Portable Game systems. Why are there so many crap games?

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
We all know that everyone loves the Nintendo DS and their are a few PSP Lover (the original, not the craptastic PSP Go), but when I have gone to game stop and looked at the shelves for the Nintendo DS or the PSP, there are roughly 75% games I've never heard of, or cheap knock offs of every other decent game for either system. Now this is more of a problem for the Nintendo DS than the PSP since there are quite a bit less games for that system.

Here's the story, I was in Gamestop looking for a Nintendo DS game for my girlfriend's daughter, and low and behold all I see there is craptastic JRPG's that couldn't even sell in Japan, about 500 different variations of Nintendogs/cats/horses/fleas/cockroaches, horrible sports titles, games I could run on my phone that don't deseve a $20 price tag, and other games that suck. Now I know the DS has a good amount of great games, but it's a little daunting to find something good when you have to wade through all this crap to get to it.

I know that this is something stupid to bitch about, but it's something I've noticed and have thought of it as annoying. Anyone else have this issue when trying to find a DS game? And if you're going to take the time to make a game and release it, why can't these game companies take just a little more time to release something that has some originality to it instead of ripping off the successful DS games?
You want me to give you the basic reason?

It's simply this: It's a portable gaming system, which means games are mede to be played on the go. ie the games you pick up play put down, pick up, play etc. Which also means it shuts the kids up on long car journeys, hence why there are so many crap games as they're made for shutting kids up!
I think one of the main reasons is the current state of console gaming. Not hand-held gaming... Console gaming.

Consoles are getting the best games with the best graphics, the best game play and just an all round better gaming experience. I have never been addicted to a hand-held game like I have even been addicted to some of the games on consoles. They are just inferior in every way and considering the games that I can play for free on my iPod, it is no wonder that hand-held gaming is beginning to struggle. Serves them right basically.
I think one of the main reasons is the current state of console gaming. Not hand-held gaming... Console gaming.

Consoles are getting the best games with the best graphics, the best game play and just an all round better gaming experience. I have never been addicted to a hand-held game like I have even been addicted to some of the games on consoles. They are just inferior in every way and considering the games that I can play for free on my iPod, it is no wonder that hand-held gaming is beginning to struggle. Serves them right basically.

That's silly because Console gaming has shit loads of shit on it, and hand held always has had said shit on it too. Every now and then you get a rare hit, Tetris, Pokemon, Scribblenauts, Dragon Quest IX for the Japanese but as a whole the games aren't designed as alternatives to console gaming. Don't believe me, go back and play the original Gameboy...terrible!
True, consoles do get a shit load of crap games. However the point i was trying to raise is that why would someone waste their time and money on a gaming system and games when you get a better gaming experience playing something on a console? I personally have never been a fan of portable gaming. I did get addicted to Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training once but that was for only a while.

Another point I would like to raise is the quality of the games that are coming out for portable consoles. It seems that every now and gain you get som e pretty good games for them but they are just watered down versions of the full games that are available on actual consoles. They have less cope for making a great game when they are using the limited platform that is portable gaming. I personally have never saw a game on a portable console that is as good as, or better than the game that is available on an actual console.

Portable games are aimed at people who have not got a real interest in gaming but want to play some shitty mind game and put it down. They make bad games with catchy gimmicks and people buy them. However, people who genuinely like gaming and can spot a shitty game, like all of us, realise that they are shit and don't buy them

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