Possible Cesaro push?

The Fabulous Rougeau's

Championship Contender
After watching Cesaro make short work out of Brodus Clay and defeating him clean with his neautralizer, is Cesaro in line to get a nice push?

He has great size with a decent look and more than capable in the ring. That is a pretty good combination and I think the WWE has realized this and even though Cesaro has been US champ for nearly 2 months now, it seems that he is now starting to recieve his push.

With the WWE's new found direction on longer title reigns, I can see Cesaro holding the title past the new year towards WrestleMania at which time if the company feels he is ready for the next step then and only then can I see him drop the title to move on. However, if at any point before he proves to the WWE that he does not have it for the next level than that's how he would drop the title early.
The WWE has been slowly building Cesaro up as a strong United States Champion. For instance, Santino Marella doesn't really seem like much competition, but Santino is a babyface that's been consistently over in WWE for several years now. Brodus Clay is also another over babyface that has a gimmick that kind of belies his ability.

I was surprised to see Cesaro get such a big, decisive victory over Clay last night. The last I heard, Cesaro was scheduled to feud with Christian but as Christian has had shoulder surgery, I'm not really sure where they're going with him. They might just simply continue to slowly build Cesaro up by having him defeat wrestlers that are over with fans even if they're not all that high up on the roster. I think Cesaro could deliver some good promos if he's given a chance. A few weeks ago on Raw, before Night of Champions, he cut a pretty decent promo before being interrupted by Tyson Kidd & Brodus Clay.

If Cesaro can deliver some good promos and is given a good solid feud, then I think he'll be on his way. Last night was probably the closest that Cesaro has had to a real break through moment in WWE so far.
Cesaro already HAS the push... he's the WWE United States Champion, what more of a push can you ask for after coming in just earlier this year? Cesaro won't be a world champion in WWE, and that's not saying he's not great in the ring nor entertaining. But seriously, what's the difference between him and Chris Masters' heel run? Absolutely nothing, other than Antonio using Google Translate before his promos. I loved Cesaro in ROH with Hero, and I loved him in PWG as well as Chikara. He's very entertaining, but not in a WWE Main Event caliber. Him being the US Champion right now is the best thing for him, especially considering how short of a time he's been in the WWE.

Also, Santino is as legitimate as they come. He's got the in-ring psychology down to a T and draws the emotion into his matches. He's got crowds in the palm of his hand... evident by him literally making two crowds explode on two journeys to WrestleMania in back to back fashion. If that doesn't scream legitimate, I don't know what does.
He's boring and soporific imo. No one cares about 5 different languages, his entrance is stupid, and he's stupid. Santino was much better. Hopefully WWE gives the belt to more relevant and more entertaining talented superstars. That WOuld be highly appreciated.
I hope Antonio Cesaro goes far in the WWE. I know that sounds like a stretch, but I really want this guy to succeed. I was impressed with him in ROH, and even more by the fact that he didn't look like he was gonna be anything in the WWE yet won the US Championship. If anything, I do hope Chris Hero makes it onto the main roster and these two guys have a lengthy and legitimate Tag Team Championship reign. I also would like to see Cesaro win the US title many more times after this, because he still has ways to go before fighting for the World title and by that I mean his promos. With that being said, I was shocked that he beat Brodus Clay in a matter of seconds. Brodus Clay for a long time was known for defeating opponents in a matter of seconds with only one or two moves. Antonio Cesaro made quick work of him. Hell, that was pretty much a squash. I'm still crossing my fingers for a match between him and one of the two ROH alumni's CM Punk or Daniel Bryan. That might just show what else this guy is capable of in the ring. He just needs more work on his promos and something that can either catch on with the fans or fuel their heat for this guy. If that happens, like him or not, he's set.
I think that Cesaro's victory over Clay is an indication of a strong mid-card push. WWE has already given him the US title with a victory over Santino and a decisive win over Clay. I think that it would be best for Cesaro to feud with either Christian (when he returns to action) or Zack Ryder. Either of those two superstars would be a good choice. I do agree that his "5 languages" shtick is getting old and does nothing to further his character development. He needs to something despicable to draw more heat from the fans to strengthen his heel status.
Antonio Cesaro is definitely getting a big push. The guy is great. Very strong too. Lifting someone like brodus clay up high then slamming him back again is something you don't see every day. I can definitely see him in the title picture.
Now, I am not the biggest fan of Antonio Cesaro. Since his debut, besides the fact that he can speak 5 different languages, nothing about him really stands out to me. However, I am starting to see something in him. With the WWE's decision to break him up with Aksana, it seems that WWE is ready to see what he can do on his own. I thought they were too quick to give him a run with the United States Championship, and at this point he hasn't done much since winning the title. However, he did have an impressive showing last night against Brodus Clay... more impressive showings like that, I see big things for this guy.
I believe that if Antonio Cesaro does get a big push, he'll be able to take the ball and run with it like all of the WWE greats before him have.

