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Possible Cruiserweight Championship Return


Dark Match Winner
So with raw now airing for 3 hours regularly and the WWE network starting soon bringing back the C Weights are almost certain. Plus with alex shelly and other high flyers coming to the wwe it will not be just 220+ guys taking tv time. And plus it was talks about a C weight show on the new network with that being said its just right to give them the championship IMO i think it would be better than the united states championship the contenders for the united states belt are just wrestlers but the C W belt would have really good matches and skilled stars. I was always a fan of it. So what do you think?

Do you think the belt will return?

Would you want it too?

If so who waist would you like to see it around?
Why limit these wrestlers who are below the 220 pound mark to something as shitty as the Cruiserweight Championship? Imagine the insane world where Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio and CM Punk never reached their fullest potential because they're too small? Look at the WWE right now: CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes and many more - all superstars who are on the rise that fall into that cruiserweight level. There's no need for weight limits within the WWE. Imagine limiting the World and WWE Championships so only guys over 280 pounds can win it; have fun with that type of show. In all honesty, guys like Evan Bourne or even Alex Shelly can do the some good to the United States or Intercontinental Championship divisions rather than adding a title that'll likely lose relevance fairly quickly.
Probably. It could work if they don't limit the small wrestlers to only the cruiserweight division and allow them to reach the same heights as everyone else on the roster. I wouldn't mind fast-paced spotty action a la X-Division, it's always fun to watch those matches (if you're into that type of pace and style.) I can't think of anyone in particular to put the belt around, but I'm a big lucha fan so I'mma go with Aero Star from AAA. Great talent who could use a change of scenery after being in the midcard for so long. Here's a video and please don't mind the botches, it comes with the style of wrestling.

Why limit these wrestlers who are below the 220 pound mark to something as shitty as the Cruiserweight Championship? Imagine the insane world where Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio and CM Punk never reached their fullest potential because they're too small? Look at the WWE right now: CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes and many more - all superstars who are on the rise that fall into that cruiserweight level. There's no need for weight limits within the WWE. Imagine limiting the World and WWE Championships so only guys over 280 pounds can win it; have fun with that type of show. In all honesty, guys like Evan Bourne or even Alex Shelly can do the some good to the United States or Intercontinental Championship divisions rather than adding a title that'll likely lose relevance fairly quickly.
Maybe you are not aware, but Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio got their starts in North American (via WCW) as... cruiserweights. Just because a Cruiserweight division exists, doesn't mean the guys who would fit the weight requirement would be stuck in the division. Once again, see Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho (Jericho was the WCW TV champ in 1998) and even Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. Both were classified as cruiserweights in WCW (Benoit lost in the finals of the title tourny when the belt was first introduced in WCW) and that didn't stop either of them from moving up.

Also, the World title is the World Heavyweight championship and the WWE title used to be the WWF Heavyweight championship. The classification doesn't mean much, because Shawn Michaels (who is around 220 lbs.) was still dubbed as the WWF Heavyweight champion when he won the title in 1996.

Just because a guy starts off as a cruiserweight doesn't mean he will always stay one. It's a great way to give guys like Bourne or, if he comes, Shelley something to do. It will give them TV time and an angle as opposed to just being "generic dude Nos. 1 and 2. I think bringing back the cruiserweight title would be a great idea. I hope they do it.
There has been talk about WWE having a cruiserweight show on the WWE Network. The only thing is that Vince is still in charge, and he still has his well-known man-crush on big, ripped, muscular guys. Cruiserweight/light heavyweight wrestling is considered one of the few things that WCW got right and WWE didn't.
I would not mind having the cruiserweight championship back as long as it is done right this time. I know that Vince McMahon has his love affair with big muscle men and rightfully so history has shown muscles sell however as TNA proved last year with Destination X now it is the smaller guys time to shine. It has been said that the cruiserweights were the one thing WCW did right that WWE got wrong maybe Mr. McMahon has been watching old WCW tapes and learned something from his mistakes and hopefully with the revival of the cruiserweight division maybe just maybe he can get it right this time around. So to answer the question if it is done right I would love to see the cruiserweight championship again.
I think bringing in the Cruiser Weight title would be perfect. With this extra hour they now have to attempt to entertain us they need something different. It's been a while since we have seen a good Cruiser weight division in WWE. In my opinion this extra hour needs to be dedicated to both Cruiser Weights and Tag Teams. Two things the WWE needs to improve. These two things could help their ratings alone. It will help build stars, something different for the fans, great matches.
Why limit these wrestlers who are below the 220 pound mark to something as shitty as the Cruiserweight Championship? Imagine the insane world where Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio and CM Punk never reached their fullest potential because they're too small?

maybe you shouldnt look at it in that way. maybe you can look at it like this.

