Ponder Kane's Return

Pay Per Ghost

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Should have some pomp and fanfare. I mean the man is surely pondering retirement and thinking about pursuing other un-crippling interests, but his hiatus at the moment could serve as a build up to a meaner, badder Kane for one final run.

Don't really wanna turn this into a Book This! affair, but Kane comes, old music plays, Unmasked Kane comes out, puts on mask, kicks much ass, blows pyros, leaves.

Simple, prehistoric and for the last time leading upto a match with someone credible at WrestleMania perhaps. He still got good pops before his 'injury' so maybe you could milk that with a little stab at the fruit that is nostalgia.

I don't understand why people clamor for Kane to put the mask back on. It's a piece of plastic, it doesn't make him any better, nor does it make him any more entertaining. He hasn't worn the thing for about 8 years, I don't think it's relevant to anybody but older fans (even some don't care, like me) and they don't make up a majority of the fan base anymore. What would Kane's mask mean to a young kid? Certainly not much. The whole allure of the mask was what was behind it; we now know. There's just no point, no pay-off. You can only ride nostalgia for so long.

Kane will have that last run, but I highly doubt it'll be anything resembling a "monster" run. He got a huge push with the World Title recently, I'd think they'd use him to put a few guys over while they still could. Kane's a credible threat, so anybody that could go over him would have a quality winn under their belt. Don't get me wrong, though, he won't be jobbing, just putting over some younger guys who are on the brink of a break out.

He'd probably get a nice win at a PPV, maybe 'Mania, then call it a day. There's not much more left for Kane in the WWE.
I would love to see Kane return as a heel. Hopefully he's been working out so he can come back and look intimidating. He looked like JBL when he left lol. If this is his last run, I would like to see some change in attire. Just a new look, possibly the same attire with reversed colors? "The Big Red Machine" hasn't worn red in over a decade lol.

I want to see Kane win the WHC at the rumble and I would love to Sheamus win the rumble, and face him for the belt at Wrestle Mania. Daniel Bryan (as a heel, or this would start the heel turn) cashes in on Sheamus after the match, and Sheamus retains. This would build Sheamus as a main player in my eyes.
It would be nice to see a run in at Vengeance where he would save the Big Show from a nasty beat down at the hands of Mark Henry, and then have him involved in a traditional tag team elimination match at the PPV. Other than that, his gimmick has run its course and his heat will gradually return to mediocre at best.

However, as paper Ghost mentioned, I would like to see kane put the mask back on for one night only: That night would be at Wrestlemania 28 in Miami against the Undertaker.
Bringing back the mask would work if the reasons given storyline wise for bringing it back are good enough. I'd love to see him and Cody Rhodes booked into some sort of program with Rhodes forcing the mask back on Kane, making him do his dirty work, until Kane gets sick of it and fights back against him. Kane putting over Rhodes with a decent story behind it would be good for Cody's future.
I really liked that idea of masked Kane v. Undertaker at Mania. It was said the mask doesn't do anything, but I disagree completely. I love the mask on Kane. It gives him more mistique even though we know all about him now. And it just looks awesome. And though young kids may not know about it, they would still enjoy it because it would be something new and exciting for them. Kids love masks. But I would totally be up for him with the mask at anytime. If he returns with it, I'd be so happy.
I really liked that idea of masked Kane v. Undertaker at Mania. It was said the mask doesn't do anything, but I disagree completely. I love the mask on Kane. It gives him more mistique even though we know all about him now. And it just looks awesome. And though young kids may not know about it, they would still enjoy it because it would be something new and exciting for them. Kids love masks. But I would totally be up for him with the mask at anytime. If he returns with it, I'd be so happy.

It's not just the kids, actually. That was one of the many reasons I had for not wanting the mask to return. What's the point? There isn't one. The mask is a piece of plastic, nothing more. It's just nostalgia and nostalgia does not equal a successful product. Sure, in small doses it would work, but to put the mask back on Kane would just be so contrived. People wouldn't tune it to see the mask, if anything they would question why it was there at all.

Kane's mask was an important part of his character for, maybe, the first year of his career. He's not a luchador, it has no REAL significance. It was there to make him seem more mysterious as Undertaker's brother, once that had subsided, I found it hard to care about the mask. He was just another guy. Taking the mask off did wonders for his character, he evolved, he just doesn't need it.

What would change if Kane put the mask on? He showed he could be successful without it, carrying the World Heavyweight Championship and having a solid reign (the biggest thing he'd ever done in his career), what would the mask change? It's just unnecessary.
I think Kane's return should be handled simply and it should be straight forward. Bring him in, make him look like a dominant threat and try to get fans immediately behind him. In a nutshell, just try to do what they did with Big Show on SD!.

