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*POSSIBLE* Future of Goldust & Stardust

What Path Would You Prefer?

  • Goldust & Stardust

  • Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust

  • On The Fence

  • Meh, Don't Care Either Way

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According to a report put out at wrestlinginc.com via F4WOnline.com, there are a couple of ideas pertaining to the use of Goldust and Cody Rhodes, AKA the newly repackaged Stardust. It's pretty simple really: if the team gets over, they're probably looking at a tag team title shot at SummerSlam. If they don't get over as a team, we'll probably see the Cody vs. Goldie feud that some have been looking for.

While it's still quite early since Stardust only appeared for the first time on Raw, most of the stuff I've read was really positive, so all we really have to go on right now are based on first impressions. So, go with your gut:

Would you rather see Goldust & Stardust reinvigorated and continue as a tag team or would you rather see Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust in a singles feud?
I personally think Cody is far too talented to have been lingering around the tag division for the most part of his career. Lucky for him he has excelled at every gimmick throwed at him. I guess this whole Stardust gimmick has to grow on me. I just don't want to see him stuck with it too long.
Personally, while Stardust was an unexpected development and a sort of storyline swerve, I liked it immediately. It might seem cheesy to some, but I think the Rhodes brothers really freshened the Tag scene post-SummerSlam and this could help give the team some momentum again going forward as long as the WWE can keep them relevant enough.

Of course, the break-up is inevitable eventually with a Brother vs Brother match expected at some point.

Best Case Scenario: They get back into the Tag title hunt, maybe win it at some point after SummerSlam and lose it around time of the Royal Rumble. Then start teasing and eventually go through with the break-up, but make sure that it catapults Cody into better things when it is all said and done.
It definitely was a swerve. I personally was expecting the obvious when Cody was displaying frustration when they were losing. But considering they somewhat repackaged Cody to mirror Goldust, I was greatly surprised. Was expecting the obligatory Wrestler A attacks Wrestler B and blames Wrestler B for his failures and holding him back(much like PTP breakup). I like the swerve, but the Stardust character will have to grow on me first. That and I am curious to see how they interact with other talent during matches.
The smart thing to do here is to let Goldust and Stardust stay as a tag team with Rhodes stealing Goldust's thunder and setting up a Goldust heel turn, Do Goldust vs. Stardust (which mind you is a rip off of Bluedust vs Goldust) and then have Rhodes return saying a corny Goldust may not be able to beat you, but Cody Rhodes can and do the big pay off at one of the major 4 PPVs
Cody although is a fantastic wrestler and great entertainer he is just unable to break the glass ceiling because in my honest opinion is too generic. With the people from NXT coming up their is no room what so ever for Cody Rhodes. I think they should just make Cody become the next goldust it is the only way he will stay relevant when the new breed from NXT comes up.
Keep them together as a tag team. Stardust is already more interesting than Dashing and "Disfigured" Cody put together. I think they would be even better champions as Goldust and Stardust than they were as The Rhodes Brothers. A Cody VS Goldust feud would not be as interesting. Why do that when Cody really has nowhere to go afterwards but perhaps another Intercontinental Championship run? This gives us a great traditional tag team, which is beneficial for the tag division plus it would be far more interesting in the long run. Regardless of it being a long term team or a singles feud, I liked Stardust. WWE should keep Cody in this persona.
To me it matters how long Goldust's contract is. Goldust signed back last September and the reports were that it was only for a year. So if Goldust is leaving September they will probably have Cody v Goldust at Summerslam.
The WWE has been better about letting things taking their time. The cynic in me says that it's for more material for DVD release or Network special compilation. The whole Stardust bit is going to be an interesting chapter. I have a feeling that this is going to work--for a while before Cody gets disgusted that he has become a parody of his brother. He'll turn on his brother and than set his sights on the WWE title--something no other Rhodes family member ever attained. And screw the Miz. I'd put Ric Flair with a heel Cody Rhodes.
Sadly, I don't see them putting the strap on Cody, but it would be a damn good reason to insert him into the title mix.
Inevitably, there would be the family reconciliation--be it that nice spot at the Royal Rumble where the two brothers team up together or Dusty and Dustin come running out when Cody is getting the hell beat out of him.
The fact that people support Stardust honestly scares me.

I'm all for letting things take time to develop and cultivate. There's no need to rush things. I understand that. But Stardust is a complete misuse of Cody Rhodes who CAN be entertaining with a proper gimmick. The "Grotesque" Cody Rhodes gimmick is just an example - the only gimmick Rhodes has had that can be considered remotely good. I'd much rather see this spill into Money in the Bank, perhaps a match with RyBaxel, Stardust picks up the win and Goldust turns realizing that Stardust is becoming bigger than him. Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes was what this tag team was supposed to lead to anyway. I know the brother vs. brother match has been done to death, but it's necessary to write Goldust off TV (if he's leaving) and to get Cody more over.