Champion vs Champion matches where the cruiserweight title holder will be able to preform with a big name like Orton, or Punk, or a Cena in the main event.

Survivor Series match type where the big names like Cena or Orton get help from the Cruiserweight champ for the main event.

their are many more instances where the CW Champion can get book just as good as the IC/US Title holders can.

perfect example was the way they booked Hurricane Helms before he got injured. he was an absolute beast with that Title around him.

as long as they build the title the correct way, it will be great.
Do you think the belt will return?

Would you want it too?

If so who waist would you like to see it around?

I would not want to see the cruiserweight belt again. It was a horrid design... well on second thought it would fit right in with the tag, us, and wwe titles... Not to mention that Hornswoggle was the final holder and will be FOREVER listed in the history of the c.w. championship lineage...

I would like to see the Light-Heavyweight championship return, especially since it was a WWE original title and i am pretty sure that nobody considers non-heavyweights as Cruiserweights... then again i have never liked that term...
Do you think the belt will return?
With the Raw extra hour coming up, it's a distinct possibility. The WWE was never high on a cruiserweight division, though. They tried, at times tried hard. When Mysterio, Chavo and Tajiri were chasing the belt it almost seemed like the belt meant a little something. But their attempts ultimately failed. Last ever cruiserweight champion? Hornswoggle. 'nough said.

Would you want it too?
No. On paper it sounds like a great idea. In reality I think it creates a wall between the smaller guys and the heavyweights. Smaller wrestlers will be less likely to be considered for a run with the primary or secondary titles if they can be fit in a third, lower drawer.
If wrestling was real, it would be different. In a fabricated world this will always be an undercard title that no one cares about.

Lastly - too many belts going around as it is. I miss the days of only the WWF, IC and Tag champs. Perfect number of belts to keep them all meaningful. I'd rather reduce the current number of titles than add to them.

If so whose waist would you like to see it around?
Not so.
Probably. It could work if they don't limit the small wrestlers to only the cruiserweight division and allow them to reach the same heights as everyone else on the roster.

so you're saying that there should be a CW division, as long as CW wrestlers are allowed to challenge for other titles as well. But that creates two problems; it makes the people chalenging for the CW title look like crap because they're not facing the bigger (literally and figuraively) guys, and the issue that anything that can be done in a CW division can also be done for any other belt, without creating the stigma that the guys are "just cruiserweights".

I wouldn't mind fast-paced spotty action a la X-Division, it's always fun to watch those matches (if you're into that type of pace and style.)

But you could have a fast pased match for any title. You could have Cody vs Gabriel for the IC title and have a fast pased match with plenty of fun spots. There is no need for a spotmonkey division.

Maybe you are not aware, but Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio got their starts in North American (via WCW) as... cruiserweights.

Not true, they got their starts in ECW, and then WCW decided to buy them out to create the CW division.

Just because a Cruiserweight division exists, doesn't mean the guys who would fit the weight requirement would be stuck in the division.

So you're saying that it's OK for there to be a cruiserweight division, as long as the top CWs aren't in it because they're "above it"? Way to make the division weaker in terms of stars and make the guys residing in the division look like shit because they're only competing against smaller guys rather than facing the big boys.

Once again, see Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho (Jericho was the WCW TV champ in 1998) and even Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. Both were classified as cruiserweights in WCW (Benoit lost in the finals of the title tourny when the belt was first introduced in WCW) and that didn't stop either of them from moving up.

and yet, 3/4 of those guys (throw in Malenko too) quit WCW because they were pissed off at how they and others in the company were used. The guy who stayed lost his mask and got held back despite being rediculously fun to watch. but clearly, it was the WCW CW division that made those guys World Champs, rather than the way they were treated in WWE, without being relegated to the CW division.

Also, the World title is the World Heavyweight championship and the WWE title used to be the WWF Heavyweight championship. The classification doesn't mean much, because Shawn Michaels (who is around 220 lbs.) was still dubbed as the WWF Heavyweight champion when he won the title in 1996.

The division only means that people under an upper limit can compete for the title. Nobody over 220 lbs can compete for the CW title, but anyone under a a theoretical upper limit can compete for the WHC.

