Possible 2013 Gut Check Contestants Dropping Hints On Twitter

Papa Pillman

I've got more Ho's than Jim Duggan
Seems the week that is bringing in 2013 is becoming a very busy time for Indy wrestlers to use their twitter accounts to hint at the possibility of joining TNA.

First we had Matt Jackson speculating on a TNA return, now two other guys are getting into the mix...

First: Jay Bradley

Bradley is a former long time WWE developmental talent, who did his FCW and most of his main roster work under the name Ryan Braddock.

Not a suprise to see Bradley's name pop up as it had been reported, and alluded to by Bradley himself, that he has at times been one of the talents working under the Aces and Eight's masks.

Now he is teasing a Gutcheck appearance, sending out these tweets-

Received a phone call and turned out to be a great way to start 2013. Perhaps I'll only be the #bestunsignedtalent for another week or two?


Thank you everyone for the well wishes! GUess I'll have To keep you posted so you can CHECK out the developments. #bestunsignedtalent?

He has also re-tweeted some responses/dirt sheet articles that are also rumoring him to be headed to TNA for Gut Check.

IMO Bradley wouldn't be a bad addition to the roster, but he would probably have made more sense to be kept as part of A&8s. Also Bradley is 32 years old, so like Ryan and York, he doesn't really qualify as an up and coming prospect and doesn't add youth to the roster.

The other guy: Brian Cage

Cage, a protege of the late Chris Kanyon, is another former WWE developmental talent who was strangely let go with no explanation. He is one of the top stars on the California Indy scene. Cage also has a close relationship with Joey Ryan and the two were stablemates in Pro Wrestling Bushido. He too is hinting on Twitter at a Gut Check opportunity-

Can't really ask for better news to start off a monday

This tweet got several responses, to which Cage dropped some hints.

One follower simply asked Cage- "gut check?"; to which he responded: "you may be on to something".

He was also asked by Nick Jackson who he had signed with, to which he responded "technichally no one yet", which prompted someone to congratulate him and ask "What station should I set my DVR to?"- That question yielded this response-

@DustinKokomo @NickJacksonYB well I have been partial to spike tv programing

Cage also re-tweeted a link to an article that was discussing his likelihood as the next Gut Check competitor.

Cage, who is known as "Mr. GMSI"(get my shit in), is only 28 years old and is a former bodybuilder who is a ridiculous physical specimen. He is very similar in size/body makeup to Bobby Roode. He is also known as the "Fuckin' Machine" and lives up to the nickname due to his combo of athleticism and freakish strength. Cage is charismatic, routinely puts on very entertaining matches, has alot of talent, and a very impressive offensive moveset. He is just the type of under-30 year old, big upside addition that TNA could use on their roster. A lot of people besides myself have mentioned his name on this forum over the last few months as exactly the type of fresh talent that TNA needs going forward. He could help just about any division TNA decides to use him in, and could possibly develop into a future main eventer.

What do you guys think about seeing Bradley and Cage as possible Gut Check contestants/future TNA roster members??
This is great! TNA is signing new talent and is bringing in misused wrestlers. Remember HGR's thread about age affecting TNA? I don't think we have an issue. TNA is doing great with signing talent from the indy's. From Kenny King, to Christian York to the possibilities if these guys. Then you have OVW which is packed with young taken like Cliff Compton. I guess TNA have a future in 5 years.
I don't have a clue who either of these guys are, but both certainly look imposing based on my Google Images search results. Brian Cage, especially, looks to have a fantastic physique, but the key for me will be personality, as it always is. Can either of them cut a promo? Are we talking about a Bobby Roode here, or a Sam Shaw? If it's the latter, it's just another waste of time, like most of the Gut Check contestants have been.

I'm not completely pessimistic here, but based on the pretty poor ratio of stars to trash that's greased up the Gut Check competition, forgive me if I don't hold my breath over these guys just yet.
Huge fan of Brian Cage, especially his tag team work in NWA Hollywood with Shaun Ricker. I've posted before that TNA should do a tag team gut check with Natural Selection, Ricker and Cage. Cage and Ricker would be ready for Impact. I think they'd be the second best tag team in TNA right now.

But, Cage on his own isn't bad. I'm not 100% sold on his mic work, but think his matches are pretty dang good. He's a guy that wouldn't be terrible as an eventual aces and 8 s guy either.
I don't have a clue who either of these guys are, but both certainly look imposing based on my Google Images search results. Brian Cage, especially, looks to have a fantastic physique, but the key for me will be personality, as it always is. Can either of them cut a promo? Are we talking about a Bobby Roode here, or a Sam Shaw? If it's the latter, it's just another waste of time, like most of the Gut Check contestants have been.

I'm not completely pessimistic here, but based on the pretty poor ratio of stars to trash that's greased up the Gut Check competition, forgive me if I don't hold my breath over these guys just yet.

Bradley's mic work isn't bad, but the amount of time he spent in WWE developmental does show through slightly. He has that WWE promo style that alot of their younger guys have- he comes off a little too rehearsed/scripted. He can however speak okay and clearly get his point across.

Cage has a ton of character/charisma(albeit that he is a little obsene, and sometimes a little racist). Much like Joey Ryan he will have to tone down his persona a bit, but once he's adjusted he should be great with the stick.

Here's a short promo to kinda show his personality...
I don't have a clue who either of these guys are, but both certainly look imposing based on my Google Images search results. Brian Cage, especially, looks to have a fantastic physique, but the key for me will be personality, as it always is. Can either of them cut a promo?

To put it as simply as possible, with regards to Brian Cage, yes. He is currently one of PWG's top stars (I don't watch NWA Hollywood) and I have been saying since I started watching the promotion in mid-2011 that he was the full package. Great look, ton of charisma and a very good big man in the ring.

He has had some 4 star matches with the likes of Kevin Steen and Michael Elgin. Moreover, I think he will actually suit the 'sports entertainment' style better than the indy style. This is because he has the right mixture of power, athleticism and storytelling in his arsenal. Look out for his over-the-apron suplex and his springboard moonsault! (Obviously, if TNA let him use them. Otherwise, go check out some of his PWG stuff.)
I have seen Jay Bradley wrestle several times for Resistance Pro Wrestling in Chicago. Jay has all of the tools. He has the look, the mic skills, the wrestling ability and charisma. I have talked to him many times and interviewed him a few times.
I realize he is 32, so he will not have a 20 year career in the big leagues, but Jay could certainly have a nice run in either company if given a real chance.

Well I have been a fan of Jay Bradley for a while now and its nice to see that he is going to get a shot at Gut check. The guy has it all in my opinion and I don't think he will have much problem getting a yes from the Gut Check Judges.

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