All he needs is more mic time since the WWE Universe hasn't really gotten to know him yet. All they know of him is what the commentators have said about him. I'd like to see him have more backstage interviews, or just segments in general, and use that as a test to see if he truly is worthy of receiving a big push.
Cesaro has a decent chance of going either way, in my opinion. On the pro-side, he's got that "soccer" look (kind of like Beckham) which could help him get over with the female fans, if he ever turned face (girls seem to boo heels, no matter what they look like - unless you count Buff Bagwell back in the Nitro days). He's also extremely impressive in the ring, as evidenced when he hit his finisher on Brodus last night. That impressed the hell out of me, especially after seeing Ryback's two-time failure with Prince Albert - er - Tensai.

On the con side, he seems pretty one-dimensional. I never saw him in RoH, so I can't judge him on anything other than what I've seen him do in the WWE thus far. He's got that five language thing going for him, but other than that I don't see him being a fantastic wordsmith. If he does succeed in the future, I don't see him going too much further than a Sheldon Benjamin type career. He's a great athlete, but I just don't see him as a great wrestling character.

If the WWE was smart, they'd model him and Aksana after the Beckhams. Have Cesaro come out with his own "fragrance", that he tries to endorse before and/or after each match. Show him trying to get a deal modeling underwear. Have Aksana get a "Victoria" hair cut, and come out with dark sunglasses and designer clothes. I think that could work, and the fans would get it. I think this kind of thing would work well for the two of them currently, and it could add some much needed depth to Cesaro's character.
Why do so many people need to be told by WWE why a wrestler is good?

I mean, I'm sometimes dumbfounded on what people do not see in Antonio Cesaro. Why wouldn't he be successful? He's the kind of strong guy that Vince McMahon loves, he's got a great look, and he's bilingual. He's basically a prototypical International Superstar in WWE's eyes. He's not going on Google Translate before his matches, guys, he actually can fluently speak 5 different languages.

The biggest issue that people have with him right now is his promo ability, but he hasn't even gotten a chance to really talk yet. I've seen his promo work before, and while of course it can definitely use some work, look at Daniel Bryan! He used to be god awful at promos, but now he's one of the best promo men that WWE has. And unlike Bryan, Antonio Cesaro actually fits the image of a WWE Superstar. Am I saying that one is better than the other? If I was, then yeah, Daniel Bryan is the best technical wrestler in the world, and so he's better than Antonio. However, Antonio is very much in Daniel Bryan's league as an in-ring performer, and all he has to do is find his comfort zone on the mic to put himself in a status beyond even Sheamus.

Just wait and see, WrestleZone. I guarantee you that WWE isn't crazy for loving Antonio Cesaro.

EDIT: One example of his charisma. It isn't much, but just to let you all know that it is in fact there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1Yr5e7BtfE
Like most people, I'm surprised that he beat Brodus cleanly. I'm a little disappointed in WWE, because I was hoping for the rumored Brodus-Cesaro program. Instead, it's a throwaway, meaningless match on Raw. I kind of feel bad for Brodus. Look at the way Damien Sandow's streak came to an end and look at the way Brodus's came to an end. Brodus lost to Big Show after a ****ing "failed" bodyslam attempt and Sandow lost after a fairly competitive match with Sheamus. I kind of wonder if he'll ever even hold a midcard title.

As for Cesaro, clearly he's getting pushed. My favorite things about him are those fist movements he does before and after matches and that neck crack he does. That uppercut he does is cool as well and the Neutralizer is an OK finisher. I'd much rather see him with the US championship than Santino!
He seems to be - I just wish he wasn't. I find him bland, boring and I don't relate to him at all. He has a generic look, this whole "I speak 5 language| thing got very old very quick and I'd much rather see a heel push go to Tyson Kidd, who by all accounts is great on the mic but we just never get to see it, or even more attention paid to Cody.
Ive really enjoyed Cesaro's matches and segments recently. I hope he holds on to the US Title for ages, but even then when he does lose it, keep him in this pool of talent and matches. I fear that after he loses the US Title he will start getting pushed even higher which for now I do not feel is completely necessary. I think he is doing very well in trying to make the US title alot more relevant again.
What do you mean POSSIABLE push? Do you watch wrestling? he is already being pushed he got a clean dominate victory over Clay. I do like the guy. He can truly wrestle. I don’t like the gimmick that much. I don’t really care for the whole 7 language thing. Don’t really get it nor do I care.
What do you mean POSSIABLE push? Do you watch wrestling? he is already being pushed he got a clean dominate victory over Clay. I do like the guy. He can truly wrestle. I don’t like the gimmick that much. I don’t really care for the whole 7 language thing. Don’t really get it nor do I care.

Settle down guy. I started this thread after he had that match on Raw and dominated Brotus. You know that's usually the time you begin to talk about a guy getting a push. Not two weeks later when its clear as day that is the direction.
I am all for seeing more of Cesaro. I think right now they are building him up to be a strong US champ, and I think that is perfect fit for him right now. I have been enjoying his matches and segments, and I think he is just what the US title needed. His decisive win over Brodus is a good thing to. I wish they would start doing number one contender matches for his title, and then when he defends it at least the challenger has earned his spot and not just defended against a random opponent. I hope they keep making him look strong, and have some solid title defenses.

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