Just because a guy starts off as a cruiserweight doesn't mean he will always stay one.

Again, reinforcing the idea that the CW Division is simply for the small, untallented guys who haven't got what it takes to be stars.

It's a great way to give guys like Bourne or, if he comes, Shelley something to do. It will give them TV time and an angle as opposed to just being "generic dude Nos. 1 and 2. I think bringing back the cruiserweight title would be a great idea. I hope they do it.

All things that can be done without bringing back the cesspool that is a Cruiserweight division.

There has been talk about WWE having a cruiserweight show on the WWE Network. The only thing is that Vince is still in charge, and he still has his well-known man-crush on big, ripped, muscular guys. Cruiserweight/light heavyweight wrestling is considered one of the few things that WCW got right and WWE didn't.

Yes, Vince's preference for big guys is the reason why guys like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan get held back and will never be able to rise to the spots that their tallent suggests they should. Oh wait...

I think bringing in the Cruiser Weight title would be perfect. With this extra hour they now have to attempt to entertain us they need something different.

Because most 3 hour shows attempt to fill in the extra hour with quality wrestling.

It's been a while since we have seen a good Cruiser weight division in WWE. In my opinion this extra hour needs to be dedicated to both Cruiser Weights and Tag Teams. Two things the WWE needs to improve.

Because historically, the two things that have been major draws have been spotfests and tag teams!

These two things could help their ratings alone. It will help build stars, something different for the fans, great matches.

A CW division would do none of those things. It probably wouldn't build the ratings because anyone tuning in for the spotfest will probably tune out once it's over and people start talking. It doesn't help build stars because it makes the guys in the division look inferior to those outside it an limits potential matchup. It doesn't give fans something different because anything that can be done in a CW division can be done outside it. and spotfests while fun are hardly great matches.

Avalanche™;3921492 said:
maybe you shouldnt look at it in that way. maybe you can look at it like this.

Maybe you should stop wanking to the idea of ZOMGSPOTFEST TITLE! and use your god damn mind.

Champion vs Champion matches where the cruiserweight title holder will be able to preform with a big name like Orton, or Punk, or a Cena in the main event.

Which implies that the CW title holder wil be looked at as being on those guys' levels. Midcard titles rarely do this, regardless of their name. There's also the issue that people could be built up to ME level using the existing titles (but don't) which don't limit their potential opponents.

Survivor Series match type where the big names like Cena or Orton get help from the Cruiserweight champ for the main event.

And again, if you think that's likely I've got a wealthy client who wants me to give away millions of dollars. If you PM me your bank details I'll transfer $2,000,000 into your account.

their are many more instances where the CW Champion can get book just as good as the IC/US Title holders can.

If you're going to book a CW champion like the current midcard champions, why even have a CW division at all? You could accomplish the same result giving him a title that doesn't make him look inferior by limiting him to sub 220 pounders.

perfect example was the way they booked Hurricane Helms before he got injured. he was an absolute beast with that Title around him.

You mean the reign where Helms outright stated that the division was shit, the tallent was shit and he beat them week after week? And then what heppened? The title circled the drain and eventually got passed off to Hornswoggle. Truely, the stuff of legends.

as long as they build the title the correct way, it will be great.

Same could be said of the diva's division. Doesn't mean it's a good idea to do though.
I'd like the idea! Though not a weight limit title, it would have to be similar to the X-division title, and there'll be no point in bringing it in until the title belts are treated as things to be sought!

I miss the "spot monkeys" as theyr being called. Who cares if its practiced, its a good change of pace and its great to watch! I miss the old light-heavy and cruiserweight matches, hurricane helms VS jaime noble was a great build and a great match... Theyv got a bunch of guys like truth, kidd, gabriel, slater, kofi, bourne, rey, shelley, hunico, sin cara and Mysterio and a bunch more who probly dont get enough TV time because theyv nothing to strive for, and not seen as legit guys to hold the IC/US titles. I'd rather see these guys compete in a weight division than compete for the quickest squash loss on smackdown!


Thats one of my favourite promo packs of all time!!

If its done right it will make me watch more wrestling! I'm not looking forward to the three hour switch, i hope it starts an hour earlier at least or IRL and UK viewers may mysteriously dissapear pretty quick!
I think its a great idea. I always saw the cruiser weight championship as the world championship for lighter wrestlers and I always saw it as an equal to the world heavyweight championship. I don't like the idea of just anyone being able to be the world champion. For example Daniel Bryan was the least believable world heavyweight champion of all time in my opinion. Sheamus seems way more like the real deal to me. I don't see why a main event can't be for the cruiser weight championship. If the wrestlers are good enough and charismatic enough it should be held up to the same level as the heavyweight championship. They do it in boxing so why not wrestling.

