Poor Lil' NXT


Getting Noticed By Management
I was just watching the lastest episode of Season 2 and I'm wondering,does anyone in the crowd give a damn about NXT? I noticed this on the first season as well,the annnounce team,Striker,as well as the rookies try their damndest to get those crowds pumped,but they just never seem to care.My question is what,if anything,can they do to get these crowds excited?For season one they had to start shooting every single week just to get people into it(even though I don't think half those fans knew they were shooting).

Another burning question,is Smackdown taped before or after NXT? If before,why don't they show up late? If after,why not leave early?
I think the reason why the crowd doesn't seem too interested in it, is because that it's all the same, we've seen it before, it's just new people, but the same reused show.

I have never liked the challenges, and the fact that they were reused is something I think is kinda awful, because it wastes the time that could be used to make talent look good, and make them noticed with the crowd, but instead we see crappy challenges.

But about the WWE not seeming as interested in it is because it pulls rather awful ratings still, they're not pulling the ratings they expected, and I would assume it's just something that they want to get done with now.

And you probably wonder "why not cancel it after season 1 then" well I would say that it's due to the fact that they don't want to admit that it did bad on the ratings, continuing it makes people that don't pay attention to ratings, believe that it's doing well.
If they made the show more about wrestling and promo cutting and actual stuff these guys would need it would be much more interesting, but instead they drink soda and carry kegs... They need to make it more like Tough Enough, I always enjoyed that. The guys on NXT are all pretty talented so I don't think the crowd should be quite that down but the show itself is crap, the ratings blow and Vince doesn't wanna cancel it because that man has the most overinflated ego in the world.
Honestly I think the idea was REALLY good on paper,but it's just happening all wrong.I really want to get into it,but I just can't despite my best effprt.They should stop after this season and just have a developmental-like brand that's not ECW.But then if they do that everyone will just say "They've run out of ideas so they're rehashing ECW".I think VKM's painted himself into a very,very mediocre corner now.
is Smackdown taped before or after NXT? If before,why don't they show up late? If after,why not leave early?

Nice question!!

its a repeat with new people.. i thought WWE were going to wait like a few months before the next season, but they never and it's not all lukin good.. im guesing they going to get us involves with a good angle later on..they shud..
I don't know man.Kaval doesn't look like he's gonna do the whole DBD thing,if they do,i'll lose faith in who ever booking that nonsense.
If they weren't interested in Season 1, they're probably interested now, in case another huge angle gets written for the Season 2 guys in a month when it's all over. Ferbian's got it right, people don't look interested because the guys aren't doing anything interesting. You're not going to draw any character development out of the guys by watch them drink soda, carry kegs, and hit each other with "American Gladiator" sticks, especially when a lot of WWE fans know that the entire thing is pre-determined.
I can only speak from experience but when I went to the Smackdown and NXT tapings in April, no one seemed to care about NXT at all.

However, what I will say is that it was pretty early in the season and nothing had really happened in the season yet. I mean, it did get better and the fans were definitely more into the competition as it progressed,. The thing is though, at this stage, no one really enjoys NXT at a live event. The fans are always quiet and treat is as if it is some sort of added bonus to a Smackdown taping. I always wonder if the WWE would manage to fill an arena if the NXT tapings were sold alone. I seriously think that they would have a hard time trying to find enough people to fill an arena if this was the case.

So yes, I would assume that many, like myself, just thought of NXT as an added incentive instead of going to see Raw. I mean, you certainly get a lot more action with the NXT and Smackdown tapings but there is no doubt that Raw is the more dominant brand. The extra action was what tipped the Smackdown tapings in my favour and exactly why I went to that. When I was there, I tried to be as much of an involved fan as I could be. However, I was definitely in the minority as people didn’t really seem to care about the show. This was at a time when Daniel Bryan was on the show and people still wouldn’t cheer for the guys.

So, I would definitely agree that not a lot of people care about NXT in the live crowds and there is not a great deal that can be done. People just put up with it until Smackdown comes on and unless they can get better talent to pump up the crowd, then they are not going to have a lot of success with NXT outside of the diehard fans.

NXT is filmed before Smackdown too.
The thing is, NXT isn't the problem. Crowds were like that for ECW as well. And ECW was a good show!

The problem is not show quality, it's the crowd. Smackdown and RAW are viewed as the main shows, whereas ECW and NXT are "C-Shows". The crowds are thinking to themselves "Well, it's not a main show, it's sort of like something they threw in to keep us happy. Why should I cheer for something that isn't the main attraction?".

NXT is a decent show, but the crowd isn't going to care because no one watches it. To them, it's made up of "nobodies", just like ECW was.

It's just how things are.
The crowd isn't going to be into a show with a bunch of guys who've only been on TV for a few months, it's just not going to happen. I'm sure a large part of the crowd probably doesn't watch NXT on a regular basis, and if they do, they probably don't have a huge relationship with any of the wrestlers, being that they're so new.

That's not to say NXT is a bad idea. It's really tough to get the crowd to care, but for the few rookies who do shine through and get the crowd to react to them, it makes it all the more important and meaningful.
Maybe, just maybe (unless they did change this) it's the god aweful theme music. I mean come on, whenever a season 1 wrestler came on to RAW, they had THAT music, and it made them look much more like a bitch IMO. It's such a lame, panzy song and anyone coming out to it I think instantly loses credit. Also, put them in matches. What's so bad about that? Have a pro vs. rookie match give the rookies some credit. And, PLEASE VINCE[sorry for stealing your think CSR] give them their own theme song, or at least change the one they have now.
Personally, I thought NXT season 1 was really good. I found it easy to follow the competitors and the storylines made sence and it was entertaining. When I discovered they were eliminating someone every week i got really depressed though. I mean they could make every elimination a huge deal if they put time between them. It would build the suspence a lot too. But instead they just sent people off every week. It was kind of a let down really. And then I just havent been bothered to get into season 2. Maybe because it followed straight away. If there was a few weeks break and hyping the competitors then that might get more people interested.
I think people are kinda burnt out on this. They realize its a Diva Search show for the Men since you see pretty much all the guys from Season 1 now having 'contracts' on WWE. Which kind of defeats the purpose of the Next break out star. I mean, Is there even a point to keep having another season after the other? If you are looking for One breakout star and end up just keeping every person? That defeats the logistics, and now with the Fan voting, WWE creative is basically telling fans "Even though we say your vote counts, really it doesn't since we will keep everyone."

Its sad because I've seen/heard the audience get more pumped for the announcers/commentators. Even crazier is that there was somewhere I read that they are already talking about a season 3!? Why keep doing this if you are going to keep the same 8-9 people that no one in the audience is getting very excited about, and that you have to waste more money in sending back to developmental when they've been there to begin with? It should be cut the strings or keep the one that wins.
Yea, I have to agree with the above posts. no one is going to get excited at guys drinking soda and carrying kegs. As much as I wish the crowd would get behind all of the "rookies" , they only sort of get behind "Showtime" Percy Watson and Alex Riley. Watson is entertaining and Riley is much like Miz. Anyhow, the crowd can't get behind the rookies. Also, am i the only one who notices that som rookies look really akward there

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