Mark Henry took Kane out just as he took out Big Show, so he shouldn't come back and just ignore the man who took him out. Don't send him on a rampage against the entire locker room as this directionless beast, point him in a direction that makes sense.

I've been a fan of Kane for a long time but, in my view, he doesn't need to be given the title. The simple truth is that WWE has a good thing going with Mark Henry and it's way too soon to make changes to that. The reasons for that are because people are digging what Henry's doing, he's done a great job, he's a different kind of heel champion than WWE has had for a very long time and viewers seem to be enjoying it as the ratings for SD! have been quite good since Henry won the strap. If anything, I think that Kane should be used just as WWE should use Big Show: to further put over Mark Henry as a dominant monster heel World Heavyweight Champion. Use Kane, who has tons of credibility, to give Mark Henry another rub and keep this going.

Right now, Mark Henry is money and Kane isn't.
I would love to see the mask get put back on. I'm a big fan of the masked Kane. I thought he started sucking badly after the mask came off. I'm always disappointed in the video games if the masked Kane isn't an alternate costume. But there would have to be a reason for him to put it back on though, he can't just come out and for no reason put it back on. Maybe something with Cody Rhodes, since he thinks he's disfigured. He could always screw up Kane's face somehow and he'd have to wear it again.

And also, about the kids not knowing anything about masked Kane. I disagree. Because if they play the video games at all, they would have seen masked Kane a few times. My nephew is 9 and he loves playing as masked Kane more than the unmasked Kane in the games. :)
kane will come back and attack big show, cuz big show caused kanes injury. big show attacked henry which led them to brawl with each other. and bcuz kane was big shows partner henry injured him too. so kanes gnna come and do something that big show deserves
As a final nod to Kane's career I would love to see him return masked at the royal rumble and break his elimination record or time spent in the ring record. Just something to solidify the Royal rumble as his match where he shines. Perhaps give him a tag title reign with Big Show or an Intercontintal reign.
I am sure Kane will return masked... to face... Cody Rhodes... a mask v mask match seems inevitable for the WHT somewhere after wrestlemania... The only real value he has now is the return to the mask, because he felt deformed... so he comes back as Cody's ultimate bag man... when Cody wins his World title, it's from Kane... makes a lot of sense...
After the world title match Mark Henry starts beating up the bigshow. he is about to crush show's leg with the chair. But then all you here the fire explosion and then Kane comes out and he attacks mark henry.
Kane is pretty much at the end of his career now, he probably one more year. I hope and pray that right now while he's on this break he's working out and giving it his all for one final push. He needs to leave the way he started, a monster. I want him to come back meaner than ever and back to a good physique to be intimidating and a credible threat, to be honest I don't find a guy who's stomach wobbles when walks to the ring to be that scary. He definitely needs to be a heel as well, Mark Henry is the first real monster we've seen do anything in a long time.

Don't get me wrong I love Kane. He was my favourite wrestler for years, and still sort of is, he just doesn't do much in ring that impresses anyone. It's hard for the commentators to keep talking him up and being all, "OH NO THE BIG RED MACHINE!" When he loses every match. I admire him for putting over talent, hell he even turned down beating the streak when undertaker offered, but its time to bring something more interesting to what is majorly a boring program now.

As a heel champion Kane was far better than Henry even if just for the simple fact that he can.....work a match! Henry is only really interesting when he destroys someone outside of a match but Kane used to be able to look downright scary within that match. I remember even like 2 years ago him vs Evan Bourne when he picked him up Powerslammed him into all 4 turnbuckles and then did 3 backbreakers in one effort. That's the Kane I want to see go out. I'm not saying be invincible but if a small guys going to beat him, atleast make it be along effort and not like when Rey or Kofi were beating him in like 3 minutes.

Everyone's arguing about wherever he should bring the mask back or not. I'm gonna say no for the simple fact that it would not work now. The mask was awesome and there's no doubt he was way more physically impressive back in those days but putting on a mask won't bring it back. Also think about him right now, we know he doesn't need it as it was only there to cover his "scarred" face and without the hair and on his current body, it would look a little silly. He already brought it out a year or two ago and expressed how Rey was a coward for not taking his off. The only way I could see it working is if he starts having more mental problems and decides to hide behind it whilst destroying everyone only for Undertaker or someone else from his past to return and beat him, possibly taking both Undertaker and Kane out in (God forbid) Undertaker Kane Wrestlemania III
i to hope that kane reurns with his old mask for one final monster run. just so he can go out the way he came in. maybe have mason ryan or big zeke end his run to get one of them over or something. though if he doesnt have the mask hopefully he will have worked out and come back and has a final run then have him settle into a nice pain free retirement. its just a thought. he doesnt have much time left and he might as well come back and make one final impact then have him leave. it couldnt hurt.
kane vs taker at mania with the mask :) helps wwe with there whole ting of most masks in the building at the same time..jus another one to sell
I think Kane returns as a face, coming back for revenge on Mark Henry. But remember before he left he said something like, "he felt like he was becoming too human." So I look for them to revert back to his vintage style, masked or not, I don't really care. I imagine soon after he's done feuding with Henry though, he turns heel and feuds with Big Show. I think that will be his opponent at Mania. I don't see another title run in the cards for him before he retires, unless it's as a short transitional champion. His last match will of course be with Taker in a casket match or buried alive match.
The only reason I suggested a masked Kane is sort of turn him back loose into a beast that got dumped by Mark Henry. You know storyline wise could be explained as source of power just as a little metal pot called the urn.