I want the cruiserweight championship back and I'm pissed off that its gone. I want to see Chavo Guerrero make a Hollywood Hoganesque return and come back to monopolise the cruiserweight championship and continue on being the greatest cruiserweight champion of all time. He can feud with rey mysterio to kick things off.
I'd like the idea! Though not a weight limit title, it would have to be similar to the X-division title, and there'll be no point in bringing it in until the title belts are treated as things to be sought!

So you're saying there should be a midcard titlew, with no weight limit yet is exclusively fought over by smaller wrestlers who like their flippies? What exactly makes this hypothetical division any different other than the fact that the people wrestling for it like flippies?

I miss the "spot monkeys" as they're being called. Who cares if its practiced, its a good change of pace and its great to watch! I miss the old light-heavy and cruiserweight matches, hurricane helms VS jaime noble was a great build and a great match.

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan was fought between two cruiserweights. You're pining for the days when cruisers were booked as irrelevant jokes in a meaningless division. Fuck. That. Noise.

They've got a bunch of guys like truth, kidd, gabriel, slater, kofi, bourne, rey, shelley, hunico, sin cara and Mysterio

1) All of those guys either have competed for a midcard title, held a midcard title so why would they need another division when they're clearly able to plausibly contend for existing ones?

2) You listed Shelley when he's not been hired and Rey twise

3) You missed out the guys like Ziggler, Punk, Bryan, Rhodes and Jericho Or are they "above" the division? Not to mention Sheamus, Barrett, Cena, Orton, Henry and Ryback. Or are they too big and successful for your division with no upper weight limit?

and a bunch more who probly dont get enough TV time because theyv nothing to strive for, and not seen as legit guys to hold the IC/US titles.

Yeah, having "nothing to strive for" idn't why Kidd and co don't get TV time. They don't get it because there's no reason to give them any. There's a low ceiling for technically skilled uncharismatic guys and Kidd's pretty close to it.

I'd rather see these guys compete in a weight division than compete for the quickest squash loss on smackdown!

It's cute that you think that being CW champion would stop Kidd being a Superstars regular.

If its done right it will make me watch more wrestling! I'm not looking forward to the three hour switch, i hope it starts an hour earlier at least or IRL and UK viewers may mysteriously dissapear pretty quick!

There's no way to do a CW division right in America because outside of Japan (and possibly Mexico, I have no knowledge of Lucha) it's a fucking terrible idea.
As others have pointed out, the idea of restricting wrestlers based on their weight is nonsense that just won't fly all that well with American audiences.

In WCW, there were highly talented wrestlers in the Cruiserweight Division and while they often had the best matches on WCW programming, they were treated as relatively inconsequential by Hogan & Bischoff. At various points in WWE history, they've tried to go the route of the Cruiserweight/Light Heavyweight/Junior Heavyweight Divisions and all of them have failed. Perception is reality in pro wrestling and limiting wrestlers to competing against wrestlers of a certain size causes fans to see these wrestlers as just being inferior and just unable to hang with the rest of the roster. Of course that's not at all accurate but it's how the fans see it.

With WWE wanting to do a Cruiserweight show on the WWE Network, the idea of a return of the title and division itself isn't far fetched. However, the concept is doomed from the start if WWE actually uses the term Cruiserweight. One reason why the X Division has worked so well in TNA is because of not only some of the wrestlers involved in it, but the name itself. While most of the guys who competed in the X Division in its glory days may have technically been Cruiserweights, the X Division wasn't limited by weight. Now that it is, in my eyes, it's hurt the overall perception of the X Division. Now, it truly is just Cruiserweight Division, only with a flashy name.

Like others have pointed out, look at how many of the WWE's top talent could legitimiately be looked upon as Cruiserweights. Kofi, Mysterio, Christian, Ziggler, Rhodes, Punk, Bryan, The Miz, Jericho would fall into that category. So would guys like Damien Sandow, as would probably Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins, who are due to make their debut anytime now.

