Possible ending to Rusev/Lana for good?


Championship Contender
I was just curious, I know wwe can keep a superstar off tv for a while and them come back with new name, look, style, everything all the time. (Example Ryan Reeves/Ryback) but how do you see the whole Lana/Rusev ending? Here's a couple thoughts I had..

I think Rusev is stuck. I mean he can still main event. And I'm a fan of his. What I mean by stuck is his character. He can't come out with him being anything other than a foreign monster. But Lana is different. If I'm not mistaken she is American right?? So..

1) write Lana off tv completely. Have her come back after this surgery as a different character. New name, English accent, no affiliation to Ziggler, maybe new hair style. No more mention of Lana ever again. Wrestle in nxt divas till she improves enough. (I think that's a bad idea)

2) Come back with no change. Stay the way she was and keep her with Ziggler. Just move on to another feud.

3) quit wwe completely and go back into acting.

4) Keep the name Lana but come back on her own with no affiliation to anybody..

5) come back with a bombshell. Her and Ziggler cut a promo in the ring where she says she's always been an American and just learned The ridiculous Russian accent to use Rusev to climb her way to the top. Then drop the huge American flag

6) or maybe have her turn on Zigler at a ppv match and cost him the win and go back to Rusev and more or less stay there..

Now I like Rusev, but I don't see any room for growth for his character. But Lana has choices..so what do you all think should be Lanas future?
Or......since she is not a wrestler and doesnt need to use both of her hands, she can still cut a promo.

Give a week or two off and bring her back on TV IF SHE WANTS, she may need actual time to recover. She and Rusev love each other gosh darn it!They will be back!

But if Taz can wrestler with a broken neck in ECW, Kurt can win gold with a broken neck, Foley can survive falling off and through the Hell In A Cell, the shit Lita did off ladders, Cena and his broken nose, and many other guys who were hurt and finished the match. There is no use to ruin a OK feud because of a broken hand on a non wrestler.
I would say, building up Lana and focussing on her more and more will eventually lead to the backfire on Rusev. He certainly is a MainEvent material, burying him would be asinine. Lana should just stay backstage and do promotion work for WWE just like how Eva Marie had done in the past and let Rusev and Ziggler finishes off their feud.

Speaking of Lana not being an actual wrestler, obviously I know that, but neither was Eva Marie. And their giving her all her own personal training to step up to wrestling. They can do the same for Lana..

Personally she works best as ruse a mouth piece..
What I mean by stuck is his character. He can't come out with him being anything other than a foreign monster.

Yet, Rusev has changed his character. Since his interactions with Lana have gone past the original in-ring, emotionless dealings, he's shown many more human characteristics working with she and Summer Rae: jealousy, rage, contrition and passion. His soft smile while forgiving Summer Rae took me by surprise; I never expected something so 'human' from the guy.

As for Lana, everything depends on what Vince McMahon is thinking. He could 'gracefully' dismiss her from doing anything more with the company if he believes she's missed her one chance to make an impact......he could bring her back in a characterization that makes it seem she never even knew Rusev.....or she could be brought back as exactly where she was before the injury.

I'm not sure why I feel this way but I wouldn't be surprised if she's used again but never gains the prominence she had the first time around. They really built a lot around her and may feel she blew it.

Hope I'm wrong.
What I was saying there about him being stuck, yes....I mean not a lot of room for expansion of his character. I mean "stuck" as he will always be a foreign monster. He can't come out with dyed hair, speaking plain English, different promos and music. The only dialog he has added is Lana smells like fish or something bout a fish.

He can change his wrestling style (but I doubt it) , opponents. But he's still going to be a foreign monster...
She was born in America but spent most of or at least a lot of her childhood living in the Soviet Union.

So the whole learning Russian thing for Rusev wouldn't even make sense. Plus he's Bulgarian so that wouldn't make sense either. If she had learned Bulgarian that would make sense.

Just keep her as she is. I wish she and Dolph would have been able to have a mixed tag match with Rusev and Summer Rae, won, and moved on. I'm not sure how long her injury will keep her out though.

