliver a RATED-RKO without the opponent having to jump at Orton, that'd be an epic move, reminiscent of 3D. Or WWE could steal a page from TNA and pull off that 450 Splash transition to Shooting Star Press combo with Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel.
I can go all day.

Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel. The Shooting Star Press and the 450 Splash in quick succession, GenMe style.

Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan. Walls Of Jericho+that Crossface style move Bryan does now. I forgot the name of it but it looks painful.

Matt Hardy and John Cena. Pick opponent up in the Attitude Adjustment and Hardy locks the head and delivers the Twist of Fate.

Sheamus and Randy Orton. Sheamus picks opponent up in High Cross and Orton catches opponent with a reverse RKO.

CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler. Punk hits GTS on opponent and while opponent falls backwards Ziggler hits the ZigZag.

John Morrison and Kofi Kingston. Flying Chuck kick and Trouble in Paradise at the same time.

Luke Gallows and Zack Ryder. Gallows lifts opponent up for the Gallows Pole and while opponent is in the air Ryder hits the Rough Ryder leg lariat.

Undertaker and Ted Dibiase. Undertaker picks opponent up for Last Ride and Dibiase locks Million Dollar Dream while driving him down.

Okay that last one was a little too imaginative.
i liked the jericho/bryan idea bryans cross face looks real unlike cenas submission. i dont see how its possible for the tripple h/orton.

how about this jericho does the walls and while thats going on evan bourne does his airbourne.

then how about the chokeslam from kane into the codebreaker from jericho.

then there is also reys 619 into sheamus pump kick.
A double team finisher I've always liked to see would be an elevated West Coast Pop from the electric chair position, a la Doomsday Device. I'm not sure who he could do it with though, let's say Khali. Make them both earn their non sensical wages.

Apart from that, and an even odder pairing, would be JTG's random spinning neckbreaker thing, couple with Edge's spear.
Somebody said it a little earlier on and up until before reading that, I didn't have any idea who I would have as a tag team; so I'll repeat what somebody else said, just because it was plain awesome.

Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne with a 450 Splash and Shooting Star Press in quick succession. That would be so beautiful to see, much better then a terrible "Hardy Boyz" tope rope move.

Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne would be a great team aswell. They're both young, talented and extremely light on their feet. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that they were destined to be together, but I DON'T know any better. :)

Originally posted by DirtyJosé
I do feel quite dirty after having reamed your mother's brown eye and forcing the 2nd hand wolf cookie on your father. This of course was after I stole your job.
DirtyJosé <3
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Chris Masters & Kofi Kingston - Masters locks in the Master lock and Kofi delivers trouble in paradise

Khali & Dolf Ziggler - Khali picks them up for the double handed chokeslam , Dolf hits the Zig Zag in mid air

I think that Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne have to form a tag team soon after the Nexus Story.
Chris Masters and Darren Young - Both guys grab one of the opponent's arms from behind and they share a Masterlock, then Darren does his full nelson slam-type finisher

Wade Barrett and Carlito - Wade Barrett does his normal Wasteland, then in mid-air, Carlito grabs the opponent and goes for the Backstabber on the way down

Zack Ryder and MVP - Zack does the Zack Attack, opponent stays up, and MVP does the Playmaker

Matt Hardy and Jamie Noble - Twist of Fate with Noble jumping in the middle to get the opponent with his Gutbuster before the opponent hits the ground

Sheamus and Carlito - Same as Wade and Carlito, except Sheamus does the Celtic Cross or whatever it's called instead of Wasteland

Drew McIntyre and Chris Jericho - Drew lands the Future Shock and Y2J immediatly locks in the Walls

AJ Styles and Michelle McCool - Oh.......... wait..........

Christian and Daniel Bryan - Christian lands the Killswitch and Daniel Bryan immediatly goes for that flipping full nelson submission he used to do in NXT
Not many i can think of that havent already been said but thpught of this

Barret/Orton- Barret gets him up for wasteland, orton hits the RKO while the guys on barrets shoulders.

Mark Henry/Kaval(lol) - Henry hits worlds strongest slam, while Kaval waits on the top rope. Henry slams him down, Kaval hits warriors way as soon as Henrys finished.
I love the idea with Bryan's Crossface and Jericho's Walls Of Jericho correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Jericho and Benoit do the same combination of moves.

I would like to see the Masterlock preformed bye Masters and while the the opponent is in the hold Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise, I haven't seen many moves like this and I think it would be pretty good.

Also Matt Hardy's Side Effect into Doph's Zig Zag, I think this would be abit harder because the weight of Matt and his opponent would all go on Dolph's arm and it would be at least 500 pounds.
I would really like to see this one:
Jericho/ Carlito - I would like to see Carlito use the Back stabber then Jericho quickly hits the code breaker

Daniel Bryan/ Bret hart?? - lol very unlikely but with bryan locking the crossface while Bret is using the sharp shooter that would be cool

Rey Mysterio / Miz - I can see a 619 then Miz quickly hitting the skull crushing finale

Edge/ Morrison - maybe even a spear then a star ship pain

HBK / Orton - Sweet chin music and then Orton hits an Rko not possible anymore but still
Cena lifts him up on his shoulders in an Attitude Adjustment or holds them in front of him in a body slam and throws the guy in the air. Orton leaps and catches the opponents head and drives him down with an RKO!

It has been done and looked awesome.

The video is below in the spoiler... Click to about 4:08

Mod note - I fixed your video for you/
As some of you may have seen, I have already suggested that Mark Henry and Evan Bourne become a tag team and based on their interaction after the Body Slam match vs. Edge I think we're seeing the begining of their team forming. So, to answer the question of this thread, we will see the world's strongest slam followed by Bourne's finisher off the top rope.

And since the WWE doesnt know how to promote their tag team division, i wouldnt be surprised if next week on RAW we see the Hart Dynasty face Bourne and Henry in a non-title match that ends up a DQ or something along those lines thus leading to a match for the tag belts at Night of Champions. Ok, mabye that won't happen but theres obviously not going to be a build up for the tag title match considering the PPV is 2 weeks away and it hasnt been announced yet.

Looks like i got my dates mixed up, its not another RAW prior to NOC so less than one week away and there still hasn't been a tag team match set up yet.

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