I'd prefer to see a new title created than for the Cruiserweight strap to come back. The days of the "little guys" not being among the top talent in the company are over because much of the best talent coming into wrestling, and currently in wrestling, are guys in the 200-225 pound weight range. The fact that WWE doesn't use work weights with most of the guys on their roster in and of itself can be taken as an acknowledgement of that.
So you're saying there should be a midcard titlew, with no weight limit yet is exclusively fought over by smaller wrestlers who like their flippies? What exactly makes this hypothetical division any different other than the fact that the people wrestling for it like flippies?

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan was fought between two cruiserweights. You're pining for the days when cruisers were booked as irrelevant jokes in a meaningless division. Fuck. That. Noise.

1) All of those guys either have competed for a midcard title, held a midcard title so why would they need another division when they're clearly able to plausibly contend for existing ones?

2) You listed Shelley when he's not been hired and Rey twise

3) You missed out the guys like Ziggler, Punk, Bryan, Rhodes and Jericho Or are they "above" the division? Not to mention Sheamus, Barrett, Cena, Orton, Henry and Ryback. Or are they too big and successful for your division with no upper weight limit?

Yeah, having "nothing to strive for" idn't why Kidd and co don't get TV time. They don't get it because there's no reason to give them any. There's a low ceiling for technically skilled uncharismatic guys and Kidd's pretty close to it.

It's cute that you think that being CW champion would stop Kidd being a Superstars regular.

There's no way to do a CW division right in America because outside of Japan (and possibly Mexico, I have no knowledge of Lucha) it's a fucking terrible idea.

Sorry you disagree man! I'm just throwing out my thoughts! But i guesss i'll respond since were all here for a discussion!

Yeah, i like the high risk style, similar to the x-division as i'd said! I like the flippies as you put it! The difference would be that it would be aimed at this style of wrestling, i know on paper its just a midcard title, but if all the spot monkeys go for it it can be seen as something else. If there was a say a luchadore title, (this is a terrible example so get your dissecting kit out to tear it apart) then lucha style wrsetlers would have a passion for it, to be the best lucha wrestler in WWE, and that is what would seperate it from the others, the mid card titles are just that, for the mid card, but a title specifically for lucha wrestlers would clearly stand out as different.

Those guys could easily compete for the mid card title, but when put together they could really shine. Yes, one day we could have gabriel vs hunico for the IC title, but it wouldnt happen often! I used to enjoy the segment of smackdown (if i remember right) of Rey (i'll just write his name once this time) and chavo, or sin cara and sin cara... The fact that WWE are still interested in Rey vs Sin Cara shows that theres still a desire for these styles of matches.

Cm Punk and daniel bryan always put on a great match! And yeah, fought between two guys who are pretty light, but i opened my post with saying that i didnt want it to be a weight limited title, more a style. Punk and Bryan may have a diving move or two, but are much more concerned with mat skills than high risk moves, and that is what i would use as the seperating factor.

I'm not pining foranything but a showcase of a style of wrestling i enjoy on a wrestling show i enjoy. Thanks. For. Misunderstanding.

Ive dealt with questions one and two, its on the basis of wrestling style, so people like Barrett and Sheamus etc that you put forward would not fit the style. Whywould i throw in people like Mysterio and Sin cara if i was excluding people with success? (more sucess than some you named at the very least). I would like it to be a prestigious title, treated the way the X division was treated, not a waste of time like you seem to assume theyll be. Granted, thats more likely, so its a fair assumption, but that doesnt void my opinion on it!

This isnt about kidd too much, but did you not here the pops he got for his spots at the over the limit in te vattle royal? Kidds got talent and charisma, and he performs great on superstars and NXT and superstars every time. His matches with Mcgillicutty were better than half the matches on RAW.

All the same i respect your opinion. I'm just saying it would interest me, not entirely the same as the OP, idont want a cruiser diision, but a high risk one. Was a big fan of the Taka Michinoku start and guys like Aguila, hardy boys stuff, jericho and mysterio etc in WCW, and the X division for a while. Its very big in mexico, where WWE are keen to establish a strong market, and it would be something new to add to RAW instead of an hour more of the same we get every week already. Thats why i think it would be a good idea. It may easily not live up to my expectations, but i think it'd be worth alot more of a shot than a Santino v Rodrigo fued.
Yeah, i like the high risk style, similar to the x-division as i'd said! I like the flippies as you put it! The difference would be that it would be aimed at this style of wrestling, i know on paper its just a midcard title, but if all the spot monkeys go for it it can be seen as something else.

Which creates the stigma that's all the performers are good for, holding back guys who are better than that.

