Positive Moves to Shake up the WWE?


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What would yours be? I think that HHH moving to Smackdown would be a great move (I know that HHH and Vince would never do this though because HHH likes the spotlight of RAW) and it would allow HHH to have some fresh matches with a new list of players....a new Smackdown GM would be refreshing too.... A great new element.....a great way to switch things up would be for Batista to turn heel and feud with someone. IMO Batista is stale....I've never been big on him and it would be a great way to generate some interest. I'd love to see C.M. Punk on Raw.....a battle for the I.C. belt or perhaps a great feud with Orton or Edge? I also have never been a big Cena fan but I have to admit in the last 6 months he has improved and he is growing on me....he needs a big challenge....I'm hoping that an Orton feud can help him grow as well.......I also think that Taker's days are numbered and he is in the last few years of his great career. A solid title run would be great...I would love a Batista / Taker feud. Fianlly I think a great element that the WWE can bring in is the New Hart Foundation. A great heel stable with solid pure wrestlers....a great move if it goes down....
Good moves for WWE: Get stone cold and the rock on raw wrestling. Bring back some of the attitude wrestlers, and that might just give them the push towards TNA level they need.
Towards the TNA level? WWE is on a higher level than TNA, TNA is just starting to compete... and i dont think bringing back old attitude wrestlers will acheive anything, they need to build a new breed, not recycle the old stuff again, but i like bwaller's ideas about CM Punk on Raw, and a new pure wrestling, heel Faction like the Hart Foundation!
Have heels who win fueds for once. All heels in wwe need to cheat to win and are made to look weak while in reality they could out wrestle most faces anyday.

Get John Cena, Batista, Generic roid monkey out of the title picture theres a reason why wwe isnt improving because these talentless hacks are made to look like the best there is.

Overhaul all divisions and make the titles more worthwhile tag teams are worthless right now, Cruiserweights are all over the place and womens well there are only 3 women who can wrestle well and one of them is on smackdown...
The whole product is stale and outdated. Its like watching an episode of Studio 60. Its trash television. Its old, its boring, lacking any real substance and most important of all it pokes fun and insults the wrestling fan. WWE needs to stop treating its base audience like morons.

The whole product from all three brands needs an overhaul. And each in its own particular way, whilst still maintaining a universal flavor. The current direction can be described (with few exceptions) as poorly written, high-school drama level sketch comedy. Its ridiculous. But what direction should they take it in??

Its so fkn obvious, it almost physically hurts to see them continue to feed me bullshit, and even worse - they write it and dont even know its there. What has been the standout element of RAW in the last couple of months? Violence. DX v. Team RKO has been bloody, has been raw, has been provocative, incites emotion etc etc. This feud is built on emotion and brutality. It feels real and it is compelling. A little blood mixed in with some great and realistic storytelling goes a long motherfucking way. Violence, aggression, anger, hatred, competitiveness, jealosuy, lust, wrath and gluttony!! Stop showing me the greased-up def guy and start showing me Mike Tyson. Stop feeding me this bullshit about the "all-american hero" in the WWE Champ coz that person doesn't exist. The era of Hulk Hogan coming out and standing for school, prayers, and vitamins is fkn dead. My hero is an out of control lunatic who stands for pain, torment and suffering. WWE needs a reality check.

Another thing is the WRESTLING. Im not one of the guys who comes out and slams the WWE talent or complains about the absence of wrestling in WWE programming. Well, actually I am - but this is not about that. WWE has, without a shadow of a doubt, is home to the best talent in the world. But such wrestlers are not allowed to showcase said talent. These work restrictions and bars on pacing and particular moves need to be lifted. No WWE style match can be taken seriously under the currently prevalent circumstances. Anyone who watches a WWE PPV knows that the pace of matches is picked up somewhat for such events, however, its absence during weekly broadcasts leaves a large void in the product. Most matches consist primarily of a scratch, punch, kick and clothesline. Actions speak louder than words and this addage is never more true than in wrestling. We all know what amazing things these stars of the ring are capable of - let us actually see it.

Another thing is the treatment of talents. We all know that a 7 foot moron with a speaking impairment and an innate inability to move very much whatsoever SCREAMS superstar. But we all know the real wrestlers in this company are screaming, "you have got to be fucking kidding me". It has become ridiculous. Any promoter and any writer (regardless of such writing being written for the purpose of a wrestling product or for use in some other application) can make a star out of anyone. The right story can get any worker over. So why do they continue to give the right stories to the wrong people? Yeah we get it, the guy is tall. So fkn what?? Can he entertain me at all?? Can he do anything that I cannot do myself?? Can he even run faster than me?? Can he move his arms faster than I can dodge them?? The cruiserweights are the biggest victims of this. They have so much to offer and are constantly presented as inferior athletes. Its almost a satire piece in itself.

A new beginning. A new direction. A new future.
Stick to wrestling and entertainment not have crappy Famous lookalikes who have a crap fight that no one cares about.

New GMs?
Trade a few people from RAW and Smackdown?
Create an on going feud instead of a month then move onto something else, have on strong feud with a twist?

I would like to see some youngsters from the WWE Youth academy to come thorugh and make a name for themselves, that will give the WWE a good name. Why take some has been or useless wrestler from another Organisation when you having youngsters who are dying for there break and arent worried about money?
Good moves for WWE: Get stone cold and the rock on raw wrestling. Bring back some of the attitude wrestlers, and that might just give them the push towards TNA level they need.

TNA needs to pull in top "name" talent to play with the big boys, at least for right now....but WWE, being in the position that it is in should look to develop talent instead of bringing back talent....if that makes any sense.
I agree a good deal with Atilla. They mistreat some of what they have. Flair is willing to job to almost anyone in an effort to get people over, much like Funk did in the old ECW. Michaels can get someone over just by STANDING next to them for three weeks in a row, and the Undertaker raises you 5 cool points just for interrupting your match.

But he's right. Clotheslines, punch, kick, finish. It IS stale. And not stale just as in we've been watching too long.

I often take out an old DVD just to see the older wrestling. I roleplay the Know Your Role RPG, which is the WWE RPG, and I made a character I figured that would be related to Shawn (Nephew), but trained by Jannetty. I dug out that early Shawn/Jannetty match with Dough Sommers and Buddy Rose... anyone remember that? And I started studying Marty's moveset and in the in ring wrestling.

My god. Stuff I hadn't seen in years. I then fast fowarded to one of my favorite matches EVER.... Rocker Reunion against La Resistance.

The International, AKA Two Arm Drags into a standing Arm Bar Takedown, maintained. It looks good, its fast paced, any first year wrestling student can do it, and preps for a spot. Whatever happened to this stuff?

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