Summer could take the pin, Rusev could get mad and drop Summer and that could be the end of it.
Yea I know the whole difference between Russia and Bulgaria. But wwe doesn't make much difference in it so I didn't.

And I know Lana was raised mostly in the Soviet Union...I was referring for storyline purposes.

My point being I don't think Lana should go back to rusev or come back as Lana period. Come back as a new diva in nxt..
I think the whole thing has gone way out of control now. I don't think they thought it out properly. Then you had the injury to Rusev, Ziggler going off to film a movie and now the injury to Lana.

The story which started out simple enough and should have been over in on PPV, has dragged on so long, that I firmly believe they are flying by the seat of their pants now.

I really don't know what is going to happen and cringe to even think about it, but it hasn't really helped anyone involved. Rusev has been shown to be human, and we know that human's can be hurt, Ziggler is well Ziggler. Summer Rao is a bad Lana rip off, and Lana herself, geez don't know what will happen to her.
This has been a bizarre storyline that has ranged from tolerable to the worst thing WWE has put on TV throughout 2015. Lana being 'controlled' by the abuser Rusev completely contradicts what we've seen. Lana believing anything Summer had to say even topped that on the stupidity scale. Seriously, DO THEY WATCH THEIR OWN PROGRAM!? Did she not see Summer sneaking into Ziggler's locker room (with a suspicious looking expression) after he said he was going to shower?! Lana seemed angry at Ziggler for...being seen naked by an intruder...

My interpretation of this shit is still that Lana was the controlling, emotionally abusive one who immediately put on her best victim face as soon as Rusev dumped her, which drove him insane. Even Ziggler never seems very happy to be with her.

On the other hand, Rusev and Summer are playing their roles very well. Rusev can be rather creepy and Summer is the perfect bitch. I want Rusev to move on to bigger, better things though. I still think it would be best if Lana turned on Ziggler, but I'd rather Rusev get a clean win.
This has been a bizarre storyline that has ranged from tolerable to the worst thing WWE has put on TV throughout 2015. Lana being 'controlled' by the abuser Rusev completely contradicts what we've seen. Lana believing anything Summer had to say even topped that on the stupidity scale. Seriously, DO THEY WATCH THEIR OWN PROGRAM!? Did she not see Summer sneaking into Ziggler's locker room (with a suspicious looking expression) after he said he was going to shower?! Lana seemed angry at Ziggler for...being seen naked by an intruder...

My interpretation of this shit is still that Lana was the controlling, emotionally abusive one who immediately put on her best victim face as soon as Rusev dumped her, which drove him insane. Even Ziggler never seems very happy to be with her.

On the other hand, Rusev and Summer are playing their roles very well. Rusev can be rather creepy and Summer is the perfect bitch. I want Rusev to move on to bigger, better things though. I still think it would be best if Lana turned on Ziggler, but I'd rather Rusev get a clean win.

I have to kind of agree with most of what you said. None of them look particularly comfortable in their roles here, it's almost like it's alien to them. Especially Dolph and Lana. I'm wondering if she's regretting even getting involved with this, as her and Rusev are a real life couple.

Summer Rae is the only one who is playing the role to perfection. Might be because she has no real stake in what transpires and is the throwaway person here. Ziggler I just don't know, he doesn't seem to be comfortable with a woman for some reason. It was the same when he was with Vicki G.

All in all it's a car wreck of a story. Sooner it's over the better.
My personal theory with Ziggler (the character) is that he's a closeted homosexual. He looks like he's just one tag team partner away from adopting a 'Billy and Chuck' gimmick. Obviously I doubt this is WWE's intention, but you're right, he always seems uncomfortable around women and those pink tights look pretty fruity.
It's very awkward to watch knowing Rusev / Lana are a real life couple. Ziggler looks very uncomfortable with Lana at times at that is only fair, regardless of whether it's acting it would still be very hard to kiss another man's wife in front of him, especially working a match with that guy when your safety is in his hands. I get the feeling they probably agreed to go with the idea because it was a chance to get Lana over

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