If there was a say a luchadore title, (this is a terrible example so get your dissecting kit out to tear it apart) then lucha style wrsetlers would have a passion for it, to be the best lucha wrestler in WWE, and that is what would seperate it from the others, the mid card titles are just that, for the mid card, but a title specifically for lucha wrestlers would clearly stand out as different.

At the cost of making it seem like Lucha wrestlers aren't good enough to be put in with the rest of the roster and therefore making the wrestlers in it look like shit. Also, would you put Rey in this division? I mean he could be used to put over other guys and compete at the top of the card. He doesn't need the division.

Those guys could easily compete for the mid card title, but when put together they could really shine. Yes, one day we could have gabriel vs hunico for the IC title, but it wouldnt happen often!

I think the last three US champs have been cruisers.

I used to enjoy the segment of smackdown (if i remember right) of Rey (i'll just write his name once this time) and chavo, or sin cara and sin cara... The fact that WWE are still interested in Rey vs Sin Cara shows that theres still a desire for these styles of matches.

But there's still no need to have it for a CW title.

Cm Punk and daniel bryan always put on a great match! And yeah, fought between two guys who are pretty light, but i opened my post with saying that i didnt want it to be a weight limited title, more a style. Punk and Bryan may have a diving move or two, but are much more concerned with mat skills than high risk moves, and that is what i would use as the seperating factor.

A style that's predominantly used in this decision, far away from the top of the card. Real good way to make the division and tallent look good there.

I've dealt with questions one and two, its on the basis of wrestling style, so people like Barrett and Sheamus etc that you put forward would not fit the style.

Essentialy making the division a cruiserweight division in reality if not in the rule book, furthering the impression that the style is inferior because the guys who "don't fit in" choose to ignore the division.

Why would i throw in people like Mysterio and Sin cara if i was excluding people with success? (more sucess than some you named at the very least). I would like it to be a prestigious title, treated the way the X division was treated, not a waste of time like you seem to assume theyll be. Granted, thats more likely, so its a fair assumption, but that doesnt void my opinion on it!

The X-Division is an afrerthought, a barely relavent holdon from the early days of TNA when the only guys worth watching were in it. And THAT is what you want to model a division on? One that provided more memorable segments in a few months written around the antics of Kevin Nash and his buddies than it has in years. A division where there's exactly one relavant guy who has beaten everyone in the division. Yeah, that's exactly the kind of awesome division that WWE needs.

This isnt about kidd too much, but did you not here the pops he got for his spots at the over the limit in te vattle royal? Kidds got talent and charisma, and he performs great on superstars and NXT and superstars every time. His matches with Mcgillicutty were better than half the matches on RAW.

And yet, he's never drawn a dime. Funny how that works, isn't it?

All the same i respect your opinion. I'm just saying it would interest me, not entirely the same as the OP, idont want a cruiser diision, but a high risk one.

Which would be filled almost entirely with cruiserweights, making it for all intents and purposes a cruiserweight division. Except that the Cruisers look worse because the big guys ignore the division despite the fact that they're more than allowed to compete in it.

Was a big fan of the Taka Michinoku start and guys like Aguila, hardy boys stuff, jericho and mysterio etc in WCW, and the X division for a while. Its very big in mexico, where WWE are keen to establish a strong market, and it would be something new to add to RAW instead of an hour more of the same we get every week already.

You mean the same Raw that rarely gives its matches more than 5 minutes? That's the environment you want to give he cruisers who will be (trying to) get over with their ring work? Great thinking there.

Also, Jericho and Mysterio didn't reach real success until they got out of the CW division.

Thats why i think it would be a good idea. It may easily not live up to my expectations, but i think it'd be worth alot more of a shot than a Santino v Rodrigo fued.

You're wrong. CW divisions are not good ideas. Never have been, never will be.

Stay quiet now. You've got nothing original to contribute based on the ideas you have expressed in this thread.
When two posts are spliced together in that quote-for-quote format, it decimates my enthusiasm to read it. That said, I think I'm on the same page as Re-re-remix. Possibly.

Cruiserweight guys are my bread and butter. Christian, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles; some of my favourite wrestlers; some on the fringe of being a cruiserweight; some definitely cruiserweights. Christian's a former light heavyweight champion before you start tweaking my tits about that one. Admittedly, the wrestling world outside of WWE is bright and scary to me, but the majority of guys I'd like to see WWE bring in would be classed as cruiserweights - Austin Aries, Alex Shelley, Jay Lethal; you know the drill. But I don't want a cruiserweight division.