If they continue with this, it just tells me that every member of the Rhodes Family is insane for working under Vince McMahon.
Stardust is quite good.. I like the Persona a lot and this was quite a surprise and the WWE might actually be onto something finally with Cody. This could be cody's best work since his arrival in the company.

I say keep them together as a tag team and have them take the belts off the USO's at sumemrslam!
I always thought Cody should have been rocking face paint ever since he started teaming with Goldust. They were a great duo, but they never really looked like a "team".

I think that they GoldStar should have a long run together this year, possibly until WrestleMania, when they split up. You can then have Cody start billing himself as "Stardust" Cody Rhodes, rocking the face paint, but with normal attire. Or maybe go the Prince Devitt route and start facepainting both his face and chest.
Keep Cody as Stardust, keep the team together, build them up as an unstoppable force of brotherly flamboyance and homoerotic discomfort. After a couple years, Stardust turns on Goldust and they feud until Stardust wins. Goldust then retires as Dustin and Stardust maintains the Bizarre One persona for the duration of his career. No Cody ever mentioned again.
I'd prefer to see them feud, but changing it up with Goldust as heel as he was back in the day and with Cody the face.
Goldust and Stardust is the way to go for now because if you think about even 6 months down the line where would Cody stand without a tag team? Currently there is nothing for him to do other than team with goldust until a place opens up like in the mid card for the IC title or something. Goldust and Stardust could chase the championship, win them, drop the a month or two later which causes Cody to snap and beat down his brother and leads to a match at the 3 ppvs with both brothers winning 1 and cody winning the rubber match as well. Goldust rides off into the sunset and Cody goes straight after the IC championship.
Occasionally WWE does something that genuiinely surprises in a good way, this is happening here. Why should Cody v Dustin happen at Summerslam? It's a Mania level match... and if it's gonna happen at Mania, why does it HAVE to be this year? Surely, if they're ever going to do it WM32 IN TEXAS makes the most sense as the Rhodes were always big names there.

Stardust could be the key to Cody making the main event, he was always at his best as "broken" Cody with the mask, this is now a different mask but the same thing that worked so well with Dustin and Goldust, that it steps them out of Dusty's shadow. Sure some will say Stardust is a rip of of Goldust, but it's perhaps more like KISS... diferent personas within the group. It's definitely marketable and the enthusiasm Cody showed with it (that ring gear ain't cheap) and sheer fun he seemed to have says a lot.

Let them team for 12 more months and become a legendary team... THEN split them if you must...
I wonder how high WWE is setting the bar for Stardust and Goldust to be over. There's some promise with Cody repackaged and reinvented as a new character to add a much needed fresh spark to the Rhodes Bros. as a tag team (they've been stale for months now), but I don't see a the sky's the limit future for both men as a new team. I'm sure it'll take some time for fans to adjust to Cody's persona, but as a tag team, I can't imagine Cody and Goldust changing the division with a resurgence.

As far as Cody goes, I don't see the potential for a main event guy. Cody hit a ceiling a while ago with the Disfigured character, and I honestly don't know why so many people were drooling over his reign as IC Champion, when he reintroduced the old belt design. I'm not saying he'll fade away into obscurity. I'm just saying we've seen the best of Cody Rhodes, and the best is a reliable mid carder, who might surprise us with a very good match every now and then.
I think the gimmick is good. It took me by surprise, I admit. It's another in a long, long line of things for Cody to try; the company never seems to tire of trying to get him over, although I can't imagine why they favor him so much. (Dusty?)

Still, except for a few seconds of a backstage segment, where were they last night? If WWE wants us to get excited about a unique new team, why didn't they wrestle? Surely, there's some mid-card tag team they could have weirded out and defeated, no?

I'm glad WWE is keeping Goldust; I was afraid he would be future endeavored after teaming with his brother came to an end. If he had to go on his own, I believe the company would find they had nothing for him. Instead, he's still with Cody.....and if that's what keeps him employed, it's great, especially since Dustin is working as well as he did in his 20's. His strange persona sometimes obscures the fact he's a superb ring worker.

But they could have done better last night than having Cody blowing on a pocketful on stardust. Keep things moving, management.
Personally, I think I'd rather see them continue as a team along this line for a while. I can't say that I was ever hugely interested in Cody vs. Goldust in a singles feud, though I could see the benefit of it when it looked as though Cody might be moving up the singles ranks at one point. At this same point in time last year, I expected Cody to be in the World Heavyweight Championship picture, but once WWE went back to a single World Championship again late last year, it made the likelihood of Cody being in the title spot anytime in the foreseeable future quite slim.

As a result, Cody & Goldie feuding now would likely come off as a somewhat forgettable mid-card feud that wouldn't get a whole lot of attention and probably wouldn't really benefit either guy at this point. Goldust is in his mid 40s, so he's not going to be moving up the ranks anytime soon and, as I alluded to, Cody isn't anywhere in line to be moving up either. So, for me, I'd like to see them get their mojo back in the tag team ranks.

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