But fuck all that, a masked Kane at WM in his final appearance would be an attraction no doubt. I don't get this argument that its just plastic, its a merchandising product, it brings about a dimension of Kane that hasn't been used in years so its fresh all over, makes all sort of sense; but please, no Taker vs Kane, DONE.TO.DEATH.
I don't think Kane will retire in the next year, I see him coming back and wanting to take revenge on Henry. I was talking to somebody the other day he reconed Taker will retire first for sure and last WM match will have Kane involved either against him or something will happen and the BOD will back for 1 night.
I think Kane's return has to be him struggling with the mask for control of his personality. He succumbs to its power and becomes the masked monster again. and eventual challenges a long reigning Mark Henry for the title at elimination chamber. Kane is the most agile of all the big men in the Wwe and i think him going heel again will reinvigorate his character.
I still think Kane has another 2 -3 years left in him personally, he can still put on good matches with the right opponent. Kane is due to come back sometime this month from what I gather and it wouldn't surprised me if it was at Survivor Series during or after the Big Show/Henry match leading to a Triple Threat at the next ppv for the WHC.
The main page posted a rumor that WWE was going to hold off on Kane's return until the Royal Rumble. Heck, I guess that works better for Kane in the long run. More rest, more time to get back into shape, etc. Also, if he returns as a Rumble entrant, it should give him something very significant to do for a few months heading into Wrestlemania. I don't think Kane wins the Royal Rumble even if it is his return. I would love to see it, but at this point in time, not sure it will happen.

I'd be satisfied if Kane returns at the Rumble and just has a great Rumble showing. Breaking his own elimination record would be awesome, especially if WWE goes with 40 guys in the Rumble again. Kane can come in and clean house on a handful of guys who have no business being in there anyway. Kane breaking his own record in his return would certainly be memorable.

IF Kane returns at the Rumble, that'll be a 6 month hiatus though! After all that time, he should be in line for a good push and hopefully at least a legitimate singles match at Wrestlemania. He hasn't had a legitimate singles feud heading into Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 23 when he jobbed to the Great Khali.

Personally, I completely wouldn't mind at all if Kane came back to win the Rumble and if Sheamus has captured the World Heavyweight Championship by then. Sheamus and Kane at Wrestlemania... would love to see it. It's something new and could be in the least bit a physically intense match with a very cool feud if built right. Not to mention, two big powerhouse guys that can really move in the ring too...
Kane just basically needs to come back and do what Mark Henry has done over the past few months as a monster heel and just destroy everyone in his path but be a Monster face to match up to Henry we could see Henry dodging Kane for weeks until Kane gets his oppurtunity at the gold in some sort of gimmick match. it would be interesting if Kane returns at survivor series goes after Henry gets stopped by security and just destroys them all scaring Henry.
Kane will probably return at TLC or in time for the Rumble. I could see him getting a title shot against Henry at TLC and then moving on to have yet another good showing at the Rumble by eliminating several people. As far as the idea in the opening post goes.... He's not returning with his mask or his old music. There's no point in bringing that version of Kane back no matter how much older fans miss it. He's honestly been more successful without the mask. He'll return the same way he left, and will likely seek revenge against Henry in his first angle upon returning because Henry's the one who took him out.
I would love for Kane to return with the Mask. I am sick of the "whats the point of bringing it back" "leave it in the past" comments just as much as people are sick of fans wanting the mask back. For fans of that character there is a huge point in a masked Kane returning. I like unmasked Kane, the character he has become without the mask is great at times (even more successful in many ways) but the masked Kane was a totally different persona and one I would be over the moon to see return. I very much doubt we will ever see that Kane again though and he will probably return during the Rumble with no mask..dominate for a long period of time and be eliminated or elimate himself. The mask could return and work because it's the WWE where anything is possible so to apply too much logic and say it can't work is wrong. I am excited for Kanes return with or without the mask as I am a fan of his. I wont lose any sleep if the mask never returns because I can always watch old footage but it would be nice.

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