A division exclusively for cruiserweight guys sounds pretty novel - I just don't want to see so many accomplished wrestlers crammed into their own private ghetto and forced to wrestle each other and only each other. I reckon, say, Rey Mysterio and Christian could tear the house down, but that doesn't mean I don't want to possibility of Rey versus Cena or Christian versus Orton on the show after that. On the other hand, guaranteed TV time and an opportunity to show off a faster paced, more acrobatic style of wrestling isn't something to be sniffed at. If it's choice between no cruiserweights or a cruiserweight division, I know which I'd pick.

I might differ from Remix in as much as I don't think people being plucked out of the division to go higher up the card would be that much of a problem. Would it make the belt look less important? Sure, but that's been the case for every belt that's not a world title for as long as two men in pants had the bright idea to charge people money to watch them have a fake fight.

Oh, and fuck Sin Cara.
People stop with the weight thing wwe needs a cw division. Weight does not matter just name it something different like tna did with the x division. I think the point of this thread was to make a title for smaller guys so they get tv time and relevant matches on ppv not to limit a weight class. Look at how samoa joe did in the x division he is not small. They need a title that is more for the smaller guys but not limited to them like the x division
People stop with the weight thing wwe needs a cw division. Weight does not matter just name it something different like tna did with the x division. I think the point of this thread was to make a title for smaller guys so they get tv time and relevant matches on ppv not to limit a weight class. Look at how samoa joe did in the x division he is not small. They need a title that is more for the smaller guys but not limited to them like the x division

Cruiserweight champions in WWE at this time:

Kofi Kingston
Santino Marella
Cody Rhodes
CM Punk

Truely, there is no way for Cruisers to break out and be successful
I'd love to see the Cruserweight championship come back. It made a lot of stars that we see today. Look at the list of guys that are or were major players in the industry who have held that title in WCW or WWE at one time or another:

Dean Malenko: Widely regarded as one of the best technical wrestlers ever.
Rey Mysterio: Probably the best high flyer ever and a former 3 time world champ.
Chris Jericho: One of the best entertainers in the history of the business.
Eddie Guerrero: In my opinion ranks ahead of Jericho in all aspects of the game. Thats not a knock on Jericho, its a credit to Eddie.
Chris Candido: Probably one of the most underrated guys to step inside the ring.
Lance Storm: See Chris Candido

Face it. Some small guys will just NEVER be world title caliber stars. But, at the same time, it can lead into being built much in the Rey Mysterio was as the ultimate underdog who proved he can hang with the big stars. Both in size and ranking in the pecking order.

If utilized correctly the Cruiserweight Championship CAN be a stepping stone to bigger things like the Intercontinental title was and is kind of becoming again. And the way the United States title was. But they need to refrain from stupidity. Like Hornswoggle or a diva winning the title. It should remain coveted.
I wouldn't appose the belt but i wouldn't champion the idea. It is definitely not need however it could serve a purpose in terms of entertainment and using wrestlers which are being misused.

The only problem which may arise is that smaller wrestlers are pigon-holed in cruserweight wrestling and that is always a huge mistake. If a wrestler is good enough then they should be allowed to compete for the world title.
so you're saying that there should be a CW division, as long as CW wrestlers are allowed to challenge for other titles as well. But that creates two problems; it makes the people chalenging for the CW title look like crap because they're not facing the bigger (literally and figuraively) guys, and the issue that anything that can be done in a CW division can also be done for any other belt, without creating the stigma that the guys are "just cruiserweights".

Let's use the term jr. heavyweight since it has a nicer ring to it, unlike cruiserweight.

I don't see the issue with jr. heavyweights facing only jr. heavyweights for a title in a division specifically for them. If they were booked to look competent against bigger wrestlers they wouldn't look like crap anymore. A jr. heavyweight can get over and, voilà, a jr. heavyweight star is born who can cross to and fro on the card. This is wishful thinking of course, but one can dream/fantasy book.

But you could have a fast pased match for any title. You could have Cody vs Gabriel for the IC title and have a fast pased match with plenty of fun spots. There is no need for a spotmonkey division.

You're right about fast-paced spotfests being featured anywhere on the card. I had in mind a division specifically for jr. heavyweights that will be on the same level as the midcard. I should've worded my post correctly last night.
I think bringing in the Cruiser Weight title would be perfect. With this extra hour they now have to attempt to entertain us they need something different. It's been a while since we have seen a good Cruiser weight division in WWE. In my opinion this extra hour needs to be dedicated to both Cruiser Weights and Tag Teams. Two things the WWE needs to improve. These two things could help their ratings alone. It will help build stars, something different for the fans, great matches.

These are my thoughts exactly. I'm hoping to see the extra hour of airtime dedicated to in-ring action, and the cruiserweight and tag team divisions fit into that perfectly. Perhaps on the first three hour Raw, they can announce a "gold rush" style tournament for the cruiserweight title, culminating in a title match at SummerSlam.

I also feel like a cruiserweight division is the perfect fit for SmackDown. That style of wrestling just suits the show's atmosphere perfectly imo.
I'd love to see the Cruserweight championship come back. It made a lot of stars that we see today. Look at the list of guys that are or were major players in the industry who have held that title in WCW or WWE at one time or another:

Dean Malenko: Widely regarded as one of the best technical wrestlers ever.

Also widely considered to be highly overrated, uncharismatic and made a greater contribution to the business as an agent than he ever did in the ring. Also he quit WCW because he was pissed at how he was used and the politics of the company.

Rey Mysterio: Probably the best high flyer ever and a former 3 time world champ.

Achieved nothing notable until he got the fuck out of the division and proved that he was more than a spotmonkey.

Chris Jericho: One of the best entertainers in the history of the business.

Left WCW because he realised he was never going to be given a push because they thought of him as "just a cruiserweight"

Eddie Guerrero: In my opinion ranks ahead of Jericho in all aspects of the game. Thats not a knock on Jericho, its a credit to Eddie.

Quit WCW with Malenko.

Chris Candido: Probably one of the most underrated guys to step inside the ring.


Lance Storm: See Chris Candido

Yes, when I think high octane superfun matches I think Lance Storm.

Face it. Some small guys will just NEVER be world title caliber stars.

Same could be said of big guys. But yet nobody thinks there should be a hoss division.

But, at the same time, it can lead into being built much in the Rey Mysterio was as the ultimate underdog who proved he can hang with the big stars. Both in size and ranking in the pecking order.

Which wasn't accomplished until he wasn't in the cruiserweight division Jesus Christ why don't people get this?

If utilized correctly the Cruiserweight Championship CAN be a stepping stone to bigger things like the Intercontinental title was and is kind of becoming again. And the way the United States title was. But they need to refrain from stupidity. Like Hornswoggle or a diva winning the title. It should remain coveted.

So you're saying that the CW title should be used like the IC or US title? Except with a weight restriction that inherently makes the competotors look inferior to the guys competing for the IC/US titles? Here's an idea, don't bring back the CW title. Just book feuds between smaller guys for the existing two midcard titles.

Let's use the term jr. heavyweight since it has a nicer ring to it, unlike cruiserweight.

Sure, it also makes the division sound inferior to the main heavyweight division. Says the guy whose username references a former IWGP Jr Heavyweight champion.

I don't see the issue with jr. heavyweights facing only jr. heavyweights for a title in a division specifically for them. If they were booked to look competent against bigger wrestlers they wouldn't look like crap anymore. A jr. heavyweight can get over and, voilà, a jr. heavyweight star is born who can cross to and fro on the card. This is wishful thinking of course, but one can dream/fantasy book.

If they were booked as being competent against larger guys, but predominantly fighting guys their own size, then what's the point of having their own division? You can accomplish exactly the same thing without explicitly having a division that inherently makes it harder for small guys to be taken seriously.

You're right about fast-paced spotfests being featured anywhere on the card. I had in mind a division specifically for jr. heavyweights that will be on the same level as the midcard. I should've worded my post correctly last night.

You concede that there is no need to have a Jr division in order to have the same types of matches. You stated that in this hypothetical divison the Jrs would be booked strongly compared to the non-Jrs. Then why even have the division, when exactly the same result could be obtained without it?

These are my thoughts exactly. I'm hoping to see the extra hour of airtime dedicated to in-ring action, and the cruiserweight and tag team divisions fit into that perfectly.


Perhaps on the first three hour Raw, they can announce a "gold rush" style tournament for the cruiserweight title, culminating in a title match at SummerSlam.


I also feel like a cruiserweight division is the perfect fit for SmackDown. That style of wrestling just suits the show's atmosphere perfectly imo.

So your bright idea is to use the extra hour of Raw to do something that would better suit Smackdown?

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